Read Sinister Kisses (SKALS #1) Online

Authors: Adriana Noir

Tags: #SKALS

Sinister Kisses (SKALS #1) (8 page)

BOOK: Sinister Kisses (SKALS #1)
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“Taylor’s fine. They’re checking her over
as we speak. I need a favor.”

“Name it.”

“Get me intell on local gangs—names, addresses, hangouts—the full rundown. I’ll be by as soon as I drop her off.”

There was a slight pause on the other end, followed by Josh’s amused chuckle. “She’s heading to Casa
de Baas after all, huh? I’m going to take a stab in the dark here and assume Plan A is no longer in effect?”

“Good guess,” Sebastian
snapped. “Make sure that information is ready.”

Stuffing his phone back in his pocket
, he moved to gather Taylor and her clothes. The next stop would be some place that sold coffee. It was going to be a very long day.


Darkness gathered outside the van, cloaking him in even deeper shadow. Rolling his neck, Sebastian glanced at the clock. It was approaching ten. Just about time for the little cockroaches to start scuttling out of hiding and making their rounds. The police would be closing in on them soon. If he didn’t make a move before then, he would never get his chance. Wetting his lips, he tugged his hood up and turned his head, hiding in its folds as an old man shuffled by with a Weiner dog in tow. Once the geezer had passed, he cracked his knuckles. Their rigid pop and the creak of leather sounded unnaturally loud in the silence of the car, as did his thoughts.

In ways, the shooting had spared him. It spared him time and deliberation, but he resented the loss of control. His plan had been safe and methodical, if not a bit cold. Cold didn’t matter. It was the results he was
interested in, and Taylor would have never been in danger. His fists clamped around the steering wheel in frustration. A simple break in would have done the trick. She would have been rattled, scared, and more than willing to run to the safety of his arms. Brad wouldn’t have hurt her. Of that much he’d made sure. Instead, her house was shot up, her arms were cut, and the trauma of what she’d seen and heard would probably haunt her for weeks. And for what? All so some two-bit hood rats could get a little payback? The thought made his blood boil.

Movement on the monitor drew his attention. Cocking his head, Sebastian
watched two figures duck out of the bar and make their way down the street. Showtime. He flipped the laptop shut and, within seconds, he followed a few feet behind.

“Everything’s clear,

He closed the distance as they turned into an alley. A quick scan of his surroundings and Josh’s silence assured the path was clear. The taller of the two
paused, his lanky body growing stiff at the soft but distinct click of the pistol’s safety.

Don’t move.” Sebastian issued the raspy whisper against his ear. “You boys made a very stupid mistake today, Davon, and it’s going to cost you.”

Clamping his hand on the back of the man’s neck, Sebastian drove him to his knees with a quick blow from behind. The punk’s body buckled and he hit the asphalt in an awkward sprawl. The sudden topple drew his friend’s attention. A
snarl rode Sebastian’s lips as the squat one rounded on him. Outrage gleamed in his eyes, and the business end of his gun brought the younger one to a halt.

Staring at him, Sebastian cocked the hammer. “
Get over here and join him before I blow your face off,” he ordered.

The two shared an uncertain glance before
Kenny sank into a kneeling position.

“You holding us up, man? I don’t have no money on me.” Worry hiked Davon’s voice up an octave
as he peered at his friend. Sebastian forced a cold smile.

“I find that a bit hard to believe,” he whispered
, leaning between them. “Two drug dealing gangbangers like you?” Sebastian shook his head and patted the man roughly on his shoulder. “No, Davon. Do us both a favor and don’t lie to me. Nothing puts me in a bad mood faster.”

“I think you’re already in a bad mood, yo. That or crazy as hell,” Kenny muttered
, craning his head to track Sebastian’s movements as he casually strolled in front of them.

Eyes narrowed, he offered a curt nod
and crouched before the pair. “That’s a very good possibility,” he said softly. “Call me crazy, but when the woman I love gets caught in the crossfire of a random shoot out, I have a very difficult time turning the other cheek.”

“Look man, we had nothing to do wit

soft ping of the silencer was deceptive compared to the ominous spray of blood that followed. Wide-eyed, Davon issued a breathless howl, swiping at his face in a frantic attempt to clear away the gelatinous bits of brain and fragments of skull clinging to his skin. He gaped at his fallen friend in horror before swinging a pleading gaze Sebastian’s way.

“I warned you not to lie,”
he stated with a callous shrug. “I am done playing games, Davon.”

“Look, man, please. I’m sorry your girl got caught up in it.
She wasn’t who we were after. Please…”

Sebastian stared
him in the eyes with a slow shake of his head. “I’m afraid that doesn’t matter. Your apologies mean nothing to me.”

“Man…please…I’m begging you. Let me go. I won’t do it again, I swear.”

“You’ve got that right,” Sebastian whispered.

A whimper parted the young man’s lips
as cold steel pressed against his forehead in a menacing kiss. The familiar stink of urine rose from the street. Sebastian curled his lip in disgust and rocked to his feet. The cold glint of hatred in his eyes was the last thing he saw reflected back at him in the terrified flare of Davon’s pupils.


Sighing, Sebastian stripped off his holster and dropped it on the kitchen counter. It had been a long day, but a successful one. They were another step closer to closing in on some crazed cult leader, he’d spilled the need for vengeance, and, best of all, there was a beautiful woman waiting for him. For the first time in hours, the beginnings of a genuine smile lit his face. Stepping back into the laundry room, he stripped down and changed into a pair of sweatpants. He wasn’t worried about evidence: the bullets were completely untraceable and gang retaliations happened every day. What he didn’t want was Taylor spotting any blood. If she did, the questions might start and answers weren’t something he was willing to give. As hard as it was to wait any longer, he made a quick stop in the half bath to wash up before roaming the house in search of his prize.

He found her curled up on one of the plush leather couches in the great room. She’d burrowed beneath one of the maroon throws, and if the crumpled magazine on the floor was any indication, she’d fallen asleep reading. Crouching down in front of
Taylor, he studied her with a small smile. She was so beautiful, so innocent, and gentle. And now, she was completely his. The thought was almost humbling. Reaching out, he smoothed the hair back from her face and watched as her grey eyes slowly fluttered open.

, darling,” he murmured. “What are you doing on the couch?”

The sleepy smile she offered stole
his breath away.

“Where else was I supposed to sleep?” she asked, stretching beneath the soft throw like a contented feline.

“My bed would have been an excellent start,” he chuckled.

Her eyes took on an impish gleam. “You said the master suite was yours and yours alone. I also recall you saying
you would show it to me sometime if I was a good girl. I was not about to be so presumptuous or bold.”

shoulders shook with a quiet laugh. “I think you enjoy playing hard to get, little minx. I warned you I was not a patient man. Haven’t I chased you long enough?”

Taylor giggled and tucked her hand beneath her chin. “Don’t
tell me you’re growing tired of it already. The chase is always the best part.”

Cupping the side of her face, he gazed into the silver pools of her eyes. “Make no mistake. I would hunt you to the very ends of this earth and back if that’s what it took. You have no idea
the things I would do for you.”

Taylor’s cheeks flushed and her stare disappeared beneath the thick
, sooty sweep of her lashes. His body throbbed with desire and the primal need to stake his claim on this woman. He’d waited long enough. Gathering her into his arms, he lifted her off the couch.

“What are you doing?” she asked, clinging gently to the side of his neck.

“Taking you where you belong.





Taylor glanced around the opulent master suite in awe as the fireplace lit the room, bathing it in a subtle glow. The heavy double doors had been impressive enough, but the spacious retreat blew her away. A sitting area opened to the left of the doors, complete with a lush micro suede furniture set and ornate end tables. Even the walls were decorated with the simple eloquence of silver framed pictures and mirrors. The bedroom loomed to the right, equipped with a massive four-poster bed and a fireplace that served as a quarter wall dividing the two areas. Deep in the far end of the room, was an enormous walk in closet that could have easily fit her entire apartment, just from what she could see. The opposite side of the room boasted a window bay with rich, velvety drapes and a plush chaise lounge that made her want to curl up and read. She ran her hand over the embroidered comforter, marveling in the soft padding and striking combination of black and silver.

Her heart beat a little faster as Sebastian approached the side of the bed. The firelight played across the firm lines of his body, highlighting each solid ridge and valley. She was surprised and a little amazed. He wasn’t some hulking
gym-rat but, beneath his shirt, he harbored a gorgeous body. Every inch of him was lean, hard, and well defined. He was like a panther: sleek, dangerous, and full of lethal power. Reaching out, she trailed her fingers over the taut drum of his abs. Sebastian sucked in a sharp breath and caught her wrist in response, but not before she witnessed the marvelous play of the six-pack stretched beneath his skin. Or was it eight?

Taylor whimpered as he sprung, covering her body and pinning it to the mattress in one fluid movement. His hands trailed up her sides, eagerly pulling her shirt with them as his mouth plied hers with hungry, demanding kisses. Slow burning napalm exploded in her veins as he cupped her breasts, kneading the tender flesh. The warm pad of his thumbs strummed across her nipples, and Taylor arched against him with a fevered moan.
He pinched the tiny nubs, rolling them tightly between his fingers drawing another whimper from her lips. Hot moisture pooled between her thighs and she grew dizzy from the staggering combination of pleasure and pain.

Sebastian chuckled against her skin. “You like that, do you?” he murmured seconds before his mouth closed over her breast.

Taylor panted beneath the onslaught as he sucked and nipped with zeal. Her fingers plowed through his unruly curls in encouragement as she nodded and moaned. Shame flushed her cheeks as she realized how brazen she must look and sound but her body was too far gone to care. All that mattered was quenching the unbearable ache between her thighs.


He tugged her nipple between his teeth. A taunting smile rode his lips as he peered up at her. Squirming beneath him, she groaned, writhing against the comforter in an attempt to escape the maddening torture. Growling beneath his breath, Sebastian gave her shorts and panties a sharp tug, dragging both down her legs with a savage wrench. Brief fear lanced her chest and, for a moment, she wondered what she’d gotten herself into. The animalistic hunger in his eyes as every bit as humbling as it was terrifying.

She cried out as he lowered his head between her thighs and the swift dart of his tongue parted her swollen lips.
When he licked her, the deep guttural noise rising from his throat threatened to drive her mad. Reaching up, his strong hands gripped her hips and pinned them to the mattress. Her confusion was short lived. The hot fan of his breath alone was enough to drive her wild, but when his tongue thrashed against her without mercy, she jerked against his hold. Biting waves of pleasure ripped through her. Something dark and delicious danced just out of reach, coaxing her and calling her forward. Just before she reached that precipice, Sebastian stopped and crawled up the length of her body.

The look in his pale sage eyes was numbing.

“You are so beautiful.” His voice was a husky rasp that sent shivers of delight down her spine. “Every last inch of you.”

Unable to speak, she reached for him, but he rolled to the side, the muscles in his body straining as he peeled off his sweats. A soft gasp left her upon seeing him naked for the first time. Her heart hammered with uncertainty as her eyes darted to his. Sebastian’s smile was slow and unrepentant.

“It’s okay,” he coaxed, settling back on top of her.

Taylor wasn’t so sure.
The long, thick length of his erection jutted to his navel in proud display. She felt the hot flesh jump against her thigh, and a moment of panic seized her. It was going to hurt. Tears pricked her eyes as he nudged her thighs apart with his knee and the tip of his shaft prodded her entrance. Sebastian cradled her face between his hands. His expression was soft and coaxing as he covered her mouth with his.

BOOK: Sinister Kisses (SKALS #1)
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