Shadow Witch (54 page)

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Authors: Geof Johnson

BOOK: Shadow Witch
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Then Nova opened the door and waved them over. “Come on in,” she called.

“Why?” Rollie asked.

“He wants to meet my friends.”

“That’ll be weird. Shouldn’t you see him by yourself?”

“He said he’ll make something for us to eat.”

“I didn’t bring any money.”

“It’s free. Please?”

“Free food?” Rollie grinned and wagged his head. “In that case, maybe we should meet your dad. Come on, let’s go!” He started across the street without looking back, and Jamie and the others followed.

Chapter 31

Rachel waited with Carl in their driveway and watched Jamie load the last of his things into his Chevy. Across the street, similar scenes were playing out — Fred packing her car with Sammi’s help and Rollie packing his, while their parents stood by with long faces.

Jamie closed the trunk lid and wiped his hands. “Well, that’s everything, I think.”

“Do you have your pillow and sheets?” Rachel asked.

“Got ’em.”

“How about all of your bathroom stuff, like shampoo and soap and towels?”

“Got everything, Mom. Besides, if I forget something, I can just make a doorway and come back here and get it.”

“Are you coming for dinner tonight?”

“No, Mom. Bryce and I have to set our dorm rooms up and get organized and everything, and we want to check out the dining hall.”

“How about tomorrow night? It’s Sunday. I’ll make something special.”

“Uh...well, there’s this big outdoor barbecue party for incoming freshmen that I kinda want to go to. We’re all going. Rollie and Fred and Nova and everybody.”

“When do you think you’ll come home?”

“I dunno.” He turned when he heard a car door slam across the street. “It looks like Rollie’s ready to leave, and Fred’s probably anxious to get on the road. I need to go.”

“Oh.” She felt her throat close up and her eyes blurred with tears.

“Jamie,” Carl said, “Do you have a travel plan?”

“Melanie and Bryce are going to meet us with their cars behind Granddaddy’s warehouse, since nobody can see us there. Then I’ll make a big doorway to this dirt road just outside of Cullowhee and we’ll drive the rest of the way to campus. Whole thing shouldn’t take more than twenty minutes.”

“Call us when you get there.”

“Come on, Dad, it’s only twenty minutes.”

“Then send us a text. Just so we know you made it.”

“Sure. Whatever.” Fred honked her car horn and Jamie said, “Look, I really gotta go. Love you Mom...and Dad.” He kissed Rachel on the cheek and gave Carl the briefest of hugs, in the stiff way that only a teenage boy can manage. Jamie got into his Chevy, started the engine and backed out of the driveway while Fred and Rollie pulled their automobiles onto the street and waited for him.

Then they drove off with barely a wave goodbye.

“Oh, Carl,” Rachel sobbed as she watched them disappear down the road. “Our baby bird is flying away.” She sniffed and wiped her eyes with one hand. “Do you think he’ll ever come back?”

“Yeah,” Carl said with a sad smile. “As soon as he runs out of clean underwear.” Rachel laughed in spite of herself and Carl took her hand. “He’ll be back with his laundry basket full of dirty clothes.”

“Good. I’ll be happy to do his laundry for him.”

“Don’t you want him to start doing things for himself? He needs to, you know.”

“Not everything. Not just yet.”

They started to walk back to their front porch but turned when they heard the sound of running footsteps on the driveway. It was Sammi.

“Mr. and Mrs. Sikes? Can I play on your swings? Mommy said it’s all right with her.”

“Of course,” Rachel said. “I think that’s just what we need right now. Don’t you, Carl?”

“Definitely. And if your two new friends ride by on their bikes, we should invite them, too.”

Then they walked together up the steps and into the house.

About the Author

Geof Johnson lives in Atlanta Georgia with his family, a dog and a cat. He enjoys running, water color painting, and playing guitar a little too loud and a little too much.

You can contact him at:
[email protected]

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