Spurs and Heels (6 page)

Read Spurs and Heels Online

Authors: Heather Rainier

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Western, #Erotica, #General

BOOK: Spurs and Heels
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Chapter Five

No, Ash couldn’t make love to her like his cock was screaming for him to. He couldn’t touch her tonight the way his fingers itched to.

He couldn’t put his mouth on all the places he’d fantasized about kissing. His body ached with the need to be inside her. His cock hadn’t stopped throbbing since he’d climbed into her bed. His balls were in insistent agony at her close proximity. Her scent and her body heat permeated the sheets and comforter around her, warming him as well.

But he could lay here with her and it was enough—just to be close to her. This was not how their first night together should’ve been, but he was proving to himself and maybe to her that he was a man of worth, like his father and his brothers, that he would be there for her and take care of her.

In the dark of the night, he could be honest with himself and accept that he was falling in love with her. Her auburn-red hair had drawn his eyes the moment she’d walked into the room at the ranch Christmas party. When he’d realized they were friends, he’d quietly asked Grace if she’d mind introducing him to her.

He smiled, remembering the twinkle in Grace’s knowing eyes when she’d invited him over to make the introduction. Juliana had turned her clear, sky-blue eyes his way, appearing completely undeterred by his height and size. He’d lost his heart to her right then.

She’d smiled at him and drawn him into a conversation, asking him about himself and then actually listening when he answered her questions.


She’d stepped outside when the room had gotten crowded, and he’d taken advantage of the opportunity. In the course of their conversation, she’d mentioned her now former boyfriend and his inexcusable absence on Christmas Day. It was then that he’d stuck his foot in his mouth the first time. He was just as responsible for setting Juliana off as she was for losing her temper.

Resting his head in his right hand, Ash continued to stroke her hair and her cheek, even though he could tell she was sound asleep.

He was greedy, and if this was all he could do tonight, he would get his fill of touching her, even if it was in this innocent way.

He’d also been stroking her upper arm, and as his fingers drifted, she shivered lightly and murmured in her sleep, snuggling back toward him.

Ash wanted to be responsible for more than just a murmur. He wanted to hear her throaty moans when he suckled her nipples. He wanted to hear her pant in ecstasy as he stroked into the silky heat between her thighs and to be personally responsible for her screams as she came so hard they both saw stars. He wanted everything she had to give and to give her what she needed from him. He wasn’t sure how they were going to fit any of that in if she was working eighty hours each week.

His body’s natural alarm clock woke him early at five o’clock. It was dark in the room, and he took stock of his position before moving. He didn’t want to startle her or cause her any jarring pain when he moved.

She must’ve gotten chilled as she slept because she’d gravitated backward and was now spooned against him with her head resting on his bicep. His body was curled around hers, and his other hand rested comfortably on her abdomen.

Damn, he hated to move.

Ash wanted to wake up in this position with her every morning.

The only thing that would be better would be waking up with them both naked. He looked down at her, listening to her breathe.


The streetlight outside cast a dim glow through her mini-blinds so that he could make out the swell of her breasts, barely covered by the plunging neckline of her gown. That luscious, seductive curve was almost more temptation than he could manage. He was barely successful in stifling a groan when she moved in her sleep and pressed her ass against him. Luckily, she was too deeply asleep to be aware of the thickened cock she was rubbing against.

Knowing he had to get up, unable to stand more innocent torture, he drew the comforter over her shoulder and carefully slipped out and slid the other pillow behind her. Stepping out of her bedroom, he closed the door so that he wouldn’t disturb her and then headed for the kitchen to make a pot of coffee.


* * * *


Juliana woke several hours later to the sound of her shower running and the scent of bacon and coffee. The sun was high in the sky, and she gasped in surprise when she saw that she had slept until nine o’clock in the morning. It was always her habit to rise at six-thirty and be at the store by eight o’clock, even though they didn’t open until ten. Her day had to begin earlier so that she had time for paperwork and planning and could then spend at least part of her day on the sales floor, directing operations. It made for a long day, but it kept everything running efficiently. This morning, it made her tired to think of spending an entire day at the store like that. It seemed almost sad.

The water in her bathroom shut off as she rolled onto her back, testing her pain level. She was due for some more Tylenol soon. She smiled when the image of Ash in her bathroom, naked, drying off with her bath towel came to mind. She wondered obscenely if he was the type to walk around after his shower with his hips wrapped in a towel, or if he went naked until he got dressed. If she’d been feeling a bit more chipper this morning, she might go and investigate for

herself, but she was moving way too slow, and he was dressed and out of the bathroom before she was even sitting fully upright in the bed.

Ash’s hair was damp but neatly groomed, and he looked like he’d gotten a little rest after he’d come to bed with her. She’d slept surprisingly well, remembering falling asleep to the feel of his gentle hand stroking her arm. He smiled when he saw that she was awake and came to sit on the side of the bed closest to her. He peeked under the dressing between her shoulder blades.

“How do you feel this morning?”

“A little better. I can’t believe I slept so late. How does my back look?”

“Well, the stitches look like they’re holding up, but you bled some during the night. The bandage leaked a little. You didn’t get any blood on your gown, though.”

“Good, I love this gown,” she replied, relieved but a tad self-conscious in it in front of him.

“Me, too,” he murmured, his eyes twinkling as he smiled.

“Sorry, I probably should have chosen a more modest gown last night, for your sake.”

“Don’t be sorry, darlin’. I think you look beautiful in satin and lace, and if you like it, you shouldn’t have chosen any differently.”

Her cheeks warmed as he replaced the dressing. “Thank you, Ash.

Do you think you could help me with a new bandage after I take a shower?”

“Sure, darlin’. I made bacon and eggs, and there’s coffee, too.”

“It was sweet of you to cook breakfast. Most of the time I pick up a taco on the way to work or eat cereal.”

“Come eat while it’s still warm, and then I’ll take the dressing off and help you wrap your cast for your shower.”

Juliana groaned, looked up at him, and said, “Shoot. This is going to be interesting. How am I supposed to—”


Ash smiled good-naturedly. “How in the world are you going to shower? Stitches on one hand, cast on the other, stitches on your back.” She noted the lack of worry on his face.

Juliana sighed as she sat down at the table, watching Ash fix her a plate and put a piece of bread in her toaster. She was even clumsy trying to fix her coffee the way she liked it after he poured it for her.

Solution oriented, she said, “I’ll unwrap my bandaged finger. It’ll be okay. In a few days, those stitches come out. If you can help me a little this morning, then I’ll call Grace or Teresa and ask them to help me tomorrow and the next day. It won’t be so bad.”

When she was ready to take her shower, he closed his eyes like a true gentleman and helped her out of her gown then removed the dressing and waited while she wrapped herself in a bath sheet. He wrapped her cast so it wouldn’t get wet in the shower. She got through her shower without too much difficulty—until it was time to wash her hair. Standing there with the water running, Juliana examined her options. There were none.


“Yeah, darlin’?” he called, opening the bathroom door a crack.

“I need to wash my hair. I’ve gotten it wet, but I’m…having difficulty. I hate to ask. I know it’s not fair to you, but I need your help.”

“By the time you’re healed, we’re going to be very intimately acquainted, aren’t we?”

Much more
intimately acquainted if her throbbing pussy had its way in the matter. “I think so, yes. Do you mind?”

Juliana heard a faint chuckle. “Do I mind? Hmmm, let me think.

Do I mind seeing a beautiful woman I’m interested in naked? What do you think, silly?”

“But the circumstances, it can’t be easy.”

“What’s another cold shower? All right, I’m coming in. Are you expecting me to close my eyes?”


“Well, the shower curtain will help. No, you don’t have to close your eyes, just no ogling my goodies.” She scoffed, wondering if that statement sounded as asinine to him as it did to her.

“You know, this is not how I envisioned seeing you naked the first time.”

“Ash, the first time was last night.”

“Yeah, but the lights were down low, and I was trying to not look.

I can’t help it this morning if I’m going to wash your hair for you.”

He grinned at her as she peeked out from behind the yellow shower curtain.

“How did you envision the first time you saw me naked?”

Oh, sure, let’s just go for full-on torture.

“Well, certainly under more romantic circumstances, and the possibility of me getting naked with you also came up in my fantasies.”

Ooh, fantasies!
Juliana giggled as she handed him the shampoo. “I can’t believe we’re having this conversation.” She turned and held the shower curtain around her hips while he lathered her hair, allowed her to rinse, and then repeated the process with her.

“I’m honored that you trust me like this, darlin’.”

She smiled back at him and said, “I really do, you know.”

“How does this feel?” he asked, gently brushing her injured shoulder blade with his fingertip.

“It stung like crazy when the warm water first touched it, but it feels better now.”

“You’ll need to let it dry completely before we can dress it. It might’ve been a good idea to not get it wet until later today.”

“I forgot to check the doctor’s instructions. I wanted a shower so bad.”

“We’ll make sure it’s dry before we cover it. Okay, you’re all done. Need anything else washed?” he asked, wiggling his eyebrows at her.

“Maybe on another occasion, Ash. Thank you.”


“Want more coffee?”

“I’d love it. Milk and two sugars.”

“You got it, darlin’.”

He helped her dress and held the blow-dryer for her while she dried her hair. Getting ready took significantly longer than she expected, even with his help. Even though she’d assured him she could make it to work on her own, he’d insisted on driving her and picking her up. He drove her to the store and helped her from his truck, and then he told her he’d be back in a little while with her lunch. She was mildly surprised, having expected him to drop her off and then pick her up that night after he was done.

“No, darlin’. I have to run home and change clothes, and then I’ll pick you up some lunch and bring it back to you. You check in around here and do anything that needs doing. Evelyn is staying until five, and Leah is closing the store at the usual time. Your store runs like a well-oiled machine. I’ll be picking you up at four o’clock.”

“Four o’clock? But—”

“You can come back to the ranch with me, or I can take you back to your place for supper, and then you can get another good night’s rest. I can stay with you again if you like, but one way or the other, Evelyn and Leah are giving you the boot at four o’clock.”

“Uh-oh. I have prescriptions I need to fill.”

“I’ll drop them off for you and pick them up later. Do you need something for pain right now?” She was at a loss at the prospect of him caring for her when she was so used to taking care of herself.

“No, I have acetaminophen in my desk drawer.”

“Good, you make sure and take some. I hate to see you hurting.

I’ll see you with lunch in a bit. Sandwiches okay?”

“Um, yeah,” she replied, feeling heat flood her face when he leaned down and kissed her cheek. He was even coming back to eat with her? Wow.

“See you in a little while. Don’t climb any ladders,” he called, looking back at her and giving her a cheeky grin as he walked away.


Of course, she did the mature thing and stuck her tongue out at him.

He chuckled and said, “Shouldn’t do that unless you’re willing to share.”

He returned at lunchtime in different clothes and freshly shaved with her prescriptions, a toasted ham and turkey sandwich made the way she liked it, and a large sweet tea. She was impressed.

“How are you feeling?”

“Groggy and a little achy,” she replied, thanking him as he opened the antibiotic and gave her a dose.

She looked at him wistfully, thinking that things had definitely changed between them since yesterday. She felt relaxed around him now.

“What is it, darlin’?”

I wish I could climb up in your lap and let you deal with the world
for a little while, big cowboy.

She closed her eyes and shrugged. “I feel wrung out and tired.

Maybe lunch will perk me up a bit. I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. I don’t know how to thank you.”

“Let me give it some thought, and I’ll get back to you on that after you’re feeling better,” he said with a mischievous smile. “I may have to extract payment from your flesh.”

She did the appropriate thing
for once
and laughed, then dug into her lunch.


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