STAY THE NIGHT (The Phillips Family Book 1) (25 page)

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Authors: Vicki Keener

Tags: #Romance, #Love, #Contemporary

BOOK: STAY THE NIGHT (The Phillips Family Book 1)
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This month, December,

Angel said.


Oh, my.  Do you plan a long engagement?


As soon as school is finished in May, we'll marry.


Oh, where do you go to school?

    Cray decided to step in and said,

Angelica teaches at Columbia University.  She's a doctor of Philosophy.  We plan to spend the summer abroad in an extended honeymoon.


This is cause for a special celebration.  Do you mind if I announce your engagement and we'll raise a toast to your happiness?


It isn't a secret,

Angelica said,

Of course, we don't mind and it's so gracious of you to do that for us.

    Sherm said,

It's a good way to stop the whispering and speculation.  Everyone knows Cray and the two of you caused quite a stir when you entered.  Sylvia, notify the waiters to prepare and serve champagne.


Of course, darling.  I'll do it now.


They're lovely people,

Angel said as they walked further into the ballroom holding hands.


Yes, they truly are.  Seldom have I seen Sylvia flustered, but she was tonight.

  He grabbed two drinks from a passing waiter and handed her one. 

Drink up, darling.  We'll be running the gauntlet and then after the announcement and toast we can have fun.  Did I tell you how magnificent you are?


Yes, many times.  Funny though I never tire of hearing you say it.

    He bent his head and brushed his lips against hers.


Chapter 13



The Silverman's gathered their guests and made an elaborate toast to Cray and Angelica.  It took another thirty minutes for Cray and Angel to accept the congratulations and good wishes from the many guests who wanted a personal word with the couple.  At last, Cray held Angelica in his arms and waltzed her in wide circles around the room.



she said, gazing up at him, while they danced,

Are all these people your personal friends?

He smiled at her. 

Some I've known for years, some are recent friends, others are acquaintances and there are those I never met.  Why do you ask?


I'm wondering how large the wedding guest list will be.


The only ones that count are you and me.  As long as we're both present, the rest don't matter.


Be serious, sweetheart.


What's wrong?


Cray, I don't want our wedding to be a media circus and filled with people we barely know or don't like.  I consider a wedding ceremony a beautiful and solemn affair, but also a celebration of our love.  I don't take the vows lightly.

He tilted her chin upward with the tip of his index finger. 

Nor do I, Angelica.  It's probably the reason we never married.  It will create a problem though.  Between my parent's friends, associates and mine they'll feel snubbed.


Oh, Cray, I don't want to cause problems for your parents and you.


How large is the Norwegian contingent that will want to attend?

She groaned. 

I forgot about them.  Let's elope.  This whole thing is getting ridiculous.


We're only doing this one time, honey.  I want to see you walk down the aisle to become my wife with our families and closest friends in attendance.


What are we going to do?

she asked.


Since we're being married in White Plains at my parent's house, we do have a legitimate excuse not to invite hundreds.  Why don't we throw a huge party here in the city to celebrate our engagement and pending nuptials?  We can explain that we want a small ceremony, but didn't want to ignore our friends.


Will that satisfy them?


Yes, I'm sure of it.

Mona and her date approached them and said,

In case you didn't notice, the band is taking a break.  Why are you two in a clench in the middle of the floor?

Angelica and Cray glanced around them and began to laugh.  Cray said,

We were engaged in a serious discussion.


I can see that and so can everyone else.  What gives?


Why don't we take this discussion to a quiet corner?

Freddie, Mona's date said.  He lead them to a small unoccupied parlor decorated in authentic Victoria furniture. 

This used to be the receiving room in the old days.  The Silvermans never use it, but in keeping with the mansion's age, it's the one room that honors that prudish era.

Cray and Angelica explained their dilemma and how they proposed to solve it.  Mona said,

Let me give you the party as my wedding gift to you.


Mona, we're talking probably six hundred people, I can't allow you to do that,

Cray said. 

It will cost too much money.


You pay me a lot of money.  Please, it's my gift to you.  There's a firm in town called Fantasies Unlimited.  They throw the most fantastic parties.  Angie, I'll need a guest list and addresses from you.  The rest I can handle.  Wouldn't it be great to do this in March?

  She stood and said,

Okay, it's planned.  Let's get out of here.  This damn furniture is uncomfortable and the stuffing is jagging the hell out of my ass and thighs.

Freddie laughed and said,

It's horse hair, Mona, and the reason I love you is because you exude refinement and class.


Mona grabbed his hand and said,

Come on, the band is back.  Let's dance.  I'll shake my booty for you.

Freddie rolled his eyes and said,

It's such a shame there's no chemistry between us because I do enjoy your company, but the thought of us in bed together makes me cringe.


Makes me want to barf,

Mona said, getting the last word.

Angelica looked at Cray and they both laughed. 

We don't have that problem, honey,

Cray said as he led her back to the ballroom.

The band counted down the final seconds of the old year and on the stroke of midnight, Cray bent Angelica over in a kiss that went on and on into the new year.

A few days later, Angelica arranged her notes at the podium as her students filed in the room, the first day back after the Christmas break.  She gave them a few minutes to chat after the long break and then asked them to be seated.  At the top of the classroom a door opened and in walked Cray.  She grinned and he winked at her and took a seat on the top row.


Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.  I hope you're refreshed and ready to work after a relaxing break.  Today we're going to break from tradition and discuss the subject of love.  We'll talk about platonic love later in the course, so named because of Plato's take on the subject.  Everyday people from all walks of life expound on their meaning of love.  Often those thoughts, spoken or written are circulated and become well-known and repeated.  Some are cynical and some are romantic.


I'm guessing today's lecture is taking place because of that sparkler on your left hand ring finger,

a student said.

Angelica glanced up and met Cray's eyes. 

Jeremy, how observant of you.

Anthony, one of her brighter students said,

Love! It's a hoax perpetrated on a gullible public by the media moguls on Madison Avenue to sell us their client's products.  Use XYZ deodorant and find the love of your life, brush your teeth with EFG and she won't be able to resist your dazzling smile, wash your clothes in ABC, shampoo your hair with STU on and on promising the idiots who rush out to buy the product happily ever after.  It's bullshit brainwashing.



a girl named Judith said,

Did MaryAnne dump you?  You've been going with her since kindergarten.

Anthony snarled at her,

Yeah, so what?  Are you volunteering to take her place.


We're getting off track here,

Angelica said. 

Any other thoughts?  Stanley?


Hey, if a girl is putting out and I think she wants me to tell her I love her, I do.  Sometimes I even mean it in the moment.


That's not love, you creep,

Shirley said,

that's manipulation of the worst kind for your own immediate gratification.  Love can't be explained if it's real.


And how do we recognize what's real?

Angelica asked.


Miss Andersson,

Shirley said,

if love can't be explained how can I answer the question?


Fair point, but I want any of you to try.


I believe that love sneaks up on you.


Yeah, but you got to be open to it or you let it pass right by.


Love is an emotion.


What?  Like agonizing pain, sadness, despair?

Anthony said.


I thought more along the lines of happiness, joy, fulfillment.

The class snickered as a whole.


See, that's the trouble, girls are looking for love, while guys just want to get laid,

Stanley said.


Stanley, you give love and lust a bad name,

Shirley said.


Can't love and lust be one and the same sometimes?

  Angelica asked.

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