Spurs and Heels (19 page)

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Authors: Heather Rainier

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Western, #Erotica, #General

BOOK: Spurs and Heels
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Juliana allowed Ash to help her onto the loveseat. That was what he called it, but it didn’t look like any loveseat she’d ever seen before.

There was a cushioned place for her knees as well as for each of his knees, both between hers and also on the outside so he had options and leverage, she supposed.

Ash caressed her back and her hips as she settled into the dips and curves of the oddly shaped seat. When she settled her hips over the cushion and relaxed against it, she noticed that the angle tilted her hips so that she was wide open for him. That reality made her body pulse with need. Her entire torso was supported by a contoured cushion that yielded to her body shape. There was even a place to rest her cheek or her chin at a comfortable angle. Her arms rested in two depressions slightly above her shoulders, with dips to rest her hands in or rounded mounds for her to hold on to for leverage, if she were to hazard a guess.

“How does it feel?” Ash asked as he caressed her vulnerable ass.

“It’s very comfortable. Soft. I can understand why it would be perfect for anal sex. I do feel relaxed.”

“Good, darlin’, because that’s how I want you. Ready for me?”


Juliana moaned in assent as he slid his fingertips into her dripping wet slit, stroked her clit teasingly, then slid them back to her asshole.

“Oh. Oh, yes, Ash.”

“I’m going to prepare your ass for my cock, so that I don’t hurt you. I’m going stretch you a little, and get you accustomed to the feel of something entering you there. Relax for me.”

She nodded because she was incapable of speech at the moment.

His slippery fingertips massaged her anus in a gentle but persistent inward motion. The muscles in her ass wanted to resist, but she didn’t fight him. Appreciating the comfort of her current erotic position, she relaxed her neck, her arms, and her legs, focusing on giving him what he was asking for. Her pussy wanted to tighten up, but she maintained her position and relaxed her legs and ass.

Ash applied lubricant to her asshole and repeated the process as her body began to tingle in pleasure. She pushed back a tiny bit as he pressed inward and one finger entered easily. It burned, felt naughty and wonderful at the same time. He withdrew, circled two digits, and pressed inward. She acquiesced and allowed him inside her and felt the increased burn of two fingers.

“Okay, darlin’?”

“Uh-huh. Ash, I love it. Thank you.”

“My pleasure, darlin’. I’ll go slowly for you, I promise.”

“Mmm-hmm. So good.”

Ash slid his fingers deeper, twisting and scissoring them, thrusting them in and out until she began to rock with him, against him. She could feel her pussy flooding and pulsing, wanting to be filled, too.

He withdrew and applied more lubricant to her opening, and the area around it. It sounded like he also applied some to his cock, as well.

“Ready, darlin’?”

“I think so, yes.” Her asshole and pussy quivered as she felt the tip of his cock at her anus.
Relax for him. Let him in. Give him everything
you have.


She exhaled and let go as she felt the burning intrusion of his cock against her anus. His hands were incredibly gentle on her hips as he pressed against her. His breathing sounded shallow, like he was panting with exertion. She wondered how it felt to him, how she looked, laid bare, giving him this part of herself.

“Easy, darlin’. Here it comes,” he murmured as she felt the muscles begin to really burn and give way to him. He was holding her hips so it must have been his thumbs she felt press near either side of her asshole, getting her to give that last little bit. Suddenly, he was in.

Her ass burned, but it was an erotic, impatient sort of burn. He stroked her asshole around his cock, and the fire began to diminish as he held still, giving her time to stretch and accommodate him.

“A–Ash, how am I doing? Are we okay?”

“Yeah, darlin’. I don’t want to rush this and hurt you. Damn, you feel so good. It’s unbelievable.” He released her hips and glided his hands over her back and down her thighs in long, sweeping caresses that made her skin tingle. She could feel her cunt pulse and smiled as her body sought to establish a rhythm on its own. She pressed back just a bit against Ash’s cock, and it slid in further, and he groaned.

“You take my cock so sweetly. You doing okay?”

“Yes, can I do it again?”

“Yes, again.”

Juliana pushed back against him, and more of his solid, hot cock entered her ass. She wished she could see and imagined they looked hotter than hell together. He groaned and took hold of her hips as more of his cock worked into her ass. She felt the echo of an impending orgasm as he slid to the root and his hips pressed against her.

“All of it?” she asked with a shaky sigh.

“All inside your lovely ass.”

“I’m on fire, Ash. I’ll come soon, and I want you to come with me.”


“I’m going to stroke your pussy with the vibrator, too, darlin’.

Would you like that?”

Would I like that? Would I
that? I may die!
She laughed throatily and said, “If you must.”

Ash chuckled and turned on the vibrator from the bathtub and swore softly as her pussy and ass both clenched in anticipation at the sound.
Hot freaking hell, I’m gonna scream for sure!

“I can’t hold back anymore. Brace yourself, darlin’.”

She cupped her hands over the mounds provided for them. His cock slid out over delicate, nerve-rich tissues and then back in. The bite of pain was erotic and intense as it was overcome by the pleasure that grew with each stroke. The soft jelly of the vibe stroked her pussy lightly as he zeroed in on her clit. His strokes became more assertive and demanding, and she was vaguely aware of begging for more as her body vibrated and quivered, and she rocketed to an orgasm of seismic proportions.

“That’s right, darlin’.”

“I love it, Ash.”
I love you!

“Let go for me, darlin’. I’m coming!”

Juliana’s body seized and exploded all around her as the vibrator pressed firmly against her clit, and he roared as he thrust one final time. She could feel his body shaking against her as his cock pulsed within her tender ass, filling her with his cum while her cunt pulsed with her orgasm over and over.

She groaned euphorically and went limp in the seat, and he relaxed against her. Because of their positioning in the chair, she didn’t feel like he was crushing her.

“I think we need a loveseat like this one,” she murmured with a soft chuckle.

“Pretty damn cool, huh?”

“Big understatement, cowboy.”

Ash carefully withdrew and said, “Stay here. I’ll be right back.”

He covered her with a blanket and went inside, returning a minute

later with a hot, wet washcloth. “Let me clean you up, and then I’ll carry you back inside.”

“’Kay,” she murmured drowsily.

He cleaned all the lubricant off of her and pressed the comforting heat against her anus. He lifted her into his arms and carried her to the gigantic bed inside the cabin.

When she awoke in the morning, it was to the smell of bacon cooking, and the sight of her handsome, half-clothed man making breakfast.

After eating, he bathed her himself in the big tub and then took her back to bed, giving her kisses so sultry she could have sworn her bones melted. He made love to her with such tenderness that she cried as her orgasm rushed over her, and then he kissed her tears away.


Chapter Sixteen

Juliana searched vainly for a parking space close to the rodeo arena on the Tarkett County Fairgrounds. Ash had thrown her for a loop when he’d mentioned that he had signed up to compete in bareback bronc riding at the rodeo in Morehead late that February. It had scared her a little, but she’d encouraged him to give it his all.

She finally resigned herself to a spot some distance from the arena main entrance. The sun was setting, and she was running late as she checked the clock on the dash again.

Work had kept her past the time she’d planned to leave the store, so she’d been forced to drive straight there from work, eating drive-thru food on the way from Divine to Morehead. Ash’s event would be one of the first, and she had no intention of disappointing him by not making it in time.

Her high heels clicked on the asphalt as she walked up to the ticket booth and got her ticket. She heaved a sigh of relief when the man in the ticket booth assured her that she’d not missed the bareback riding event and would have plenty of time to find her friends and get settled.

When she reached the top of the ramp he’d directed her to, she turned and looked up into the crowd, locating Teresa and Angel and their group when they all waved at her. As she joined them, she felt a wave of inexplicable happiness come over her. It felt so good to be wanted and accepted by this group. She’d always been on the periphery, limited because of her hours in how much she could do with them.


That feeling of acceptance was tempered by the sad realization that when she saw Ash, it was usually on her turf, either at the store or her house. She rarely made time to come out to the ranch and usually only saw her friends when they came in the store. She loved being here and had to question why she did not make more time for them in her life.

Nobody mentioned her attire, but she regretted not having the time to go home and change, wishing she’d had the forethought to bring her change of clothes with her to the store that morning in case she ran out of time. She smoothed out her skirt as she sat next to Teresa, and Teresa leaned toward her, nudging her in the shoulder.

“You look fine.”

“No, I should have brought my clothes so I could change.”

“So you’ll remember tomorrow. You look great, and you know Ash likes it when you’re dressed up like a city girl.”

“Huh? He does?” That was news to her.

“Sure! I guarantee you he won’t mind a bit when he sees you dressed up, especially with those heels. They’re hot on you.”

Juliana giggled and thanked her, and then their attention was drawn by the announcer as the rodeo began. It had been years since she’d been to a rodeo, and she thoroughly enjoyed the pageantry and entertainment.

Bareback bronc-riding was one of the first major events. Teresa updated her on what had happened the night before and described in detail how Ash and Joaquin had done compared to the other riders in their respective events.

Nerves knotted in Juliana’s stomach when the first rider climbed into the chute. Teresa pointed Ash out to her, standing on the pipe fence, helping out. Seeing him dressed in his chaps and gear with his number placard pinned to his back made her insides quiver.
but he is hotter than hell


Teresa giggled. “I know, right? There is just something about chaps and spurs on Angel and Joaquin that gets me a little fidgety, too.”

Had Juliana spoken out loud? She looked over at Teresa, who was blushing, and had to laugh with her and nod.

She sent up a quick prayer for Ash when she saw him climb up on the side of the chute as a bronc was placed in it from the other side.

He was completely focused. His actions were swift and sure as he tightened up his grip on the rope then signaled he was ready.

Her body froze in place when the bucking bronc exploded from the chute, all four hooves leaving the ground. Ash kept his seat, riding the animal in swift grace, and Juliana could not help her visceral reaction as she watched his body move with the animal.

She had intimate knowledge of the strength and agility of those finely honed, muscular thighs and that incredibly muscular torso. She felt moisture flow between her legs as his body twisted and turned each time the animal tried unsuccessfully to unseat its rider.

“Don’t forget to breathe, Juliana,” Teresa whispered in her ear, but her eyes stayed riveted on Ash as he completed his ride. He leapt from the horse after the buzzer sounded, landing on his feet and dodging the horse as it continued to buck for a few more seconds before one of the pickup riders herded it toward the exit.

He climbed back up onto the pipe fence with the other cowboys and scanned the crowd in their section while he waited for his score.

She rose and waved at him, and he smiled happily and waved back then blew her a kiss as the crowd cheered his high score of ninety point five. By the end of the night, both Ash and Joaquin were assured a place in the final round the following night, and Juliana was glad she’d be able to be there to see it.

Their group was slowly making its way through the crowded concourse, toward the rear of the arena, when Juliana spied Ash in the crowd. He and Joaquin stood together, talking with a group of enthusiastic rodeo fans and signing autographs.


Juliana was intrigued by this part of Ash she knew very little about. He and Joaquin were better known in the rodeo circuit than he’d let on.

He smiled at her as their group approached. When she would have held back to allow him to talk with the rodeo fans, he beckoned her to his side, the same as Joaquin did with Teresa.

Juliana smiled warmly as Teresa gave Joaquin a kiss, wrapping her arms around his waist and tucking herself to his side. He obviously enjoyed her attention, and Juliana was bowled over again, seeing how much Teresa had changed in the last few months. Her three year old son Michael whooped and hollered as Joaquin gathered him up in his other arm, and Michael hugged his neck as Angel joined them.

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