Read Sinister Kisses (SKALS #1) Online

Authors: Adriana Noir

Tags: #SKALS

Sinister Kisses (SKALS #1) (24 page)

BOOK: Sinister Kisses (SKALS #1)
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“My butt hurts,” she admitted with a blush.

He couldn’t help but laugh. Lifting a brow, he ran his hand over the upper curve of her thigh. “Does it now?”

She wiggled in his lap, drawing another chuckle. Cupping her chin, he tugged her face
to his for a quick kiss.

Then your reminder is serving you well,” he stated quietly.

He ran a finger over the delicate silver chain gracing her neck and lifted his gaze to hers. It humbled him to find nothing but love and acceptance
reflecting back at him from those expressive grey pools. He’d expected a hint of rebellion, pain, or even hatred. Those were things he was used to dealing with on a personal and professional level. What he saw in her eyes made his heart swell with pride and hope. A sense of calm soothed his rampant emotions. He’d known she was special from the first moment he saw her, but for Taylor it had been a matter of her finding her place. Knowing her place. Now, not only did she understand, but also she accepted. Even with the gentle reminder, she’d gone out of her way to please him and was still eager for his touch. She truly was the perfect woman in so many ways.

Nuzzling the
fragrant warmth of her skin, he held her close, savoring the quiet sanctity of the moment. The smell of warm vanilla and cashmere teased his nose. Combined with her own unique fragrance it was a scent he’d come to know by heart and love. It was the smell of comfort and seduction—home. Taylor rested her head against his, her fingers massaging his nape with slow, gentle strokes that threatened to lull him back to sleep. Closing his eyes, he breathed deep. The heat of her body melded with his, pulling him closer to slumber, but he'd slept enough. He didn't want to waste another minute with her. Shifting, he pulled her to straddle him. She giggled and he leaned his head back to offer her a lazy smile. She drew in a breath as he gripped the back of her thighs and rocked her against him.

The pressure and friction against his straining zipper wrung a pleasured groan from his throat. Curling his fingers in the hem of her shirt, he peeled it over her head. Damn if he didn’t love the way the lacy demi cups cradled those perfect breasts.
He closed his hands around the full mounds and rubbed his thumbs across her nipples until they stiffened and Taylor squirmed. Slipping his hands around back, he unclasped the hook and tugged the garment free. A sharp gasp escaped her as he clamped his mouth over a dusky peak and sucked with zeal. Her back arched. Her fingers speared through his hair while hot moisture rocked against the ridge of his jeans.

At this rate, it wasn’t going to take either one of them long to finish. He scooped her up with a growl, loving the way her toned legs instinc
tually wrapped around him. Sunlight streamed through the bay windows bathing her body in a light he didn’t want to miss. Supporting her weight with one hand, he popped the button free on his jeans with the other, letting them fall where he stood. Freeing her breast, their mouths clashed in a hungry fusion. He tugged her cotton pants down as much as their position would allow before sweeping his plate aside and lowering her onto the table. Taylor winced at the scrape of the mosaic tile beneath her tender skin, but she eagerly thrashed out of her clothes as he did the same.

Snaring her hips, he yanked her to the edge and drove into her, blessing his choice of a high table. Taylor’s head fell back, her dark hair spilling around her, as he pumped into her with wild abandon. Coffee sloshed over the rim of the mug before it fell, shattering against the floor. Her breathless cries and the look of agonized bliss playing across her face drove him closer to the edge.
The snug grasp of her body was unbelievable, bordering somewhere near pain. Gritting his teeth, he pinned her hips and pounded into her until those silken walls clamped down in and rocked him in a series of contractions that wrested away sanity and control. The house echoed with his hoarse cry as he emptied himself in a moment of crippling pleasure.

Bracing his palms on the edge of the table, he leaned forward, resting his forehead against hers as he tried to still the frantic beating of his heart.
He grimaced at the feel of cooling coffee beneath his feet. Meeting Taylor’s gaze, he offered a sheepish grin. Soon both of them were laughing as he shifted his weight and splashed in the puddle. His eyebrows danced. Catching sight of his expression, her eyes flared and she shook her head, holding out a staying hand.

“No! No!

The last one came out in a squeal as he scooped her up. The beautiful ring of her laughter chimed throughout the house, joining his chuckle as he quickly but gently lay her down in the puddle and sprawled over top of her. He wanted to kiss her, but they were both laughing too damn hard. It
was crazy, but the moment felt good—right. Grinning down at her, he chomped at the side of her neck with a playful growl, making her thrash and squirm. Her hands splayed against his shoulders before working their way into his curls. He didn’t bother trying to contain his smile as he gazed into her eyes.

“What is this obsession you have with my hair?”

Her cheeks colored, but the smile playing on her face was nothing short of radiant. “I’m in love with these things.”

“Just my curls?” he asked, lifting a brow.

“Absolutely not. I love all of you,” Taylor murmured. “Every last inch.”

“Mm. That goes double for you,” he whispered. Brushing his lips against hers, he stole a kiss. “But you’re crazy.”

“No I’m not. They’re so thick and loose and wild—untamed, just like you.
It’s almost as if they have a life of their own. One minute they make you look like an adorable schoolboy and the next they make you look so sinister.”

His body shook with a loud chuckle. “
I hate to break this to you, darling, but that’s not my hair. That’s just me.”

She scrunched her nose and pressed it against his. “The floor is getting cold.”

“I know a good way to warm it up.” He drew her earlobe between his lips and gave it a gentle nibble.

“Again?” she asked breathlessly.

“Oh yes, sweetheart,” he murmured against the side of her neck. “Again.”


He’d just finished tugging on a clean pair of pants when the doorbell rang. His eyes narrowed at the sound. Cursing, Sebastian shook the excess water from his head and sighed. Only two people besides himself and Taylor knew the passcode for the front gate, and he wasn’t in the mood to deal with either of them. Jogging down the steps, he rounded through the kitchen, nabbing the remainder of his croissant out of the fridge on the way past. The afternoon had brought his appetite back into full swing. Maybe later, he’d order Chinese. Cooking didn’t really appeal to him now, nor did the thought of sitting by himself while Taylor slaved away in the kitchen. His gaze darted to the morning room. Thankfully, she’d picked up the broken mug and mopped the floor before joining him in the shower. The last thing he felt like doing was offering explanations today.

Stuffing the sandwich in his mouth
to hold it, he unlocked the heavy front doors and hauled them open. His heated gaze bore into his sister for a long moment before shifting to her companion. Steeling his jaw, he shook his head and turned back inside, leaving the doors open behind him. A quiet voice in the back of his head cautioned it would be safer to push them shut and retreat back into the arms of the woman he loved. Tension crept up his back and branched across his shoulders, settling near the base of his skull as he heard the door close and the echo of footsteps behind him. He made his way back into the kitchen and tossed his food into the garbage. Giving his neck a stiff roll, he braced his hands on the island and stared at Josh in silent expectation.

“I just wanted to see how you were. I’ve been worried about you,

“Have you?” Sebastian asked quietly. He
traced a swirl in the granite’s surface before lifting his gaze. “It’s a little late for concern now, Josh, don’t you think?”

His partner paled at the implication. Regret and shame haunted his
blue eyes. Seeking respite, he shifted his attention to the floor. Sebastian snorted beneath his breath and pinned his sister with a calculating stare. The last two weeks had taken a definite toll on her. Shadows stretched across her pale face and the angles were sharper, more defined than he remembered. Her thin shoulders strained against her coat as she regarded him in silence. Pain branded her eyes, but there were accusations written in those green depths as well—accusations and a definite spark of resentment.

His jaw clenched. Monique trembled as he approached and leaned over her, his stare boring into hers.

“Is there something you would like to say to me?” he whispered.

Her chin lifted for a moment. He cocked his head, his fist balling instinctually at his side. The pale column of her neck bobbed with a tense swallow. Her lips whitened as she struggled to keep them pressed together. After a long moment, she lowered her head
and averted her gaze.

“No, Sebastian.”

His shoulders jerked with a humorless huff. “That’s good, Monique. Because if I
do the things you are thinking, it wouldn’t be wise to push me to that point again, would it?”

He glanced up as Taylor entered the room. Confusion flickered across her face as she looked between the two of them. He shifted his attention back to his sister just in time to see her give a final shake of her head.

“Keep your mouth shut,” he warned in a low growl. She shuddered beneath his glare, but her hands wrung in a nervous tell. The tension humming through his lean frame heightened to the point of pain.

“Monique, come on,” Josh said. He stepped forward and gave her arm a reassuring stroke. “Now’s obviously not a good time.”

She turned to him. Her expression was incredulous and pained. “If not now when? It wasn’t a good time for me either, Josh. It wasn’t a good time to lose the rest of my family and bury them alone! Neither one of you were there! Neither of you, and that was the one time I needed you the most!” her words broke on a sob. “After everything that’s happened, what am I supposed to think?”

Sebastian’s eyes narrowed
and she stumbled back a step as he whirled on her. Her hands came up, seeking to brace against his chest in an effort to soothe and defend, but he batted them down with a forceful chop of his forearm. “Don’t touch me,” he snarled. “What did I just say, Monique? Hm?”

She backpedaled, flattening herself against the
maple cabinets.

Baas, come on. She’s just hurting and upset.”

“And I’m not?” he asked in a quiet tone. “No, Josh. You had your chance to handle this. Now it’s my turn.”

“There’s nothing to handle,” Monique said, her voice trembling. “I’m sorry, Sebastian. I know you wouldn’t hurt him. Christian was your nephew, too…” Her hands came up as he prowled closer. A sharp cry escaped her as he grabbed her wrists and gave her a brutal shake.

“That is

His hands clamped around her throat. Somewhere, he heard Taylor cry out, but all he could focus on was the purpling hues of his sister’s face. His fingers
sank deep, giving her neck a brutal squeeze. Her rounded gaze screamed back at him, wide with pleading and fear. His hold tightened.

“You are coming very close to finding out just what it is I
capable of,” he warned in a menacing whisper. “I have been there for you and given you everything since the day you were born. Don’t you
come into my house with that look in your eyes again. If you do, I will choke it out of you until there is nothing left. Do you understand me?”

Her hands pawed at the air
, knowing better than to touch him or resist. Monique offered a feeble nod. Her eyes rolled back in her head and he felt her knees start to give with a lack of oxygen and pain. Full-blown rage gripped him, saturating her and the room around them in a blood-soaked haze. For a moment, he pondered not letting go. The muscles beneath his eyes tightened and jumped in a dangerous twitch. Curling his lip, he unfurled his hands, and glared down at her as she hit the floor at his feet.

Monique coughed and sputtered, her fingers dancing over her neck. Sebastian coiled over her, his hand cocked and ready to fly as she shied away.
Fingers latched around his wrist, stopping him from completing the swing. He whirled on his heels and spun to confront Josh.

“She’s had enough,” his partner urged. His rugged features pleaded for some small measure of compassion and understanding.

Sebastian gave a dry laugh. “She’s had enough,” he said, backing away. “There’s that concern you were talking about earlier. Tell me something, Josh, where were you when I needed it, huh?” he asked, lifting his arms and casting them wide in question. “Did you ever think maybe I had enough? Did that thought ever cross your mind over the last two weeks? Or does it just not matter when it’s me?” he asked cocking his head. His nostrils flared slightly as tears rose and stung his eyes.

Sorrow ravaged Josh’s
angular face. He cast his attention to the floor.

“So that’s it?”
Sebastian asked, letting his arms fall. He gave a sad shake of his head. “Get out.”

BOOK: Sinister Kisses (SKALS #1)
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