Sin With Cuffs (10 page)

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Authors: Rhonda Lee Carver

BOOK: Sin With Cuffs
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“It’ll be taken care of soon.” Liam frowned. “For now, go inside and let me take some pictures.”

Obviously, he was trying to get her away from the situation and she had to admit, walking away was probably a good idea. “I’ll make a pot of coffee. Looks like I’ll have that second cup after all.”

Thirty minutes later Liam came into the kitchen. His expression told her he was no closer to a clue than he was with the other two incidents.

“Coffee?” she asked.

He sat down at the kitchen table. “Sure. Sal just pulled away. A few squirts of his magic in a bottle and a sponge, and you couldn’t even tell someone had written anything on your house.”

“I’m pretty sure I know the answer, but, any signs of who did this?” she asked as she poured coffee into a mug and handed it to him. Their fingers touched and a jolt charged up her arm. In that moment she wished he’d take her into his arms and remind her why she’d always enjoyed being near him. He was a lifeline whenever she needed comfort. Shaking her head, she wanted things easier between them. If only the past didn’t hold such power over them.

“No. Crimes like this are hard to solve unless someone witnesses it.”

“Figures.” Going to the cabinet above the refrigerator, Holly searched for the secret she knew she’d find. Moving old tins to the side, she found the prize. Taking out the bottle of rum, she held it up and smiled. “My grandma and I agreed that when times were tough a good stiff drink made everything less severe.” Unscrewing the cap, she poured a dash into her coffee. She looked up at Liam. “Too bad you can’t have some too, but you follow the law abiding book these days.”

“I may follow the law but that doesn’t mean I can’t be a bad boy.” His voice was rich and full of promise.

“Are you saying you want a drink? Or, do you want to try out your cuffs on a naughty girl?” Her brazen side always came out with him. Once upon a time, she could tell him everything—almost. Expecting a chuckle, she was surprised when he set his cup on the counter and got up. Anticipation crawled up her spine. She knew what was coming.

In two strides, he was in front of her, doing exactly what she’d wanted for far too long. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he tugged her against his brawny frame. “It’s my duty to arrest and punish bad girls.”

Excitement rippled through her. They had role-played once or twice, but in this case, he was wearing the real uniform and she was ready for a spanking.

“Have you been corrupt?” he whispered into her ear.

Nerve endings came alive. “I’ve been very naughty. And apparently I’m a tramp.” She was grateful she could find some amusement in the situation.

His hand came up, tangled into her hair and he pulled gently. “I’ll be the judge of that.” His gaze searched her face as if he could read into her soul. When he brought his mouth down upon hers, she felt a wall crumble and years of denial broke free. The needful kiss intensified as he moved his tongue across hers.

Holly moaned, wrapping her arms around his neck, getting as close as possible. There was no holding back, not like yesterday’s kiss. He gave all of himself, and her only desire was to do the same for him.

Lifting her onto the counter, he spread her legs wide and her skirt raised high on her hip. He slid his hands from her knees to the material of her panties and slipped his finger down her center. She jerked as a tremor shot through her and she moved her hips forward, a silent call for his exploration. He grabbed the flimsy material and tugged them down her thighs, threads snapped and popped, but he didn’t remove them entirely.

Bringing his hand back to her core, he rolled her clit between his finger and thumb. “You’re dripping wet, baby.” His husky voice spread warmth through her.

“It’s been building since the day you pulled me over. I could burst.” She buried her forehead against his shoulder.

“I once knew what you liked. I knew every smooth, sweet curve. Tell me what you like now.”

“You. Touching. Me.”

“Don’t worry, sweetheart. I plan to touch you every chance I get,” he murmured against her cheek.

The belt he wore became too difficult for her trembling fingers to unbuckle so she went straight for the zipper. Reaching in through the opening, she took out his hard cock. He was warm, smooth and ready for action. Enfolding her fingers around his girth, she made several thrusting motions. A deep moan of pleasure escaped his throat. Pumping him, she could feel him grow thicker in her palm. He spread her moist lips and slid his fingers inside her. She brought her free hand to his shoulder and clung to him, her nails digging into the material of his shirt.

“Fuck,” he moaned. He removed his hand and guided himself between her thighs. “I want to feel you wrapped around me.”

Holly helped lead him to her opening. In one thrust, he drove his cock inside her. He slid deeper and they molded together, as if they were created for one another. Ecstasy showered over her like a gentle massage. Rolling her hips in a needful display of mating, she slipped into the hands of heaven. “You’ve grown in more ways than one,” Holly whispered next to his ear.

“And you’re as tight as I remember, sweetheart.”

His pelvic bone rubbed her tender flesh. Groans vibrated his chest and heat trickled through her body. She could feel the fast beating of his heart against her cheek and the leather belt brushed her inner thighs, like flames licking at her flesh. Pressing her hands down his broad back, she stopped at his handcuffs, something she’d always wanted to try. She lifted the metal from the holster and brought them around, jingling the rings. “Cuff me, bad boy.”

His eyes twinkled. He withdrew himself, took the cuffs and eased her off the counter. In a gruff voice, he said, “I think that’s exactly what you need. Turn around.” What woman could resist a man holding cuffs and carrying two guns, both with explosive power? She swallowed the eagerness building in her throat and leaned across the cool granite in abandonment. “Arms behind your back,” he whispered.

Again, she followed orders. At that moment, she’d have tailed him on a path straight into hell if he’d asked. His warm fingers were on her wrists, followed by the cool metal as the lock clicked into place.

Her body quivered when he pressed against her ass. She was at his mercy with her arms seized and her panties like a vice around her thighs. Her skirt remained lifted high on her waist. The submission mixed with the scent of sex sent her closer to orgasm. “Now, Liam. I need your cock now.”

His large calloused hand smoothed over her bottom followed by a light smack. She whimpered at the unexpected action and her adrenaline sped up. “I’m beginning to think you’re a kinky woman, honey,” he said with a chuckle.

“Or maybe you just bring out the wilder side of me.” She rolled her ass against him.

“Tell me you want me.” He threaded his fingers in her hair, his breath hot on her neck. “I want to fulfill your every desire.”

“I want you! I want you now! Take me!” She was in a frenzied state of desire. Her body ached with fire and he could put out the blaze. “Please, Lem.”

He pressed her wet folds with his erection then glided his length into her.

Knock, knock!

His body went tense. “Who the fuck is that?”

Through the haze of rampant passion, Holly grasped that someone was at the back door, but she didn’t care. Ten feet from where she stood with skirt raised and panties down, hands locked up like a prisoner, stood someone she silently convicted to disappear.

“Expecting someone?” he asked.

“Oh hell!” A thought burst through her excitement. “Is the door locked?” she asked in a hushed voice.


“Damn! It’s your mother.” Liam cursed again. He bent, lifted her panties and tugged down her skirt. The knob jiggled. “No time for removing the cuffs, sweetheart.” He moved and zipped his pants.

Holly did the only thing she could think to do. She rushed around the counter and sat on the bar stool just as the door came open. Vicki peeked in, her eyes slanted. “So you don’t acknowledge me these days? Does owning the house give you that right?”

Any thoughts of passion fizzled at her mother’s daunting presence. “Would that really stop you?” Holly asked.

Vicki’s snake-like gaze slid toward Liam who didn’t appear unraveled in the least. He leaned against the counter, ankles crossed and a look of comfort on his face. Holly darted a glance downward, past his belt. She could see that her mother was capable of shrinking a hard on in record speed. Holly smiled.
No surprise

“I’m amazed to see you here, Chief. I just figured you’d be out finding all of the riff-raff of Raven. Or is that why you’re here. Have you done something Holly?” Vicki said.

Holly bit her lower lip. Feeling the sting of teeth in tender skin and an iron taste, she realized she’d drawn blood. She’d like to draw blood, but not her own. Starting to move, she remembered she wore cuffs. The last thing she needed was for her mother to get an idea of what Holly and Liam had just shared. Vicki would throw a temper tantrum that would move mountains, especially when Vicki was still sore over the reading of the will.

 “No, Mother. Liam and I were talking about the word tramp spray painted across the side of the house. Did you happen to see it earlier?”

Slipping into the kitchen, Vicki closed the door behind her. Her lips formed a perfect pout. “No, I didn’t. What are you talking about? Who’d do such a thing?”

Vicki had never been troubled about anyone, or so it had seemed. Holly guessed she’d come to ask for something, or to complain about her grandma’s will. Either way, Holly needed her to leave as soon as possible.

“I do hope you plan on doing something about this, Chief,” Vicki stated.

“Most certainly, ma’am,” he said in an even tone.

Vicki didn’t look at him. “You’re a little flushed Holly. Are you feeling okay?”

Holly believed her mother had the senses of a witch. “It’s a bit warm in here because the air conditioning is on the fritz.” It wasn’t a lie. The AC hadn’t worked properly since Holly was a kid.

Doubt wrinkled Vicki’s features. “Well, then get that taken care of, dear. It is your place now. Upkeep is part of the deal.” A sour smile spread her red lips.

When her mother walked closer to the counter, Holly tensed. “Are you needing something?”

“Am I bothering you being here? Can’t a mother visit her only daughter? Alone?” She darted a quick glance toward Liam. He smiled, but didn’t make a move to leave. Vicki placed her designer bag on the counter and withdrew a compact. She opened it, checked her lipstick, then snapped the lid closed and tossed it back in. “Well?”

“Of course, but we were busy discussing the damage on the side of the house. Can you come back?” Holly asked, ending her words with what she hoped was a patient smile.

Vicki sighed. “If I must.” She sighed. “Call me when your friend leaves, Holly. We have a lot to talk about too.” Catching Liam with a saucy smile, Vicki brushed past him.

The door shut behind her mother and Holly said to Liam, “Remove these things before she decides to come back.”

He was on it even before the sentence was completed. He used a key, clicked the lock and the metal popped open. “She certainly knows how to zap any warmth from the room, doesn’t she?” he said with a shake of his head.

Holly rubbed her wrist. “You think she knew?”

He shrugged. “Does it matter? We’re adults.”

A part of her still cared what Vicki thought. “You’re right, but remember who and how she is.”

“I know exactly what she is. I smelled her bullshit before she passed the county line,” he said.

 “Regardless. We don’t need her causing problems.” Holly got up, but kept her distance from Liam. Rekindling what they’d started wasn’t an option because her mother had spoiled the spark.

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