Soul Sweet (11 page)

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Authors: Nichelle Gregory

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Soul Sweet
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Shannon moved by the judges’ table, smiling brightly the moment they were live once again. “Judges, have you reached a decision?” Her lovely face was a mask of apprehension.

“We have.” Cameron waited as a hush fell over the studio. “Vivian and Misha will stay and do the Celeb Chef Cook Challenge.”

More thunderous applause had Shannon holding up her hand to silence the audience. “This will be the first Cook Challenge in
Celeb Chef
history. Join us tomorrow, anything could happen. Until then, this is Shannon Erby reminding you to… Keep it delicious!”

Cameron stood the moment the cameras were off. There were only two things on his mind—talking to Misha and popping an aspirin for the headache beginning to beat against his temples. He caught sight of Misha hugging Vivian before walking away with her and Jackson.

“Hey, Cameron, I’ve roped Rowen and Phyllis into going out for drinks. You going to join us?”

“I don’t think so.”

Don frowned. “C’mon, one drink to celebrate being the first panel of judges unable to make a decision.”

Cameron managed a small grin as Don chuckled. “One drink. Then I’m out. I need to crash.”

Don clapped him on the shoulder. “We’ll get you just the drink to make that happen faster.”

* * * *

Two hours later, Cameron finally stepped onto the elevator in his hotel. One drink had become two, which hadn’t helped his headache one bit. After pressing the button for his floor, he stared at the number for Misha’s. Muttering a curse, he pushed it. He had to see her before he went to his room.

The lift doors opened and he moved out into the hallway. He walked to her hotel room and knocked on the door. He listened for movement, but didn’t hear anything. Glancing at his watch, he raised his hand to knock again when the door opened to reveal Misha wearing a robe cinched loosely around her waist. An oversized pink T-shirt showed beneath it, with the words ‘Kiss the Cook’ embossed across her breasts. Her legs were bare, as was her face. She was absolutely adorable and just the sight of her made him feel better.




Cameron frowned, noticing that neither her voice nor her eyes held any warmth. “I’m sorry. Did I wake you?”

“It wasn’t the first rude awakening of the night, so don’t worry about it. Why are you here?”

“I needed to see you.” Cameron leaned his hand against the side of the door and pushed back his irritation at her cold choice of words. “Now tell me what you’re upset about.”

Chapter Seven

“I’m not upset.” Misha pulled her robe tighter around her body, very aware of her state of undress in comparison to Cameron’s dapper suit.

“No? What was that ‘rude awakening’ comment for then?”

Misha sighed, regretting what she’d said. “That was rude of me to say. I’m sorry.”

“Apology accepted. What’s going on with you because you sure as hell look upset?”

“You don’t look so good yourself,” Misha stared up at him, conflicted between feeling elated at having found him at her door and hurt by what had happened at the competition earlier.

“Wow.” Cameron gave her a lopsided grin. “I always thought I looked damn good in this suit.”

He looked damn sexy in his suit.

Imagine him out of it.

Misha tightened her grip on the doorknob, frustrated by the increasing frequency of thoughts involving Cameron naked. “Someone could see us talking.”

“Just you and me in this hotel, remember?”

Of course she did.

“Still, I’d feel more comfortable if you came in.”


Misha mentally kicked herself for not just telling him to leave as he stepped inside her hotel suite. There didn’t seem to be enough room for the two of them in the cramped entryway, but she didn’t want to invite him in any farther. Her suite was roomy with a gorgeous view of downtown Seattle, a small table with two chairs and the rumpled queen-sized bed she’d been lying in before Cameron had knocked on her door.

“Good show.” Cameron gestured towards the television. “She’s one of my favourite chefs to watch. Awesome recipes.”

“Yes, I love watching her cook.” Misha shoved her hands into the pockets of her robe. “You said you ‘needed’ to see me—why?”

Cameron studied her. “Something’s up with you. Is this about the competition? Are you mad because I didn’t choose your dish over Jackson’s?”

She knew she was being ridiculous by being upset, but hearing the question coming out of Cameron’s mouth confirmed it.

Cameron loosened his tie. “Misha, I enjoyed your steak, but I felt Jackson deserved my vote.”

“I understand.”

“Do you? I thought you’d respect honesty over any favouritism, but make no mistake you
my favourite.”

Heat rose to her cheeks and bloomed within her as he held her gaze.

“You’re concerned about the two of us being seen together outside the show and I’m concerned everyone watching can see how much I want you. What do you think, Misha? Do you think my desire to taste you from head to toe is painfully obvious to anyone looking?”

“Cameron…” Her voice trailed off when he reached out to briefly touch her chin. She took her hands out of her pockets, moved a step back and pressed her palms against the wall.

“No, you don’t think so?”

Misha suppressed a shudder as she stared at him, captivated by the longing she saw in his eyes. His words ignited needs she’d got really good at ignoring. There seemed to be little time to cultivate her love life—she was constantly hit on at work, but she hadn’t been interested, hadn’t wondered or wished things could go further like she was now with Cameron. “Maybe if you’ve been looking at me the way you are now. My sister and friends would be the first ones to let me know you were eyeballing me on national television.”

“Well, now, that just means I’ve shown incredible restraint.”

His teasing tone didn’t match the light in his eyes.

all right?” She sensed his dark mood despite his attempt at levity. “Now, I’m getting a vibe that there is something up with you.”

“I’m fine.”

“You don’t look like it.” Misha reached out and touched his arm. “What’s bothering you, and don’t dodge my question. You made me answer yours.”

“Today was the anniversary of the day Jess and I lost our baby.”

“Oh, Cameron. I’m so sorry.”

“Jess called me today, right before the show. We haven’t talked since around this time last year.”

“How did the conversation go?” Misha gently squeezed his arm. “I understand if you don’t want to talk about it.”

“That’s just it. I wanted to talk about it with her when it happened, but she refused to let me in, to let me be a part of her, our pain. The distance between us grew bigger and bigger until it felt impossible to bridge the gap between us.” Cameron raked his hand through his hair. “I’m sorry. I should’ve just gone to my room and gone to bed.”

“Instead you’re here.”

“I am. Not sure why.”

“Maybe because you wanted someone to talk to.”

“I’ve got my brother for that.”

“Sometimes talking to family is harder than talking to friends.”

“Misha, that’s true. This is always a hard day for me, but I think even more so today because I finally feel hopeful about happiness in my future.”

“That’s good.”

Cameron shook his head. “Then why do I feel so damned guilty about it?”

“Cameron, I can’t even begin to understand what you and Jess have gone through in dealing with the loss of your child, but I do know you shouldn’t feel guilty about being hopeful, wanting happiness. My father always reminds me that life is a journey. You can run, walk, even crawl, but you have to keep moving forward, no matter the road.”

“No matter the road,” Cameron repeated. “I like that.” He held her gaze. “You’re an amazing woman, you know that?”

Misha shrugged. “I’m not sure how much stock I can put into one sexy chef’s opinion.”

Cameron laughed and the deep sound of it made her smile. “Thank you for listening.”

“Thank you for sharing.”

She forced herself to remain still when he reached up and stroked her cheek with his thumb. “You asked me why I needed to see you? Well, I wanted to look into your eyes like I am right now with no pressure to hide what I want.”

Misha trembled as he caressed her bottom lip with his index finger. “We said no more kisses.”

said. I agreed.” Cameron dropped his hand from her face. “And I will honour your request. No kisses, even though your shirt instructs me to do differently.”

Misha glanced down in confusion then looked up with a grin. ”How noble of you.” Her nipples hardened when Cameron’s attention shifted momentarily from her face down over her T-shirt again. As much as she wanted to deny it to herself, she wanted him to follow the directive on her shirt, hoped he would break her rule and crush his lips on hers. Misha dropped her gaze from Cameron’s eyes to his mouth. His kiss had haunted her dreams and plagued her thoughts whenever the show wasn’t on her mind. She couldn’t stop thinking about how perfect their first kiss had been.

“I’m going to go before I change your opinion of me.”

Let him go, Mish, or another soul-shattering kiss will be the least of your concerns.

“Wait.” She reached out and took hold of his arm as he moved towards the door. He turned to face her and the lust in his eyes made her instantly wet.

“If I stay one minute longer I’m going to touch you, Misha.” His voice was lower, darker, and sexier. “Is that what you want?”

Oh, God, it was exactly what she wanted, needed. Misha blinked, a little dazed by the ripcord of desire unwinding within her. She inhaled sharply, biting her bottom lip as Cameron stared into eyes.

“Tell me. Let me hear you say that’s what you want.”

His gruff demand made her groan with frustration. “Damn it, yes, I want you to touch me.”

Cameron lifted his hands up and pushed her robe off her shoulders. “It’s a shame I can’t kiss the cook.”

Misha shuddered when he started to trace the lettering on her T-shirt with his finger. She stood perfectly still until he brushed over one of her hard nipples. He teased the tip with a few flicks before going back to circling the sensitive flesh with the palm of his hand.

“Is this safer for you, Misha?” Cameron toyed with both of her breasts and Misha moaned as he slipped both hands beneath her T-shirt to touch her bare skin. “No kissing, just my touch?”

She was certain he knew it wasn’t, as he trailed his warm fingers down her soft belly and touched the top of her panties. “You must think I’m a woman of contradiction, telling you no more kisses, and yet letting you touch me like this.” Misha squeezed his biceps, gasping when Cameron slipped his hand into her panties and cupped her pussy.

“I appreciate a woman with principles and delicious contradictions, like being so strong and yet so soft.” He delved one finger between her pussy lips to caress her clit and Misha whimpered. “Respectful of the so-called rules, but so damn wet while breaking them.”

Misha closed her eyes, overwhelmed by his expert touch and the need for more. She parted her thighs and Cameron moved his hand farther down, pressing his palm against her clit when he slipped two fingers into her. She lifted her leg around his waist to give him more access to caress her, and groaned when he brushed his lips against her collarbone. He ran his tongue along her sensitive skin then nipped her neck, leaving her breathless while he finger-fucked her nice and slow. She watched him, breathing hard when he removed his fingers, brought them up to his mouth and licked her wetness.

“This is my favourite dessert.” Cameron brushed his glistening fingers against her mouth and Misha sucked on them while maintaining eye contact until he pulled his hand away.

“I appreciate a man who knows how to savour dessert.”

Cameron nipped her neck. “I haven’t begun to savour you yet.” He dropped to his haunches and pushed her T-shirt up. Misha gasped when he wrenched her panties to the side and pressed his lips on the top of her shaved pussy. “In order to do that I would need to hold the flavour of you on my tongue.”

“Oh, God, Cameron… Please.”

Misha pushed her fingers into his hair, moaning when he placed her leg over his shoulder and kissed her pussy again.

Cameron gripped her hips tighter. “Just let me taste you, Misha.”

She tried to respond, but only managed a muffled cry when he dipped his head between her thighs and repeatedly licked her clit. Misha mewled with delight when he put two fingers back inside her, finding and stroking her G-spot with unerring accuracy. The sight of him feasting on her was as erotic as the slick sounds his actions were producing. She grabbed hold of his head and rolled her hips, losing herself in the sweet sensations of him sucking on her pussy.

“Cameron…” Misha struggled to form her words. “You’re going to make me come.”

Cameron worked his fingers in and out of her faster, groaning his approval, and pushed her closer towards the razor edge of cataclysmic pleasure with the vibrations against her wet flesh. Misha closed her eyes and cried out, arching her back off the wall as she came. Her entire body seemed to quiver in sync with the blissful whirls claiming every one of her senses. She slumped back against the wall, breathless and wobbly, only opening her eyes when Cameron lifted his mouth from her sensitive flesh. Breathless, Misha watched him remove his fingers from her pussy and put them in his mouth again.

“I love the way you taste on my tongue.” Cameron languidly licked her inner thigh before standing with a lazy smile. “There. See? No need to worry. Your request was honoured.”

“W-what request?” Misha didn’t want to come out of the heavenly haze he’d created. She squeezed her moist thighs together, inhaling sharply when the movement sent lingering starbursts of pleasure zipping through her.

“Your no more kisses request.”

“Mmm…” Misha shivered, still inwardly quaking at what had just transpired between them, amazed by the intensity of her climax. “This is crazy. I— I can’t believe you made me come like this.”

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