Slouching Towards Gomorrah (63 page)

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Authors: Robert H. Bork

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non-discrimination laws, 78

Noonan, John, 187

Notre Dame University, 282, 287

nuclear weapons, 261—62, 285

Nussbaum, Martha, 203—4, 362

O’Beirne, Kate, 224—25

O’Brien, Conor Cruise, 302, 303, 307—8

obscenity, 124—26, 129, 135

in arts, 130

censorship and, 134, 140—53

see also

O’Connor, John J., 135

Oddie, William, 287

Oklahoma City bombing, 170

Omari, Ibn Fadi Allah al-, 253

(Wilson), 275

On Liberty
(Mill), 59—61, 64

organ transplants, 184—85

Ortega y Gassett, José, 21, 259, 278—79, 312, 313

Oxford University Press, 212—13

Pacific Islanders, 223, 309

Page, Clarence, 229

pantheism, 273

Parkinson’s disease, 183

Parliament, British, 97

partial birth abortions, 182—83

Patai, Daphne, 195—96, 201, 209, 211

patents, 110

patriarchy, 205, 209, 210, 212

religion and, 288

spinelessness of, 215

Paul VI, Pope, 280

Pearl Harbor, 91

Pellegrino, Edmund D., 188

Penn, William, 254

Penn State University, 216

Pennsylvania, University of, 215, 245, 309

People for the American Way, 53

performance art, 203

Perkins, James A., 43

Perot, Ross, 341

personal dignity and autonomy, right to, 103

Philippines, 91

philosophy, 276

materialist, 282

Planned Parenthood, 53, 182

Planned Parenthood
(1992), 103, 111, 349

Polish immigrants, 301

political correctness, 54, 90, 203, 215, 247, 255, 256, 262, 333

Polsby, Daniel, 166—67

polygamy, 113—14

pope, infallibility of, 280

popular culture, 123—39

censorship of, 140—53, 342

illegitimacy and crime and, 156, 157

institution of marriage attacked by, 158

pornography, 135—39, 217

censorship of, 142, 145—53, 346—50

Porter, Cole, 124

Port Huron Statement,
26—27, 30—31, 47, 55, 87, 193, 198

post-modernism, 268—70

Powell, Lewis, 103, 360—61


preferences, racial,
affirmative action


in armed forces. 221, 222


Presbyterian Church, 284, 285

Presidential Commission on the Assignment of Women in the Armed Forces, 221

Presley, Elvis, 1, 131

Prime Time Live,

Princeton University, 161

privacy, right of, 103, 104

progressive income tax, 70—73

Prohibition, 173

Promise Keepers, 293—94, 336

Proposition 187, 243

prostitution, 127, 129

Protestantism, 280—85, 289, 292—93, 297

psychics, 263

Public Interest,

Public/Private Ventures (P/PV), 163—64

Pueblo Indians, 323

Puerto Rican independence movement, 284

Quakers, 254

quality, idea of, 248

Quayle, Dan, 221

race-holding, 228, 240

race relations, 226—49, 358—63

racial preferences,
affirmative action

Rackley, Alex, 41, 47

rape, accusations of. 215

rap music. 123—28, 130—32, 135, 140, 143, 157

Rathenau, Walter, 21

rationality, rejection of, 263—67, 270

in feminism, 210—11

in multiculturalism, 312

Ravitch, Diane, 354—55

Rawls, John, 79—81

Reagan, Ronald, 2, 107n, 115, 200, 227, 255, 339

Redford, Robert, 86

relativism, moral, 99, 276, 337

in popular culture, 127

religion, 8, 9, 272—95, 342

civil society and, 329

in Dark Ages, 334—35

education about. 255

feminism v., 206

freedom of, 98, 102—3, 113

liberal, 91

meaning provided by, 85

morality and, 142, 272—80, 286, 293, 332

politics as, 86.

revival of, 336—37

see also

Remington, Frederic, 90

reparations, 238

Republican Party, 7, 36, 55, 114, 160, 200, 282, 284, 318, 333, 341

Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC), 45

revisionism, historical, 33—34

Revolutionary War, 297

(1964), 106

Riesman, David, 323

right-to-die movement, 186

Ringle, Ken, 207

Roberts, Paul Craig, 234, 235

Rockefeller, John D., 254

rock music, 1, 23—24, 49, 124, 126, 133—35

(1973), 103, 111, 114, 115, 173—75, 179, 183, 208

Roman Catholic Church, 10, 28, 62, 208, 273, 279—82, 286—89, 291, 292, 294, 337

Romanticism, 126

Romer v. Evans,
112—14, 366

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 55, 67

Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, 285—86

Rosenberg, Harold, 30

Rostow, Eugene, 40

Rothman, Stanley, 24—25, 88—89, 165, 170, 329

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 247

Rubin, Jerry, 42, 87

Russian Orthodox Church, 283

Russian Revolution, 94

Rwanda, 229

Salk, Jonas, 255

same-sex marriages, 112, 208, 325

Samuelson, Robert J., 256

Sandinistas, 283

San people, 77

Santorum, Rick, 370—71

Scalia, Justice, 108, 114, 234, 291, 347, 362

Schaef, Anne Wilson, 203, 210

Schlaes, Amity, 246

Schlafly, Phyllis, 324—25

Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 300, 307, 313

Schoeck, Helmut, 25, 73, 93—94

Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), 62, 239, 252, 257—58


ethnicity and, 300—302

power to discipline in, 104—5, 323

religion in, 289—90

segregation of, 105

sex education in, 159—60

see also

Schroeder, Pat, 219, 221, 222

Schumpeter, Joseph, 83—84, 92


attacks on, 261—62, 265—70

feminism and, 210—11

religion and, 281—82, 294—95

Scranton commission, 45, 46

Scruton, Roger, 337

Seale, Bobby, 41, 42

Searle, John R., 264, 268

Season on the Brink, A
(TV movie), 350

secular humanism, 276, 295

segregation, 105, 230, 243, 342

Seidenberg, Robert, 25

self-control, ethos of, 273

self-esteem movement, 243—44, 251, 253, 301

self-expression, secular ethos of, 273—74

Senate, U.S., 118, 255, 289, 339

Commerce Committee, 138

sensitivity training, 209, 215, 246, 308—9

Serrano (artist), 150

sex, politics of,

Sex and the Mass Media,

sex education, 159—60

sexual harassment, 215, 222

sexuality, 50

adolescents and, 159—60

feminism and, 197

in popular culture, 125—29, 135—39, 142—53, 157

religion and, 281

Shakespeare, William, 212, 247, 306, 345

Sharpton, Al, 229

sheltered enclaves, 334—35

Shinto, 276

Shit Faith
(painting), 129

Sierra Club, 255

Simons, Marlise, 264n

Simpson, O.J., 226, 227

Sindler, Allan P., 44

Singer, Peter, 178

single parents,
divorce; illegitimacy

Singleton, John, 229

slavery, 227, 245, 253, 255, 318—21

Slavic immigrants, 297

Small Business Administration (SBA), 107

Smith, Adam, 58

Smith College. 24, 217

Smithsonian Institution, 90—91

Snoop Doggy Hogg, 123, 131

socialism, 74—75

“cultural” 76

as faith system, 85, 282

Social Security, 270

Social Text,

Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology, 182

Socrates, 245

sodomy, homosexual, 103—4

Sokal, Alan, 269

Sommers, Christina Hoff, 194, 202—3, 211, 217

South Africa, 237

homicide in, 144

South Park
(TV show), 350

Soviet Union. 4, 19, 26, 198, 222, 283, 333

Afghanistan and, 91, 283

collapse of communism in, 263

intellectuals as spies for, 94

underground satirists in, 247

Sowell, Thomas, 39, 232, 237, 239

Spectator, The,
246, 341

speech, freedom of, 98—102, 113, 131, 147—48, 153, 290, 309

see also
Constitution, First Amendment

Spencer, Leslie, 238

Spiro, Melford, 199, 223—24

Spong, John, 286

Sri Lanka, 300

Stalin, Joseph, 102

Stanford University, 236, 241, 247—48, 306

state legislatures, redistricting of, 105—6

“State of Violent Crime in America, The” (Council on Crime), 164—66, 169

status, inequalities of, 77—78

Steele, Shelby, 228, 240

Steichen, Donna, 288—89

Steinem, Gloria, 195, 208

Stephens, James Fitzjames, 61, 294

Stewart, Potter, 290—91

Stratton, Lawrence M., 234, 235

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), 53

student radicalism, 33—55, 84, 155, 156

birth of, 25—32

and decline of intellect, 259—60, 263

feminism and, 193, 216

roots of, 21—25, 155

and sacking of universities, 36—51

and Vietnam War, 17—21

Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), 18, 22, 24, 26—31, 43—45, 48, 49, 53, 87

suicide, assisted, 110—11, 114, 172, 185—92

Supreme Court, U.S., 7, 95—119, 234, 318, 324, 335

abortion and, 173—74

affirmative action and, 227, 231, 248

assisted suicide and, 185—86

censorship and, 146—50, 152—53, 346—58

gun control and, 166n

religion and, 289

see also specific decisions

surrealism, 130

Sweden, 73

swing music, 124

Sykes, Charles J., 82

symbols, national, 100—101

taxation, 150

Court and, 110

progressive, 70—73

technology, 9—10

religion and, 281

women and, 195

youth rebellion and, 23

television, 127—29, 133, 144—45, 157, 335

and decline of intellect. 253, 263

pornography on, 137, 148

religion and. 291

Tempest, The
(Shakespeare), 212

Ten Commandments, 277, 289

Texas, University of, 87, 114, 214, 318

(1989), 99—101

Thomas, Clarence, 108, 335

Thomasma, David C., 190—91

“three strikes and you’re out” sentencing policy, 167—68


Time Warner, 130—32, 138, 148

Tin Pan Alley, 124

Tocqueville, Alexis de, 67, 75, 81—82, 133, 160, 272—73, 279, 280, 286, 325—26

Trilling, Lionel, 12, 30, 88

Truman, Harry, 61, 67

Tubman, Harriet, 255

Tucker, C. DeLores, 130—32, 141

Underground Railroad, 255

unemployment, 322

unions, minimum wage supported by, 271

United Kingdom, 97, 117, 164, 320

Muslim immigrants in, 299—300

United Methodist Church, 284

United Nations, 91, 200, 226

Fourth World Conference on

Women (Beijing, 1995), 196—97, 201, 205, 206, 208

United Stales
Playboy Entertainment Group, Inc.
(2000), 347—48, 349

United States

universities, 22—23, 333, 342

captured by liberalism, 85

and decline of intellect, 250, 252, 255—66

discrimination against white males in, 231, 234, 235

ethnic separatism in, 300

federal grants to, 327

feminism in, 195—96, 203, 209—18

hostility to America in, 89

minority students in, 229, 239—48

multiculturalism in, 305, 309—11, 313

“political correctness” in, 54

and popular culture. 129

post-World War II expansion of, 22

radical egalitarian ism in, 77—78

sacking of, 13, 36—51, 155

University Center for Rational Alternatives, 216

unwed mothers,
illegitimacy utopian movements, 27, 28

Values Matter Most
(Wattenberg), 164

V chip, 145

victim status, 82, 254

Vidal, Gore, 86


music, 128

pornographic, 136—37, 150

Vietcong, 20, 44

Vietnamese immigrants, 301

Vietnam War, 17—21, 44—47, 51

violence, 11—12, 340

domestic, 206, 207, 284

ethnic, 313

in popular culture, 125, 126, 131, 134—35, 140, 142—44, 150—52, 157

speech advocating, 101—2, 113

of student radicals, 26, 30, 39—46, 49—50

of underclass, 323

see also

Virginia, University of. School of Medicine, 189

Virginia Military Institute (VMI), 108, 359

Vonnegut, Kurt, 75

voting rights, 77—78

for women, 195

Voting Rights Act (1965), 227, 302

wage, minimum, 270—71, 279

Wallace, George, 243

Waller, Fats, 124

Wallop. Malcolm. 333

Wall Street Journal, The,

Warner Bros. Records, 131

Warren, Earl, 101, 105, 109—10

Washington, George, 255

Washington, University of, 214

Washington Post,
123, 207, 247, 339

Watergate scandal, 255

Wattenberg, Ben, 133, 164, 165

wealth, distribution of, 67—74, 81

Weathermen, 30, 32, 42

Weber, Max, 84—86, 88

Webster, Daniel, 255

Weisman, Deborah, 102

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