Spirits (Spirits Series Book 1) (27 page)

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Authors: Destiny Patterson

BOOK: Spirits (Spirits Series Book 1)
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“I was talking with Rose, about you and he shall be left unnamed. You do not want him around.”

“Isn’t he already?”

“Not in the house and I plan to keep it that way. I know I’m being vague and I apologize but I’m taking risks here you have to understand that.”

“Okay, why doesn’t he want you around me?”

“You are everything he is not.”

Yeah, that definitely didn’t answer my question so I assume I’m left to figure it out myself since he is avoiding telling me…

“What happened last night?” He asks.

I groan and stare at the ceiling. “You were right about Carson, he’s a jerk.”

“I’m sorry, really I am.” He lies beside me, “Do you want to talk about?”

“Not really, I’m sure Dae will be blowing up my phone soon to find out the details. For now can we talk about something else?”

“Whatever you want.”

“What are your plans for the day?”

“Actually I’m supposed to help your mother with the yard, want to give us a hand?”

“I guess so since I won’t be hanging out with Carson like I was supposed to.”

He rubs my arm. “Don’t be upset, it’s better you found out sooner rather than later.”

“I told myself that yet I still can’t help but be bothered over the situation. Sure, I didn’t know him all that well but his behavior last night seemed completely out of character.”

“Some people put on a good show for a while and some cannot, their true nature refuses to stay hidden.”

“So true, I’ve had my share of crazies. I seem to be a magnet to them or something. I hope Blake is who he seems to be.”

Noah attempts to conceal his frown.

“What now?”

“I have nothing bad to say about him.”

“Then what was the face for?”

“I was thinking about this weekend, are you really going to be gone the whole time?”

“Yes, why?”

“I’ll be bored, who am I going to talk to?”

I smile, “What did you do before I moved here?”

“Not much, I was stuck conversing with the same people day after day, having the same disagreements for decades. It’s enough to drive a sane man batty. You are a breath of fresh air.”

“You have Kadence.” I can’t help but giggle at his don’t remind me expression. “She’s not that bad once you really get to know her and overlook her faults. We all have them you know.”

“If it will make you happy I’ll try but I doubt we become
besties.” He says seriously.

“Do yourself a favor and don’t ever say
bestie again, it’s not a word for guys to use.” I laugh.

“Thanks, I’ll remember that.”

My phone buzzes and he looks at me curiously when I don’t rush to check it, “Aren’t you going to see who it is?”

“It’s either Blake or
Dae.” The last few days are the most I’ve text since I got the phone.

“I figured as much.” He says as it alerts me again. “You may as well check, whoever it is will keep on until you respond.”

Good morning beautiful

That’s it! I’m making Drew come get me! I’ll see you shortly!
Daelynn AKA Sunshine

He’s sleeping. Journey
I text Dae quickly.

Morning, I’ve yet to decide if it’s good or not. Journey

“Blake or Daelynn?” Noah asks.


“Well, I’ll let you text. See you in a little while.” He says getting up.

“Oh, okay.”

Sorry, I’m being selfish. Are you okay? Blake

Well then if you don’t want me to wake him start talking. What happened? Carson was in a weird mood, he and Blake got into a shoving match. I heard Carson leave early this
am and he refuses to text me back. Daelynn AKA Sunshine


He came over and was a total butt munch! He told me not to talk to Blake anymore, which I wasn’t about to agree to, then said I needed to pick one of them right then. Before he left, AFTER I told him it was going to be Blake, he forced a kiss on me! I shoved him away and slammed the door in his face! UGH! Sorry, I know he’s your brother but what a dick! Journey


I’m okay, just annoyed and disappointed with how things went between Carson and I. I’m sure you don’t want to hear that but I had hoped that whatever the outcome we’d be able to stay friends. Journey


OMG! What a dick move, agreed! I knew it was bothering him but I don’t know why he thought that would get him anywhere but kicked to the curb. Sorry he was an arse
Daelynn AKA Sunshine


It’s alright. I knew you liked him, it’s always frustrating when things don’t go as planned. However I must say I’m glad I don’t have to fight for your attention, although I would have for as long as it took, or drive myself crazy wondering if you liked me more, were you thinking about me or him. Selfish, yet again but I want you to know how I feel. I wasn’t chasing after you because Carson wanted you or something stupid like that. I’m about to sound like a girl but I don’t care; I’m completely taken by you Journey


Well for what it’s worth Blake has been on cloud nine. And I’ve tried to stay out of it but I’m going to say it, I think Blake is the better of the two. That probably sounds terrible but I’ve seen Carson in action. I had hoped he had matured a bit. I’m glad he screwed up now rather than after you had fallen and ended up getting your heart broken. Daelynn AKA Sunshine


You don’t sound like a girl… okay maybe a little, lol, but it’s alright I like knowing how you feel. I’m going to be honest; I was worried I was nothing more than a competition between you two. Everything you said is a huge relief. Journey


You’re not mad at me are you? I wanted to say something but I was hoping he had changed. Daelynn AKA Sunshine


No I’m not. People can change and when it’s someone you love you always hope for the best. Journey


Well then I’m glad I put my male ego aside to bare my soul to you. Blake

Thanks. What are you doing today?
Daelynn AKA Sunshine


Me to


Yard work with Mom, Drew and Noah. Yay. Journey


Boo, that sucks! I was hoping we could hangout. Daelynn AKA Sunshine


You’ll see me plenty this weekend… Did Blake talk to you about that? Journey


Yes and that’s cool but I’m sure we’ll both be preoccupied with each other’s brother. I know I plan on it. Lol. Daelynn AKA Sunshine


Why doesn’t that surprise me? I’m glad I don’t have to feel bad about the situation but I’m so incredibly nervous! What if I’m a bad kisser? Journey


ROFLOL! Don’t stress it you might not even do that. Daelynn AKA Sunshine


:p Doubtful but whatever. Journey

“You awake?” Drew taps on the door.

“Yeah, come in.”

He runs his fingers through his disheveled hair and smiles still half asleep as he staggers to my bed then plops down. “I’m going to pry that thing out of you hands today.”


“Your cell, I’ll be darned if I bust my butt alone on yard work while you spend all day sitting in the shade texting.”

“Cry me a river, I sweated my rear off yesterday while you were goofing off with Carson. What are you doing up so early?” I jump the subject. Not thinking about him!

“Mom,” he groans, “popped her head in to inform me it was time to get ready for work, way to perky. Hasn’t she given you a wake up call?”

“Nope, I guess she thought I deserved to sleep in since I’m the good child.” I grin.

“Sure, maybe before but I see you’re coming around, welcome to the dark side.” He chuckles.

“I’m still a good girl, I just have a boyfriend now.”

“Whatever, you’ll be joining the multitude of rebellious teenagers soon enough.” He smiles as he gets up, “Off your butt and on your feet Mom’s ready to get started.”

“Fine, have you seen Noah?”

He stops dead in his tracks and spins around, “What? Why would I see him?”

“He’s helping us today, just like yesterday, and no you can’t make any reference to him being a ghost. Mom is clueless, let’s keep it that way.”

“Yay, Noah, all day.” He says unenthused.

“Glad to know you’re excited.” I beam a smile.

He rolls his eyes and walks out.

     Dad meets me on the staircase and gives me an odd look.  “Morning Daddy.” I smile.

“Goodnight sweetheart. Oh, you have another boy waiting for you in the kitchen.” He all but glowers and continues up the steps.

“Thanks for letting me know.” What was the look for? Ugh, I bet he’s wondering why I only have one female friend… oh shoot what if he thinks I’m not his innocent little girl anymore? I start to chase after him to inform him I only have one boyfriend and that I’m not a gardening tool but that is not a conversation I want to have with Daddy, I’ll let Mom tell him.

     “So how do you know Journey?” Drew asks.

So I guess he’s playing stupid with Noah… Cooperation, that’s what I’m talking about! I’d high five him if I could.  Stopping in the kitchen doorway, I swear my heart just gave out.

“Hey sweetie.” Mom says all chipper.  “Journey?”

I start to back
away; the black haired guy sitting at the table is no stranger to me. 

He turns to grin, “Good morning Journey, aren’t you going to join us?”

“Uh… maybe, I need to, uh.” I glance out the window, Noah’s on the porch, thankfully. “Answer the door real quick.” I nearly smack myself in the face snatching it open.

     “Get him out, please.” I say immediately after closing the door.

“Sorry, I can’t make him leave.” Noah frowns.

“What does he want? Why would he introduce himself?”

“Rouge has his own agenda, which I try to stay out of.”

“Noah,” I whine, “please. Help me out here.”

“Look, he’s not going to eat you if that’s what you’re worried about.”

“A little, he creeps me the freak out! I’m half expecting to go back in, find that he’s massacred my family and is sitting amongst the carnage
drinking coffee while he waits to off me as well.”

Noah laughs, “Wow you have an overactive imagination.”

“It’s not funny.” I shove his arm.

“Journey relax, I’m not going to let anyone or anything harm you or your family.” He takes my hand, “Come on, we’ll go in together maybe my presence will agitate him into leaving.”

“I can only hope.” I reluctantly let him lead me in.

laughter ceases as Noah and I enter. Well at least they aren’t dead. “What’s so funny?” I ask bypassing Rouge to sit at the far end of the table.

“Rouge was just telling us about when you two met.” Mom says.


“Yes, how you fell right into my lap.” Rouge grins.

“It was quite unfortunate.” I smirk.

“I consider myself rather lucky.” He smiles; the gold rings in his eyes shimmering with delight.

“Huh,” I huff, “so what are you doing here? What do you want?” I fold my arms not bothering to hide my annoyance.

“Journey, don’t be so rude.” Mom purses her lips.

“To help of course, why else?” Rouge looks at me curiously and I squirm under his gaze.

Help lead demon Mary right to me? No thanks. I’ll pass on an early funeral. I’d
like to help him right out the door and back to whatever hole he crawled out of.

Noah clears his throat and rests his hand on mine, “Shall we get started? There is much left to do.”

Mom glances between Noah and I as Rouge shifts in his seat glaring at Noah. The tension between them is almost tangible, highly uncomfortable.

“Let’s do this.” I spring from my chair.

Drew lazily stands and stretches, “Wait up.”

I pause in the foyer wishing Drew had allowed me to escape. This is going to be a long day.

     “Noah did you bring these?” Mom asks upon seeing the large crates in the backyard.

“No…” He shakes his head slowly.

“I did,” Rouge beams, “welcome to the area. I wanted to do something special, show a little southern hospitality and when I heard you were redoing the yard I knew exactly what it needed.”

“Oh honey you didn’t have to do that.” Mom pats his back.

“But I did, really.” Rouge glances at me.

What’s in the boxes? Corpses, old head stones, a multitude of demons waiting to be unleashed?  Get a grip!
I seriously doubt he’d pull something that insane and let us live to tell the tale… unless he doesn’t plan on letting us live…  He grins broadly as he snatches up the pry bar, “Journey would you like to have the honor?”

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