Sinister Kisses (SKALS #1) (19 page)

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Authors: Adriana Noir

Tags: #SKALS

BOOK: Sinister Kisses (SKALS #1)
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Clamping her hands over her mouth, Taylor hit the floor.
His fierce bellow threatened to stop her heart. Scooting against the wall behind her, she clenched her eyes shut and tried to smother her terrified sobs. Her head thrashed from side to side. It took a moment to realize the wavering pleas she heard came from her own throat. Raw terror throbbed through her veins, making her shake until her teeth chattered.

“Since it’s the holidays, I’m going to be generous and give you a choice,” Sebastian said. “I can
cut your heart out and feed it to you or we can get rid of that impulsive little organ between your legs.” He paused and though Taylor wasn’t looking, she could almost see his cold smile. “Your call.”

There was no doubt he meant it.
She shook so hard her teeth chattered. She couldn’t remember ever being more afraid, more terrified in her entire life. Part of her wanted to beg him to stop, but she was too damn scared—too much of a coward. An agonized cry broke the silence, and Taylor drew her knees up to her chest, slamming her forehead against them.

“No, no, no…” she cried, shaking her head as she tried to drown out the slow, suffering sounds. She jumped with a scream as someone settled beside her.

Monique clamped a hand over her mouth. Stunned, she regarded the blonde with wide pleading eyes. Tears streamed down the other woman’s face and her slender body rattled against Taylor’s.

Shh,” she urged, stroking the top of Taylor’s head with a shaky hand. “It’s going to be alright, but you have to be quiet. Just close your eyes, sweetie. Shut them tight and don’t look.”

She drew in a shuddering gasp as the pressure of Monique’s cool hand left her mouth. Her chest jerked in a violent reaction to the fear.
The room around her started to spin. Sound droned in and out in a deafening hum.

“Make him stop,” she begged. “Please
just make him stop.”

Pity flooded the other woman’s gaze as she hugged her. “I can’t,” Monique said sadly, hanging her head. “No one can.”

She was only vaguely aware of the deep rumble of Josh’s voice as the man’s screaming intensified. Huddled on the floor, she could hear everything with a vivid clarity she wished she couldn’t. She had no desire to see. Broken fragments drifted through the thick wall of fear. Taylor wept, her panic reaching the point of near hysteria.

“The kids…
Christmas…Tay…Baas, come on…terrified.”

Then it stopped. Only a lethal, foreboding silence and her
muffled sobs remained. Face still buried in her knees, Taylor rocked back and forth in a futile attempt to escape and comfort herself. A strong hand gripped her arm and tugged. She tried to stand, but her legs gave out and she slumped back to the floor. Her body shook uncontrollably as Sebastian crouched beside her. His long fingers threaded through her hair as he pulled her close, cradling her head against his chest. It took everything she had not to try to crawl away.

Shh,” he soothed, stroking her arm with his other hand. “It’s okay, sweetheart. Everything is going to be okay.”

Whimpering, Taylor
tried to pull free. His hold on her tightened as a sob burst past her lips.

“Taylor, stop. Don’t fight me. I’m not going to hurt you,

slowly drew her against him, cradling her shaking body close. She couldn't speak. There was no way to push words past the terror. Shaking her head, she looked into his sage eyes, silently begging him for an explanation that would make sense. Was there anything about tonight that fit that bill, no matter how loose the interpretation? She closed her eyes and prayed it was all just a nightmare. Sebastian shifted his weight and lifted her in his arms, standing. She didn't have the strength to fight him if she'd wanted to. Did she want to? There were no answers. Not when common sense whispered yes and screamed no in the same breath.

Lifting her head from his neck, sh
e searched for any signs of Todd and quickly wished she hadn’t. Blood soaked the front of his light green shirt, staining it with a deep shade of crimson. A jagged cut crisscrossed his cheeks, stretching from one side of his face to the other. The right side had been cut clean through. Bile rose in the back of her throat and she tamped down a miserable sob. Shivering, she clung to whatever reassurance she could find. At least he was still alive—even if he wished he wasn’t.

Josh approached them, his expression somber. “I got this,” he stated in a hushed voice. “She doesn’t look so good. Go ahead and take her upstairs. I’ll clear everyone out and clean up.”

“He deserved it,” Sebastian replied coldly. “He deserved more.”

“I know,

If I ever see his face again, he’s dead.”

Go get washed up and calm down before you come unglued again—please.”

Taylor glanced behind them as Sebastian carried her up the steps. Her eyes locked with
Todd’s, and for one horrible moment, she tried to convey a silent apology. He merely turned his head and looked away.

She trembled as Sebastian set her on the edge of the tub. Shifting against the cool stone ledge beneath her thighs, she gripped it for support, hanging on for dear life. A miserable shudder wormed through her as he unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it aside. It was sick, but she couldn’t help watching him, or feeling a small pang of longing as he crossed the room to start the multi-jetted shower.
Tears blurred her vision, but she tracked his every movement. After pulling out two thick towels and washcloths, Sebastian sighed and crouched in front of her. His fingers curled around her chin. The gentle touch was almost shattering as his eyes probed hers.

I’m sorry you had to see that, Taylor. You may not understand this, but I did it for you. I promised to protect you, and I will do that with everything I have.”

“He didn’t hurt me,” she whispered, dropping her gaze to the decorative
marble inlay.

That doesn’t matter. He disrespected me in front of my entire team. He touched you. You are mine, and I’ve told you before that your body and that right are mine and mine alone. Is that what you think saved him?” Sebastian asked. “Do you think I let him live because he didn’t hurt you?”

“I don’t…I don’t know.”

“No, Taylor. I stopped for you, but that is the first time—the only time that will happen. Don’t expect me to stay my hand again.”

Standing, he pulled her to her feet.
Her chest thundered as he peeled her dress and undergarments off with slow deliberation. His stare moved over her with the searing heat of a brand. Tossing the last of her clothes aside, he led her to the shower. Taylor hugged herself as he opened the frosted door and ushered her inside. Instant heat enveloped her. Tilting her head back, she relished the hot massaging spray. Her eyes fluttered open in uncertainty as Sebastian stepped in.

He wasted no time. Backing her into the corner, his hands slid behind her to cup the rounded cheeks of her ass. A low groan rumbled from his throat as he kissed a hungry path down the side of her neck. The growing length of his erection prodded her navel and he ground against her, increasing both friction and contact. She hated herself as the first pulse of desire throbbed through her. Sliding one hand between them, Sebastian kneaded her breast. His fingers plucked the nipple into a stiff peak, and when he rolled the hard nub with a twist, her body
betrayed her.

Taylor shuddered. Not from horror, but desire. Her insides turned to liquid heat, responding
instinctually to his touch. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she wondered what was wrong with her. How could she possibly want this? She was responding like some shameless whore, not a woman who’d just bore witness to someone having their face carved like a jack-o-lantern.

slid a finger between her thighs, his long digit gliding back and forth against her clit. He moaned upon finding her wet, and God help her if she didn’t rock against his hand. His hands, her mind repeated: so strong, so quick…so lethal. Yet they were capable of tenderness and brought such undeniable pleasure. Feeling his touch, she folded. Nothing else mattered. He scooped her up, dragging her thighs over his hips. Taylor wound her arms around his neck in compliance. Lifting her up, he brought her body back down, growling as he slowly impaled her. She almost came right then and there. Arching against him, she shuddered, fighting to hold off just a little longer. His mouth slashed against hers as he filled her, stretching her completely. Shoving himself deeper, he drove against her womb again and again, battering her body with punishing thrusts, until her blissful cries turned into a wavering scream and she surrendered herself to the darkness of release.





A frigid burst of air lifted the hem on her robe, and Taylor pressed closer to Sebastian for warmth and reassurance. He’d presented her with the lacey lingerie that morning, but as festive as the red scraps were, they weren’t meant for outside the bedroom let alone the house. Snow crunched under the white Kola boots that had accompanied her Christmas outfit and she felt her cheeks heat as she pictured how she must look. Her hand tightened on his arm. Her ears strained, but she heard nothing but the soft whisper of his voice warning her of steps. Blinking against the silk tie obscuring her vision, she groped for the railing as he guided her down the stairs. It took everything she had not to ask the questions building on the tip of her tongue. He’d asked for her trust, and seeing the excitement dancing in his eyes, she’d been helpless to refuse it.

“Almost there,” he murmured.

She shivered as he stopped and turned her. His body pressed against her from behind, lending warmth and security. Her lips quirked as his brushed against her nape. She felt his fingers work the loose knot tied against the back of her head.

“Keep your eyes closed for just one more second, baby.”

Nodding, she clamped them shut. Moving to her side, Sebastian kept her tucked beneath one arm. She could feel the anticipation thrumming through him as he watched her.

“Open up,” he said softly.

Taylor’s eyes fluttered open. It took a minute for her vision to adjust. When it did, she blinked in disbelief, staring at the sleek maroon 300. A bright red ribbon with shimmering silver threads adorned the top, spilling over the sides of the Chrysler. Clamping a hand over her mouth, she shook her head and turned to him. Sebastian’s eyes shone as he stared down at her, a wide grin splitting his handsome features. He looked so happy, so proud. Her mouth opened and closed, searching for the words to say.

“Do you like it?” he asked, laughing. Leaning down, he settled his forehead against hers.

His smile wound around her heart. Tears burned her eyes, and the lump welling in her throat threatened to rob her of any response. “I love it,” she finally managed to whisper. “It’s so beautiful.”

Chuckling he cupped her face and delivered a passionate kiss. “It wouldn’t have been my first choice, but your eyes lit up like a kid in a candy store every time one of these went by.”

“You…noticed that?”

“Baby, I notice everything about you.” He kissed her nose, his sparkling eyes still studying hers. “If you’d rather have something else, I can take you tomorrow.”

“No!” she exclaimed. “Oh my God, Sebastian, no! This is perfect. It’s way too much as it is. You shouldn’t have.”

“It needed done. That truck of yours was marking its territory from one end of this town to the other. Not to mention someone as beautiful and classy as you should have a vehicle to match,” he said, chucking her chin with a sexy wink. “Trust me, darling, it was nothing, and this baby is all wheel drive, so maybe we stand a chance of keeping you out of the ditches this winter.”

Taylor couldn’t help but laugh. Throwing her arms around his neck, she hugged him tight. She pressed her cold nose against his skin. “I don’t deserve you.”

“Stop that,” he scolded.

He tugged her arms from around him and took her hand, leading her over to the car. Pulling the keys from his pocket, he unlocked the doors. She cocked her head as she caught a glimpse of the anticipation still lurking in his gaze. Her brow knitted in admonishment as he gestured to the interior. Taylor’s shoulders slumped in defeat as she spied the shimmering pendant dangling from the rearview mirror. Despite the tinted windows, the glint of diamonds and silver was unmistakable. Blowing out a deep breath, she braced a knee on the driver’s seat and leaned inside to pluck it free.

She ran the delicate but sturdy chain over her fingers once she straightened. A small ring of d
iamonds and dark amethysts circled the teardrop pendant. She wasn’t sure what the centerpiece was, but the silver colored metal had an unbelievable gloss and sheen. Her bottom lip trembled with her efforts not to cry as she swung her gaze to Sebastian.

“Merry Christmas, darling. Look on the back,” he said, giving her a tender smile.

Her hands shook as she turned the pendant over. Their initials stretched across the back in a fancy, scrawling script. The message was simple, but so clear. S&T. Her breath caught as he took the jewelry from her hands and fastened it around her neck.

“Just a small token of my love,” he murmured, tracing the pendant against her chest. “I want you to keep it with you always.”

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