STAY THE NIGHT (The Phillips Family Book 1) (22 page)

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Authors: Vicki Keener

Tags: #Romance, #Love, #Contemporary

BOOK: STAY THE NIGHT (The Phillips Family Book 1)
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That's pretty harsh, Ladd,

Cray said. 

Humans make mistakes.  Who should know that better than you since you defend the guilty as well as the innocent.


Cray, I'm telling you that woman is trouble and I wouldn't touch her with a ten foot pole.


But Lake would,

Mona said,

Doesn't that count for something?


You know what it tells me, Mona?  It tells me our brother needs a lobotomy if he gets mixed up with that broad again.  Fuck it.  I'm going to bed.

  He threw his cards on the table and left the room without saying good night.


Birch?  What's your take on this?

Cray asked.


At sixteen when this happened to Lake I didn't have a clue.  He moped around when he came home from college, but I didn't ask him why.  Later, I learned about her rejection from Ladd.  Lake dates and some of the women are great, but after a month or two he drops them.

    Mona said,

You're closer to him in age, Cray.  What do you remember?


I remember hearing that he took a nice girl to the senior prom, but by that time I was away at college and getting ready for grad school when they split.  He didn't talk to me about it, or if he did, I don't recall.  If I thought anything at all about a four-year relationship at our age, I probably thought he had a screw loose.  Long term relationships at that age struck me as foolish.

    Mona said,

He's closest to Ladd.  Ladd needs to be there for him if he wants to talk and keep his opinions about her to himself.

  She glanced at her wristwatch and said,

It's after one.  Let's call it a night.  This has been a terrific Christmas, but it's over.  It's back to the grind tomorrow.

    As Cray and Angel climbed in bed, she said,

Are you worried about Lake, honey?


Worried?  No.  Concerned?  Sure.  We're the closest in age, but the furthest apart in personalities.  He's a grown man, an intelligent man, he'll get it straight.

  His hands fondled her body.


Are we going to make love at this hour in the morning?


It's not like it's the first time we made love at this hour.  I spent the day longing to be in you.  I showed great restraint.  That's gone now.  We're alone.

  He kissed her then and she opened to him until they shattered breathless.

    The following morning the entire family met for breakfast before going their separate ways, except for Lake whose absence caused concern for Alex and Gwen.  When they expressed themselves, Mona said, 

Marcy showed up at midnight, asked to see Lake and he went off somewhere with her.

    Ladd said,

I checked his room before coming downstairs.  He didn't sleep in his bed last night.

    Gwen nodded her head and said,

Those two are meant to be together.

    Ladd slammed the flat of his hand on the table and everyone startled. 

Damn it, how can you say that?  She broke his heart.  Why am I the only one who can see what she did to him and how wrong she is for him?


Listen to me, Ladd,

Gwen said. 

Marcy grew up by herself.  Her poor mother worked three jobs to keep body and soul together, but that left Marcy alone.  She didn't have the clothes, the cars, the teenage toys that you had.  When a rock star paid her some attention, she saw it as a way out of her dreary life.  At nineteen years old she didn't have the wisdom and maturity to see that money and fame isn't everything.  Have some pity for those who have less than you or at least show some empathy.  You didn't always make the smartest decisions at the tender age of nineteen.  Who are you to cast the first stone?


Lake cried, Mom.  He cried as though he'd drown in his tears when she left.


You cried, too,

Gwen said,

when you learned that Susie aborted your child without telling you she was pregnant.  Teenagers make mistakes, teenagers cry.  It's the heart-wrenching experiences that enable you to grow, to mature, to recognize you're fallible and I hope and pray it gives us the grace to forgive others' mistakes.

    Alex said,

Son, you have great compassion for the people you defend.  Can't you forgive one woman?

    Ladd sighed and said,

You both want them back together.


I want Lake to be happy.  If it's Marcy who can make them both happy and they're able to build a life together, that's what I want.



Ladd said,

He's my brother and I'll support his decisions.


Thank you,

Alex said,

Your mother and I are so proud of the five adults you've become.

    Cray and Angelica arrived at his condo a bit before noon that same day.  Angel turned to him after their luggage had been sorted and put away or in the wash basket. 

What's your agenda this week?


There's not much happening at the office the week between Christmas and New Years.  Mona and I do need to work with the lawyers on this Grayson buyout.  I can do it in a couple of mornings at the most.  What would you like to do this week since you're free of school?


I'm willing to be at your beck and call.


Oh, honey, that sounds promising.


Were you serious about me moving in here permanently?


It's my heart's desire.


In that case, I do need to move more of my personal items here.  I'll keep my condo, though.

    He pulled her down on the bed beside him and said,

Take a leap of faith, Angelica.  Give up your apartment.


But if we don't work out as planned,

she said, protesting.


Are you having second thoughts, doubts?


No, but it's so hard to find a place in the city with reasonable rent that's nice.  I got lucky with my place.  What will I do with my furniture?  Where will my family stay when they come here?


Your place is with me and I promise the rent is reasonable and I find it to be very nice and comfortable, don't you agree?


I love your home.  What will I do with my furniture?


I like your Scandinavian furniture, the sleek lines.  Put it here in our place and I'll get rid of my furniture.


Your furniture is much higher quality than mine and your place is cozier than mine.  I'm not crazy about so much leather, but it is masculine.


Choose what you want and get it reupholstered in cloth.  Accessorize and give it the Angel touch.  Store your furniture, sell it or donate it to charity.


Where will my family stay?


Let's put them up in a fancy hotel while they're in the city.  When the festivities move to White Plains for the wedding, if that's where you want to get married, they'll be welcome to stay at my parent's house or a hotel.


They can't afford a hotel and neither can I for two weeks with meals.


I can and I want to do it,

Cray said. 

Will a posh hotel make them uncomfortable?


My siblings will love it and my parents will adapt.  Your church in White Plains is lovely.  I'd love to marry you there.  Cray, there's something I'd like better than that.


What is it, honey?


Every time I walked down the curved stairs at your parent's house I thought how perfect it would be for the bride to join hands with her groom after descending those stairs.


Do you have any idea how thrilled my mother will be if that's what you want to do?


Will it please her?


It will.  Let me make a suggestion.  You couldn't see the grounds around the house because of the snow covering, but my mother is a master gardener and their home is on the garden tour every year.  It's quite magnificent.


Our wedding reception in the garden,

Angel said, grinning and her voice joyful.


We need to call my mother.  She'll be so excited.


Should we wait a while?


Not if that's what you want.  We'll need to spend a few weekends in White Plains because the pastor at the church likes to counsel with the couples before the wedding and you need to tell Mother how you envision the day and she'll have fun executing it.

    Her eyes sparkled when she said,

We're really going to do this, aren't we?


Oh, you bet we are and we're going to be the happiest couple on the face of the earth.


I want Mona and my sisters as attendants to match your three brothers.  I can see it.  Our wedding will be so beautiful.


A beautiful bride deserves a beautiful wedding.

    She laughed and said,

Let's talk about the important part, the honeymoon.


It's planned in my mind.  I'll tell you every little detail if you want to hear it while I undress you and we practice for our wedding night.


How can I refuse an offer like that?

    He slid his hands under her sweater and edged it up her body as he said,

I want us to enjoy our reception.  We'll stay late and drink champagne, dance and be the envy of our guests.  We'll spend our first and second night in the honeymoon suite at an elegant hotel.  Late the second day we'll board a flight to Paris.

  He unclasped her bra and moved the straps from her arms, dipped his head and laved her nipples.


We'll tour Paris and the French countryside and when we've had our fill, we'll travel to Rome and stay as long as it holds our interest, then on to Madrid and the south of Spain.

  While he talked, he removed her shoes and slipped her jeans from her legs. 

We'll go to Athens, visit the Parthenon, charter a yacht and cruise the Greek Isles.

    She giggled and said,

How long is this honeymoon?

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