Soul Sweet (16 page)

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Authors: Nichelle Gregory

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Soul Sweet
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Misha took it from him, impulsively giving him a hug. “Thank you, Darius.”

“You’re welcome.” He pulled back uncharacteristically fast a nanosecond later. “I’ll see you back in Chicago.”

Misha watched him walk down the hall before entering her room. She wondered how things would be between them when she finally returned to her normal life.

Without Cameron.

The thought saddened her. They hadn’t made any plans after
Celeb Chef
ended. She needed to prepare herself to say goodbye, acknowledge her time with him for what it was—a spicy, once in a lifetime fling.

Misha flopped down on the bed with a weary sigh as her cellphone rang. She took it out of her purse and answered it. “Hello, Serene. Didn’t we just speak?”

“Mm-hmm. That was before my sneaky suspicion was confirmed. You know I want
the juicy details. My sister getting it on with a white guy, I can’t believe it. Wait till the fam hears this.”

“You didn’t call and tell them already, did you?”

“No. I thought I’d leave that little zinger for you to share.”

Misha sighed again. “There will be nothing to share. It’s not like Cameron and I are getting married or something. I don’t tell them or you about who I decide to take to my bed.”

“Oh, okay, little sis. I get it. Mind my own damn business.”

“I’m glad I didn’t have to spell it out for your nosy ass.”

Her sister laughed. “I promise to mind my own damn business after you tell me one thing.”

“And what’s that?”

“Can he fuck?”


“Well, you know that’s what me, Ava and Josie want to know.”

“Damn it, Serene.” Misha sat up on the bed and rubbed her temple. “You told them about that show too?”

“I didn’t have to tell them anything. It’s all over the news, you know. You’d have to be living under a rock not to have heard. I did tell your friends I thought you were hiding a crush on Chef Banner when I got back. I didn’t really think you’d do more than crush.”

Misha didn’t reply. She hadn’t either.

“So, what’s the answer to my question?”

“C’mon, Serene. Why are you so crass sometimes?”

“Fine, you don’t have to give me any torrid details. A simple yes or no will do.”

“Hell, fucking,

“Damn girl.” Serene whistled. “That good?”

“Better than good.”

Serene giggled. “Wow. I don’t think I’ve ever heard you that enthusiastic before. Do you have actual feelings for Mr Sexy Chef or is it just about the sex?”

Her sister’s enquiry needled the ones bouncing around in her own head. “You ask way too many questions of me before I’ve had my coffee.”

“Well, I’ll give you some time to think about it. We can talk about that later.”

“Good. So, guess who came to see me from the Windy City?”

Serene gasped. “Darius is there?”

“Was here. He just left not less than twenty minutes ago.” Misha turned her head to look at the flowers Darius had given her. “He gave me a beautiful bouquet of roses.

“Are you serious?” Serene clucked her tongue. “What colour were the flowers?”

“Red and pink.”

“Wow. Love and admiration.”

“That’s what the pink ones stand for?”

“Yup. He just doesn’t know when to quit, does he?”

Misha kicked her sandals off. “I think he does now.”

“Why? What happened?”

“Nothing really.” Misha got up from the bed and shrugged out of her yoga pants.

“Bullshit. Something happened.”

“He saw me coming back from Cameron’s room. Well, he didn’t know that’s where I was coming from, but he asked me if there was any truth to what that tabloid gossip show shared this morning and I guess I didn’t respond fast enough.”

Serene chuckled. “Your eyes always give you away.”

“It was so awkward, Serene. Made me feel bad.”

“Don’t. You told him straight up where you stood about giving him a second chance.”

“Yeah, but he flew all the way here. He was hopeful something would come of his efforts.”

“You don’t have anything to do with his hope, Mish.”

Misha grinned. “You always say just the right thing.”

“That’s what big sisters are for.”

“I can’t help but wonder how this will change our working dynamic.”

“Try not to dwell on that now. Concentrate on finishing the show and come home as the latest Celeb Chef! I miss you.”

Misha turned on the shower. “I miss you too. Thank you for always being so supportive, making me laugh and keeping your mouth shut about Cameron.”

Serene laughed. “You’re welcome. Love you.”

“Love you back.” Misha placed her phone on the vanity with a weary groan. She pulled Cameron’s shirt off, brought it up to her nose and inhaled. His scent enveloped her, flooded her with erotic flashbacks of his loving as goose bumps scattered over her body. She carefully placed the shirt on top of her phone, looked in the mirror at her moisture-ravaged tresses and groaned. The towel had protected her hair from the worst of the water damage to her blow-dried style, but she’d either have to fix an up do or go to a salon. She didn’t relish the idea of spending a few hours in some unknown hairdresser’s chair. Not when she could be spending them with Cameron.

Misha peered at her reflection. She looked different. She
different, but there was something almost tangibly changed about her, a twinkle in her eyes she hadn’t seen in a long time.


Yes, she was happy and it had nothing to do with
Celeb Chef
and everything to do with Cameron. Misha grinned, amazed by the sparkle in her eyes. She wondered what Cameron was doing as she unhooked her bra and slid off her panties. Her gaze dropped to her breasts and her smile widened as she touched the darker marks on her breasts, evidence of his nips of passion.

Misha grabbed her phone from beneath his shirt and texted.

Coffee cancelled. I’m getting ready to shower. It’s almost eleven and I haven’t had a cup.

She set it down and was reaching for her shaver on the vanity when a chime alerted her that a new text message had arrived. Misha picked it up, smiling when she saw it was from Cameron.

Cancelled, why? Tell me later. How do you like your java?

Misha grinned, texting back—

I like it bold, creamy and sweet.

She tapped her fingernail on the vanity, eager to read his response. His reply came not even a minute later and she picked the cell up to read it.

Of course. Sounds just like you, but you taste better. Try to enjoy your shower without me.

His message made her press her inner thighs together. Misha bit her lip while she typed.

I’ll try. I’m sure it will be very hard for you to enjoy your shower without me too. Talk later.

Misha hit send with a little laugh as she tucked her hair into her shower cap and got in the shower. Twenty minutes later, she dressed in her favourite jeans and a heather grey cowl neck sweater. She spritzed perfume in front of her, walked through the scented mist and froze when she heard knocking. There was no way it was Cameron. He wouldn’t risk it. A tiny sliver of trepidation zipped through her as she walked to the door and opened it. Her eyes widened in surprise when she met the friendly gaze of a young man.

“Good morning, ma’am.” He held up a cup of coffee with a broader grin. “Bold, sweet and creamy, just the way you like it. Enjoy.”

“Thank you,” Misha said with a delighted giggle. She shut the door and took a sip of the java, which had been blended perfectly. “Will wonders never cease with this man?” She made a beeline for the hotel room phone and dialled Cameron’s room.

He answered immediately. “How was your shower?”

Just the sound of his voice quickened her pulse. “Ordinary. No unexpected surprises.” Misha smiled when Cameron chuckled. She adored his laugh. “How did you know it would be me?”

“Everyone that needs to reach me would call my cell first.”

“Oh. Thank you for the coffee.” Misha took another sip. “It’s delicious.”

“Ah, my pleasure.”

“Mine too. That was very thoughtful of you.”

“I like thinking about you.”

“Mmm…” Misha groaned when her cell rang again. She reached for it and saw Kaden’s name. “Cameron, my brother is calling.”

“All right. Come out the south exit of the hotel at six. I promise no one will know you’re with me. I’ll text you more details later.”

“Okay.” Excited by whatever Cameron had planned, Misha hung up the hotel phone and answered her cell. “Hey, Kaden.”

“Hey. Are you busy?”

“Thankfully, not right this minute.” Misha walked over to her suitcase and pulled out a pair of boots. “How are you not swamped at that zoo of an office of yours, saving the world one flu diagnosis at a time?”

“I took the day off from my practice.”

Misha frowned. “What’s up? Your voice sounds funny.”

There was a pause on the other end of the line.

“Aimee and I are getting a divorce.”

Misha laughed. “Yeah, sure. Stop playing.” She stilled when her brother didn’t respond right away. “Kaden? You’re playing, right?”

“No, I’m not. I think it’s over between us.”

Misha’s boots slipped from her hand as she sat down on the bed, saddened by her brother’s words. “You and Aimee are high school sweethearts. You two have always been my role models for the perfect couple.”

“You do realise there is no such thing, right?”

Misha sighed. “What the hell happened?”

“She found out about my affair.”

Oh, Kaden.”

“I know. I fucked up. I’m not making excuses for what happened, but Aimee and I have been having some problems for a while. For the past eight months we’ve been sleeping in separate bedrooms.”

“Because she found out about your affair?”

“No, that happened after we started sleeping apart.”

Misha shook her head, stunned. “Wow. Who, Kaden? Who did you sleep with?”

“You don’t know her. Look, it’s complicated. I wanted to try to make things work, but Aimee wants out. Honestly, I don’t blame her. I think I killed whatever love she had for me by keeping this shit from her.”

“Does Serene know?”

“Not yet. Aimee moved out today. I know both of you care about her and I wanted you to hear the news from me first.”

“Kaden, I’m so sorry.”

“Yeah, me too.”

“Are you still in love with her?”

“Aimee’s been a part of my life since high school, I don’t remember a time not loving her, but
love? I don’t know.” Kaden swore. “I’ve got to go. I’m being summoned by the office. I guess I won’t get the day off, probably for the best. I need the distraction.”

“Kaden, I love you.”


“Always. A mistake will never change that. You should know that.”

“Should I? It seems like my mistake is changing everything.”

Misha frowned. “I’ll call you later. I’m worried about you.”

“I’m fine. A little guilt, or a lot, over a busted up marriage is just what the doctor ordered.”


“I’ll be all right. I’m sorry for dumping this on you right now. I just didn’t want you to talk to Aimee and find out that way. I’ll be rooting for you tomorrow.”

“Hang in there.”

“No choice, right? Bye, Mish.”

Misha stared at her phone after the call had ended, her heart heavy. She hoped Kaden and Aimee would be able to find their way back to one another, but she wasn’t sure how she’d react if she were in her sister-in-law’s shoes, if she’d be able to forgive her husband for such a transgression. She did realise there were no perfect couples, no perfect relationships, but she wanted to at least believe that the love between two imperfect people could get them through the toughest times.

After all, wasn’t true love the one thing you could lean on when you needed it the most?

* * * *

Misha thanked the driver as she got out of the limo. The sun had set, leaving traces of colour in the darkening sky. She wrapped her black shawl tighter around her while she walked down the pier to the yacht where she and Cameron had shared their first kiss. The lights on the boat twinkled, beckoning her closer, and she picked up her pace with the sound of her heeled boots echoing on the sidewalk.

Her stomach grumbled, reminding her that she’d barely eaten anything all day. After her call with Kaden, she’d managed to book an appointment with a hairdresser and had spent three hours in a salon pondering the risks involved in truly loving someone. Despite her heavy heart, she smiled at Cameron, returning his wave.

“Hello, Misha.” He held out his hand, helping her onto the yacht.

“He—” Misha gasped when he pulled her against his body and kissed her.

She melted into his warmth, loving the way he wrapped his arms around her. A small moan erupted in her throat as she returned his kiss with matching ardour. Her heartbeat thundered in her ears when Cameron pulled back. She stared up at him, hungry for more with a languid grin. “Hello.”

Cameron brought her hand up to his face and briefly pressed his lips to her wrist. “I missed you.”

“I missed you too.”

It was wild how much she did when they’d just seen each other.

Cameron pointed at her tangerine trench coat. “This is hot. I love that colour on you.”

She smiled at his compliment, feeling beautiful as he stared at her.

“Thank you. I saw this coat this afternoon after I left the salon. Had to have it.”

“You look gorgeous.” Cameron touched her hair. “It’s so soft. What did they do?” Misha followed him when he motioned for her to come with him into the main cabin.

“I had her blow-dry it.”

“You needed to go to the hairdresser for that? You could’ve borrowed my blow-dryer.”

Misha giggled. “You don’t understand the process involved. Not just any ol’ hairdryer will work.”

“Interesting. Here, let me take your coat.” Cameron moved behind her, helping her take it off. “It’s warm in here.”

“Oh, wow.” Misha gasped when she saw the beautifully laid candlelit table. “Cameron, this looks incredible.”

He pulled out her chair. “Thank you. Everything you will taste tonight was prepared by me.”

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