Soren's Bondmate (23 page)

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Authors: Mardi Maxwell

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Soren's Bondmate
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"Mother, I don't have time for this. I have to find her."

"You can't go on this way. You don't eat. You don't rest," Lia said.

"Son, your mother is right," Valan said. "If you go on this way you're going to get yourself killed. What good will you be to her then?"

Soren sighed and gave in. As much as he hated to admit it he was exhausted. He hadn't allowed himself to rest since the search for Skye had begun. Even Berit was beginning to wear down. Thank Tor the warriors were as determined to find her as he was or they would have abandoned the hunt long ago.

Lia smiled. "Pelyn, you and your brothers are welcome to join us."

"Thank you, Madami Valanson, but we'll remain here and stand in for Soren while plans are made for our next move." He slapped Soren on the back. Dust flew into the air causing Soren to cough. Pelyn laughed. "You need a bath and clean clothes." He and his brothers laughed and walked away.

Soren looked down at himself and grimaced when he saw the dirt and gore that covered him. He waved his hand, cleaning himself and producing clean clothes including a hooded cloak.

"I love it when you do that. It really gives your father the creeps." Lia hugged him as he boarded the shuttle then insisted he sit next to her. He settled into the seat and closed his eyes for just a moment. Skye's name left his lips in a soft sigh as he fell asleep.

# # #

Skye smiled. "Oh, Soren, I'm so happy to see you."

"Little heart, I'm coming for you."

"I know, my love." She glanced at his cheek. "They marked you with a dark tattoo."

"Yes." He rubbed a finger over it and looked at the green and blue vine tattoo above her left eye. "They've changed your tattoo to a healer's mark." He reached for her and she grasped his hand. "Tell me where you are."

"I'm still at the Kouncil fortress but they'll move me to the peninsula soon." She squeezed his hand and a small gasp left her lips.

"You're in pain. Have they injured you?"

She shook her head and squeezed his hand harder. "I'm in labor. Our babies are in a hurry to be born."

Her words sent a wave of panic through him. "I should be there with you."

"A healer is here." She bowed her body, gritted her teeth and pushed. The sound of a baby crying filled the air and Skye laughed with joy. "Our son is here."

Soren smiled even as a tear rolled down his cheek. "Skye—"

She smiled through her own tears. "Tell me his name."

Soren gripped her hand. "His name is Rilyn."

Skye tried to smile again but ended up grimacing through another contraction. When it passed she said, "Berit told you our father's name."


She laughed with joy as she took the baby from the healer, kissed his forehead and held him up for Soren to see.

Tears of joy and pain slid down Soren's cheeks. "He's amazing, Skye." His voice broke on her name.

She reached for his hand again and squeezed it as another contraction began. After several more she pushed and he heard his daughter's first cry. Skye caught her breath then smiled when the healer laid the baby in her arms. She kissed her forehead and held her so Soren could see her.

"She's beautiful. As beautiful as her mother."

"You still think I’m beautiful?"

"The most beautiful female in the universe."

She squeezed his hand. "What is her name?"

"Abrianna. After my grandmother."

"It's a beautiful name." She smiled and looked at the babies. "Rilyn and Abrianna." When she looked up there were tears in her eyes. "Take good care of our babies."

"Don't go yet."

"Someone's coming," Skye said, fear in her voice.

"Stay with me, Skye."

# # #

Arlyn gazed at the babies, her expression indifferent.

Skye held them tighter and turned away from the guard. She huddled over them, protecting them from the hands that reached for them. She tightened her grip and held on until he bent her thumb back, breaking it. He laughed when she screamed with pain. He grabbed her other hand and while staring into her eyes bent it back until it broke, then took the babies from her.

"No, no." Skye pushed herself from the bed and ran after the guard. Another guard grabbed her and shoved her to the floor. She fought him with every ounce of energy she had left in her. "The Kouncil agreed to take them to their father."

"He's dead."

"No," Skye screamed. "That's a lie. He's alive."

Arlyn shook her head and smiled. "You were told not to have contact with him. His life is the price you've paid for going against the Kouncil. He was judged and killed this sun rising."

Skye's hair hung around her as she sobbed.

"Poor, Skye. Your suffering is exhilarating. I haven't felt so much in decades." She laughed again, grasped Skye's hair and forced her to look up. Staring into her eyes she said, "His Zarronian blood keeps you alive but however will you live without him? Perhaps it would've been better to have never loved at all." She released her and addressed the guard. "Give those things back to her and send the three of them to the peninsula."

As soon as she left the healer grabbed Skye's hands, mended the broken bones and shoved a cloth bag into her hands. "Don't believe her."

Before Skye could question her the second guard jerked her to her feet and pushed her toward the guard who held the babies. He dropped them into her arms and a moment later only the healer remained in the room.

# # #

"I'll find you. Live for me, Skye." The sound of his voice woke Soren. For a moment he was disoriented until he realized he was in his quarters on the Venturer. The creak of the desk chair drew his attention.

"You're awake," Valan said.

Soren threw the blankets back and rose. "I have to return to Krystali."

"You dreamt of your mate. Of Skye."

"Yes. My son and daughter have been born." With a wave of his hand he dressed himself. "I have to go."

"I'll never get used to seeing you do that." Valan stretched as he rose then moved to the door. "You can tell me what she told you on our way down to the surface."

"How do you know I spoke with her in my dream?"

Valan went through the door. Over his shoulder he said, "You and your brother both talk in your sleep, son."

Soren tried to smile but failed as he followed his father through the corridors to the shuttle bay. Thorn and Daria stood by a shuttle waiting for them. Thorn held Rose and Daria held their new daughter, Eirika. Lia stood next to them with Dane and Dev on either side of her.

"Uncle Soren," Dane said as he and Dev rushed to him.

He hugged them then led them back to their parents.

Daria stepped forward and hugged Soren. "Be careful and come back to us. Thorn worries about you."

"He says he always knows when I'm injured." Soren took Eirika from her and moved the blanket out of the way.

"That doesn't stop him from worrying."

"She's beautiful, Daria. It's a good think she looks like you."

"Very funny," Thorn said.

Soren smiled. "I never got around to asking why you named her Eirika."

"We're hoping it win points with your grandfather," Daria said then laughed.

"Good luck." Soren kissed the baby's cheek and handed her back to Daria before he took Rose from Thorn. "She's grown so much. I missed seeing it." He kissed her forehead and set her on her feet. "Show me how fast you can go, Rose."

She giggled and took off across the shuttle bay then turned and ran back to him. He lifted her and kissed her cheek again.

Valan took her from him and handed her to Lia. "We have to go, son."

Lia and Daria escorted the children away from the shuttle as they boarded the shuttle. While they flew to the planet's surface Soren ate and told his father and Thorn what he'd seen in his dream.

As soon as they landed Berit approached them and held out a scroll. "The Kouncil guard delivered this for you."

"I dreamt of Skye. My son and daughter have been born," Soren said as he ripped the tie away from the scroll. He read it and cursed. "They've sent the babies with her to the peninsula. I have to find them."

"That wasn't the judgement they agreed on," Berit said.

Soren wadded up the scroll and threw it to the ground. "Father, Thorn. I'll contact you when I can. In the meantime, try to find a way around whatever is blocking our communication devices on the peninsula."

With a last glance he joined Berit for the next battle. Hopefully it would lead him closer to Skye.



Chapter Nineteen


The feeling of Rilyn kicking his feet woke Skye. She pulled him closer to the warmth of her body and patted his tiny back. He snuffled and rooted around and she offered him her breast. He latched on and began to suckle. Abrianna slept on, making her smile. Nothing seemed to bother her daughter, not even her brother's fussing. She held Rilyn with one hand and Abrianna with the other. Her babies were two moon phases old now and they slept less and weighed more.

She'd also realized that both of them had their father's personality. Abrianna rarely fussed but when she did her sweet aqua eyes narrowed and she demanded her way. Rilyn on the other hand was demanding all the time. If he was wet or hungry he let her know it and she had to keep her guard up to keep him from giving away their presence. Abrianna only let out a little squeak that she expected to be interpreted properly and satisfied immediately. Definitely Soren's personality. She couldn't help but wonder if he'd notice that when they reached him.

She'd tried going west to the coast but the concentration of Crimeryns and raiders in the area had forced her to turn back. Now she worked her way north toward the mainland but the need for caution and the winter storms had slowed her down.

The trip so far had been cold and hazardous with very little to eat. She had the clothes she'd had on and the contents of the bag the healer had given her. Thank Tor for her compassion as she'd stuffed the bag with a cloak for her, clothes for the babies, a couple blankets, a fire starter and several candles.

The supplies had saved their lives. When they'd run out she'd been tempted to join one of the groups they'd passed. Only the fear that they'd either sell her to the raiders or make her use her healing powers until she grew weak and died held her back.

Food wasn't the only problem she faced. Staying warm and dry was nearly impossible. When she'd been lucky enough to find a small cave to hide in she'd blocked the entrance then lit a fire for warmth and light. She usually stayed for several cycles and rested before she wrapped Rilyn and Abrianna up and moved on.

When she hadn't been able to find a cave she'd dug the soil from beneath a fallen log and taken shelter there. Out in the open she hadn't dared light a fire so the nights spent in the freezing coldness had made them worse. Rilyn and Abrianna had slept through them with full tummies and wrapped up warm in the blanket. She'd stayed awake, shivering in the darkness, guarding them and feeling near the end of her endurance.

She'd never eaten anything she or another female hadn't conjured and at first eating live creatures had made her ill. Now, she ate anything she could find, including bugs if she found one nesting under a rock or in the dead wood of a tree. Several times she'd made snares and had caught small creatures. The first one she'd caught she'd let go but when her breastmilk had begun to decrease she'd forced herself to catch another creature and eat it.

She hadn't seen a Crimeryn warrior in over thirty cycles and that gave her hope that she was getting closer to the mainland. The previous moon rising she'd crept by a group of raiders and kept going until she'd put some distance between her and them. Finally, when she'd nearly been hypothermic she'd found shelter beneath a tree and had mounded leaves over herself and the babies to keep warm.

Now, with the sun shining into her hideaway she was beginning to feel warm for the first time in many units. She rocked Rilyn and he cooed and smiled up at her. She brushed his dark hair off his forehead and returned his smile. "Tummy full?" she asked, her voice quiet. Before she lifted him she searched the area around them. Seeing they were alone she held him over her shoulder and patted his back. He burped and she smothered her laughter. He would be able to hold his own with his father and his warriors.

The thought of Soren brought tears to her eyes. No matter what Arlyn had said she knew he was still alive and searching for them. The bands on her arms proved that to her. She laid Rilyn down on her lap and touched one of the bands on her arm. It tingled and loosened then slid down her arm.

Terrified because Soren had said the bands could only be removed if he was dead she tried to put it back above her elbow but it wouldn't tighten. She let it drop to her lap while she grabbed the other one and pulled on it. It tightened then loosened when she released it. She wasn't sure what that meant but she was going to take it as a good sign.

She picked up the armband and it split into two small bands on the palm of her hand. She stared at them for several moments until she realized what she needed to do. The bands were miniature copies of hers and identified them as not only Zarronian but the children of Soren Valanson.

She uncovered Rilyn's arm, slid the band onto his arm and squeezed it until it fit snuggly. The other one she placed on Abrianna before she began nursing her. She patted Rilyn to keep him calm and quiet.

With both babies fed and content she slipped them into the sling she'd made with part of the second blanket and closed her cloak around them. Searching the area around them again she decided they were alone and crept out of their hiding place.

The previous moon rising she'd made sure to brush away any foot prints she'd left. Now she moved across the rocks, using the method the warriors had trained the villagers to use.

She moved slowly, pausing often in the shadows of a tree or boulder to search the area around her. Closing her eyes she listened for voices or the sounds others made when they moved.

She drew in a breath and caught a whiff of smoke. Someone had a fire going and they were nearby. She watched the leaves and saw the direction of the wind. She should move away from them but the thought that they might have food stopped her. It had been two cycles since she'd eaten. Without food none of them would survive.

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