Snapped: Satan's Fools MC (7 page)

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Authors: Needa Warrant

BOOK: Snapped: Satan's Fools MC
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Raven sat on the bunk and watched her slip into his shirt. He smiled slightly, thinking it had been a long time since she’d worn one to bed. He wondered if she even realized what she was wearing.

He grew more concerned about her because she wasn’t the same woman he knew so well. It’s like she had finally snapped.

The lights really were bothering his eyes and he wished he could turn them off. He lay down on his side and watched Morgana. She’d left the small light of the dresser on and he didn’t want to take his eyes off of her.

True and Whistler needed to make sure she was healthy, and he’d be demanding that as soon as he saw them again. This new Morgana was fooling everyone, it seemed. He thought about the baby and wondered if she knew if it was a boy or a girl. Either would be fine. She wasn’t going to take his baby away from him no matter what crazy thoughts she had in her head. If having a kid made her happy, he could get used to it, too.

The cheating was done with, now that True was home. Whistler had looked the other way, but distanced himself from Raven. The club had two basic rules: you mind your own fucking business, and you don’t screw around with another bro’s ol’ lady. Whistler respected those rules, but it had cut him like a knife to see what Raven was doing. He’d lost his best friend, and for what? Morgana never said no to sex. Why the hell had he let those sluts come on to him? The answer was a mystery. They had nothing to offer except a lousy blowjob with a drunken mouth. What was it that Whistler called them? Raven laughed out loud as he recalled: hose monsters. Not that Whistler didn’t use a few; he was sure he was seeing Hazel on the sly. She didn’t give out to any other man.

He grabbed the shirt he used to cover his eyes and rolled it up. He took one last look at Morgana sleeping with her lips parted and shut his eyes.


* * *


Morgana stirred. Her cell was softly playing Lana’s ringtone. She reached for it and read the text: “Coming over in a few and don’t shoot me!” There was no point in telling Lana no; she never paid attention to that word. Morgana shut her eyes and hoped like hell Lana didn’t stay long. Maybe she just wanted to sleep in one of the bedrooms. She drifted back to sleep when all of a sudden the security alarm went off.

She sat up and looked at Raven, who was off his bunk staring at her. There were gunshots—and she didn’t know where they were coming from. She grabbed the gun from the night table drawer and looked at Raven with alarm in her eyes.

“Morgana, don’t go out there! Lock the door and call True now!” he screamed at her.

She shook her head no, then mouthed, “I love you,” before she hit the remote, turning off the sound and camera. If there was someone in the house, she wasn’t going to let them know Raven was in the basement. She pushed open the bedroom door slowly and heard the alarm go silent. What the fuck was going on? Lana. She bet it was her, and Lord knew what trouble she had brought to her door. 

“Lana? Is that you?” She kept her voice low in case it wasn’t.

Her older sister stood in the hallway with a boom box in her hand. She was grinning and looked very drunk.

Morgana sighed heavily, putting the gun back into the drawer and going out to the living room where Lana was sprawled out on the couch. “Lana, what the hell is wrong with you? I heard gunshots! Why the hell do you have a boom box?” Morgana wasn’t in the least amused.

“I got a CD with gunshots and I decided it was a good way to fuck with Raven. I thought that was what you’re doing.” Lana frowned at her. “Don’t you dare tell me that you’ve let him out of that cell.”

Morgana stood with her hand over her stomach and gave her sister a piercing glare. “No, he’s there, but I don’t think this was called for. I could have shot you. You scared the shit out of me! Now I have to call the security company and make sure the cops aren’t on their way here.”

She was furious. Raven must be going nuts in the cell, worrying. She went to the phone and dialed the company to let them know that it was just a false alarm. How Lana in her drunken state had remembered the passcode was a fucking miracle.

Lana was passed out on the couch by the time Morgana returned, so she shook her awake. “I want you out of my house. I’ll call Trick to get you, but you can’t stay here. I’m so angry with you, I feel like slapping you.” She went into her sister’s purse and found her cell. After running through the contacts, she found Trick. “Trick, this is Morgana. Can you please pick up Lana? She’s here and I want her gone.”

“Sorry, Morgana, but there’s no fucking way I’m going near your crazy sister. I booted her ass out of here hours ago. You’d best call one of your brothers. I can’t deal with crazy anymore.”

With that, Trick hung up on her. She stared at her sister disgustedly. What she had just done was unforgiveable, and she was tired of cleaning up Lana’s messes. No wonder her sister couldn’t keep a man. She was as crazy as the criminals she was trying to help. That was another good reason to move; no child should have to see Lana drunk and out of control. She sighed and wondered if she left her on the couch whether she’d wake up and puke. There was no way in hell she wanted Lana here.

She got her own cell and looked at the blank TV screen. Raven would have to wait, just as she’d waited and worried over him. It wasn’t what she wanted to do to him, but she needed Lana gone. And she needed to think up a story to tell Raven. He didn’t care for Lana at all. He knew she ratted his cheating ass out.

Sighing, she called Whistler.

“Hey, I need a favor,” she told him when he answered tiredly. “Your sister is on my couch drunk as a skunk and I can’t deal with her. Trick won’t come and get her.” She waited, praying he would come.

“I’m miles away and not coming back tonight. Call True. Maybe he’ll get her, although I doubt it. And she’s your sister too, so deal with her. Gotta go, sweet pea. Love ya.” Whistler hung up on her, too.

What the hell was it? A damn conspiracy to have Lana on her couch? She hit True’s number and got the voicemail. Great. Her couch would be ruined and she’d have a hungover Lana to deal with when she woke. Not accepting defeat, she called Jinx.

“It’s Morgana and you better send somebody, anybody over to my house right now to pick up Lana. Whistler said so! I want her out right now and she’s drunk. Jinx, I’ll put her out on the front lawn if I have to!”

Jinx laughed at her. “Finally, I get a call from you, and you want a favor? What do I get in return?” he asked flirtingly.

At the sound of his voice, her stomach churned. “How about I don’t tell Raven what you just said to me? Really, Jinx, why else would I call you?” Morgana was getting angrier by the moment.

“Because your ol’ man is a fool who doesn’t see what he’s losing? You won’t tell Raven. You’re loyal like that and you don’t stir the pot like most ol’ ladies do. I’ll send Waldo over to get her. Raven is on the road, so let me take you up to Hidden Grove for dinner, Morgana. You looked awfully skinny last time I saw you. Nobody will know, and fuck ‘em if they do. I thought we were friends?” He wasn’t giving up.

“Thanks for the offer. Raven and I haven’t told anyone yet—except family—that … I’m pregnant,” she admitted to him. “So I don’t think he’d be very happy about me riding on your bike or being real friendly with you.” Her voice was frosty cold.

Jinx was silent for a moment. “Raven swore he’d never have kids. You’re bullshitting me. And if you
pregnant, he won’t stay with you. He’s a selfish bastard and has been for a long time. Nobody gets why you’re with him. I bet this is why he’s on the road. Morgana, just think it over. I’m sending Waldo over now. I’ll call you tomorrow. I’ll even ask True if it is okay to take you out.”

Morgana disconnected and looked around her living room, stressed. She sat down on the chaise longue and thought about her life long and hard. Was everyone thinking she was a fool? She felt the burn of shame creep over her face.
Damn Raven to hell. Fuck Lana and her issues.
She wanted to go to bed and not have to deal with her crazy-ass family. And she didn’t like Waldo, either. What biker had a name like “Waldo” anyway? One that was always missing when he was supposed to be doing something, that’s who.

Her cell rang and it was True. “I was kinda busy, Mor. What’s up?”

True had the raspy sexy voice that some men get after getting laid. Morgana took her time answering. “Well, your sister Lana, the one I’ve disowned, she let off a CD of gunshot sounds in my house, set off my security alarm, and she’s passed out on my couch. I don’t feel well and nobody wants to come and get her.” Her voice rose with each word until she was practically yelling. “Jinx said he was sending Waldo but I have
faith he will come at all.”

“I’ll call Waldo myself. You alright?” Despite acting like he cared, he sounded more amused than anything. “You sound pretty pissed off.” 

“Did I leave out that Jinx is going to ask you if he can take me to dinner? True, I want to go back to bed and I don’t want Jinx asking me to dinner. I want Lana out of here.” The doorbell rang. “I guess Waldo is here. I’m making you dinner tomorrow night. Love you.” She hung up and went to the door.

She checked to make sure it was Waldo, then opened the door and pointed to Lana. “Make sure she gets home. The key to her house is in her purse. Thank you for coming so soon.”

Waldo just grinned and picked Lana up like she weighed nothing. She followed them to the truck and made sure Lana had on her seatbelt and placed her purse in her lap. She looked at her lawn and saw how half-assed her drunken sister had parked. Maybe she’d move sooner to get away from all of this stress.

“Thanks, Waldo. And no touching her. True will have your nuts in a vise grip if you do. Drive carefully so she doesn’t puke.” She watched Waldo’s face turn a bit green before she headed back into the house, set the alarm, and turned off the lights.

She just wanted to go to sleep. Thoughts of Raven didn’t even cross her mind as she climbed into her bed. Her head hit her pillow and she closed her eyes at once. She didn’t want to think about anything but blessed sleep.




Raven paced the cell. He wondered what in the hell was going on upstairs and if Morgana was safe. Had she really mouthed “I love you” or were his eyes playing tricks on him?

This sucked and he couldn’t hear a damn thing. He was going to lose it if he didn’t get out of the cell. He was sure if Morgana could, she would come down and talk to him, or at least put the camera on and let him see she was fine. He didn’t know what to think. Time was standing still, and it drove him crazy not actually knowing the time. If Whistler or True were in the house and something bad had happened, they would have been down to let him out so he could go kill whoever needed to pay for breaking into his house.

Damn Morgana for even thinking she could imprison him. What the hell was going on in her mind?

He finally sat on the bunk looking at the wall of flat-screen television sets. Blank. The fucking things were blank. He needed to be able to see what was going on. He leaned against the wall and started to think. Would the Filthy Fiends hit his house? He knew Morgana treated some of them at the jail, and knowing her, she was a damn good nurse to all her patients. It didn’t matter to her if they were a rival MC member or not; she did her job well and loved doing it. He had heard that the Fiends had said she and Lana were off limits and not to be hurt. But hearing it didn’t make it true. He didn’t trust a Filthy Fiend as far as he could toss one. He wondered how long it had been since the gunshots had gone off. He had heard rapid fire, which meant they might have just hit the house and drove off. It was hard to tell, hearing things through a fucking speaker too.

If anything happened to his wife and baby, he was going to lose it. The thought of no Morgana in his life was suddenly unbearable.

He hung his head down as he thought of all the rotten things he’d done and said in the past. He tried to lie on the bunk and put his shirt over his eyes. Every fucking shitty thing he’d done to her seemed to pop into his mind. He had pictures of her face too, looking so damn sad and yet agreeing to whatever he’d said. What a monster he had become to her … and for no reason.

Maybe he did deserve to be in this cell, but he knew he didn’t deserve to lose her. He’d love her more and he’d take what little love she had for him now and be content with it. He’d be a good father and he’d prove his love for his family every day of the rest of his life if God gave him a chance. He couldn’t lose the one thing that was constant and normal. The loving woman he’d married … God wouldn’t be so cruel. Or would he? Raven had done many evil things, but he still believed most of it was justified.

He rolled to his side and wondered again how much time had passed. His heart was pounding in his head and he felt like shit. He suddenly wondered if she had felt like this when he’d left her not knowing if he’d come home alive or end up dead. It was an awful feeling.

Suddenly, his stomach churned and he got up to puke.

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