She (30 page)

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Authors: Annabel Fanning

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Higher and higher.

There is nowhere I can escape from the searing pleasure. I am drowned by it!
, it’s astounding! What has happened between the last time we had sex and now, to make this time
incredible? Maybe it’s just the sixty-odd hours we’ve gone without, I wonder. Not that I was counting!

,” Logan calls loudly, savouring our experience.

My backside starts shaking: Logan’s favourite thing! I cannot control it, but then, why would I? It heightens every already-exquisite feeling. I feel like I’m orgasming over and over again, though I know I’m not. Not yet.

Reveling in my trembling posterior Logan moans, taking me harder and faster. “

!” I’ve never heard him sound so aroused before.

I agree whole-heartedly with his sentiments. This is going to be explosive!



He’s pushing me too far…
too far! Yet I have to keep going forward, though this new and wholly erotic climax. I’m on the verge of the most intense orgasm of my life, and calling out doesn’t quite cut it at this point.

I scream, as some comical part in the back of my brain says,
Now would be a
inopportune moment for the window to break

!” Logan cries loudly. His body starts trembling too.

He thrusts into me a few more times, and I’m gone, orgasming over and over again. It’s all consuming, flooding every cell of my body with ecstasy as I shake it out. Logan joins me, calling out loudly. He is still for only a moment before giving me a few final pokes, truly finishing off our orgasms, our bodies quivering together. Then he pulls out, and he leans against me with his full weight, pushing me against the window, whose coldness I now relish. I’m panting hard, as ever-so-slowly my mind comes back to me.

What. The. Fuck. Was. That? It wants to know.
The best sex of my life
, I smile to myself.

Similar thoughts are playing on Logan’s mind. “Fucking hell, Gemima!” he pants. His voice is almost accusatory.

I laugh, breathlessly. “That was your fault, Logan.”

“No, baby, it
wasn’t,” he says. He runs his hands smoothly over my buttock cheeks. I quiver under his touch. “I
feeling you come,” he whispers, kissing my neck. My insides groan. “Even better when you come twice,” he says with a delectable laugh.


“Should I be?”

“Oh, yes!” I laugh, reaching my arms up to cradle his head. In doing so my breasts are pushed forward against the glass.

Logan runs his hands up the side of my body and cups them, squeezing gently, and my insides groan again. “You have the most beautiful body,” he says to me.

I turn to face him, wrapping my arms around his waist, keeping him close to me. “So do you,” I say, looking him up and down and loving everything I see. Then I rise up on my tiptoes and I lean forward and lightly press my lips against his.

Logan responds by taking my face in his hands and kissing me gently, tenderly. “That was
, Gemima!” he whispers into my open mouth.

I pull back a little and smile at him. “I did not think it was possible for it to get even better,” I tell him. “But you proved me wrong; I like being proved wrong,” I laugh.
I certainly like it a lot

“It keeps getting better,” Logan agrees.

I nod. “And because of that we have to return to this exact location at some point in the future, just—”

“In case lightning strikes twice?” Logan asks.

“Precisely,” I giggle, gazing at him in total rapture.

I categorically
did not know
that I could feel
good! Before now I’ve been in love, sure, and have had good sex, sort of…but with Logan everything is magnified. Every touch, every emotion, every orgasm. Life has been
amazing these last two weeks. It’s like he and I are living a real-life fantasy. Either that, or I’ve gone insane and fabricated the whole thing in my head.

Fuck it
, I think. If that
the case, then let my insanity ensue!

“How do you feel?” I ask, referring to his stitched stomach.

?” he laughs, “Do you have to ask?”

“I mean your tummy…is it sore?” I touch his bandages lightly.

“It’s positively healed, baby,” he smiles down at me.

I grin back, taking his hand and pulling him to the bathroom. “Come on, let’s take your bandages off.”


My day passes in a blur. It’s busy and fast-paced, and because of Amelie’s incredible compliments to me yesterday I find myself working even harder today, as if to prove that I’m truly deserving of them.
She wouldn’t have said such brilliant things if I weren’t
, I tell myself. This is Amelie Clemence, after all, and she does not hand out compliments lightly.
! After realising this I relax a little and still get a sizeable amount of work done, but I do so with a more mellow mindset.

In the afternoon, towards the end of my working day, my work phone rings.

“Hello, Gemima Samuels speaking, how may I help you?”

“I have some very good news,” Logan’s voice oozes appeal. “I just visited your friend Google, and I’m pleased to tell you that lightning has struck the same place twice on six occasions in Paris in the last two years alone.”

“You just made that up, didn’t you?” I ask, smiling.

He’s silent for a moment. “Hmm, maybe,” he concedes and I can hear in his voice that he’s smiling too.

“Striking lighting…is that some sort of lover’s code you two have going?” I hear Buddy ask Logan.

“Hi, Buddy,” I say.

“Gemima says hi,” Logan tells him.

“Hi, Gemima!” Buddy shouts.

“He’s helping me move the sofa,” Logan tells me.

I nearly drop the phone. “
!” I scold quietly. “You’re not supposed to do things like that, you had an operation two days ago!”

“You didn’t seem too concerned about that this morning,” Logan reminds me.

! “Did I hurt you?” I ask, horrified.

“No, baby,” he chuckles. “That’s not what I meant.”

!” Buddy tuts. “What happened this morning?”

“I’m not telling you. Get back to work,” Logan orders playfully.

“Why are you moving the sofa?” I ask.
“It’s a surprise. For you,” he tells me.

“For me?” I have no problem with the position of any of his furniture!

“I’m rectifying something…” he says, elusively.

“OK… Just,
, be careful!” I beg him. I don’t want him incapacitated!

“I will be, I promise,” he says.


It surmises Logan’s real reason for calling was to ask if he could collect me from work at the end of the day and join me at my house where I need to pack my suitcase for our weekend away. What with his work function tomorrow night, and us leaving directly after work on Friday, tonight is my only free evening. Ah, I love my life being so full!

In the evening, Logan lingers behind me as I choose which clothes to take. He offers the occasional piece of advice about which outfits will be appropriate and which won’t, while giving nothing away about where we’re
going. I’m pretty certain it’s Versailles. At least I
certain until Logan says something about an airport, and Versailles is much too close for air travel.
Then it must be Marseille
, I think. He must be taking me to see his hotel there! While the thought thrills me, I’m also flooded with nerves. Air travel is
my friend; I
flying! With this on my mind I throw Logan a cautious glance.
Don’t panic
, I tell myself. Besides, the French Riviera isn’t too far away. Unless, I blanch, Logan is taking me to another one of his hotels?

I ask, “We’re not going to Japan, are we?” That plane ride would
test me!

“Not this time,” Logan tells me.

, I think. Marseille it is, then.

Once I’ve packed I place my bag on the bed next to where Logan is sitting. I look up at the mirrored ceiling recalling last Saturday night. Logan starts chuckling knowing exactly what I’m thinking about.

“We won’t get another chance to play under these mirrors until next week,” I say, now looking at him.

“This is true,” he says, slowly, seductively.

He glances up as I stand in front of him and run my fingers through his hair, gazing at his breathtaking face.

He watches me in the mirrors. “I love the way you look at me,” he says quietly. “Like you’re in love.”

A smile spreads across my face. “I am in love, baby. Big time.”

“And like you’re happy,” he adds, looking at me face on.

“I’m very happy,” I say, stroking his cheek. “
make me very happy, Logan,” I say, meaning it with my whole heart.

He smiles back at me. “You make me very happy too.”

“Yeah?” I ask, and he nods. “Well, I’m about to make you even happier.” I grin cheekily at him. “Would you like your remedial blow job here, or at your place?”

His breath hitches and I flush with satisfaction.

“Remedial?” he asks.

“Yes, it’s a special technique,” I joke, and he laughs. “You see, the nurses had a private word with me when I came to visit you. They said that a blow job would be…
What with all the endorphins,” I add.

Logan continues laughing, looking both amused and turned on.

“That’s if you
a blow job?” I ask.

“Let’s stay here,” he murmurs quickly.

I smile broadly and nod in agreement, before Logan shuffles backwards, properly lying on the bed. I follow him, crawling over him, as he rests his head on a pillow.

Logan looks up at me in anticipation, trusting me completely. It is a look that I relish. I undo his belt, button and zipper, and pull his pants and boxers down just enough to free his penis. I gaze down at it greedily, recounting this morning and the astounding pleasure that I was dealt. Before taking him with my mouth I take him in my hands, feeling him harden fully. He tenses his stomach and I know it must hurt, but he doesn’t complain.

I rest a hand on his tummy. “OK?” I check.

“Uh-huh,” he breathes.

“OK,” I giggle, and then I travel south.

Logan groans satisfactorily as I suck his tip, swirling my tongue around him, before trailing my tongue down the length of his shaft. Then I claim him fully, taking him deep into the back of my mouth, sucking hard.

Logan’s legs convulse as I continue to wind him up. The sounds that he utters are so sexy that I feel myself becoming wet just hearing him. Oh, I
the affect he has on me! Trickily, I glance upwards at his face and see him watching me in the mirrors above us.
, I think.

!” he moans, his hands gripping my hair. “


I return to his tip, licking and sucking, fast and slow, gentle and hard, until he’s right on the verge.

“I’m gonna come,” he says, his head titled back, pushing into the pillow. His breathing is ragged, his voice quiet and infused with gratification. “
!” he moans.

Before he comes, I move him slowly and deeply into my mouth once more, stimulating all of him, drawing out his feelings of ecstasy. I move slower, and slower, and slower…

Logan orgasms, calling out my name. He is pummelled with pleasure, his body overrun with endorphins.
Just what he needs
, I think happily, swallowing his release.

“Oh, wow!” he breathes, gazing down at me as I free him from my clasp.

I grin at him, feeling rather pleased with myself and wholly aroused as well. “How’s your belly?” I check again.

“Most definitely healed,” he pants, repeating his sentiment from this morning. “


The lift pings and the elevator doors to his apartment open and Logan turns to me and says, “Please wait here.”

“I…uh…huh?” I stammer.

He picks up my bag and walks out of the lift. “Lights,” he commands, and the lights spring to life. He sets down my bag just inside his apartment, and then he disappears out of view, somewhere to my right. That means he’s going either to the dining room or the kitchen, I think. I hear him say something, though I can’t make out exactly what. Hmm, maybe he’s talking to his magic tablet on the wall?

The elevator doors start closing; I quickly jab the
doors open
button, to avoid be transported to another floor, and once the doors are fully open again Logan is there, standing before me with a broad smile on his face. He holds out his hand, which I take, but before I can properly examine the room to see his ‘furniture surprise’, he pulls me flush against his body and then spins us both around, so that I’m now facing the elevator.

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