Snapped: Satan's Fools MC (3 page)

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Authors: Needa Warrant

BOOK: Snapped: Satan's Fools MC
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“Hey. I brought you down the sheets. They got wet spots all over ‘em. Morgana, what the fuck is going on with you?” He watched as she shook at the sound of his voice. “Babe, I know shit is fucked up with us, but you’re acting off the fucking wall lately. Your brother noticed and told me to get you to stop this shit.”

She turned slightly. Her robe opened and he saw her slight baby bump.

“Oh my fucking God, you didn’t. I told you no kids! But you didn’t listen, did you? You fucking crazy bitch!” His voice turned ugly as he made his way toward her.

Morgana began to shake. She knew it was time to jab him with the needle. She pushed her hand into the pocket of the robe, making sure the needle was uncapped. It was like a rush of speed going through her. Raven was furious, his lips curled and his eyes raged at her. She hoped like hell she was able to do it.

He grabbed her and swung her around to face him. As soon as he grabbed her, her hand came out and the needle slammed into his arm. She pushed the syringe down and hoped the drug flowed right into him. He backed up and looked at the needle in his arm.

“What the fuck did you do to me??” he screamed as he backed away from her, trying to pull the syringe out of his arm. “I swear to God, I’ll kill you for this, you fucking cunt.”

That was all it took for Morgana to remove the other needle and, as fast as a cat, she was on him, jabbing the other syringe into his other arm.

“Raven, I told you to never ever call me a cunt! You’re going to be so fucking sorry.” She pushed at him and he stumbled. She went around him and opened the cell door, flipping on the lights.

He felt dizzy and sick as she pushed him into the cell. He was down on the floor and lying there as she walked out and locked the door.

Morgana pressed her face against the metal door, hoping like hell Raven would just pass out.

She had done it. That bastard was hers now.





Whistler and Lana let themselves into the house and sat at the kitchen table. Both looked up at Morgana as she came into the room, a satisfied smile on her face. The scent of the fresh linen candle she kept burning in the middle of the table filled the air and Whistler abruptly blew it out. He was frowning, looking at her with anger in his grey eyes. He folded his huge tatted arms across his chest and stared at his sister.

“I did it all by myself. I got him into the cell, the door is locked, and Raven is out cold,” Morgana stated proudly.

Lana rubbed her hands together delightedly. “Good! It’s about time Raven got taught a lesson. I’m going to turn the camera on and look at him.” She got up and headed to Morgana’s bedroom.

Whistler rolled his eyes at Lana’s back and studied Morgana. “You know True is gonna be pissed off about this. You should have told him the truth long ago about how Raven has been treating you. He’d have put a bullet in his head.”

“But I don’t want that. I love him, Whistler. Plus,” she added, rubbing her stomach protectively, “I wouldn’t have
if the two of you killed him.”

“It’s a fucking sick and twisted idea, Morgana. Raven will hate you forever. Lock me in a cell and see what I’d do to you once I got out. I hope you have a really good plan in place because you’re gonna have to run far away. I know Raven. We’re gonna have to kill him. I gotta tell True. You need to understand that I was crazy to agree to this. I’m picking him up in the morning.” He thought of their older brother, his president, and winced.

“Tell True. I don’t care. I’ve got the key and Raven isn’t going anywhere until I get my pound of flesh. You two just want me around to get messages to the boys in jail or drug ‘em up for you. The club owes me this and you can tell True I said that!” She got up and joined her sister in the bedroom, curious to see if Raven was awake yet.

Whistler sat there thinking. It was true they needed Morgana, but she wouldn’t be working much longer in the prison and they would have to use Alana-Lee, who was not as dependable as Morgana and, in his mind, she was downright crazy. Lana was hell bent on getting a man, and a few of his bros complained that she stalked them.

He got up, figuring he ought to also see whether his former best friend and SAA had woken up.


* * *


Morgana and Lana sat on the bed, eyes glued to the big screen TV and watching as Raven moved slowly on the tile floor. His eyes were still closed but he groaned.

Lana laughed wickedly. “The bastard deserved it, Morgana. I’m so proud of you for taking a stand finally.” She patted her sister on the arm. “It isn’t healthy for you to love a bastard like him anyway. I wish I knew what the hell twisted his mind to make him such an asshole. I had believed Raven loved you and that it was a forever kinda love.”

“I don’t want to think about any of that. I just want to make him as miserable as I am. If I wasn’t pregnant, I’d screw somebody right in front of him and see how he’d like that!” Morgana didn’t notice her older brother in the doorway staring at the two of them.

“You know damn well none of the brothers would touch you and
I find out you’re gonna do that, I’ll get the key and let him out myself. True is going to flip his shit. Alana-Lee, you put her up to this. You’re off-the-wall fuckin’ crazy and True will blame you for this,” Whistler snarled, glaring at her.

Lana glared right back. “If he does, my days of helping your club are over. You find other ways to get messages through—and all the other things you ask us to do. Morgana isn’t going to be able to work much longer. It isn’t safe for her and the baby. That is your niece or nephew she is cooking, Whistler. I’d have gladly let you shoot him but she
loves him.
So there you have it and I’ve got no problem telling True that, either.”

Whistler took a look at his sister, then at Raven writhing on the cell floor, and he let out a groan. “Still telling True. I know I said I wouldn’t, but I feel bad for that poor bastard at the mercy of you two. Deal with it. Are you turning on the cameras so he can see yet?”

Morgana had a pissed off look on her face. “Not until I come home from work. I can’t believe you’d break your promise to me, either.”

“I didn’t think it through. Fuck. I don’t know why I agreed to this to begin with. It’s going to blow back on us,” Whistler muttered as he left the room. They heard the door slam as he left the house.

Lana suddenly looked worried. “True’s just getting out of jail. He won’t like this, sis. He doesn’t know how bad things got with Raven. You’re going to have to explain it all to him or hope Whistler does. I’ve got to get going. I’m riding past Trick’s house and checking to make sure he doesn’t have some slut there.”

She stood up and Morgana followed suit. They walked out to the living room and Lana left. Morgana locked the door and went to clean up the dinner dishes. Once the kitchen was clean, she breathed a sigh of relief. She grabbed crackers and a bottle of ginger ale. She didn’t want to wake up to morning sickness again, let alone a dirty house.


* * *


Raven rolled over and groaned, the bright lights burning his eyes. He felt like shit, and he was going to kill Morgana. How the hell she thought she’d get away with this, he didn’t know.

Suddenly, it dawned on him that she was going to get away with keeping him locked up. He was supposed to be on the road and nobody would miss him. He was totally fucked unless there was a way out and, so far, nobody had escaped this cell. He rolled toward the steel bunk and, using one arm, he pulled himself up and laid down. The lights were really pissing him off. He tossed his arm over his eyes as he thought about how he was going to kill her. He didn’t give a shit about True or Whistler. Morgana would pay. She had gotten pregnant too, and she damn well knew better.

He shifted as he thought about ways to kill his wife and his stomach dropped. He couldn’t kill her until after she had the baby. While he hadn’t wanted a kid, he wasn’t going to kill part of him. He’d lock her up in this cell, just as she’d done to him. Morgana would slip up, and when she did, he would be ready.

And those fucking lights were driving him crazy already.


* * *


Morgana woke up and grabbed her crackers. She watched Raven sleeping as she sipped her ginger ale. He had his arm over his eyes and looked really uncomfortable. She had to get to work soon and needed to feed him. She got out of bed and showered. After putting on her nurse’s scrubs, which thankfully hid her baby bump, she went into the kitchen. She made him a ham and cheese omelet and wondered what she should leave him for lunch. She thought of the days she had eaten peanut butter and jelly to save money so he could have that damn cell or another bike. That was what he’d get every single day. She fixed it and gave him three juice containers. She set everything on a tray, then took a deep breath.

She brought it to the basement. The intercom to the cell was by the door, and she pushed it so he would hear her. She left the button on so she could move about and talk to him.

“Raven, I have breakfast and lunch for you. I’ll slide the tray in. You grab the stuff off so I can have the tray back. Don’t try grabbing the tray either; it won’t slide all the way in. I did some changes to the cell … as I’m sure you noticed.” She waited for him to answer.

“When I get out of here,” he said back, his voice low and threatening, “you’re dead. Turn these fucking lights down, Morgana. I’ll be missed and your brothers will look for me. You’re weak … too weak to pull this off, and you’re stupid, too.”

He looked around the cell and noticed the flat screen televisions behind the glass. What the hell were they for? He heard the tray being slipped through the food opening and hopped off the bunk. He grabbed the food and tried to think of a way to get her to let him out.

“You don’t want to do this, babe. After last night? Fuck, it was like it used to be with us. Let me out, Morgana.” His voice was cajoling and he hoped like hell she’d fall for it.

“Not going to work,
Now you’ve got fruit, breakfast, and lunch. Eat wisely and read my rules. I’ll be back after work and, don’t worry, I’ll send a text to somebody letting them know you left. Enjoy your day, Raven.” Morgana shut off the intercom and walked back upstairs. She pulled the heavy door to the basement shut and locked it, pocketing the key. She stopped to leave the tray in the kitchen, went to her bedroom, and turned off the television. After grabbing her purse, she realized it would be a long day for her, wondering how Raven was enjoying his day. For some reason, that thought made her feel an immense amount of satisfaction knowing he was right where she had put him.





True North looked at his brother and shook his head. He’d just gotten out of jail and he wondered why Whistler had brought him to his baby sister’s and Raven’s house. His dark hair fell into his face and he pushed it aside, grey eyes of steel looking at his brother questioningly. Whistler paid no attention. He pulled a key out of his pocket and let them into the house.

It was quiet. Whistler headed for the kitchen where he knew there would be beer and food, which is what True would want. True sat at the table looking around and wondering what mess Whistler had gotten into. He waited as he sipped the cold brew, watching him heat up a huge slice of prime rib. Morgana probably made that for him, knowing he was getting out today. He bit into the meat like a hungry animal. Whistler watched him eat and served him a large slice of cherry pie when he was done.

True wiped his mouth on a napkin and stared hard at his brother. “Where the fuck is Raven? Figured he’d be here to welcome me home.”

“True, things with Raven and Morgana … Well, it’s real fucked-up shit. I told her to leave him, but she refused, and now she’s pregnant and Raven … he ain’t really happy about that.” Whistler wiped his forehead with his bandana. He watched his brother smile at the news about Morgana finally getting her wish. “You ain’t gonna like what Morgana and Lana did, though.”

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