STAY THE NIGHT (The Phillips Family Book 1) (24 page)

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Authors: Vicki Keener

Tags: #Romance, #Love, #Contemporary

BOOK: STAY THE NIGHT (The Phillips Family Book 1)
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    He listened to the elevator ding outside his door and then a knock on the door. 

Damn, I wanted to take you to bed.


Get rid of whoever is there.


Good idea,

he said striding to the door and opening it.  He glared at Mona. 

We don't want any.

    Mona pushed past him and said,

Hi, Angie.  What's up with the grouch?  I gave you the entire week to get your fill of each other.  I'm here to rescue you, you poor woman.


Thank God,

Angelica said in a dramatic tone with her forearm to her forehead,

I thought I'd never escape his clutches.



Cray said.

    Mona traipsed to the kitchen, poured herself a cup of coffee, added cream and sugar and returned to the table where they finished their breakfast.

    Cray said,

Help yourself, Mona.  Don't be shy.


Thanks, I did.  Where's your jelly?  If you're not going to eat that extra slice of toast, I will.


    Mona munched her toast and sipped her coffee as she said,

Angie, why did you say that Dirk and I will have fun together, but it won't be more than a fling?

    Cray said,

That's out of left field.  What gives?


We have spent a minimum of three hours on Skype every day this week except for the time the sirens blew and he had to run to the firehouse.

    Angelica laughed. 

He is dedicated.


He's serious about helping those in trouble,

Mona said,

I approve of that.  Besides, he called me back later.  Six hours difference in time is a killer.

  She yawned to prove her point.


But you'll gladly sacrifice sleep to engage in a long distance relationship,

Cray said.


Yeah.  I don't mean any offense, Cray, but Dirk is ripped.  He's got a muscular chest with rippling pecs and a six-pack that would make any normal female swoon.


He showed you his chest?

Angelica asked perplexed.


He did when I asked.


What did you show him you brazen hussy?

Cray asked.


Well, he did say it's only fair since I saw his bare chest.


You exposed your breasts to him?

Angelica asked surprised.


Not completely, for heaven's sake.  I kept on my red, lacy demi-bra.  Of course, that leaves little to the imagination.


Are you trying to give the poor man a coronary?

Cray said.


Why, Cray, I'm surprised at you.  I'm your sister.  I hope you're not ogling me.  That's smacks of incest.


Stop it, Mona.  You're not amusing.  I watched the guys ogle you at the pool when you sashay in your bikini.


Do you want to defend my honor like a big brother should?


I would come to your defense if need be, even though you flaunt your body and taunt men.


You don't approve.


Mona, I don't believe that any woman

deserves it

when she dresses in a provocative manner and I do believe that no means no when a woman says it, but there are men who don't adhere to that standard and it worries me when I watch a woman tease men with her assets.  That's all I'm saying.


You're right, Cray.  I'm sorry.  It happened with Dirk the night he called me back and I'd drunk a half bottle of wine.  I did get a little crazy and so did he.  Alcohol affected me and adrenalin from the fire call had him hyper.  It hasn't happened since nor did it happen before that night.


I'm quite sure Dirk is an honorable man and wouldn't take advantage of a woman, but I do agree with Cray that there are some men who are not as principled.  Mona, you're a beautiful woman.  I never deliberately taunted or teased a man, but when I modeled, I was expected to prance around in skimpy clothes and strike sensuous poses.  A lot of the men I worked with were gay, so that didn't pose a problem, but there were onlookers who thought they had a license to touch the merchandise.  Many times I warded off unwanted advances with nasty words and promises of prosecution.


I get it, I really do.  Angie, Dirk and I click.  I'm aware that there's no chance anything can come of it except maybe a fling when he comes here in May, but as it stands now, the thought of it scares me to death because I could fall for your brother.


Mona, you don't fall for any guy,

Cray said,

Why is this different?


I can't answer that.  Why did you and Angie fall in love almost at first sight?

    Cray smiled and Angel returned it. 

Fair question.  We've discussed it and can't find the words to explain the immediate attraction.


Since we're not on the same continent and May is months away, I'm going to stop sweating it,

Mona said. 

Guess who else is Skyping on a regular basis.


Darja and Birch,

Angel said. 

Ladd asked me for Bekka's number so they might be, too.


Cray, did you know that Ladd got a girl pregnant?

Mona asked.


Yes, Ladd talked to me about it at the time.  Our mother slipped up by mentioning it.


Her passion got the best of her as she tried to instill compassion in Ladd for Lake's dilemma,

Mona said.


Yes, Lake and Ladd confide in each other in times of need.  I wouldn't want to see a split between them.


I have you,

Mona said,

Who does Birch rely on for support and advice?


Mona, if Birch is ever in a bind, he'll come to you.


I doubt it,

Mona said.


Cray is right, Mona,

Angelica said,

There's a bond between you.  I saw it from the start.  You two banter and tease.  Only people with deep trust, regard and love for each other do that.


Yes, but I depend on Cray.  We're the two mavericks in the family.  I wouldn't turn to Birch.


Perhaps not, but he'd come to you,

Angelica said.


Family dynamics,

Mona said,

It's interesting, isn't it?



Angelica said, agreeing. 

Is Lake okay?


No, clue.  I didn't talk to anyone in White Plains since we left.  Are you two going to the Silverman's bash tonight?


Yes.  You?

Cray said.


Yes, with Freddie.  We have a good time together and he's a great dancer.  He'll kiss me at midnight, but I'll sleep alone.


No spark between you?

Angel asked.


We could rub our sticks together for hours and there wouldn't be a spark.  It's a shame because he's a nice guy, good looking and wealthy.


I thought he dated that what's-her-name,

Cray said.


It turns out that old what's-her-name is high maintenance and clingy, not Freddie's cup of tea.  I don't think she did much for him in bed either, but I'm guessing.  Freddie doesn't kiss and tell no matter how much I nag him.

    Angelica laughed and Cray shook his head in dismay.  Mona said,

I guess that's all the news that's fit to print.  I'll see you tonight.  I get the impression you'd like me to leave.


No, not at all,

Angel said.

    Cray said,

Don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way out.


Brotherly love.  Ain't it grand?

  Mona said shrugging into her jacket and heading for the door.

    Cray, elegant in his Armani tuxedo and Angelica, gorgeous in her white Grecian style gown created a stir when they entered the party a bit late due to a traffic jam.  Their hosts, the Silverman's noted the pause in the conversation, the murmurs and turned to see their friend Cray Phillips cross the floor with the most stunning woman they'd ever seen.  No one at the party recognized her and everyone wanted to learn more about her.


Where's Mona?

Sylvia Silverman whispered to her husband as they crossed the floor to greet Cray and his date. 

She must have the scoop on Cray's date.



Slyvia said giving him air kisses on both cheeks. 

How wonderful of you to come.  Please introduce us to this wonderful creature with you.

    Cray shook Sherm Silverman's hand and said,

Slyvia and Sherm this is Angelica Andersson my beautiful future bride.


You're engaged?

Sylvia said. 

How is it I don't know this?  Oh, my dear.  You are so lovely.  Is it true that you've managed to snare one of the city's most eligible bachelors?


It appears so,

Angel said smiling. 

When he proposed Christmas Eve with his family present I could hardly refuse, could I?


Who in the world would want to?

Sylvia gushed.



Angelica said.

Certainly not I.


This is such a surprise.  How long have you been dating? When did you meet?


We met on the sixteenth,

Angel said.


Of what month?

Sylvia asked.

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