She (37 page)

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Authors: Annabel Fanning

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My legs get tenser and tenser the closer I get. I call out over and over again, inadvertently satiating Logan’s desire to hear me. I desperately want something to grab onto.
, I’m close!
close! Reading me in the expert way that he does, Logan lets go of my legs and offers me his hands. I take them in my own and instantly dig my nails in, pushing against them.

!” I call out, on the verge.

Logan smiles against my sex, and I’m gone, exploding over him, my legs trembling. Immediately I roll off of him and slump onto my back, breathing hard. Not wanting me to escape quite so fast, Logan follows me, bowing his head down to my crotch and delivering a few final kisses, allowing my orgasm to fully finish until I’m all quivered out. Then he sits on me, gazing down at my flushed face. He sucks on his bottom lip which is covered in my moisture and I fall even more in love with him. He’s
fucking sexy!

“I don’t know which of us enjoyed that more,” he grins.

“Definitely me,” I pant.

“Hmm, I’m not so sure about that,” he says, lying flat and enabling me to feel his hard erection.

, I revel in feeling it, taking it as a compliment.
! How is it possible that now, after two orgasms, I still want more? I have no experience of this deep desire that I constantly feel for him.

“Fuck, I love you,” I whisper to him, wrapping my arms around his back.

He smiles against my cheek, before kissing it, and telling me, “Fuck, I love you, too. Miss. American Mouth,” he adds.

“That was
much better than what I thought you might suggest!” I giggle.

“What did you think?”

“Well…it rhymes with…” I think through the alphabet. “Uh…” Still nothing. “It doesn’t rhyme with

“What is it?” Logan presses.

I flush a little, before whispering, “Anal.”

!” he laughs. Then he too thinks of something that rhymes with it. “Nothing,” he concludes, like me.

Again I think about googling it, and again I quickly decide not to. ‘
Words that rhyme with anal
’ is not something I want in my search history either!

“Gemima, don’t get me wrong, I
your ass…but I don’t want to be in it,” he tells me.

! “Good!” I laugh. “Thank you for bringing me here. I’ve had an excellent time,” I grin cheekily, totally understating the amount of pleasure I’ve had in this room.

“You’re welcome, baby,” he says earnestly, kissing me with ardour.

My fifteen minutes of snoozing time is long over, and I can’t be late for work two days in a row. Unfortunately. His kiss fans my passion for him. I pull out of it before I’m swept away.

“I have to shower,” I tell him breathlessly.

“Mmm…me too,” he smiles. “The showers here are spacious,” he informs me. “I designed them that way.”

“What a forward-thinking genius you are, Logan. But I have to go to work,” I say, not at all happy about the fact.

“Mmm, me too,” he says again, climbing off of me and the bed and pulling me up as well.

“From your home office?” I check.

“Yes, Ma’am,” he smiles at my concern. Then he holds me in his arms, gazing into my eyes lovingly.

We’re still for a moment, just looking at each other, indulging ourselves.

In a slightly sweeter manner than my American Mouth endearment, I say, “Je t’adore.”
I adore you

?” Logan plays coy.

!” I laugh.

“Et je t’adore,” Logan reciprocates.
And I adore you.
“Vous êtes, de loin, la meilleure chose qui est jamais arrivée à moi.”
You are
by far
the best thing that’s ever happened to me

“I didn’t happen to you, Logan,” I shake my head. “This was not happenstance.
waited for me, you remembered me, you pursued me…if it hadn’t have been for you, we would never have happened.” It’s sad, but true.

“So, you’re saying I
you?” he asks, grinning alluringly.

I brush my lips against his. “You most certainly earned me,” I tell him.

He smiles, but he’s serious when he says, “I don’t see it like that, Gemima. I will never feel anything less than the luckiest man alive for being allowed to hold you, and kiss you, and tell you that I love you. You are everything to me,” he says, his voice soft and quiet, his eyes serious and meaningful.

I smile at him. “Moi?”

“Oui,” he smiles back.

“Ditto, baby.”

“I can’t
to get you alone tonight at our mysterious destination,” he teases me.

Suddenly I don’t care one iota about time. “What’s wrong with right now?”

His eyes widen. “Can I interest you in another round?” he asks.

“We both have to shower,” I point out.

“And it’ll make both of our days that much more tolerable,” he promises.

I pull him towards the bathroom. “I’ve no doubt about it!”


Surprisingly, I do make it to work without being late. Like the days past, I have a busy morning spent mostly in Amelie’s company. One of the projects she discusses with me is the one I’ll be doing for Logan’s company. I fill with nerves at the thought of delivering something spectacular for him. It’d be a little more than awkward to be fired by my own boyfriend! I need to bring my A-game; Amelie is right, boyfriend or not, this is a huge project for the Pierson Group, and
in charge of it! When I discard the thought of potentially disappointing Logan and think solely about being put in charge of such a big account, my nerves are replaced with excitement, and I marvel in the fact that Amelie chose
above anyone else. She must trust my work ethic and ability implicitly. That, and she knows I get on rather well with the client!

Speaking of Logan, Amelie asks, “Did you attend the gathering with Mr. Leary last night?”

“Yes, I did. It was a wonderful success,” I assure her.

“I heard that there was a bit of a ruckus at the end of the night? Did you see anything?” she asks, eyeing me imperially.

! “Uh…I, um…”
! “I did,” I admit, adding, “But it was nothing, really. I spoke with several of our clients, and they were all very positive about the work we’re doing for them,” I change the subject in a rather obvious manner.

Amelie allows the diversion. “We can have no less than that,” she says.


I return to my desk at lunchtime to retrieve my handbag and I find a large tube waiting for me. It’s my photograph from Claude for Logan’s birthday. I tuck it down the side of my desk; I’ll take it home on Monday night, and present it to him on Thursday morning. Ah, that reminds me…

As I leave Pierson House, I pass the key cutter that I told Logan about and I quickly hand over my house key to have it replicated.

“Vendez-vous des cadenas?” I ask the man who works here.
Do you sell padlocks

“Oui, Madame,” he nods

“Un, s’il vous plaît,” I request.

With Logan’s key and the padlock (which is an extra little, kitschy birthday present intended for the Love Lock bridge) I set a quick pace for a nearby cafe where I’m meeting Amber for lunch.

She’s still in an excellent mood, same as Monday night, and just as elusive as to the real cause. “Life,” she tells me, “is utterly perfect, Gem.”

Our lunch is unfortunately brief, and we spend a great majority of it discussing last night’s events. Amber beams when I tell her that Logan thumped Jerry.

“About fucking time someone made him pay for what he did to you!” she says to me.

slapped Jerry as soon as you found out that he cheated!” I remind her.

“Yeah, but…” she trails off with a cheeky, Amber-ish smile.

I grin back.
I love her
! She will forever fight my corner. “I was worried that Logan might’ve hurt himself but now that I know he’s fine, I’m pretty pleased he did it,” I admit.

“Of course you are! Your new, strong, handsome lover beating up your old, unwanted, washed-up ex. What’s not to love?”

I shrug. “I’ve no idea. So far, I love everything about him,” I tell her.

“So do I!” she says, making me laugh.

After our lunch I have some time to kill before heading back to Pierson House. I take the scenic route, passing through the charming courtyard where Cafe Genévrier is. It’s officially my favourite cafe on the planet! I see that the table that Logan and I sat at is unoccupied, and I have a sudden desire to hear his voice. I pull out my phone and dial his number.

He answers instantly. “Hi, baby. Are you on your lunch break?”

“Yes,” I tell him. “I’m standing outside Cafe Genévrier,” I say reminiscently.

“Ah, the greatest cafe on the face of the Earth!”

I laugh. “That’s what I was thinking, too.”

“I’ll come and meet you,” he says unexpectedly. “I had to pop into the office for an hour,” he confesses, “but I’m done for the day. I’m only two blocks away.”

“OK,” I smile. “Though, I only have about fifteen minutes until I have to be back at work.”

He chuckles down the line. “I think this morning we proved just how productive fifteen minutes can be.”


After Logan meets me and walks me back to work, he returns to his apartment to pack for our weekend away. He’ll pick me up in only a few short hours time, and yet, the hours creep by tauntingly slowly. But inevitably, time passes and at four o’clock, shortly after Amelie has left the office and I am therefore ‘allowed’ to leave too, Logan rings me to tell me that he’s waiting outside.

“Plans with Patrick this weekend?” I ask Layla on my way through reception.

“Oui,” she giggles, excitedly.

I’m impressed. Two weeks with the same girl is an impressive feat for Seamus’ younger brother.

“Have fun,” I reach the door, and wave goodbye.

“Merci, Gemima. Au revoir,” she waves me out.

Outside I stand on the sidewalk and look up and down the street for Logan’s black BMW, but I can’t see it anywhere. I reach into my bag intending to pull out my phone and call him, when he appears right in front of me, getting out of the far side of a black Rolls Royce that’s parked on the verge.

“Oh…” I register him. “Hello,” I smile, and then I take in the impressive wheels that we’ll be riding in. “Is this yours?” I ask him.

“It’s my company’s,” he tells me, joining me on the sidewalk. “And hello back at you,” he says, kissing me. “Are you ready?” he asks, smiling at me and looking very youthful. He’s enthusiastic and excited about where he’s taking me.

“You tell me,” I smile back at him, still none the wiser to our true destination.

He nods confidently, and then opens the car door for me. I climb into the spacious backseat and Logan closes the door behind me.

Automatically I look towards the driver. “Salut,” I say to him.

“Bonjour, Madam,” he nods back politely.

Logan’s door opens and he slides into the car next to me, and then…we’re off! I’m as giddy as a child on Christmas Eve! I bob up and down in my seat pestering Logan to tell me where we’re going. He continually shakes his head, winding me up until the last moment.

After five unsuccessful minutes, using every tactic I can think of to make Logan confess, I give up, and we lapse into a short silence. Ideally I’d like to move across the car, sit right next to Logan and spend the rest of our car ride making out, but in the presence of our driver I feel more than a little awkward at the thought.

, I think, as a plan comes to me. I write Logan a brief message on my mobile phone. All the while Logan has been watching me with a grin on his face.

“Who are you messaging?” he asks.

“You,” I tell him.

Instead of sending him the message, I place my phone on the seat beside me, and subtly slide it across to Logan.

*Can you ask the driver to put up the partition so that we can be alone… ;)*

After he reads my message he looks at me greedily and bites his bottom lip in that unconscious way that ignites my desire to kiss him.

“Philippe,” Logan addresses the driver, “please put the partition up. Gemima wants me to herself,” he says, chuckling.

Philippe cracks a smile and pushes a button on the dashboard and immediately the partition begins to rise. I avoid looking at Philippe, embarrassed by Logan’s (true) words. Instead I grin at Logan who is still chuckling, and I playfully roll my eyes. Then, when we’re alone, I unbuckle my belt and crawl over to him, settling readily on his lap. Instantly, and making me smile, Logan unbuckles his own belt and wraps it around the both of us.

“I’m not taking any chances with you,” he explains. “You’re too valuable to me.”

I smile at his words and then press my lips against his. Soon, very soon, our mouths open and we begin making out. It’s heady, sensual, delicious, and keeps building even though it’s leading to nothing more than a kiss. We both want more, I can feel it, but we keep our hands on the outside of one another’s clothing.
Our journey won’t be long
, I coo myself. Then I can get him naked!

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