Something New (21 page)

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Authors: Cameron Dane

Tags: #Menage Suspense

BOOK: Something New
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It didn’t take long for Rodrigo’s balls to ache and his dick to feel so rigid he thought one stiff hit could break it off. “Please, Braden…” Rodrigo wanted inside Abby’s mouth so badly he rubbed his ass into Braden’s cock, uncaring of what it would invite Braden to do that much quicker. Right now, every nerve ending on Rodrigo’s penis shrieked for full contact, and he could care about nothing but gaining relief. “Stop playing. Let me have all of her.”

Braden slid his hand away to rest on Rodrigo’s hip. He put his mouth on Rodrigo’s ear and said in a commanding voice, “Do what you imagined when you said those words to her. Do it right now.”

Moaning his agreement, Rodrigo slammed his hips forward and buried his cock in Abby’s mouth, taking her more roughly than he knew he should but unable to stop until his slit kissed her throat. She accepted his cock without gagging and even grabbed on to his hips when he moved to step back in horror over how brutally he’d shoved his full shaft into her mouth.

Her nails sinking into his flesh, Abby bobbed up and down Rodrigo’s cock, delivering the hottest swirls from her tongue. She quickly moved to sucking Rodrigo so goddamn hard it felt like she tried to pull his spine out of his dick.

Good God, she’s incredible.

Abby’s enthusiasm only pumped more blood to Rodrigo’s cock. Now that he knew she reveled in having a man stuffed in her mouth, he lost the sliver of control he’d briefly regained over his actions. Rodrigo sank his fingers into Abby’s thick red tresses and tilted her head back so he could see every inch he shoved into her mouth. He pushed past her rosy lips and invaded the wet, hot recesses on the other side in repeated full thrusts. Abby sucked in her cheeks and created the most insane suction on his length when he withdrew, and then she curled her tongue around the bottom side of his cock every time he sank back inside. Blue, blue eyes looked up at Rodrigo through each raw thrust he delivered—no fear or disgust—and if Rodrigo hadn’t shot a load minutes ago, he would have spent himself right then, just looking into Abby’s eyes.

Instead, Braden yanked Rodrigo’s head around and fused their lips together, grinding one hard male mouth against another. Braden kissed Rodrigo with enough force to create bruising, and the brutality of it ripped a desperate need out of Rodrigo to be owned by another person. As Rodrigo opened up for more, a moan from deep within rumbled up through him and into Braden, making Braden groan right back and claim ownership of Rodrigo’s mouth with a somehow more invasive, rough kiss.

Rodrigo kissed Braden as best he could through the haze of pleasure consuming him. But the man also began running his hands all over Rodrigo’s stomach and chest, around to his hips, and up his sides, abrading Rodrigo’s flesh with tantalizing scrapes of coarse, large, masculine hands. Rodrigo almost couldn’t tolerate the onslaught of aggressive contact. And that didn’t even take into consideration what Abby continued to do to him. She still had her mouth wrapped around his cock, making it feel as if she tended to every single nerve ending inside his shaft one lick at a time. Rodrigo could barely function through two people so completely focused on his pleasure, wrenching more and more joy out of every inch of his being.

Just when Rodrigo thought he might break down and beg for mercy, Braden broke the kiss. Rather than give Rodrigo a reprieve, Braden brushed his mouth over the side of Rodrigo’s neck to his nape and then kept going down his spine, delivering shivery light kisses straight down the middle, his touch so gossamer light it pulled goose bumps up in its wake. Rodrigo knew right where Braden was headed, but the first twirl of the man’s tongue into the dip at the base of Rodrigo’s spine still made him gasp and shiver.

Braden kept right on going, not giving time for Rodrigo to prepare…or to tense up with fear. Braden pushed Rodrigo’s ass cheeks apart and licked his way down the crack, not stopping until he fluttered his nubby,
fucking wonderful
tongue right on Rodrigo’s hole.

“Ohh God…” Rodrigo jerked away from the shock of contact only to shove himself right back into it; in doing so, he pulled his cock out of Abby’s mouth. Braden licked Rodrigo’s pucker again, stirring never-used nerve endings to flaming life. He then rubbed two fingers into Rodrigo’s taint, putting just enough pressure to make Rodrigo’s thighs shake. Rodrigo doubled over at the waist and grabbed on to the counter, finding an anchor as he closed his eyes and offered his ass to Braden with a plea for the man to tongue him again.

Braden accommodated Rodrigo’s wishes. With each flick or stab Braden delivered, sometimes accompanied by a smack against his buttocks, Rodrigo’s passage contracted, his balls pulled heavy in his sac, and his cock swelled to painful stiffness.

With his focus so concentrated on what Braden was doing to him, Rodrigo didn’t immediately process a tearing noise followed by a clicking sound. A light, tickling brush of contact against his inner thigh finally snapped Rodrigo out of his sensual fog. He blinked out of his temporary world of darkness just in time to see Abby folded between his legs, rolling a condom onto Braden’s rearing cock. She lubricated his length and finally squeezed a small dollop of the clear stuff onto his fingers.

Oh fuck
. Rodrigo’s heart beat so fast and loud he could hear it roaring in his ears.
It’s really going to happen.

His muscles went tight with a mix of anticipation and a flooding return of cold fear that iced his insides. Rather than Braden’s ramming tree trunk of a cock tearing open Rodrigo’s ass, Abby rubbed and kissed Rodrigo’s legs, soothing the tension vibrating his muscles. Braden reversed his descent to Rodrigo’s ring by kissing his way up through Rodrigo’s crease, lingering at the sensitive small of his back, and darting licks up his spine to his nape. The ascent ended with Braden folded over Rodrigo, his chin on Rodrigo’s shoulder, and his cock resting right between the hills of Rodrigo’s buttocks.

Something much smaller than Braden’s prick suddenly pushed against Rodrigo’s asshole. Rodrigo inhaled sharply, but Braden was right there at his ear with that smooth voice of his, saturating Rodrigo with his presence in another way.

Braden nudged against the tight muscle keeping him out but didn’t gain entry. “Just relax into my finger, baby, and let it happen.” He kept his voice low but not exactly gentle. Braden pressed against Rodrigo’s pucker a third time, and he licked behind Rodrigo’s ear in between each line of encouragement. “Think about your ass open and begging for me”—he rubbed, making Rodrigo whimper—“and my mastering every goddamn inch of your chute so fucking good you can’t even remember how to speak when I make you come.”

Right then the image of Braden plugging his hole filled Rodrigo’s mind, rushing his cock back to full life. Rodrigo let that picture fill his brain and take over his body. The next time Braden pushed against his back door, Rodrigo shoved right back, and Braden’s finger broke through and sank deep into his virgin ass.

Oh shit. Shit.

Rodrigo grunted and clutched at the counter with a bone-crushing hold. His entrance flamed, and his channel fluttered and milked Braden’s buried digit, creating the strangest combination of hints of pleasure surrounding the most bizarre discomfort of being stuffed to overflowing.

Braden wrapped his hand around Rodrigo’s neck and forced Rodrigo’s head to an awkward angle so they could see each other’s faces. “Talk to me.” Banked fire kept the green in Braden’s eyes pale, but shadows of something darker lurked at the edges. “Tell me if you can take my finger moving inside you.”

Rodrigo’s ass burned like hell, but it was nothing compared to what he wanted to see consume Braden’s entire being. “Do it. Don’t take it slow.” He rocked his hips and hissed through the slide of an object moving in his rectum. “Make me get used to you.”

With a rough curse that matched his intentions, Braden sealed his mouth to Rodrigo’s. He kissed Rodrigo breathless with a thorough, fierce passion and down below withdrew his digit from Rodrigo’s channel to then push it back in, filling Rodrigo to the second knuckle again. Rodrigo could not stop his body from clenching around Braden every time the man entered him. His passage created the funkiest, most bizarre spasms when Braden pulled out, leaving his ass relieved yet somehow bereft and clamoring for more.

This time, rather than force his way back inside Rodrigo, Braden teased the tip of his finger around Rodrigo’s stretched ring and created the most delicious little shiver that went all the way down to Rodrigo’s toes. Braden circled his finger around that excited bunch of nerves again and dragged a moan out of Rodrigo with a bump back for more. Braden gave Rodrigo more of what he wanted, warming him up to the point of begging, and then eased not only one finger back into Rodrigo’s chute, but this time pushed in a second until Rodrigo was sure neither could go any farther. Every inch of his ass felt stretched and full and unable to take another millimeter, yet tiny tentacles of wondrous, fluttery sensations worked their way through Rodrigo’s channel and had him pushing his ass back, searching for even just a little bit more.

Braden broke their kiss, and new shards of light shone in his eyes. “Liked that this time, huh?” He twisted that double dose of fingers buried inside Rodrigo and sent shooting twin lines of pleasure through Rodrigo’s spine and cock.

Unable to speak, Rodrigo groaned and ground back again, stealing more of that contact, something suddenly pleasurable in the extreme. Whether Braden offered those next half dozen strokes of his fingers or Rodrigo stole them by impaling himself on the thickness, he couldn’t be sure. He just knew he needed more from this man and had to show it in the only way he could. Rodrigo’s stomach muscles felt fatigued from the tension in them, making it feel as if he had done a thousand sit-ups without stopping, but his body writhed back and forth of its own accord as he slipped back into a place of pure, raw need.

Just then, Braden took his fingers away, making Rodrigo emit a hoarse cry. Quickly, though, Braden replaced his fingers with the tip of his cock. The wide head sat poised at Rodrigo’s entrance, so close Rodrigo could feel the heat tease his sensitized ring. His entire body hummed like one big, exposed live wire; he rubbed himself back against Braden like some begging whore, but he couldn’t make himself stop.

Braden stilled Rodrigo with a hand to his hip. He held Rodrigo’s gaze prisoner, and those darker streaks of green he’d kept restrained before took over the rings of color right now. “Tell me yes.” Braden’s voice sounded harsh with complete command. “Or I’m going to stop.”

Rodrigo somehow scraped past the thickness in his throat and found his voice. “Fuck me, Crenshaw.” He fused his forehead to the other man’s with all his weight. “Fuck me right now.”

With one flash of his eyes and one sure thrust, Braden punched his hips forward and drove his thick, long cock all the way into Rodrigo’s ass.

Chapter Eleven


Oh motherfucking shit.

Rodrigo jammed his forehead against Braden’s as his body fought the first feel of Braden’s cock lodged as deeply inside Rodrigo’s ass as it would surely go. Braden didn’t move a muscle, but he claimed Rodrigo’s body as surely as Rodrigo had ever taken a woman. Rodrigo moaned without censure at the idea of Braden fucking him until he screamed and came, maybe in Abby’s mouth, if she would just wrap her lips around his dick again and help shove him right over the cliff. Out of the corner of his eye, Rodrigo could see Abby still kneeling at his feet, submissive in pose. Such naked lust filled her eyes that Rodrigo went to a raw, base place in his mind that ended with his spilling on her face and breasts at the exact moment Braden lost it and came in his ass.

Rodrigo’s channel clenched and throbbed at the imagery, squeezing tightly on Braden’s embedded cock. This time both men groaned and jerked as one.

Braden yanked Rodrigo’s head back and laid a piercing hard stare on him. “Fucking shit, Santiago,” Braden bit off. Rodrigo’s passage closed in a vise around Braden’s dick again, and Braden shook his head as if he’d taken a punch to the gut. His eyes glittered with chips of peridot, and his voice cut like shards of glass. “Tell me I can move.”

The slight power shift sluiced another shot of adrenaline through Rodrigo’s blood, sending any hint of fear or reservation fleeing from the room. He straight-armed the counter and braced himself for a rough ride. “I told you to fuck me, Crenshaw.” He growled and glared back at the man. “You’re goddamn inside me already.” His stuffed-full rectum flamed with the newness of that truth. “Do it, you bastard.” Rodrigo’s dick got harder and harder with each taunt he delivered. “Don’t pussy out on me now.”

Braden uttered a swear word right back at Rodrigo. He reared up, took a bruising hold on Rodrigo’s hips, and started a pace of fucking that slammed his big prick into Rodrigo’s chute with the force and speed of a freight train. It stung like a motherfucker every time Braden stretched Rodrigo’s hole with that thick cockhead, pushing his way inside again, but Rodrigo exalted in the shock of deep-seated pleasure that outlasted the flash of pain, and he even begged for it with every guttural noise he released.

“Is this what you want?” Braden slid one hand into Rodrigo’s hair and pulled his head back, forcing Rodrigo’s face to a tilted, sideways angle. “You like it a little bit rough and dirty?”

Rodrigo bared his teeth as he gleefully took the drilling from Braden’s erection. “Yeah.” He gripped the counter until his fingertips turned white, and he held his body still for each knifing slide Braden delivered. Every full glide of the man’s dick in Rodrigo’s flaming passage pushed his own prick to greater, more painful rigidity. “Give it to me every bit as fucking hard as you’ll want it when I fuck you.”

Braden’s pupils flared, and his fingers reflexively dug into Rodrigo’s flesh. Satisfied, Rodrigo wrenched his neck, tore his hair out of Braden’s hold, and put his gaze back down on that crazily sexy picture of Abby still folded at his feet. “Come closer.” He grunted midinstruction as Braden nailed him in the sweetest damn spot in his ass. Still on her knees, Abby moved in until she was almost under Rodrigo’s spread legs, her lush red lips dangerously close to his prick. Rodrigo leaked a half dozen beads of precum at the sight and ordered, “Now open up and take it every time he fucks my ass.”

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