Spent - Part 1 (Spent, a New Adult Romance, MMA Series) (8 page)

BOOK: Spent - Part 1 (Spent, a New Adult Romance, MMA Series)
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My pelvis quakes against his unrelenting mouth as my mind catapults to a state of euphoria. His hand remains steady against my breast, teasing and tugging the pert skin of my peach hued bud. I cry out, unable to process the sweet pleasure that he’s giving me. Wave after wave of pleasure hits me as he continues to lick and kiss my wet folds, until finally, shuddering, I begin to climb down from the high. He responds to my body well by slowing down his intense pressure until he’s only softly kissing me. I let out a deep sigh of relaxation as I loosen my hold against his hair.

Luke moves away from my pelvis and slowly eases his body up along mine. The wetness of my pleasure glistens along his lips and face. I giggle softly when a big, wet grin stretches across his face. He eases up my body until his eyes are staring into mine.

“I made you blush,” he croons softly.

I giggle, “That you did.”

“I think it’s my turn now.”

I smile as I wrap my legs around his backside, “Indeed.”

Luke leans in and plants a soft kiss on my lips. The taste of my pleasure mingled with beer and the taste of Luke is intoxicatingly good and tantalizes my senses. Immediately, my muscles deep below my stomach begin to tighten once more, anticipating what Luke is about to do to me.

I cry out as his powerful shaft plunges into me, filling every area of my aching sex. The fullness he’s giving me is almost overwhelming, forcing me to hold my breath and grip his shoulders tightly. Luke’s hazel eyes watch mine intently, as if trying to determine if he’s hurt me. I smile weakly at him, but the look of gentleness and concern on his face is almost too much for me to handle. I can feel hot tears trying to invade the corners of my eyes.

“I’m okay,” I whisper.

“Are you sure?” He whispers, his breath brushing against my skin, sending goosebumps along my body.

I nod slightly, “Yes, it just feels really good.”

Luke grins, “Okay. I’ll go slow.”

I nod in reply, happy that he’s taking my needs into consideration. He’s far larger than I’ve been used to having, making him almost too much for me to handle. But as I stare into his eyes, I’m quickly lost in the comforting gaze of the man on top of me. His massive arms wrapped around me send comfort throughout my body. I keep my grip on his shoulders, as I slowly get carried away by the beauty of his gentleness and the power of his body.

The sweet friction that his slow rhythmic pumping is creating within the inner walls of my vagina quickly builds me up. Squeezing my thighs against his hips, I urge him on, demanding that he move faster. Luke’s eyes brighten as he leans in to kiss my neck, pumping harder with every soft kiss. I dig my nails into his shoulders, savoring the multiple sensations his body is giving me.

With every thrust, the muscles along his pelvis begin to tighten more. I urge him with my legs to go deeper, overwhelmed with the desire to have him fill me. Luke complies, arching his pelvis more and causing me to gasp from the full extent of the extra penetration. As the velvety soft tip of his shaft brushes against the raw sensitive patch of my G-Spot, it becomes too much for me to handle.

“Oh God!” I cry out as I climax again.

My inner walls quake against Luke’s thick cock, giving him the exact friction he needs. Leaning his head back with one final thrust, Luke pours out inside of me, sending waves of warmth coursing through my body. I moan softly when I notice Luke blush from pleasure, which pushes me even further into my orgasm.  

“Tasha,” Luke whispers as his hulking body collapses on top of me.

I smile as I take in the delicious sensation of his pulsing dick and warm semen filling up my body. Expecting Luke to roll off of me, I lie against the mat for a moment, watching as his breathing steadies itself.

Luke moves his arms up so that he can raise himself up just enough to look at me. My eyes flutter at the unexpected look that he’s giving me. He’s beaming and his blue green eyes blaze with passion as he stares at me. His right hand trails along the curve of my face, with his thumb resting on the dimple in my chin. Suddenly, I’m overwhelmed by everything. The tears I’ve been holding back suddenly surface and begin to fall.

“What’s wrong?” Luke’s eyes widen with horror.

I can’t look at him. Closing my eyes, I just shake my head, trying to process all of the wonderful emotions and sensations he’s just given me. My body feels so loose suddenly, as if every muscle has been relaxed.

“Did I hurt you?” He whispers.

The tears come down even harder. He’s done the furthest thing from hurting me. In fact, I haven’t felt this good in years. How good I’m feeling is almost painful, because I’ve never felt like this before. I need to get away, to try to collect my thoughts. Opening my eyes, I look up into his.

“I need to go,” the words come out cracked.

Luke’s face turns downcast, “Okay,” he gently slides his shaft out of me, “Tasha, I’m so…”

I put my hand up for him to stop. The alcohol has finally worn off and I’m quickly beginning to realize what I’ve just done. My senses suddenly balance back out as I notice the smell of sweat and blood inside of the arena. The smells, along with my racing heart, are enough fuel that I need to get out of here. Everything that Luke has given me tonight is causing my weaknesses to come out in a flood of memories and regrets. I need to get as far away from him as I can.

Quickly, I grab my clothes and slip them on. I pause occasionally to wipe the tears away with the back of my hand. Luke watches me with sad eyes as he slowly slips his shorts back on. Once I have everything of mine back together, I look for my backpack. My eyes lock onto Luke’s hands as I see him holding it. He stands up and hands it to me. I smile weakly and lace my fingers around the straps.

“Good night.”

“Good night, Tasha,” the sadness of his tone makes more tears begin to well up.

Chapter 8

“Wait just a minute,” Cameron stops dead in her tracks along the sidewalk, “You mean to tell me you had that sexy man in between your legs and you started crying!?!”

I look around to make sure nobody heard her, “Good gods, Cameron. Will you keep it down? The last thing I need is for everybody outside of the English department to hear all of this.”

Cameron rolls her eyes at me, “Fine,” she leans in closer, “But seriously, why did you do that? Did he hurt you? I swear,” her expression turns serious, “I’ll mess him up if he did anything to you.”

“God, no,” I wave her off, “He was a perfect gentleman about the whole thing. He’s something special, Cameron.”


My eyes grow misty as I think back to last night when I walked away from Luke in tears. He’s bombarded me with text messages and phone calls ever since, telling me how sorry he is and that he doesn’t know what happened. I’ve been too embarrassed to respond, because I really don’t know what happened, either.

“If he’s so damn special, why did you run away crying?” Cameron places her hand on her hip, refusing to move any further until I tell her what happened.

I sigh, “Because it felt so good. Honestly, Cameron. It was probably the best sex I’ve ever had. He was so perfect and wonderful and I just didn’t know how to handle it,” my eyes glaze over with tears.

“Oh sweety,” Cameron pulls me into an embrace, “It’s okay. You were just finally shown how a good man should treat you during sex. I bet it was a little scary.”

“I know,” I mumble against her shoulder as tears begin to fall, “I just don’t know what to do or what to tell him.”

Cameron pulls me away enough to look into my eyes, “The truth. Any man would love to know that he made you feel that good.”

I begin to shake, “I just don’t know what any of this is. I don’t know what he and I are or where we’re going. He felt too good to give up, but I just don’t know what to do.”

Cameron’s eyes lock onto something behind me, “I think you’re about to have a chance to find all that out.”

I turn around to see who she’s staring at. Luke is walking straight towards us, but he doesn’t seem to notice us yet, since his eyes are locked onto his cellphone. Quickly, I wipe away at the tears running down my cheek. Turning back towards Cameron, I give her a nod, silently asking if I look okay.

“Meh,” Cameron shrugs.

I roll my eyes, take in a deep breath, and try my best to regain my composure before Luke gets closer to us. Cameron suddenly starts waving like an idiot with a broad grin etched across her face.

“Hi, Luke!”

Sighing, I turn around to face him. He’s waving back, but his expression changes when he sees me. A sad, longing expression whittles its way across his perfectly chiseled jaw, causing my body to ache for his touch and comfort once more. I put on a soft smile and try my best to not tear up.

“Hi Ladies,” he mutters softly, watching me closely to see my reaction.

“Hi,” I whisper, already lost in his eyes.

“Well! I had best be off. I’ve got papers to grade and hearts of wanna-be writers to break. Catch you kiddos later,” Cameron says with a wink, walking away before either of us can respond.

“Mind if I walk you to class?” Luke asks, barely above a whisper.

I smile, “Sure.”

“You’ve been crying.”


“Cameron’s great at making me cry,” I try to blow it off cooly.

Luke sighs, “Apparently I’m not so bad at it myself.”

My eyes close as I let out a deep breath, “Luke, you didn’t hurt me…”

“Don’t say anything,” he mutters as he gently grabs my shoulders, “We shouldn’t have done what we did. It was a mistake and I’m so sorry I put you in that position.”

My heart sinks, “A mistake?”

Luke’s hazel eyes stare back at me in horror, “I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant that I shouldn’t have pushed it. I’m not ready for another relationship right now and I feel like I put you in a bad position. I’m sorry.”

Not ready for another relationship? What does that mean?

I sigh, “You’re forgiven.”

A soft smile eases its way across Luke’s face, “Thanks. Still friends?”

“Of course,” I smile back, “And I’m sorry for the way I left.”

Luke crinkles his brow, “Don’t be. You scared the shit out of me, but I’m just happy to see you’re alright,” he draws me into a hug, “I don’t want to hurt you,” he hums softly against my ear.

I nestle my head against his chest, “I’m pretty sure you’re not capable of hurting me.”

Luke chortles, “I hurt people for a living, Tash. It’s one of the many reasons why I’m not very good at having friends or people I’m close with,” he rubs his hand along my arm, “But I’m willing to try, for you.”

His words send pleasure rushing through my body. The muscles deep below my stomach begin to tighten from the wonderful feeling of his hand running along my arm. All I want to do at this very moment is push his hulking body down into the snow and ride him hard. As my mind begins to wander, I spot someone I recognize out of the corner of my eye.

“Oh shit,” I mutter as I pull away from Luke.

Luke immediately turns his head to see what I’m staring at. Derrick’s hot gaze on both of us sends a chill down my spine. I begin to shake, because I’ve seen that look on him before, it’s the same look that he has during a fight when he’s ready to finish someone off. Luke pulls me back in against him, but this time in a protective embrace. Derrick shakes his head and walks down another path along the sidewalk, his bald head glistening against the bright sunlight.

“I won’t let him hurt you,” Luke says once Derrick is several yards away.

“I’m not worried about him hurting me. I’m worried about him hurting you,” I mutter as I regain my composure.

Luke smirks, “This may come as a shock to you, but I do win fights on occasion.”

“Good. I was beginning to wonder what I would write about since I’ve been given the OK from the school paper to cover local MMA scenes,” I wink.

Luke’s eyes widen in surprise, “That’s awesome! I guess you and I will have an excuse to spend more time together.”

“I’m pretty sure we would have found some way, regardless of the school paper,” I chortle.

“You’re probably right,” Luke smirks, “But right now, we’d better head to class.”


I look over my finished piece for the university paper. It’s the first MMA article I’ve ever written, but Luke gave me enough solid notes during class today that I feel pretty confident that I have all of the elements in place. The article won’t have a picture attached, but my editor told me that it’s a trial piece anyway, so he wasn’t concerned with a photo. He only wants to see if MMA will be a good selling point for the paper, since the school’s abysmal athletics department doesn’t keep the sports section of the paper floating.

With a quick sweep for minor edits and formatting, the paper looks good enough to send. I email it to my editor with crossed fingers. My main motivation with this new line of writing is to get more time with Luke, but I also really want to draw attention to him and the local fight scene. I know very few of the students on campus even realize that they’re going to school with pro-MMA fighters. I feel that if they soon come to realize this, then they’ll likely be interested in attending some of the fights, which will hopefully boost Luke’s morale and help him win more often.

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