Spent - Part 1 (Spent, a New Adult Romance, MMA Series) (5 page)

BOOK: Spent - Part 1 (Spent, a New Adult Romance, MMA Series)
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“Sure,” I grin, “They’re my favorite.”

He smiles, “Mine too.”

I practically melt against my chair. A part of my body that hasn’t experienced any sort of stimulation since I broke things off with Derrick quickly begins to grow damp, causing me to blush. His eyes brighten up as he begins to quietly open the bag. As he tilts the opened bag towards me, I fish out a few sticks of candy, my eyes never leaving his.

“I don’t like seeing a sad face, but candy usually makes people happy. Either that, or they walk off, thinking I’m a complete weirdo,” he whispers as he digs out a few sticks for himself.

“Well anybody who carries around a bag of licorice is my kind of weird,” I smirk, taking a bite out of one of my sticks.

He chortles softly. The sound that hums from deep within his chest causes my nerves to tingle. There’s something about this guy that makes me feel a little crazy. I’ve never felt like this around anyone, not even Derrick. My stomach begins to churn when I think about the fight.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper, turning my gaze away from him.

“For what?” concern is laced in his tone.

“For Derrick.”


I sigh, “Baptiste.”

“Oh,” his hulking frame sinks back against his chair, “That wasn’t your fault.”

“Why didn’t you report him?” I turn to look at him, trying my best to keep my voice down, “You probably would have won if he hadn’t of done what he did.”

His shoulders shrug, “I’m just not that kind of person.”

I arch an eyebrow at him, “And what kind of person are you?”

“The kind that gives a girl who looks sad some candy so she’ll talk to me,” he smirks, his hazel blue eyes staring into mine.

Chapter 5

I bite down on my tenth piece of red licorice, nervously chomping down on the delicious morsel as I quickly scan over my completed biology exam. Landing a C+ really isn’t that bad for me, especially considering the fact that I didn’t study at all.

“You’re going to eat me out of my junk food money for the entire week from today alone, Tasha,” Luke mutters as he leans back against his chair, eyeing me suspiciously as I eat away.

It’s our second week in biology and mine and Luke’s relationship together has entered first name basis. Our relationship has been pretty basic; he brings me candy in exchange for me talking to him. I would talk to him, with or without the sugary brain food, but I don’t dare tell him that, because that would end my free supply. Also, it gives me a good excuse to strike up a conversation with him at random.

I arch an eyebrow, “I didn’t know you were on a budget, Luke. Besides, exams make me nervous.”

“Surprisingly fighting doesn’t bring in a very lucrative income when you lose often,” Luke smirks, “Whatcha make on the test?”

“C+,” I beam at him.

His eyes widen, “Huh?”

“C+?” My tone makes my reply come out more like a question. His perplexing stare makes me shift uneasily in my seat.

“And you’re okay with that?”

“Well I was, up until you started asking questions,” I sigh, taking another bite out of my licorice.

“I see,” Luke sighs, “You know, if you need a tutor, I would gladly work with you. I happen to be pretty good at biology.”

“Really?” I smirk, “And what did you make on the test?”

Luke beams as he hands me his completed exam. My eyes jump to the top of the exam where a bright ‘A+’ is written in bold ink. Sighing, I slouch back against my chair, chomping down on the last bite of sugary brain fuel.

“So, you’re an MMA fighter who can rock a biology test. Are there any other skills that you have that I might not know about?”  

“Hmm… I’m pretty good at getting you to talk to me,” he winks, causing a chill to run down my spine.

“So long as you keep my supply going, that is,” extending my hand, I motion for him to hand me another stick.

Luke rolls his eyes at me as he pulls out another. As he hands it to me, our hands brush against one another, sending an erotic shock radiating throughout my body.

I look up at Luke from under my eyelashes. From his expression, I can tell that he experienced the same sensation that I did. We stare at one another, his hand grasping mine, for what feels like eons.

“Get a room you two,” the guy directly behind me mutters, causing the two women sitting beside him to giggle.

I cringe. I know how hyped up a fighter can get when someone antagonizes them. If someone had said that to Derrick, he would have had the poor guy bloodied up and crying in a corner before anybody realized what had happened. Screwing my eyes shut, I wait for Luke to give this guy his worst.

“Sorry, Man. I just get lost in her eyes sometimes,” Luke croons as he releases his hold on me.

My eyes flutter open as my mouth hangs ajar slightly. I stare into Luke’s hazel eyes, trying to determine if he was actually speaking what he felt. Luke stares back at me and smiles, taking a bite out of a Twizzler. The muscles deep below my stomach begin to tighten as Luke looks down at me, causing naughty thoughts of his hulking body on mine...

The bell rings, pulling me out of my daze. I stare blankly at Luke, who appears to be unfazed by the sensual stare our eyes were locked into. He leans over his desk and scribbles something down on the corner of his exam. Ripping the corner off once he’s done, he hands me the piece of paper. It’s a phone number.

“Call me if you want to do some tutoring together,” he smiles as he bends down to picks up his backpack.

Lazily, my eyes blink, still in shock over what he said and how his eyes locked together with mine. I nod, unable to respond. Luke winks as he walks past me. I watch as his tight butt scoots by, my eyes taking in every delicious area of his firm backside.

My fingers trace along the coarse fibers of the paper as I read over his phone number. Staring at the numbers, I try to sort through all of the jumbled emotions that are running through me. Other students pass by, emptying out the lecture room in a matter of seconds.

What the hell are you doing, Tash?


“You know he’s supposed to have
babies, right?” Cameron mutters before taking a sip from her coffee mug.

I roll my eyes at her, “Really? He’s just helping me with my class. Besides, when have you ever wanted to be a mother?”

“The moment I saw him, I just knew he was going to be my future ex-husband,” Cameron says sullenly, trying her best not to crack a smile.

“Oh good God, Cameron. You don’t even know the guy,” I smirk, “Besides, he likes Twizzlers.”

“Eww. Fine, you can have him,” Cameron scrunches her face in fake disgust.

“You’re incorrigible,” I giggle, taking a sip from my hot tea.

A ridiculous grin eases its way across Cameron’s face as she takes a long sip from her coffee. The steam fogs over her glasses. Scrunching her face, she eases them down to the tip of her nose. I grin as I watch her, noticing how adorable she is in all of her nerdy glory. With the obstruction to her vision gone she realizes that I’m grinning at her and pokes out her tongue before returning to her coffee.

“So,” Cameron says after a long drink, “Have you heard from Derrick?”

I sigh. I knew this question was going to be inevitable. Cameron has always been persistent when it comes to digging up old issues just when you’re finally starting to feel like you’re moving on.

“No. He called me once and sent me a grand total of five text messages. I haven’t heard from him at all since last Monday.”

“Really? How shocking,” Cameron mutters sarcastically.

“I know, I know,” I wave my hands in defeat, “You told me this would happen. I should have listened to you, blah, blah, blah.”

Cameron sighs as she gently sets her coffee mug down on the table. I tense up, knowing that this is about to get serious. Cameron’s forehead only creases the way it’s doing right now when she’s wanting to have a serious conversation.

“Tash,” her large eyes look into mine, “I really am sorry about you and Derrick. I know you cared deeply for him.”

“Thank you...” I smile softly.

“That being said,” Cameron cuts me off.

Here we go…

“He was a total douche! I mean, the asshole treated you like complete shit. I’ve never met anyone as ignorant as him and I work all day with a bunch of hormonal eighteen year olds!”

I roll my eyes at her, “You know, for someone who’s an English professor, you have horrible control over the English language when you’re pissy.”

“Fine, whatever,” Cameron puffs, waving her hands in surrender, “Just don’t go out with another muscle-bound dildo, please? Vibrators are much cheaper and far less emotionally taxing than the guys you like to date.”

My eyes widen. I quickly peer around the cafe to make sure no one else heard. Suddenly, I see Luke walking straight towards us, dressed sharply in a polo-style shirt and khakis. An adorable crooked grin is etched across his face as he waves at me. Cameron catches my gaze and turns around to look at what I’m staring at.

“Speaking of muscle-bound dildos,” Cameron mutters just loud enough for me to hear.

“Hey Tasha,” Luke croons once he’s near our booth, his hazel eyes shining, “And Tasha’s friend,” He says as he nods to Cameron.

As I watch Cameron turn a bright shade of pink just from his voice, I realize he has that vagina-wetting capability with more women than just me. Jealousy unexpectedly begins to course through me when I realize his effect isn’t exclusive. I try to shake it off.

“Hey Luke,” I smile sweetly, “This is my friend, Cameron.”

Luke smiles at Cameron, sending another wave of jealousy through me. Cameron looks at me with a ridiculous grin on her face. I have no idea why her face is making me so mad right now, but I quickly look away, trying to avoid saying or doing something stupid.

“Hi Cameron. You were at the fight with Tasha, weren’t you?”

“Why yes, yes I was,” Cameron gives me a wicked look, “He’s a sharp one, for a fighter,” she winks.

“Perhaps that’s why I don’t win very often,” Luke smirks at Cameron, causing my skin to burn red.

“Ah, well. That explains why Tash likes you so much,” Cameron picks up her mug, leans back against her seat, and resumes drinking her coffee.

My eyes grow wide. I look up at Luke to judge his reaction. He simply stares back at me, his green and blue orbs taking me deep down into the dark world of wicked thoughts that his eyes often carry me away to when we’re in class.

“I think you must be mistaken. Tasha only likes me because I supply her with Twizzlers.”

“It always starts that way with this girl. Then it moves to the bedroom. And then…”

“Cameron!” I say a little too loudly, causing some heads to turn in our direction.

I shrink back against my seat while Cameron stares at me from over the top of her crescent moon shaped glasses, smirking the entire time. Luke turns his attention back on me after looking over his shoulder at the turning heads.

“Don’t worry, Cameron. I think Tasha and I will just stick with junk food and studying together. Although, Tasha never called to set up a time to get together,” Luke arches an eyebrow, causing goosebumps to form along my sensitive skin.

“Really?” Cameron stares at me, a sarcastic surprise written across her face.

I sigh, “I don’t really have anything to pay you back with, Luke. I’m kind of on the poverty level for students around here.”

“That’s okay. You don’t have to pay me,” Luke flashes an All-American boy grin.

“I couldn’t do that to you. I’m kind of a pain in the ass when it comes to tutoring.”

Luke shrugs, “That’s okay. I can be quite the pain in the ass, too.”

“I’ll warn you, Luke, you’ll probably want to bring lots of candy. Tash is going to need as much brain food as possible if you’re going to try to teach her biology,” Cameron mutters as she watches Luke and I closely.

“Don’t worry, I’m a very good teacher,” Luke smiles warmly at me, causing the heat from within my core to radiate throughout my entire body.

“You know,” Cameron cuts in before I can say anything, “Tash is an exceptional writer. She’s actually the sports writer for the university paper.”

I stare suspiciously at Cameron.
Where’s she going with all of this?

“Wow,” Luke’s eyes widen in surprise, “Somehow Tasha forgot to mention that.”

“Well, I was thinking,” Cameron drones on, not paying any attention to Luke or I staring at one another, “She could probably start covering some MMA fights for her articles. Perhaps she could write a few pieces about you in return for the tutoring?”

Crap, crap, crap!

“I don’t know…” I mutter.

“Come on, Tash. You were just telling me the other day about how you needed to expand your sports coverage. You’ve never covered MMA before. I think it would be a huge hit with the paper, especially since you’d be covering a MMA fighter who attends our campus,” Cameron grins, knowing that she’s won this conversation.

“Hmm,” Luke juts his chin out, as if he’s contemplating the offer, “That could be cool. I don’t win very often anymore, though.”

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