Snapped: Satan's Fools MC (12 page)

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Authors: Needa Warrant

BOOK: Snapped: Satan's Fools MC
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Raven looked at her. “Damn dogs. I told you we should have stuck with cats!”

“Shut up,” she shot back teasingly. “You picked them out and you love them as much as I do! Go let them out and get back here.”

She had to giggle as she watched Raven’s naked firm ass walk out of the bedroom to let their two mutts out. He was doing pretty well on the farm for a city biker. Wait until he saw the dairy goats that would be arriving any day now. She started to giggle harder and thought of how Raven was going to love goats after he got over having a major fit. He’d love not having to mow, and she had ideas for using goat’s milk. Cheese, soap, selling it to people that wanted it … She wasn’t working, so the money would be welcomed.

Raven was a changed man, and she also had become a different person. The past was firmly where it should be: in the past.

They were moving forward to a better future.

She shifted on the bed to get comfortable and felt a cramp and a wet spot form underneath her body. To her shock, she discovered that she was going into labor.

She calmly reached for her cell phone and contacted Doctor Mann. “My water broke,” she gently informed him as soon as he answered, “and I’m having cramps.”

“A little earlier than we expected, Morgana. Head over to the hospital and we’ll check you out,” the doctor replied.

Raven walked into the room as Morgana was getting dressed. He thought it was odd until he noticed the wet sheets on the bed.

“It’s happening now??” he blurted, surprised. “Right after we fucked? I’m so sorry, babe, but you said it was safe. I should have known better. Fuck!” He was trying to get into his jeans and he was clearly more upset than she was about the baby coming early.

“I called Doctor Mann and he’ll meet us at the hospital. Raven, try to relax, I’ve got this. It will be fine, I promise you.” Morgana hid the smile on her face as she watched him fumbling with his boots.

“Should we call your brothers? You have your stuff all packed up, right?” He was panicking and she laughed.

“No calls to anyone. This is private. I want it to be about just us and our baby. Do you think I should drive? You don’t look like you can.”

She knew damn well that would get him out of panic mode; he never let her drive.

“Morgana, I can drive. Just get your stuff and let’s get going. I don’t want our baby born in the truck.” He picked up her suitcase and waited as she grabbed a coat. “Shit, I’ve got to let the dogs in. I’m leaving them in the mud room, too.”

He went to call the dogs and Morgana got another cramp.

“Raven, hurry up. We need to go now, honey.” She held her belly, bracing herself against the nearest wall. “I just got a painful cramp and I don’t think it’s supposed to feel like this.”

Now she was starting to worry.

They left the house and Raven made it to the hospital in record time. He watched as Morgana was wheeled away and he went to make sure all their insurance information was correct. A few weeks ago, they had done a tour of the hospital, and he knew what to expect. Although he wasn’t happy about being away from his wife, it wouldn’t be for long.

A nurse came and called his name, Raven Jameson, and he was up in a flash. She directed him to the labor suite Morgana was in.

She smiled at him as she told him to wash up and suit up. “Isn’t it going to take longer?” Raven was confused.

The nurse replied, “The doctor will explain everything to you shortly. Morgana is going to give birth very soon.”

He looked over at Morgana. Though she was in pain, she gave him a thumbs up.

Doctor Mann came in and explained that Morgana was ready to give birth and Raven could cut the cord if he wanted. Of course he wanted to cut the damn cord, but what he really wanted was to know that his wife and baby were fine. This was happening too suddenly for him.

“Isn’t this too soon?” he asked, looking and sounding so unlike his usual tough biker persona. “I thought we had at least three more weeks to go Doc?”

The doctor shook his head. “Son, babies come when they want to come, and Morgana is fine. So is the baby. We just need to see how close the contractions are. I think Morgana was having them for hours and didn’t know. Having sex sped it up. Now you can go hold her hand and let this baby be born.”

Raven didn’t recall much of the next hour. He gave Morgana all the support he could and wished he would have been able to take the pain away from her. She never complained or blamed him as his brothers had warned him. He wasn’t paying attention to anything but wishing her pain into himself.

Doctor Mann told Morgana to give one hard push.

She grabbed Raven’s hand so hard, it hurt.

“Raven, you can cut the cord now. You have a small but fine-looking son.”

The cord was cut, Morgana got to see the baby, and Raven felt faint. He sat down in the chair and watched as Morgana was cleaned up.

She looked pale and exhausted, but happy. “You got your son. I knew you wanted a boy.”

Raven grinned. “Next one will be a girl.”

Morgana smiled as Raven began to sing Creed’s
With Arms Wide Open
. Yeah, life was going to be just fine. She had her ol’ man, her son, and all of her dreams.


The End.



It is not enough for a man to know how to ride; he must know how to fall.

~Mexican Proverb




I have so many people to thank, the list would be endless. You all know who you are anyway. My editor and also a wonderful writer himself, Daryl Banner. He gets my kind of crazy, and I am very thankful for that!

My family of course & my tattoo artist Timmy Friday, who puts up with me when I have writer’s block.

My children who take my frantic calls & keep me fed.

My best friend who is always available day or night to offer support.

My PAs Nicole Lloyd & Tabby Coots who deal with my drama & are still sane.

My horses, dogs, cats, & even my ducks & chickens, who I talk to when everyone else is busy.

And my ol’ man… who said write, tell your stories, just not mine. I love you!

And of course: My readers who tell me to keep writing and make it possible for me to do my thing, which is rescue horses & any animal in need. Thank you all so much.

Please support your local animal shelters, they really need the help badly. You can donate time if not money.


Much love,




Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.

– Anatole France




Girls in Their Summer Clothes – Bruce Springsteen

Man’s Job – Bruce Springsteen

Brilliant Disguise – Bruce Springsteen

Lonely Road of Faith – Kid Rock

With Arms Wide Open – Creed

Like a Hurricane – Neil Young

The First Cut is the Deepest – Sheryl Crow

She’s A Rainbow – The Rolling Stones

Soak Up The Sun – Sheryl Crow

Bitch – Meredith Brooks

Rooms on Fire – Stevie Nicks

What’s Up – 4 Non Blondes

Wild Horses – The Sundays

Dreams – The Cranberries

In Your Wildest Dreams – The Moody Blues

Rain King – Counting Crows

Sex and Candy – Marcy Playground

Jersey Girl – Bruce Springsteen

Oh What a Night – The Four Seasons

Whip It – Devo



My friend Sable is writing her first book and I’m so happy to share it with you! Please turn the page to read the prologue of Sable’s
“Behind These Walls”.



Behind These Walls

Savage Demons MC Book #1


Sable Davids

© 2016 All Rights Reserved





The bathroom door opens across the room and my eyes snap up to watch Shovels walk out, freshly showered, towel in his hand drying his long, black hair as he moves into the room towards me. His warm, honey colored eyes seek mine and hold them, but he doesn’t say a word, just moves with purpose until he stops right in front of me.

I continue to look up at him as he leans forward and places a soft kiss on my lips then murmurs, “You gotta get ready, baby. We need to leave soon so I get there on time.”

He moves past me, throwing his towel on the bed and starts to get dressed.  I remain sitting on that uncomfortable motel chair, my feet up with knees to my chest and watch him putting on his jeans; the man sure has an amazing ass, it was one of the first things I noticed about him all those years ago. He’s thirty eight years old, but looking at him you wouldn’t think it, the man works out and has muscle on muscle. My eyes drift up over his back, pausing on the large Savage Demons MC tattoo that is inked right in the middle, thinking how all of this was their fault. If it weren’t for them, for that God damn, fucking MC, I wouldn’t be sitting here right now, in this crappy motel room in bumfuck Pennsylvania, counting the minutes down until I kiss this man goodbye for the next eighteen months and he has to walk through those gates at the nearby prison to self-surrender, and serve his time. Time he has to serve because of that fucking MC he belongs to, because he just had to do what they asked him to do for them, and he got fucking busted doing it.

I feel my eyes narrow, and I just know I have ‘that look’ on my face right now as I once again allow my bitterness to show. I’ve heard it all during the years we’ve been together, especially the ones we’ve been married for. I’m an ol’ lady, his ol’ lady, the ol’ lady of the Savage Demon’s national Sergeant At Arms; I’m not supposed to have opinions about the club, at least not any negative ones. I’m supposed to know by now the club comes first even if, and often when, that means doing time for the club. You’d think by now I’d get it and the fact I’m still here, still with him, that I’d be ok with it. Perhaps a big part of me is ok with it, there are parts of this lifestyle we live that I love, or at least I used to love it, but for the last year or two now, not so much. A lot of things have changed, I’ve changed, hell we’ve changed. Things have happened and I blame the club for most of them, I bet if I think about it long enough I could find a reason to blame them for it all. Some might say that’s unfair, to blame them when really it wasn’t all their fault, but it’s easier to blame them for everything, far easier than blaming Shovels for everything, or worse actually having to look myself in the mirror and take accountability for my own failings.

Failing. That word bounces around in my head and my attention snaps back to Shovels. I silently watch the muscles in his back and shoulders flex as he grabs a brand new, plain white t-shirt from his bag on the floor and slides it over his head, tucking it into his jeans. Those shoulders, so strong and wide, almost completely covered now in ink, were another part of this man that had my eyes drawn to him all those years ago. Fuck but my man has the most amazing shoulders and arms.  As he reaches for his belt, my thoughts go back to the night before.

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