She (13 page)

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Authors: Annabel Fanning

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“Lift,” I say to Logan.

He lifts his hips off of the ground so that I can pull his jeans and boxers down. His impressive erection is freed, ready to be taken. I waste no time, I claim him with my mouth as he lets out a loud, satisfied groan. I swirl my tongue around his end, then take him deep into the back of my throat. I suck him softly and then hard, gauging what he likes more. Logan likes it all. He groans again.

,” he moans, sending chills of erotic longing through my whole body.

He tastes so good, and I swiftly realise that in turning him on I am turning myself on as well. I am so aroused by the feeling of Logan writhing beneath me. I push him further, closer. His hands are in my hair, holding on tightly. I know he would like to retain a modicum of control, the way he has during most of our other sexual encounters so far, but I don’t let him. That’s half the fun, I think, surrendering in complete trust. I feel Logan surrender to me, and in way of thanks I suck him harder and faster.

…” he warns me he’s close.

I speed up, pushing him, and then abruptly I slow way down, bringing him back from the brink. How about a taste of your own medicine, huh, Logan?

,” he mewls in prolonged ecstasy. “
!” He almost growls.

I smile against him, enjoying myself immensely. Yes, Logan, it’s wonderfully frustrating, isn’t it? If I could, I would whisper in his ear, but my mouth is well and truly occupied.

I lick his tip, tasting the dew there, and then thrust him deep into my mouth once more. Logan comes instantly, crying out loudly. I taste his salty discharge, and quickly swallow it. My breathing is rapid, though not as much as Logan’s.

“Oh my god!” he stammers, his hands covering his face as he returns to planet earth. Slowly I kiss my way back up his body and then forcefully kiss his mouth. He kisses me back eagerly, appreciatively. “That was amazing,” he whispers, his mouth open against mine.

I smile at him and then kiss him again. I am
turned on right now! “Is this the first time you’ve tasted yourself?” I wonder.

“No,” he confesses. “I was a curious teenager,” he explains.

I pull a face and he laughs.

“Your hair is a mess,” he says. “Did I pull too hard?” he asks, stroking my hair flat.

pull too hard?” I smile, cheekily.

Logan stares at me for a second, taken aback by my candor. Then he chuckles, and says warmly, “You pulled perfectly, Gemima.”

“I’m glad you think so,” I say.

Logan pulls me flat against him, one hand on my back and the other behind my head, holding it against him as he kisses me heatedly. It’s a building kiss, heady and filled with desire. Jeez, I want to take him again, but differently. I long to feel him inside of me. I moan against his mouth as wave after wave of carnal craving shoots to my groin.

Logan’s eyes are ablaze with arousal. “I waited my turn,” he says very slowly and deliberately. His hands rise from the ground and travel up my legs. My insides quiver delectably.
, Logan! They settle at my sex. “Do you have more than one pair of tights?” he asks, purposefully.

I nod, my breath ragged.

Logan tugs violently at crotch of my stockings, ripping them. I gasp, and tremble in expectation. What’s he going to do?

“These can be your easy-access tights,” he grins, his eyes burning into mine.

“I wear these to work. I’m not sure I’ll require easy access there,” I say, leaning forward and kissing him forcefully and quickly. His breath hitches, a sound that turns me on even more. “Unless,” I play with him, “I’m overcome by vivid flashbacks of our days together…and I’m driven to do something about it…”

He licks his bottom lip and I nearly convulse.

“Would you do that?” he breathes.

“Oh, yes,” I say, my mouth against his.

“Oh, baby,” he’s utterly seduced. He kisses me hard, holding my head with one hand, while the fingers on his other hand, the two he propositioned me with earlier, slide through the hole in my stockings and rub my sex through my panties. “Baby, you’re so wet,” he slides over my clitoris gloriously. “Ah, I love that feeling.”

So do I! “Logan, I’m
turned on,” I whimper. I need him now. Fast.

“Stand up,” he says.

I do so. He follows me up, quickly pulling his trousers and boxers down and stepping out of them. He is an incredible sight standing before me, wearing only an open shirt. I am still fully dressed. I smile at him, and he smiles back. Those dimples! He sweeps his arm behind my knees, the other one behind my back, picking me up easily.

“There’s more space in the bedroom,” he says, breathlessly.

More space? Space for what, I wonder, my insides melting.

Logan sets me down in the bedroom. “Arms up,” he says. I lift my arms and rapidly he pulls my dress over my head. He lets it fall to the floor as he looks me up and down, his eyes hungry. He looks me in the eye as he says, “You have a beautiful body, Gemima.”


He smiles. “Lie down,” he repeats my instructions from earlier.

, I think. My body is so full of sexual adrenaline and anticipation that my legs feel unstable. I lie down. Logan pulls my legs so that my backside is resting on the edge of the bed. Slowly he peels me out of my stockings and my panties, on which is visible how aroused I am.

“Your bra,” Logan says.

Hastily I undo it and throw it at him. He catches it, looking amused. He drops it on top of the rest of my clothes, and just like that I’m naked before him.

Logan parts my legs and stands in between them. My bed is at least half a foot lower than his crotch. I expect him to climb over me, but he doesn’t. Logan isn’t planning on having sex. At least, not yet.

“Close your eyes,” he says. “I want you to feel me.”

“I always feel you,” I tell him. It’s impossible
to feel him! His presence is astounding. I’m panting already, my eyes shut and my body tingling.

He presses his whole hand against my sex and rubs me a few times to spread the lubrication. It feels amazing! I grab the bed sheet with both hands, bracing myself. I’m so wet, so ready, and I writhe against him, already so close to coming. He pushes two fingers against my clitoris and I moan in pleasure.

“What do you feel?” he whispers.

“Everything,” I moan. And I do. It feels like every nerve in my body is live wire, and all of them are about to spark. I’m going to burst into an erotic fiery mass at any moment.

Logan sinks two fingers into me and starts stimulating the front wall of my vagina. My legs stiffen and I call out in satisfaction.

!” I call over and over, my voice getting higher each time. This is exactly what I need. I move my hips to meet his invasive fingers.

I’m right on the verge when everything stops. Logan retreats his fingers. My eyes dart open and I watch as he quickly scoops up my backside and pulls me to meet his waiting erection. I’m resting on the top of my back and my shoulders, my pelvis in the air. His eyes pour into mine, even from so far away, and then he thrusts himself into me. The overwhelming stimulation makes me orgasm immediately. I fall apart around him in pure bliss, my legs flailing in the air. Logan doesn’t stop. He keeps thrusting deliciously into me, deeper and deeper.

“What do you say…to someone when…you don’t understand…what they’ve said to you?” he asks me, now panting himself.

“What?” I cry.
? “I don’t know,” I wail, feeling him deeply.

“Come again,” he grins through gritted teeth. “Come. Again. Gemima.”

My body quivers, obeying him, and soon I’m building once more. I feel it in my belly; that perfect pulling sensation, that
more, please
, yes! It’s happening again, so soon. Logan holds my lower back firmly, filling me again and again. Holy shit! I didn’t know I could come so quickly twice in a row. I soar into my orgasm, screaming effusively. Logan stills, pouring himself into me with a loud groan, as he climaxes too. He pulls out of me and falls onto the bed next to me. We’re both breathing heavily.

“We’ll probably get indigestion,” he sniggers.

Maybe, I think, but it’ll totally be worth it!

I wake with a strange sensation in my belly. Not that delicious growing-orgasm sensation, but something unwelcome, violent, and determined to get out of me.

I dart out of bed. Where’s Logan, I vaguely wonder as I hurry to the bathroom. My question is answered. Logan is bent over the toilet bowl, hurling his guts up. I detour to the sink and follow suit.
Fucking food poisoning
! After a few hurls my stomach is empty and I feel instantly better, even though I’m still hot and sweaty. Glancing up I see Logan is on his feet, also finished with throwing up. His skin is glistening with sweat too, but somehow he manages to look completely gorgeous.

“How do you look so sexy right now?” I ask him.

He laughs. “I don’t feel sexy,” he sighs. “Let’s never order from that place again.”


I fetch us each a large glass of water. Logan finishes his in one go, lies back down in bed and falls asleep easily. I take my time with my water, watching him sleep, before laying down next him and joining him in slumber.


It’s late when we wake up, past ten o’clock. Fortunately our truancy means that neither of us are expected at work anyway. The irony is not lost on me that I phone in sick, and then find myself actually being sick!
Fucking food poisoning
, I think again. Fortunately I feel much better after a long sleep, and looking at Logan I think my better state is shared.

He moseys across the bed towards me. “Do you feel OK?” he asks.

“I feel fine now. You?”

He nods. “Much better,” he smiles. “You know, I don’t think I’ve ever thrown up in the nude before,” he muses.

“Huh, me either.” I hadn’t even been conscious of being nude. I was too preoccupied by my nausea. But Logan’s words send a thrill through me as I realise that under the covers at this very moment he’s naked. I’ve seen so much of his naked physique over the last few days, but just the idea of it ignites the fire within me. I can’t kiss him right now, though. The last thing in my mouth was vomit, and I need to brush my teeth!

I pull Logan out of bed and drag him into the bathroom where we both brush our teeth. Then I reach up and kiss him eagerly.

“Good morning,” I smile.

“Good morning, beautiful.” He pulls me into a warm, naked hug, burying his face into my hair. “Mmm, you smell good.”

I cringe. Really? “Not like vomit?” I worry.

“No,” he laughs. “Not at all.”

! I tilt my head to one side and grin up him. “So, uh, what do you want to do on our last day of playing hooky?”

Logan smirks, and pretends to consider our options, “Hmm…” Then he grips my hips and lifts me onto the bathroom vanity. He stands between my open legs, which I wrap around him tightly. “I’m sure we’ll think of something,” he says against my lips.

I smile at him happily. And so the day will begin on a high.


After breakfast I decide to call Amber. Logan seems a little apprehensive about how explicit our girl-talk might get, but I put his mind at ease, promising to keep it subtle. He leaves me in the living room, and retreats to the bedroom to make a few business calls while I’m chatting with Amber.

She answers almost immediately, “Start talking, Samuels!” she demands.

I laugh heartily. Oh, dear…it’s going to be hard keeping anything from Amber! I struggle, where to begin? “Well, uh, he came over on Monday night,” I whisper, “because he caught an earlier flight back from Japan. It was an, um, enthusiastic reunion—”

“Meaning?” she cuts me off. “Hands? Oral? Sex?”

“Uh, the first and the second. From him to me,” I add, before she can ask. “Then the third. And pretty much the third ever since.”

“You’ve been having sex for over forty-eight hours?” she asks in disbelief.

“Off and on,” I grin.

“Is he any good?” she asks, and I roll my eyes. “Huh, I suppose he must be to go forty-eight hours straight,” she muses.

forty-eight hours straight! And yes, he is.”

“Oh, don’t be coy!” she whinges.

I laugh, knowing that if the conversation were in reverse and she was holding out on me, I’d be equally as annoyed.

“He’s unbe-fucking-lievable, Amber,” I whisper.

She giggles. “That’s more like it. How are the orgasms?”

“Incredible. Intense. And frequent.” Now I’m on a roll, I can’t help but spill the beans to my best friend. “We have this
connection, and it heightens everything. I feel every touch, every kiss so much more. It blows my mind!”

“How do you feel about
?” she wants to know.

I hesitate before declaring, “I love him. You don’t have to tell me it’s crazy, I know it’s only been a week, but…I can’t help it…”

“You’re not crazy, chicken. I felt the same way when I met Seamus. When you know, you know,” she puts it simply.

“Exactly,” I smile. I know. I love Logan!

happy for you, Gem,” she says, sounding emotional. “Three months ago you were miserable, single, and jobless, and look at you now! It couldn’t happen to a more deserving person.”

“Thank you, Amber. I feel really good about it,” I admit.

“Who wouldn’t with all that sex!” she exclaims. “Are you ever going back to work?”

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