Sinister Kisses (SKALS #1) (7 page)

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Authors: Adriana Noir

Tags: #SKALS

BOOK: Sinister Kisses (SKALS #1)
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. Her mind clung to that word, wrapping around it and replaying it until her cheeks flushed and a pleasant tingle branched through her core. It was humbling and still a bit surreal that a man like him would want anything to do with her. Never had she met someone with such a commanding essence, and those eyes, his beautiful sage eyes, held the power to be mesmerizing one moment and terrifying the next. Taylor shivered and smiled. Yawning, she resisted the urge to burrow deeper into the cozy haven of blankets and sleep the day away. Another ten-hour shift at the truck stop loomed ahead. Given the holiday rush and mass transport of the season, she would be lucky if she found the time to think, let alone dream. She glanced at the glowing red numbers on the alarm clock, hoping to steal just five more minutes.

Luck was seldom on her side. Peeling
back the plush navy comforter, she swung her feet over the edge of the bed with a begrudging sigh. Her toes curled into the rough beige carpet pile. If it could even be called such anymore. Years of use had matted the yarns flat, and in places, the backing was starting to show through. Hopefully, Sebastian hadn’t noticed it when he’d carried her to bed last night. Her landlord had neither the time nor the inclination to update, let alone fix the things that were falling into disrepair. The plastic bucket under her kitchen sink was a fine testament to that fact.

Tugging her robe sash tighter, Taylor padded into the bathroom to start the shower.
The shock of the cold tiles beneath her feet jarred her awake. Still on autopilot, she made her way into the kitchen to start a pot of coffee while the water heated. If she were lucky, it would be lukewarm by the time she was ready to step beneath the spray.

Her head snapped around at the sound of squealing tires and the deep rev of a motor as a car turned onto her street. Glancing at the wall clock, she frowned. The school bus would be coming soon, which meant there was already a gaggle of little ones waiting on the corner. Her thoughts turned to Josh and the encounter they’d had the day before
. A crippling wave of anger tightened her chest. If that was him, he wouldn’t have to worry about Sebastian’s lecture. She would throttle him herself. Cursing, Taylor strode toward the front windows in the living room.

A strange popping sound halted her before she could peel back the lace curtains and peer outside. Freezing in midstride, her head tilted. It erupted again, this time much louder and in a rapid hail. Screaming, she hit her knees, scrambling across the floor as plaster and glass shattered inward in a violent hail.
Terrified wails erupted next door. Sharp glistening shards flew past her head, littering the carpet as she scurried for cover. A bullet lodged in the far wall, missing her by a matter of inches. Flattening, Taylor sobbed, pulling herself across the floor in a commando crawl.

Broken glass gouged her arms and belly. Dragging herself into the hall, she sat barricaded with her back against the interior wall. Her heart pounded; the furious roar of the blood rushing through her system drowned all other sound. Numb, she listened to the world pulse in and out around her. Then, deathly silence reigned.



Sebastian took a long pull of coffee from his mug before setting it down and leaning over Vince’s shoulder. It had been a late night, and he was going to need more than a fair share of caffeine to get him through the day. As it was, he was having a hard time focusing on anything other than Taylor. Raking a hand through his curls, he blew out a deep breath. He really needed to get that girl under his roof and in his bed before he drove himself insane. Bracing one hand on the conference table, he reasserted his attention and concentrated on the computer screen.

“It looks like everything is in place. Pull up the coordinates on target X. Let’s see what our bad boy is up to this morning.”

The bright monitor reflected Vince’s knowing smile while his fingers danced across the keyboard with dizzying speed. “Let’s just hope he’s at work and not playing hooky like someone else last night.”

Sebastian’s piercing gaze narrowed. “
Do I need to reinforce the fact that my personal life is none of your damn business?”

Baas. I was just fishing.”

“Don’t wear concrete shoes on a narrow pier.”

Striking the final key, Vince started to lean back until he remembered his teammate still hovered over him. Reclining to the side to give Sebastian a better view, he folded his arms and regarded the screen. “Looks like our guy didn’t make it to work today after all. These numbers are all wrong.”

“Bring the location up.”

Rapid clacking filled the room as the blond’s lean fingers pounded the keys. “Ah. Here we go. Rosedale Elementary School. He must be at some kind of holiday program for his kids or something.”

“With his wife at home?” The
doubt stamping Sebastian’s expression rapidly shifted to one of annoyance as the door burst open. It bounced off the far wall, almost slamming into the flushed man standing in its frame. Sebastian took one look at his partner’s eyes and straightened. Fear lurked in those brooding depths, fear and something much more potent. Rage perhaps? Cocking his head, he looked to him in question.

“You’re going to want to turn on the news,
Baas. There was a drive by this morning on Parkview. The locals are being tight lipped, but the initial report is two fatalities and three in transport.”

Not waiting for a
reply, Josh strode across the room and grabbed the remote. He aimed it at the television mounted in the corner as Sebastian braced himself on the back of Vince’s chair. His mind whirled, and horror threatened to topple his precarious hold. His fingers tightened, gouging deep into the padded leather. The muscles along his jaw knotted with fury. He’d known that neighborhood was nothing but trouble from the start. It lurked on every corner, infested every crevice. His instincts were never wrong, but he’d relented in some half-ditch effort to appease Taylor, and look where that had gotten them both.

His gaze swung to the TV as the newscaster’s somber voice engulfed the room. Sebastian zeroed in on the squat apartment complex behind her. The flapping clothes and dingy siding told him all he needed to know. His face twitched. A livid curse exploded from his lips and he whirled, grabbing his coat off the table. Josh followed on his heels.

Rounding on him, Sebastian brought him up short. “Cover me and maintain operations. I’ll be back.”

What are you going to do?”

leveled his partner with a hard look. “Keep a line open.”

Someone’s low whistle of impending doom followed him out the door. Growling,
Sebastian made a mental promise to find them later.


The entire street was chaos. Red and blue strobes still flashed, reflecting off the sides of the buildings and the sea of yellow tape stretched halfway around the block. Sebastian’s body lurched forward, straining against the seatbelt as he brought the car to an abrupt halt. His gaze darted over the crowd, skimming over the dark uniforms of police and medical personnel in a frantic search for Taylor. A swarm of people filled the street, a few of them still clad in pajamas and slippers. Shock and fear branded their faces as well-meaning neighbors and firemen brought them blankets to help ward off the early December chill. Beyond the temporary barricades, he could see the chalk outlines and tented numbers that marked where bullets had fallen.

his way through the masses, Sebastian’s stomach clenched. Raw adrenaline surged through his system as he hunted for Taylor. Each moment that passed with no sign of her heightened his frustration and fear. Flashing his badge with a quick explanation, he ducked through the last line of tape. What little bit of coffee he’d managed to chug down that morning burned. His insides felt like they’d been doused in gasoline, and he vowed with everything he had, he would find the punks who’d struck the match.

Shouldering a young officer out of his way, he started up the stairs to the second floor apartments and froze. A prickle at the nape of
his neck made him turn. He drew in a shuddering breath. She looked small and pitiful huddled on a concrete divider, hugging her knees to her chest. She was working over that delectable bottom lip and he knew, just from her body language, that those eyes would be lost. His chest ached. Turning his head to the side, he ignored the pop of tension in his spine as he struggled to gain some small measure of control before approaching her. His patience was hanging on by a thread and he knew how stubborn she could be. After this, there was no way he would wait any longer.


Her head snapped up at his voice. Tears still shimmered in her grey eyes, giving them the same sheen as finely spun silver. Just as he knew they would, they held suffering and fear. Her chin dimpled, quivering, as she cast aside the thin blanket she’d been wrapped in and leapt to her feet. Sebastian braced himself as she crashed into his arms. He held tight, burying his face against the top of her head as Taylor clung to him. Her body trembled with nerves and cold.

“Sebastian…I’m so glad you’re here.”

He closed his eyes. It was doubtful she would feel the same if she had any idea what was running through his mind. Pulling back, he trailed his hands over her in search of any injury. A cross frown tightened his face when he saw the small scratches marring her arms.

“I’m okay,” she whispered.

His jaw knotted as he ground his teeth. Fury robbed him of the ability to speak. Shaking his head, he shrugged out of his coat and draped it around her shoulders. Taylor shivered, wrapping the heated leather folds around her body, a grateful twist playing on the corner of her mouth. Pulling her closer, he shared in the heat, his eyes darting to the shattered windows above. The short crescents of his nails bit into his palms as he clenched his fists.

“What happened?” he finally managed to grind out. “Why didn’t you call me?”

“I didn’t want to bother you at work. I’m fine, just a little shaken up.”

“I don’t give a damn about work, Taylor!”
Pinching the bridge of his nose, he fought to get his temper under control. “I was worried sick about you—again. This has got to stop.”

“It’s not like this happens every day!” she exclaimed.

His eyes narrowed into dangerous slits. “Is that supposed to be cute? I don’t care if this is the first time it has happened, or the hundredth. You could have been killed!” he yelled, gesturing to the bullet riddled apartment complex. “I’m not going to spend another night wondering what the hell is going on out here. As soon as you can get back in there, we’re grabbing your stuff. You’re coming home with me.”

Taylor opened her mouth, but he silenced her with a
finger and a slow shake of his head. “No,” he warned. “The only words I want to hear out of your mouth at this point are, ‘yes, Sebastian’ or ‘I would be happy to, Sebastian.’ Anything else is only going to piss me off. Are we clear?”

She nodded, lowering her gaze with a demure sweep of her lashes.
Taylor wrung her hands nervously in front of her. “Yes, Sebastian.”

lifted her face to drop a quick kiss on her lips. “That’s my girl. Now tell me what you know.”

She blew out a shaky breath and lowered back onto the concrete ledge. “I don’t know much. I think they were targeting the kid two doors down, Trevor. He’s been mixed up with some bad stuff in the past. Or he was.” Taylor dashed her face dry and plowed her trembling hands through her hair. “His poor mother. She was hysterical. I think I’m going to hear her screaming for the rest of my life.”

“All the more reason for you to get out of here,” he said softly. Sitting down beside her, Sebastian covered her hand with his and gave it a gentle squeeze. “What do you know about the guys that did this?”

She grimaced and wrinkled her nose. “Not much. They hung out on the corner from time to time. I heard
Trevor yell their names a couple times from the balcony.” Her brow furrowed with concentration. “Davon and Kenny. His mom was covered in blood. She kept crying and saying he was just a baby…how he was trying to get out.”

“As sad as it is, that’s probably why they shot him. Gangs have a very strict code and once you’re in, you are in for life. It ends all too often this way for the kids who try to change their minds.” Reaching over, Sebastian brushed the hair from her eyes. She was pale and shaky, and her disjointed thinking had him worried. “
Has anyone looked you over?”

“No,” she said, with a wobble of her head. “I’m okay, really. It’s just some scratches from when the glass shattered. I crawled into the hall. Some of it must have cut me.”

“Smart thinking,” he said, kissing her temple. “But I’m worried about shock. Let’s get you checked out, just to be safe.”

He paced the sidewalk a few minutes later, keeping a close eye on Taylor while the paramedics looked her over. He didn’t like leaving her side
. Hell, he didn’t even like other people touching her, but he needed a minute to think and regroup. The local police officers had done little to ease his mind. In fact, hearing how she would have been dead if she’d been standing a just few more inches one way or the other had only reignited Sebastian’s anger. He tensed as Josh’s gruff voice filtered through the other end of the phone.

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