Shadow Revealed (The Enlightened Species Book Two) (16 page)

BOOK: Shadow Revealed (The Enlightened Species Book Two)
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Innanna grinned, nodding; Gil was already further in understanding than Miguel had been when she took his mentoring on. “That is exactly what it is. Oracles see a ripple coming and get inklings about some, if not all, of the effects. Every once in a while we get to see the stone hitting the pond; that’s a prophecy.”

“An’ that’s what happened the night we waltzed?” Sweet Gil, to refer to the moments of joy rather than Etana’s murder.

“In my lifetime, the Volaticus people have faced extinction many times. Two of them have held enormous threat. One was by our own hand during the enlightenment and subsequent war between our species and the Aquatie. I was only a few hundred years old then. The result was the death of more than two-thirds of our population and the fall of Atlantis. My mother, father, brother, and I barely escaped. I had another older brother, and he and his mate perished along with two of his three children. None of my father’s family members survived. My mother has one sister left, only because she had relocated to Greenland before the fall. You know her as Laliel, the High-Fates adviser.”

“You could be on the High Ones panel?” Gil referred to the fact that every member of the panel was at least ten thousand years old. At least he’d already known Innanna came from a powerful family; thankfully that had never seemed to intimidate him.

“We are still facing the second threat and have been for a long time. Fewer female births and the decline of bloodmatings has resulted in the decline of overall fertility. Plus our survival was dependent on the blood of a species that is rapidly reaching their enlightenment. Humans are very close.” Innanna shrugged. “Many were convinced there was no hope with so many angles working against us.”

“Three thousand years ago my mother received a vision foreseeing the birth of the first iron-rich Hulven, which was the first step in the survival of the Elven. A new race within our species that could see to the species’ blood needs. Eventually we will not be dependent on humanity for blood. The female Hulven also have more fruitful reproduction ability. They give birth to as many female as males, if not more, bringing our species one step closer to survival.” Innanna paused, fearing his reaction, knowing she had to tell him everything.

She hedged. “The thing is, all of the subsequent ripples have somehow revolved around your bloodline, beginning with the prophecy. You see, Etana’s death was the stone in the pond.” She searched his face for reaction, and when he nodded she continued. “Even Enlil’s storm and punishment, the fall-out between Ediku and Enlil, the birth of a Hulven female sired by Ediku was revealed, though the twin girls were a deviation. The end result of Jess was right on, including the death of her mother.”

“Ya saw all that?” Gil was taking this well. He seemed to be far more open-minded than he was three hundred years ago.

“The Hulven and Elven bloodmating between Shane and Jess was in that prophecy. Their union represents another step in the Volaticus survival. I knew there would be one more sacrifice. Until today I didn’t know it would be Etana’s and Enlil’s … again. It wasn’t a part of the prophecy, though it does put another piece into the puzzle of our survival with the hope of future bloodmating and even breeding beyond widowing. If you choose it, Gil, her gift could affect you personally.” Innanna felt her courage crumble.

“Cunna ya get inta even more trouble fer tellin’ me ‘bout a vision that’s ‘bout me?” She’d kind of hoped he wouldn’t realize that part.

Innanna nodded. “I might. I think the Fates knew I would tell you.” She watched the dawning of the significance of her disclosure cross his face.

Gil whispered. “What are ya riskin’ in tellin’ me, Darlin’?”

Innanna hesitated several seconds before answering, worried she had burdened him with enough already. She reminded herself of the promise of honesty she’d made to herself when it came to him. “If I’m wrong and telling you is not sanctioned by the Fates, making it a violation of my oath, at best I will lose my gift of sight. At worst, I could be sentenced to death. Either way I will face punishment from the Oracle Sect. ”

“Sun of a bitch. Why?” She hadn’t equated Gil’s concern for her welfare in this conversation. This threw a whole different spin on things.

Oh Fates, oh Fates.
Innanna’s heart pounded. “I’m a widow, Gil. I was to be bloodmated the day Atlantis fell. Eros and I didn’t rush into a blood exchange bonding. We didn’t even have sex. We naively decided to do a whole formal ceremony.” Innanna’s tears began to fall again “Mine and my mother’s gift gave us a few precious moments’ head start, when all hell broke loose. That ultimately saved us. Eros didn’t make it. Because we’d never fully bonded even his soul is lost to me. Nevertheless, I lost my bloodmate.”

“Eros Sicarius?” Gil clarified. Innanna could only nod. “His legacy is still talked ‘bout. He is said ta have been a man of honor. I’m sorry ya lost yer luv. I’m still not followin’ how that effects me, Darlin’.” No, he wouldn’t understand yet, she still had to drop the bomb on him.

“The Fates have shown me who would be my second bloodmate if Enlil agrees to live on in this world. It’s you.” Innanna thought Gil would react with horror. He had always acted mortified at the idea of being bloodmated, displayed disgust whenever the idea or conversation even came up. He seemed to love his playboy promiscuous ways. His sexual exploits were admired amongst young males.

She finally met Gil’s expression, fully expecting stunned, horrified denial. Instead she saw stunned, blooming … happiness. What the hell? Tentatively she finally asked “Are you ready for me to show you the prophecy?”

“Nope, I donna need ta see it.” Gil pressed his forehead to hers. “I just need ya ta answer one more question fer me. If ya weren’t gonna be my bloodmate, would ya want ta be with me?” He was showing her a rare vulnerability. Was that why he had always been so resistant to the idea of bloodmates? Did he wonder if people were together because of chemical and biological compatibility rather than choice? She’d had the same fear with Eros.

“Of course,” Innanna answered without hesitation. “I have loved you since our first dance, before I ever saw the prophecy or today’s vision.”

Gil rewarded her with a tender kiss. “Good answer, now get dressed. An’ donna think yer gonna hear me tellin’ ya that very damn often—I prefer ya naked. Them Oracles’ll have ta go through me if they think of fuckin’ with ya.” Innanna was unceremoniously lifted from the counter and set to her feet on the floor. He swatted her ass toward the sweats still lying on the bed where she’d thrown them earlier.

They dressed quickly, porting directly into the solar from Gil’s suite, immediately meeting the expectant faces of Gil’s family.

“Gil!” Innanna grasped her head, the vision violent in its intensity. “We must go. Now! Mother, you have to return to the High chambers.”

“What about Jess? Enlil gave her a mentor order to stay away.” Nin asked.

Innanna looked at Jess, and vomit for what she’d just foreseen rose in her throat. Should she go against the vision and leave Jess behind? Without Jess, Umbrae, Enlil, and many others would die this night. She couldn’t bring herself to look at Jess’s mate Shane. “I’m vetoing his order. Jess has to come.” She turned to Miguel. “Get Etana’s and Enlil’s son Ediku there right away.” The room rippled with the departures, leaving her alone with Gil.

“I guess that means ya didn’t loose yer gift, Darlin’.” His smile was relieved. He truly did care about her. She tried to smile back, but the vision took away her joy. She could only nod. They ported together. This wasn’t the first time her gift felt more like a curse.

Chapter Fourteen

Enlil held Umbrae in his arms while she slept, trying to come to terms with the emotions she brought out in him. None of it made any sense. His body’s reaction to her was confusing enough; add the protective and possessiveness and he couldn’t understand it. When the Morsdente was dead, he would join Etana. He didn’t waver on that. Every time he looked at the beast, all he could see was Etana tormented inside. What horrors had her gentle soul witnessed? Only Etana’s sweet spirit could have remained in the psyche of a monster all these centuries uncorrupted. His attraction to Brae didn’t negate his need to be with his Bloodmate. He was sure Etana would forgive him for his attraction to Umbrae; after all, it was clear to him Etana loved Umbrae by the things she’d shared with her. The way Irsu and Hans kept a close eye on her, Etana wasn’t the only heart this precious bundle had captured. Brae would take Etana’s passing hard; he could only hope her friends would be there for her.

Brae began to moan and tried to twist away from him in her sleep. Enlil held her tight. “It’s okay, Brae. I’ve got you. Shhh, you’re safe in my arms, just rest.” She calmed and his name sighed from her lips. He looked up, clashing gazes with Irsu, who’d heard the exchange. Her eyes held a warning that he fully understood: Don’t break my friend’s heart. He was pretty sure his was more at risk at this moment. He gave Irsu a nod.

His attention was pulled to Nin, Shane, and Jess running into camp. What the hell was Jess doing here? They came to a stop, staring at the sight Enlil and Brae made. Jess met his eyes; he didn’t hide his anger from her. Jess opened her mouth to speak, he held up a hand to stop her, not wanting Brae disturbed. Irsu and Sargon stepped up to the group to bring them up to speed. His question of why Jess had disobeyed him was answered when he saw Gil and Innanna join the group. His son Ediku followed, carrying a sword, his expression angry when he saw Enlil holding the sleeping female. He too joined the group being debriefed of the situation.

“No!” Brae’s gray eyes snapped open, and her head turned to look at the restrained and hooded Morsdente. Her eyes wide, she returned her gaze to Enlil. “He is waking.” The fear in her eyes constricted his chest. This was it, then. “He is yelling for me to free him. If I shield against him I won’t hear Etana. What do I do?”

He could think of only one way to help her. To do it safely he needed to release her. Much as he hated letting her go, he hated seeing her tormented worse. “Can you stand, Brae?” She nodded and he helped her to her feet. Enlil held her steady at her tiny waist while Brae clutched her head, fighting the agonizing call of the Morsdente. Irsu and Hans were right there for her. “I’m going to siphon him and see if I can’t weaken his hold on her,” he told Irsu. “Clear your people.” She nodded and he handed Brae off to Hans reluctantly. “Take her over by my family.” Only then would he be sure of her safety. Brae had begun moaning softly, pressing one white-knuckled fist to her chest and the other to her temple. Hans wrapped an arm around Brae’s waist, his hand under her elbow, and led her away.

“Jess.” He called his protégé over; if she was going to be here, she could learn. Biting her lip, she rushed over to join him. “What color is his energy?”

Jess stared hard at the beast. “It’s not really a color. It looks like dirty car oil. There is a faint pink ribbon though.” Good, she saw it the same way he did.

“That dirty oil is universal with Morsdente. Remember it. The pink ribbon you see is the spirit energy of Etana.” Jess turned to him in surprised sympathy; he placed his hand to her shoulder. “Focus.” She turned back to the beast. “Concentrate on drawing only the swirling black. Extend your right hand to the beast, your left aim to the heavens. Visualize a direct path within you to tunnel the energy directly into the atmosphere. Do not take any of his evil into your psyche. It’s dangerous, Jess. If even a hint of it escapes, the tunnel breaks off immediately.”

Jess took the position he’d instructed. “I’m ready.”

Enlil stepped fully behind her and placed both hands to her shoulders, closing his eyes. “Drop your shield fully to the mentor bond.” The view of the Morsdente cleared in his mind’s eye; he was seeing the beast through Jess. “Siphon him.”

Jess exceeded his expectations, carving the dark matter away from the pink ribbon like she was holding a surgical scalp. Etana’s energy brightened and tears bloomed behind his closed lids. Jess drew the condensed darkness into herself, gasping when the evil entered her hand, yet she kept her focus. The swirling horror tried to pull away from her. Enlil could see the Morsdente struggling against his bindings, hear it growl. Irsu must have gagged it beneath the lead hood. He’d be sure to thank the unit leader for that later.

Jess stayed strong as the Arizona sky darkened with clouds, lightening strikes hitting the ground in the distance. “Enough,” Enlil said. Jess dropped her hands, swaying. Enlil swept her into his arms to keep her from falling and then handed her off to Shane with a fatherly kiss to her forehead. Her eyes glowed green and fluttered closed. “That was perfect, Jess. I am proud of you.” He whispered, aware this would be the last lesson he’d ever teach her.

He looked up into Brae’s beautiful, large gray eyes. “Thank you” was all she said. Her gratitude caused his chest to burn again with emotion he should not feel. He gave her what he hoped was a smile.

She began to walk toward him, and suddenly her eyes glazed and she collasped to the ground. “Brae!” Enlil rushed over, falling to his knees at her side. She didn’t respond. He looked back at the slumped Morsdente. Fuck the Fates, he was going to kill it. Innanna stepped into his line of sight.

“It’s not Zakel, Enlil. It’s Etana. Give them a minute to talk with each other. Umbrae is safe.” Relief flooded him. Taking Brae’s hand in his, he prayed to the universe Innanna was right.

After what seemed like forever, Umbrae’s eyes opened. Clumsily she tried to sit up. Enlil helped her and she cupped his cheek intimately. “Enlil, my beloved.” His breath caught in his throat. Etana? Brae had surrendered her entire being to Etana’s possession, a level of generosity that took complete trust.

Enlil’s voice cracked. “Etana?” He could see her in the expression on Brae’s face. Etana’s love, compassion, and kindness shone from the stormy dove eyes.

Etana ran her fingers through his hair, and his eyes widened at the sensation. “Umbrae told me that she explained this to you. She is huddling in the corner of her mind to give us privacy. I am so happy to see you again.”

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