Read Spirits (Spirits Series Book 1) Online

Authors: Destiny Patterson

Spirits (Spirits Series Book 1) (28 page)

BOOK: Spirits (Spirits Series Book 1)
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Is the honor
cracking you in the head with the pry bar? Because if so I’ll take the opportunity, but it wouldn’t do a bit of good, I’d just have him gunning for me even more so. I shake my head backing away, “No thanks.”

He shrugs and begins prying the lid off.  I’m waiting for the stench of decay to hit me.  Drew helps him lift the lid off, which I want to protest but Mom is already annoyed with my behavior.

“Colorful rocks?” Drew looks at Rouge confused.

He chuckles, “I guess you could call them that.”

Noah crosses his arm, “What do you plan on doing with all of those?”

Mom waits expectantly for his answer as well. It’s plain to see she is unsure of him now.

“A mosaic walkway that will lead from the bottom step straight to the… pool.” He looks at mom reassuringly, “I’m quite the artist if I do say so myself. It will blend seamlessly and look much better than those old stone pavers.”

“That sounds like a wonderful i
dea.” Mom lights up. “Journey you have such devoted friends. First sweet Noah taking on this project and now Rouge. Keep them close, good friends are hard to find.”

Oh they stay close
alright. “Sure, I don’t think I could get rid of them even if I wanted to.” I fake a smile.

Drew glances at Rouge then to me questioningly.

I nod slightly. “So where should we start?”

“We should unload the stones.” Rouge says.

Noah looks at him annoyed, “Not exactly what I had in mind however you and Drew can handle that while Susan, Journey and I finish our planting.”

“Thanks.” Drew slits his eyes to Noah.

I’m just glad Noah didn’t stick me working with him. He may act like Rouge is harmless but I can tell he doesn’t want me around him.

As Noah explains what is left to be done Drew and Rouge decide the easiest way to unload the crates is to tear them apart where they sit. Now this should be entertaining.

     Mom steps back looking at our handy work, “It’s just perfect. I must admit I felt overwhelmed to begin with but all of the help and hard work has made this an easier undertaking than I expected.” She grabs Noah giving him a big hug, “Thank you so much sweetie. This transformation wouldn’t have gone smoothly without you and your brilliant ideas.” She says giddy.

“Hello?” A man calls out then appears around the corner.

We all stop and stare at him.

“Mrs. Susan?” He looks at mom.

“Yes,” she starts walking towards him, “you must be Mike.”

“That’s me. I’ve got the equipment for the pool. Will it be okay to back around here?”

“As long as you don’t pass the end of the house.”

“Not a problem ma’am but I’m going to need some help unloading and toting it.”

“I’m sure these fine young men won’t mind helping.” She smiles at the boys.

“Not at all.” Noah says.

Drew groans, “I’ll help.”

“Actually I was just going to see if I could borrow Journey, I need a ride to get some material.” Rouge smiles at Mom.

“I don’t see why not, the three of them should be able to handle it.” Mom nods.

Noah looks like he’s going to blow a fuse
, “Why not let Drew and Journey go while you stay and help?”

Rouge shakes his head, “They might get the wrong thing then I’ll have to send them back and before you know it precious time has been wasted. I’ll go, that way it’s done right the first time.”

Noah clenches his jaw knowing Rouge isn’t going to have it any other way. I’d love to just hand over my keys, but Mom would have a fit.

“You two better get going, Rouge has his work cut out for him.” Mom waves us off.

“Fine, just let me run in and get my purse,” Maybe some holy water, a Bible and a crucifix, “then I’ll meet you at the Jeep.”

     Rouge looks over at me smiling as we pull out of the driveway. I’d like to wipe that look off his face, shove him out the door… I could remove the doors later, make it easier to do in the future…

“Why do you dislike me?” He asks.

“What you are freaks me out.” I grip the steering wheel tightly.

He cocks his head, “What I am? What do you think that is exactly?”

“A demon of some sort.”

He bellows out a laugh.

“I see no humor in it.” I sneer.

“Why would you think that’s what I am?”

, since you have no problem leaving the property and the other spirits are clearly disturbed by your presence, I ruled out that you are one of them. Also you appeared in one of my dreams with a demon who longs for me to meet my demise at her hands.”

“That proves nothing.” He frowns.

“You said my fear was a delicacy and I’d be a tasty treat.”

He looks appalled, “For a demon yes but I am not one of them. I loath them, they are the enemy.” He stares straight ahead, “My words were a warning Journey, you need to conquer
your fears; they thrive from them. You are stronger than them, you need not be afraid.”

“So what are you, an angel?”

He smiles, “Hardly.”

“You’re not going to tell me are you?”

“I’ll tell you, when I think you are ready.”

“So does that mean you’re sticking around?”

“Oh yes, we have a long future ahead of us.”

“You can see the future?”

“Not exactly.”

“Then how do you know?”

He grins, “I just do.”

” Time to change directions with this conversation. “Why are there so many spirits at my house?”

He arches a brow, “Why do you think?”

I shrug. I have an idea but I’m not sure.

“Come on, you know why, you felt it.”

“There’s something evil there.”

“Ah, but what is it?”

“Ancient and powerful.”

“Smart girl.” He nods.

“So it’s holding them there… how? Why?”

“I think the better question is how do you stop it?”

“Agreed, what’s the answer?”

He chuckles, “You tell me.”

“I don’t know, aren’t you the expert?”

He gnaws at his cheek. “Perhaps… however this is your problem to solve.”

“Great,” I roll my eyes. “I thought you were on my side.”

“I am,” he smirks, “but if I give you the answer how will you ever learn?”

“I’ll remember it, duh.”

“Maybe you would, but I’m not telling. Think of this as a test.”

I groan, “Really?”

“I’d start studying if I were you,” he grins impishly, “it has big plans.”

“That’s not fair,” I whine, “I don’t know where to start or what I’m even looking for.”

“Maybe I’ll point you in the right direction.” He holds his finger up, “turn there.”

     “Grout, honestly Rouge I don’t think Drew and I would have screwed up and got the wrong thing.” I inform him as we load the heavy buckets into the Jeep.

“I know but I needed an excuse to get you alone.”

“Noah wasn’t keen on it.”

“I know,” he flashes a smile. “He doesn’t particularly care for me.”

“Why not?”

“To be such a smart girl you’re rather clueless at times.” He snickers.

“Jerk,” I jab him in the side, “sorry.” I apologize immediately, “I’m so used to ‘abusing’ Drew for his smart-alecky comments it’s basically become a reflex.”

“It’s fine.” He shrugs as he walks to the
passenger side.

Are you going to tell me why they don’t like you?” I ask buckling up.

“I guess for the same reason they don’t want anything to do with you.”

“Not true, Noah likes me and Emily talks to me occasionally.”

He cuts his eyes to me, “Watch yourself, who you trust that is.”

“Funny, Noah said the same thing basically.” I’m not sure why but Kay and Noah’s conversation from last night pops into my head. “Who is Aiden?”

He looks at me puzzled and shakes his head clueless.

“I overheard Kadence and Noah talking about him last night. I got the feeling that Noah might be afraid of him or something because Kay was using him as a threat.”

“I’m not sure. I’ll see what I can dig up but if Noah is threatened by him I recommend not attempting to contact him.”

“You dislike Noah but you trust his judgment?”

“Absolutely not but if he’s afraid of someone I’d say he has a good reason to be and I don’t want you finding out why first hand. Leave that to me, I am the expert after all.” He smirks.

I roll my eyes, “Now you own up to it.”

“I’ll inform you IF I can find out anything.”

“You and Kadence seem to be rather friendly, why not just ask her?”

“Why do you say it like that?”

“I’ve seen you two kiss twice now and by the way she speaks of you she seems rather fond of you and trust you for sure.”

“It wasn’t that kind of kiss but I’m glad she thinks highly of me.” He pauses and clicks his tongue, “I’m worried about her.”


“She’s being influenced by them, if you couldn’t tell by her behavior the other night. I fear she will give in and possibly be lost forever.”

“Noah made it sound like you were the one controlling Kay.” I groan.

He sighs, “Are you doubting me?”

“No once again I’m doubting him. He doesn’t want me to be afraid of you but he doesn’t want me to be friends with you.”

“You’ll figure it out eventually.” He shrugs.

Some help he is! It’s so frustrating, knowing he has the answers but won’t fill me in and make my life easier! Freaking Noah knows so much more than he lets on! Ugh, I’ve got to get away from the both of them! My weekend with Blake can’t get here soon enough!

     Drew is sitting on the bottom step watching Mom and Noah as Rouge and I arrive.  “
Drew, give us a hand, there’s more in the Jeep.”  He doesn’t budge; I don’t even think he heard me. His expression is blank like there should be a vacancy sign on his forehead.  “Drew!” I shout getting closer.  Finally he seems to snap out of his trance.  “Huh?” He looks at me confused.

Mom and Noah glance at us over their shoulders. Noah goes back to watching the ‘pool’ fill

“Are you alright?” Rouge asks setting the buckets down and watching Drew carefully.

“Yeah, I think the heat is getting to me.”

“Go in and take a break honey.” Mom says then turns and continues talking to Noah.

By the look on Rouge’s face he doesn’t believe it was the weather getting to Drew.

“What were you seeing?” I ask quietly kneeling.

He glances at the pool, “I think I should go in… you guys want something to drink?”

Rouge nods, “Sure, come on Journey.” He holds out his hand and though I don’t need it he helps me to my feet.  Drew slowly stands
, glances around unsure then hastily makes his way to the backdoor.

     We follow him to the kitchen in silence. He pours a glass of water and with trembling hands proceeds to drink.  “Are we alone?” Drew asks setting the
glass down and pulling out a chair.

“I don’t see anyone but that’s nothing new.” I shrug, “I’m not sure.”

“I think so, for the moment, they are to interested in what’s going on outside.” Rouge says.

“It’s a door.” Drew turns white as a freshly bleached sheet, “I saw…” He shakes his head not wanting to continue.

“What’s a door? What did you see?” I ask sitting next to him.

“They were crawling out, almost human shaped, black as night, faceless, gnarled hands with talons clawing at the ground as their bodies contorted.” He stops and shutters. “We’ve opened the door.”

I look at Rouge bewildered, not that I doubt Drew but seriously the ‘pool’ is a door, a gateway, to where? And why the heck is it in my back yard? Of all places we could have moved… it just keeps getting better. 

Rouge grimaces and nods. “It’s already begun.” He says turning to leave, “We must hurry.”

“Wait, just so we’re straight, what’s a door?” I ask.

“You already know, the pool.” Drew

“You can’t leave.” I quickly walk to Rouge and grab his arm. If he bails on us now I’ll…

“I’m not leaving. I’m going to finish my work.”

Drew briskly walks to us. “I’ll help, tell me what to do.”

Rouge places his hand on Drew’s shoulder and his eyes glaze over.

“What,” I begin to ask, Rouge puts his finger to my lips to silence me.

Drew slowly nods obediently and Rouge removes his hand.

“What should I do?” I ask following behind them swiftly.

“Start reading.” Rouge says without stopping.

“Reading what?”

Drew turns and gives me one of my own looks, “Pest control for the supernatural realm.”

BOOK: Spirits (Spirits Series Book 1)
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