Slouching Towards Gomorrah (61 page)

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Authors: Robert H. Bork

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Adarand Constructors, Inc.
(1995), 248n

advertising, 125—26, 144, 159

affirmative action, 39, 55, 107, 227, 231—43, 284, 327, 358—63

multiculturalism and, 305, 308, 309

affluence, 8—9

Afghanistan, 91, 283

African Americans,

African-American Studies, 208

Afrocentrism, 244—45, 251, 253—55, 306

aggression, sex differences in, 199

AIDS, 229

Air Force, U.S., 221, 223

Aleuts, 223, 309

Allen, Frederick Lewis, 89, 280

American Association of Law Schools, 214

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 53, 97—98, 138, 152—53, 289, 319

American Enterprise Institute (AEI), 44, 133, 134, 162, 164

American Medical Association, Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs, 184—85

Amish, 152

Anderson, Terry H., 55

anencephalics, 184—85

Anglocentrism, 297

animal rights, 53, 274, 282, 298

anorexia nervosa, 206—7

anti-Semitism, 48n, 135, 144, 226, 235, 238

antitrust cases, 110

Aristotle, 244, 247

armed forces, feminization of. 218—23

Army, U.S., 170, 221

art, 129—30

feminist, 203

obscenity and. 146—47, 150

race and, 248

Articles of Confederation, 297

The Free Speech Coalition
(2000), 349—50

Asian-Americans, 212, 300

blacks and, 242

multiculturalism and, 302, 305, 309

preferential treatment of, 233, 239, 241

assimilation, 296, 297, 299—302

astrology, 263

atheism, scientific, 294—95

Atlanta child murders, 227

AT&T, 322

Auden, W.H., 51, 63

Austen, Jane, 212

authenticity, 29—30

Aztecs, 254—55

baby boom, 21—22, 156, 322

Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women
(Faludi), 207—8

balanced budget, 270

Barnes, Fred, 291

Bates, Stephen, 136

Battuta, Ibn, 253

Bayles, Martha, 134

Beats, 1

Beauvoir, Simone de, 204

Behe, Michael, 294

Bell, Alexander Graham, 255

Bell, Griffin B., 169

Bell Curve, The
(Herrnstein and Murray), 267

Bennett, William, 65, 131.132, 141, 169

Berger. Brigette, 250

Berger, Peter L., 23, 47—48, 85, 133, 310, 328—29

Berlin. Irving, 124

Berns, Walter, 44, 49, 102, 149

Bernstein. Richard. 301—5, 308—9

Besharov. Douglas, 162

Bey, Richard, 128

Bible, the, 278, 287, 290

Bickel, Alexander. 40, 49, 77

Big Bang theory, 294

Big Brothers/Big Sisters of America (BB/BS), 163

bilingual education, 301—2

Bill of Rights, 98, 106, 298

birth control,
contraception bisexuality, 197

Black, Hugo, 101

Blackmun, Harry, 183

Black Panthers, 41—43, 47, 355

blacks, 200, 212, 226—49, 342

and civil rights rhetoric, 156

clergy, in youth and community development programs, 164

education of, 251—52

extremist, 53

history and,

illegitimacy among, 155, 158. 159

and inner-city violence, 170

multiculturalism and. 302, 304, 306, 307, 309, 311

and popular culture, 125

preferential treatment of.
affirmative action

and radical egalitarianism, 106

and student radicalism, 39—43, 45, 48n

in universities, 239—42

Bloom, Allan. 44, 77

Blum. Walter J., 70—71

Boorstin, Daniel J., 90

Bosnia, 300

(1986), 103—4, 371

Boyz ‘N the Hood
(movie), 229

Brandeis, Louis, 101—2

(1969), 102

Brewster, Kingman, 30—43

Brimelow, Peter, 238

Brinkley, David, 200

Bronte, Emily, 212

Brookings Institution, 160, 161.168

Board of Education
(1954), 105, 227

(1976), 356—57

Brubaker, Stanley, 141, 142

Bryce, James, 133

Bui Tin, 19—20

Burke, Edmund, 64

Bush, George, 115, 221, 285, 339, 341

Bywater, Michael, 124

Cahill, Thomas, 334—35

Califano, Joseph. 243


elimination of affirmative action in, 242—43

illegal immigrants in, 243, 299

California, University of

at Berkeley, 26, 36, 87

Board of Regents of, 243

Cambodia, U.S. invasion of, 44—45


ethnic conflict in, 229, 298

feminism in, 208

homicide in, 144

Canton, Mark, 132

capital punishment, 165, 172

Carib Indians, 254

Carkhuff, Lt. Commander Kenneth, 220

Carter, Angela, 138

Carter, Jimmy, 243

Castro, Fidel, 226—27

Cather, Willa, 252

Catholic Campaign for America, 336

Roman Catholic Church

CBS News, 37

censorship, 134, 140—53, 342, 346—58

Center for Media and Public Affairs, 24

v. New
(1942), 147—49

checks and balances, system of, 109

Cheever, Susan, 208

Chelmsford (MA) High School, 159

Cheney, Lynne, 254, 304

Chesterton, G. K., 133

Chicago, University of, 48n

Chicago Tribune,

Child Pornography Prevention Act (1996), 349


Communist victory in, 19

human rights problems in, 284

Japanese aggression against, 91

Chinese immigrants, 299

Christian Coalition, 336

Christianity, 255, 272—74, 276, 280, 294, 338

blacks and, 164

in Dark Ages, 334—35

feminists and, 287

heretical, 27—28, 54, 291—92

morality and, 142, 278, 293

shared beliefs of, 93

Cincinnati, University of, 246

Citadel, The, 108

Civil Rights Act (1964), 106, 227, 231, 242—43

civil rights movement, 25, 51, 230, 231

incendiary rhetoric of, 156

civil society, 327—28

Clark, Kenneth, 335

Clark, Ramsey, 19

Clay, Henry, 255

Cleopatra, 245

Clinton, Bill, 2, 38, 61, 73, 87, 115, 179, 183, 208, 284, 309, 338—41

Clinton, Hillary Rodham, 2, 54, 86—88

(1971), 99

Cold War, 26, 34, 283

Collier, Peter, 25

Colorado, constitution of, 112—14

Colorado, University of, 293

Columbia TriStar Motion Picture Group, 132

Columbia University, 24, 36, 208

Columbus, Christopher, 254, 303

Commissioner’s Task Force on Minorities in New York, 302

Communists, 312

American, 24, 31

faith system of, 85

Soviet, 94

support of clergy for, 283

Vietnamese, 19

Compassion in Dying
State of Washington
(1995), 110—11

Comstock, Anthony, 60

Congress. U.S., 55, 255, 261, 284, 289 339

abortion and, 182

affirmative action and, 242

bureaucracies and, 324, 325

feminists and, 220, 225

Supreme Court and, 109, 115—17

Connerly, Ward, 243

conspiracy theories, 229

Constitution, U.S., 57, 97, 98, 100—101, 105, 106, 109, 112, 114—19, 173, 227, 254, 298, 306—7, 319, 321, 329

balanced budget amendment to, 270

English-only amendment to, 302

First Amendment, 98—102, 108, 113, 138.140, 147—49, 152, 289, 290

Second Amendment, 152, 166n

Fifth Amendment, 118

Tenth Amendment, 270

Thirteenth Amendment, 245

Fourteenth Amendment, 36, 105, 107, 110, 111, 118

contraception, 178, 280

Cornell University, 43—44, 48, 216

corporations, 327

affirmative action in, 234

diversity training in, 215

Council on Crime, 164—66, 169

Court of Appeals, U.S.

Second Circuit, 111

Ninth Circuit, 110—11, 187

crack cocaine, 161

Crandall, Candace C., 179

Crick, Francis, 175

crime, 3, 104, 154—58, 164—71, 326, 342

family and, 205

popular culture and, 127, 131

Cuba, Communist victory in, 19

Cuomo, Mario, 291

Dadaism, 130

Dante, 306

Dark Ages, 334—35

Darwin, Charles, 281, 294

date rape, accusations of. 215

Days of Rage, 30

Dean, James, 1

death penalty, 165, 172

Death with Dignity Act (Oregon, 1994), 187

Declaration of Independence, 56—58, 63—64, 66—67, 98, 320

Decter, Midge. 24, 194, 228

Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), 375

Democracy in America
(Tocqueville), 82, 272—73

Democratic Party, 7, 55, 130, 160, 282, 333

1968 National Convention of, 18

DePaul University, 309—10

Desert Storm, 221

Dickinson, Emily, 212

die, right to, 110—11

Dilulio, John, 161, 164, 165, 168—69

dinosaurs, extinction of, 261—62

diversity, 240

training in, 215

see also

divorce, 154, 157—58.204, 276, 340

Catholic church’s teachings on, 280

Dole, Robert, 130, 141, 143

domestic violence, 206, 207, 284

Donaldson, Sam, 191

Donohue, William A., 97

Dred Scott
173, 318

drugs, 3, 50, 161, 340

blacks and, 229

due process clause, 107, 118

Dukakis, Michael, 243

Durkheim, Emile, 3

Eastland, Terry, 233

Edison, Thomas, 255

education, 342

bilingual, 301—2

decline of standards in, 250—55

feminism v., 208—18


multiculturalism in, 302—13

power to discipline in, 104—5

Education, U.S. Department of, 216

Civil Rights Office, 236

egalitarianism, radical, 5, 10, 11, 30, 54, 66—82, 150, 154, 332

abortion and, 183

blacks and, 230

crime and, 166

and decline of intellect, 250—52, 256, 259, 265—68

and denigration of white males, 235

feminism and, 201

government bureaucracies and, 321—28

of intellectual class, 88, 93

judiciary, 105—8

religion and, 281, 286, 292

resistance to, 342

Egypt, ancient, 244, 245

Einstein, Albert, 255

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 1, 76, 77

elderly, euthanasia of, 191

Eliot, T.S., 61—62

elites, selection of, 78

Ellington, Duke, 124

English language

immigrants and, 300—302

standard v. “black,” 307

Enlightenment, the. 4.58, 61.63—64, 92, 94, 276

Enola Gay
(bomber), 90

environmentalism, 53, 274, 282

envy, 25, 68—69, 73—76

avoidance of, 93

Episcopal Church, 284, 286

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 236

egalitarianism equal protection clause, 105—8. 111, 113

Equal Rights Amendment, 324—25

Essay on Pauperism
(Tocqueville), 160

Estrich, Susan. 243

ethnicity, cult of, 300

ethnic studies programs, 209, 244, 267

Eurocentrism, 297, 307, 311—12

European Union, 208

euthanasia, 172.185—92

evangelical movement, 286, 293, 336

evolution, theory of, 281, 294

exceptions clause, 116

exclusionary rule. 104

expression, freedom of, 99—100, 131, 147—48

expressive individualism, 88

Fair Deal, 67

Faludi, Susan, 207—8

family, feminism versus, 203—5, 224

Farrahkan, Louis, 226, 227, 229

fascism. 46—48, 94.153, 312

as faith system, 85

feminism and. 201, 202

rejection of rationality in, 264

Federal Bureau of Investigation (F.B.I.), 40, 341

Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 106—7

Federalist Papers, 297

feminism, 53, 55, 125, 193—225, 228, 282.298, 299

and abortion rights, 179, 183

armed forces conquered by, 218—23

and decline of intellect, 251, 253, 267

intellectual collapse of, 198—200

multiculturalism and, 306, 307.311

politics and mood of, 200—203

religion and, 206, 284, 287—89

v. education. 208—18, 244

v. facts, 206—8

v. family, 203—5

Ferguson, Colin, 246

fetal tissue research, 183

Fight for the Water Hole, The
(Remington), 90

Finley, Karen, 203

flag desecration, 55, 99—101, 116

Fonda, Jane, 19—20, 86

Ford, Gerald R., 200

Fortas, Abe, 101

Fortune Magazine,


irrationality in, 264n

student rebellion in, 17

Frankfurter, Felix, 118

fraternity, hope for, 296—313

Free Speech movement, 26

French Revolution, 29—30, 296, 317

Freud, Sigmund, 281, 294

Friedan, Betty, 204

Fuchs, Michael, 131

Fumento, Michael, 189, 190

Galbraith, John Kenneth, 334

Gallagher, Maggie, 138—39, 223, 224

gangs, 157

gangsta rap, 132, 143

Gardner, James, 92, 129, 130

gated communities, 334

gay and lesbian studies, 208, 267


gender norming, 221

gender perspective, 196—98, 205

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