Bigger Is Better: Crazy in Love

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Authors: Taylor Winston

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Comedy, #Contemporary Fiction, #Short Stories

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Bigger is

Crazy in Love

(Star’s Story)


Taylor Winston









This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2014 Taylor Winston

All rights reserved.

First Edition: June 2014









Book Description

The last thing I need right now is my high school heart-breaker now turned multi-millionaire rock-star to re-enter my life. However, it seems like everywhere I go, I am reminded of Brent Kline.

As fate would have it, I bump into this
sickeningly good-looking guy
who captures my attention. Stone Henderson ignites a feeling inside of me that I haven't felt in a long time. There is one problem, guys like Stone are notorious for banging a big girl, then leaving her drenching wet and heartbroken. Therefore, I have my guard up. But there is something about Stone Henderson that I just can't resist.

Don't miss the first installment of the hottest er
otic romance series of the year, but be warned– this series is super seductive and very addictive so you can’t read just one.

Bigger is
Better: Crazy in Love (Star's Story)
is 19,700+ words containing scorching hot sexual themes and titillating M/F sex scenes and is not intended for readers under the age of 18.


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Chapter One

An Interview with The Heart-breaker


“I can’t believe I am fucking doing this.” I state to myself inwardly. I peep up in the rearview mirror inside my Ford F350 to ensure my makeup is just right.

     “Damn it!” I huff as I notice my eyeliner is starting to run a little,
probably due to this unbearable Georgia heat. I smudge off the running eyeliner from my eyes with my index finger and press my lips together to refresh my cherry apple red matte lipstick. I glance down at my attire and cup my heavy 42 triple D breasts up into my push-up bra adjusting my bra strap as well to make my tits sit up just right. I try my best to gracefully exit my truck which isn’t an easy task to do with a dress on.

     “Ugh, why did I listen to Taryn and
Casha?” I question myself aloud. I am more of a t-shirt and jeans kind of girl. I prefer to conceal my curves instead of flaunt them when I am doing work related tasks. But my best friends insisted that for this one time, I switch it up and wear this borderline trashy ensemble.

marvel at the exquisite estate with beautiful pink dogwood trees, perfectly manicured landscaping and a mega mansion nestled on the center of the 40 acres of land. I know this because it is one of the biggest properties in my hometown of Millard, Georgia located between Atlanta and Savannah.

     “Star, you are here now so you might as
well get it over with.” I have an inner pep talk. I wish I was anywhere in the world but here. I am about to enter the last place on earth that I want to be— my high school sweetheart now turned rock-star home to interview him and his pretentious wife.

I make my way up to the large wrap around front porch. I rub my hands over my short red skater dress that is also backless, so that it is hitting my overly curvaceous body just right. Knowing that I have to sit in the room with my ex and his stick figure significant other makes me cringe inside. This scenario is one of the most uncomfortable things a woman can go through. And the circumstance of how they got together doesn’t make it any better.

I press the doorbell. I feel a host of unpleasant emotions filling up deep down inside of me.

“I can’t do this! To hell with the article.” I think to myself. I turn to escape this awful predicament when what looks to be a ten feet tall cherry wood door encased in stained glass swings open.

     “Welcome to Kline Manor.” A petite older woman
in a maid’s attire states as she motions for me to come in.

     I take a deep breath. There is no turning back now so I put my game face on.

     “Wow, this place is amazing.” I think as I go further into the massive premises. The first thing I see is a grandiose double staircase made of wrought iron and the same cherry wood matching that of the front door.

     “Mr. and Mrs. Kline will be conducting the interview in the parlor. You may go in there and take a seat.” The little lady tells me in a
merry tone. My heels make a clucking sound against the marble floor as I leave the foyer and enter the parlor area.

     “Parlor more like
living room.
Geesh, they are so snotty.” I think with disdain as I look around the room decorated with all white furniture and metallic gold accents.

Brent and his wife Emily come from money. Brent and Emily families are two of the wealthiest families in Millard. My family on the other hand, comes from modest means. Basically, I grew up dirt poor. If it wasn’t for my deceased grandmother, God rest her soul, I wouldn’t have had half of the things I have today. I am more than grateful for everything she has done for me.

     I hear heels
clucking against the marble floor coming towards the parlor. I scoot up to the edge of the chair when I see Emily entering the room. She has a big unauthentic smile on her face.

Emily never liked me.

I couldn’t believe that she requested for me to do the interview for the Millard Gazette, the local newspaper.

I am a romance columnist. But I figured the entertainment reporter should’ve done this story since it is more suited for him— being that it involves a rock-star and all.

rivalry between Emily and I goes back to high school. She hated me. To this day, I couldn’t tell you why. I mean she had everything I wish I could’ve had when we were younger. She was the captain of the varsity cheerleading team, her parents were and are filthy rich, she was and still is very popular, and she practically had all the guys drooling over her every day. The only thing I had that she didn’t have back during our high school years was the title of Brent’s girlfriend.

was the thief who stole my heart and then slashed it into a billion shreds. The pain of what happened between us when I was eighteen years old, still affects me to this day— and I am twenty-two years old now.

Some would say I shouldn’t be upset and would probably consider what we had just hooking up. However, it was more than that. I was more than a late night hookup. What he and I shared was special— at least I presumed it was.

Brent told me on countless occasions that what we had together was sacred. I knew he meant it because every time he told me, there was this undeniable warmth that would immerse me and his eyes displayed a hint of vulnerability with vast sincerity indicating that truth laced those words.

     The courtship was so sacred that we kept it a secret. It was his decision to keep our relationship discreet. Initially, I had no issues with it being that I am a very private person. In addition, I knew that the more people that knew we were together would be the mo
re people to meddle in our love— especially Emily. 

has beach blonde hair that looks stiff as leather. She resembles one of Hugh Heffner girlfriends with her fake and bake tan and even faker massive boobs which barely fit in her skin tight neon pink mini dress she is wearing.

     “Brent, come on here we don’t have all day
. I have to go get some things done for our anniversary party.” Emily shouts with her southern drawl just before taking a seat across from me on the white chaise lounge.    

     “How have you been?” She asks me.
I know she isn’t the least bit concerned with how I have been. She has always been a self-absorbed bitch. And from the looks of things— not much has changed.

“I have been—,” Before I can answer her, she cuts me off.

     “Stop running B.J.
, Mary come and get B.J. out of here now!” Emily yells at the top of her lungs. You can practically see her veins popping out of her neck.

A cute little boy comes running in and jumps right into my lap. B.J. is so adorable. He gives me a hug and smiles before he is taken off by another woman who I assume is his nanny.

“Sorry about that. B.J. is so rambunctious. You know how they are at that age.” Emily sighs now seeming a bit irritated.

     “How old is he?” I ask but I already know the answer.

     Four years ago, Brent broke up with me to be with Emily. I will never forget that day as long as I live.




     My mind starts to replay the events that happened on that dreadful day.

It was the night of our high school graduation. Casha, Taryn and I had just arrived at Jax house, Brent’s best friend, for a party he was having for our graduation. I entered the party super excited to see Brent because we didn’t get to see or talk to each other much that day.

spotted him standing by the pool chugging a beer.

As soon as he looked over at me, I could tell that something was wrong. He made his way over to where my best friends and I were standing. He didn’t say a word to me. He grabbed me by the hand and we went inside Jax’s house away from the rest of the party guest and alcohol based festivities. He led me upstairs to Jax’s bedroom.

At first, I thought he wanted to fuck me. We used to role play and he would act very aggressive which he knew really turned me on. I started rubbing my hands against his rock hard chest. Brent was the quarterback of the varsity football team— and his body was ripped from all the afterschool practice and workouts.

     I felt so lucky to
be the girlfriend of the star quarterback— even if our relationship was a secret. Usually guys like Brent don’t go for girls like me— fat girls. But Brent and I chemistry was off the charts. Every time we were together, he couldn’t keep his hands off of me. He used to make me feel so beautiful.

     He was my first love. He shared a part of me that I never gave another man
— my heart. I loved him more than words can express.

I leaned over to give Brent a big juicy kiss when he stepped back from me.

     “Brent, what is wrong?” I questioned him. I kn
ew that I didn’t do anything to him. We hadn’t ever been in any major arguments, so I was confused as to why he was acting that way.

     “We need to talk.” Brent told me
with melancholy. Then he took a seat on Jax’s bed. I opted to stand.

     “What do you want to talk about Brent?” I asked with curiosity slightly annoyed that he wasn’t coming right out to tell me why he was acting that way.

     “I think that we should break up.” Brent stated coldly barely looking me in the eyes.

     “What, what do you mean break up Brent?” I questioned wondering where all of this was coming from. We had made plans to go to New York together. I had got accepted at Columbia University to
major in English Literature and he was going to chase his musical dreams.

     “We are on two different paths in life… I feel this is best.” Brent
answered still not looking at me.

     Then there was a knock at the door.

     “Bro, what are you two doing up here the party is outside.” Jax slurred gripping the Budweiser beer he was holding. Then a group of the football players rushed in the bedroom and Brent began to have a conversation with them.

stormed out of the room trying my best to keep my composure. I made it to the bathroom just as a flood of tears started to pour out of my green eyes.

I slammed the bathroom door shut. I sighed heavily wondering why Brent wanted to end our relationship and change our future plans together so abruptly. I heard the group of guys descending down the stairs a few minutes later. I inhaled and rinsed my face with some cold water trying my best to wash away my tears. I dried my face thoroughly. Just as I was about to exit the bathroom, I heard Brent and a female talking outside of the bathroom. I pressed my ear against the door to listen more clearly.

     “Brent, I have been looking all over for you. Where have you been?” The female stated seductively.

     “My mother called me. You know how she is. If I don’t answer right away, she will have every cop in Millard searching for me.” Brent joked lying through his teeth.

I will probably be the same way about our baby once he or she arrives.” The female stated joyfully.

     I bust the bathroom door open. I know I start
led Brent because he looked shocked to see me. I was livid. Teardrops just started trickling down my cheeks. I couldn’t stand the sight of seeing Brent with his hands wrapped around Emily who was carrying his child.

In that moment, I knew exactly why he didn’t want to go to New York with me— and why he wanted to keep our relationship “top-secret”.

     A multitude of emotions went through my entirety.

     I was hurt. I was betrayed. I was heartbroken.

I rushed down the stairs. And Brent didn’t even try to stop me. It was as if the two and a half years we shared together meant nothing to him. It was as if I meant nothing to him.

I beat myself up for so long thinking that maybe I wasn’t pretty enough for him or maybe I wasn’t small enough. I cried myself to sleep night after night. Wondering if only I was skinny, things would have been different with Brent and me.

     It took me so long to open my heart up to Brent. He knew how hard it was for me to let him in.
But he was so persistent that he eventually wore me down. Besides, it was so difficult to resist his irresistible charm.

Many of the jocks in high school were known to be heartbreakers. In addition, many of the guys viewed fat girls as easy fucks.

Before Brent and I started dating, my greatest fear was letting a guy in, only for him to cheat on me. I couldn’t even imagine starting a relationship with Brent at first. I didn’t want to risk him disappearing or ceasing all communication after I gave him that special part of me or worse
cheating on me with a skinny girl
— that would’ve crushed me entirely.

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