Snapped: Satan's Fools MC (11 page)

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Authors: Needa Warrant

BOOK: Snapped: Satan's Fools MC
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Her hand moved over his cock as his cell phone rang.

Raven looked at the number. “It’s True. Sorry, but I’ve got to take this.” He answered. “What’s up? Yeah, I’ll be right there. You want Morgana to come too?” He listened and motioned for her to get up. “I’ll tell Whistler we’re leaving.”

Morgana looked at him as she slid into some leggings. “What’s wrong?”

“It’s Lana. She found Trick with Elsie and True says she’s lost it. I’ll run down and let Whistler know. I hate this. You’re supposed to be resting and keeping your blood pressure down. Your fucking sister is crazy.” He pulled on his jeans and boots and grabbed a t-shirt. “I’ll be right back, babe. You don’t get into the middle of this. Just try to stay calm.” He hurried out of the room as Morgana finished dressing.

She wished she could help her sister who truly tried to help so many people with her career, but she didn’t see how her own behavior was destroying herself.

So much for her bed rest. She really resented Lana ruining their night.





They pulled into a mostly deserted parking lot at the clubhouse. Morgana saw Lana’s car and Trick’s bike as she got out of Raven’s truck. He grabbed her and pulled her close to him as they walked to the door.

“Looks like True got the place cleared out or Lana drove everyone home with her craziness. It’s been happening a lot with her. She’s drinking and I’m not sure how she makes it to work with the hangovers she’s gotta have.”

He grabbed Morgana’s hand as they opened the door and walked in.

Lana was screaming curses at Elsie. Trick and True were standing together looking at the two women. Elsie was older and looked at Lana with attitude. She wasn’t showing any fear and Lana was clearly wasted.

Elsie stood with her hands on her hips. “Look, Trick told me you and him weren’t a couple. Just like Jinx and I aren’t. Get over yourself. The man doesn’t want you. Maybe if you didn’t act like a crazy bitch, one of them might stick around.” Her voice was loud and clear.

Lana looked back at Trick who nodded his agreement. She turned back and looked at Elsie who stood her ground. Lana turned away and saw Morgana and Raven. She looked at them both with disgust and picked up her pocketbook. Not saying a word, she left the clubhouse and let the door slam behind her.

Raven held tight to Morgana’s hand. “Let her go. She’s upset we’re together and nothing you say to her while she’s drunk will matter.”

Sadly, Morgana knew he was right, but she felt awful for her sister and gave Trick a glare. He had moved next to Elsie and was speaking quietly to her. All of a sudden Morgana knew exactly what to do to solve their problems. She pulled Raven aside while True swigged from a bottle of JD.

“I know how to get rid of them. It’s clean and nobody will ever find them and it’s close by. Trick’s father owns Pineland Scrap Yard. They take in cars each day and they rip them apart and smash them. If we can get the bodies into a car waiting to be smashed, they will get flattened and he sends the scrap out each day.” She looked up at Raven to see if he was paying attention to her and found him staring at her.

He looked at her oddly and pulled her closer to him. “Since when did you become such a bloody thirsty wench, Morgana?”

“Raven, you do know what I’ve done for this club, right? Most of what I’ve done were things I did not want to do.” She replied hotly. “I’ve overmedicated and helped some of your enemies on their way out. Why the hell do you think I got so bitter and refused to come around? I was told what to do and I was scared I might fail you. And I knew that everyone was talking behind my back. I finally just snapped, which is why I made my plans.”

He stroked his chin thoughtfully. “I didn’t know you did anything of the kind. Did True ask you to do this shit?”

She slowly answered him. “It was suggested whether I could safely dispose of someone who was an enemy without getting caught doing so. Mostly I helped our members and passed messages, but yeah, I did what I could if it was necessary. Why not? They would kill us if they had the chance!”

Raven felt a rage building up inside of him. What the hell had she been thinking, putting herself in jeopardy like that? Who the hell had suggested this to her? True never would have.

He shut his eyes as he thought of the president before True. Coffin would have demanded she do whatever he told her to do and he had been her uncle. No wonder Morgana had hated the man and stopped wanting to come around.  

Coffin had been a brutal man, and when he wiped out on his bike, many had breathed easier. True was a good president who cared about the MC and had made changes until a trumped-up charge had landed him in prison. Coffin had been Raven’s own sponsor and, thinking back, he realized he had pushed a wedge between Morgana and himself. Coffin had been very old school and had two ol’ ladies who were the most beaten-down women he’d ever seen. He’d also told Raven that he was crazy not to sample the wares—which is what he referred to the women as who hung around the bikers, hoping for any crumb they could get.

He felt pressured back then to impress Coffin, too. Shit, that was when he’d started on the path of his own self destruction, never even realizing.

He looked at his ol’ lady and said one word: “Coffin?”

Morgana didn’t want to answer him or look into his eyes. “I don’t want to talk about him. Coffin was a disgusting, vile man, and thinking of him makes me sick.”

“Why didn’t you just come to me? Or True? Whistler?” He wanted answers now and she was going to give them to him.

“I couldn’t. He threatened both Lana and me. He said that if we didn’t do what he wanted, you’d all have accidents. Who would have believed us? He was rotten to us since we were kids. We were scared to death of him,” she said miserably. “I thought I was saving you and my brothers.”

“It’s fine, babe. You don’t ever have to do anything like that again. We’re starting a new life and all of this is behind us. I truly had no idea. None. And I don’t think your brothers did either.” He kissed the top of her head. “I need you to try and forget all that shit. Tonight doesn’t concern you. We’re gonna go home and get you to bed.”

Morgana lay her hand on his. “Wait. Coffin did something awful to Lana. I don’t know what it was, but she warned me to do whatever he said to do. I think that’s when she changed, too. We don’t want our brothers to know. It would make things worse, I think. Lana needs help and I can’t watch my sister self-destruct. All she wants is to be loved and she ruins it every time.” She looked up at him and hoped he understood.

Raven nodded and got her to sit down. He walked over to True.

“We use Trick’s father’s scrapyard. Your sister thought of it. We haven’t used it in a long time, not since Coffin was around. I’ll get Morgana to bed and you tell Trick. As soon as she is asleep, we’ll get Jinx here. I don’t want you to leave her alone. And for God’s sake, don’t tell her anything. Your fucking Uncle did a number on your sisters.”

The look Raven gave him was heartbreaking, yet full of anger.

“Christ, Uncle Bad Touch strikes again? Coffin was such an evil bastard. We tried to make sure he wasn’t ever alone with Lana or Morgana, but I knew he was a prev. My cousin Sukie told me shit about him.”

True was disgusted and swigged more from the bottle of JD.

Raven grabbed True. “You knew Coffin was like that and didn’t do anything??”

“Hey, I was a teenager! I told my dad, but he didn’t believe it. Maybe he did later after Sukie ran away. It was a long time ago and I never saw any of it. Wanna let go of my shirt now, brother?” True shook Raven off. He was getting pissed off and Raven backed down a bit.

Raven spit on the floor. “Wish I had known about him. He was my sponsor and I looked up to him for a while. I gotta get Morgana to bed and I’m not asking her any questions about what she did for the club. That’s done with. Maybe one day she can be a school nurse or something, but she’s never working in a prison again. Talk to Trick and get over to my house as soon as you can.”

“You think you run the club now? I swear y’all forget I’m the president at times. Lemme grab Trick and get it squared away. I’ll be there as soon as I can.” True put the bottle down and left Raven.

Morgana was sitting where Raven had left her and she looked tired and pale. “Let’s go. You need to rest.” She stood up and took his hand. “I’m so tired and I can’t wait to go home.”

Those words brought comfort to Raven’s soul. Home, a life with Morgana, and a new start.

True would stay with Morgana while they disposed of Jinx and Elsie in the scrapyard. He’d never tell her what had really happened to them, either. Raven would never put Morgana in harm’s way again or ask her to do anything for his club.
She’s going to have the life she’s dreamed of,
he promised himself as they drove home.




Months Later



Morgana shifted to get more comfortable. Raven was fucking her from behind and her belly was in the way. He was thrusting gently and she knew he was a bit freaked out about having sex with her.

“I won’t break. Just go a bit faster so I can get off, honey.” She moved her finger to her clit and rubbed gently. She loved having sex while pregnant and her orgasms were terrific. She felt him thrust harder and faster and felt the buildup of it starting. “Mmm, that’s it. More and faster. Oh, Raven, deeper.” She tried to clench her muscles but he was ready to come and she put her face down into the pillow as she moaned. He filled her with his cum and she loved every drop of it.

Raven carefully pulled out and smiled at his wife. “You were never this horny for my cock. Maybe being pregnant is good for you.”

She giggled as she rolled over. “I look like a beach ball. You’ve got to pull me up so I can get cleaned up.”

He gently helped her to get off the bed and laughed to himself as she waddled to the bathroom. Her cell was ringing and he knew by the ringtone it was Lana.

“Babe, your sister is calling. Do you want me to pick it up?” He didn’t want to speak to Lana, but for Morgana, he would answer it if she asked.

She called back from the bathroom, “No, there’s no point. We’re having a nice time and I don’t want to deal with her tonight. My brothers need to step in now. I can’t help her anymore.”

Raven listened to the shower turn on and thought about what Morgana had said. It was true; she had done all she could do for Lana, but her sister didn’t take advice well. He still felt a bit sorry for her, though.

He got up and joined his wife in the shower. It was huge. He loved living on the farm. Life was so much better now. He was starting to like the peaceful quiet of the country and there were plenty of great roads to ride on. True lived up the road and Whistler had bought their old house.

The club was enjoying a quiet spell and all seemed to be good lately.

Once out of the shower, he dried Morgana off and got her to lay on the bed. One of his favorite things to do was to rub her belly with coconut oil. He really wanted to know the sex of the baby, but Morgana said it should be a surprise. Maybe she was right, but he was secretly hoping for a son. Morgana claimed not to care as long as the baby was healthy.

They had completed a little remodeling at the farm, hanging flat screen televisions in almost every room.  Whistler only wanted one of the walls of flat screen televisions from their old home. They had a baby monitor and video cam in the nursery, but if he knew his ol’ lady, she would be keeping the baby in their bedroom for the first month or so.

The Satan’s Fool’s ol’ ladies had given Morgana a great baby shower, and she was making friends with them again. Life was damn good these days. Everyone was getting along together except for Lana. He stroked her belly gently as their baby kicked back at him.

“I love you, babe, and I swear I’ll never stop loving you ever.”

Morgana smiled at him. “I love you too, Raven. I think Snap and Rip need to go outside. They’re barking.”

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