Shadow Revealed (The Enlightened Species Book Two) (11 page)

BOOK: Shadow Revealed (The Enlightened Species Book Two)
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“You never failed her, you are her strength. You gave her so much strength … so much love, she had some left over to gift me.
saved us both, Enlil.” Umbrae felt Enlil softening to her hug, and his hand returned to the back of her head, holding her to his heart. “It would break her heart to know you felt this way.”

Enlil stopped breathing at her last words. He rested his cheek again on top of her hair and released a deep, soulful sigh. “You’re right, and you know her well,” he whispered, his breath fanning her hair. “Thank you for having the courage to tell me all of this. I know it must have been difficult for you. It’s hard to imagine that my beloved has suffered so long to say goodbye to me when she knows I will join her. I miss her so much.”

She knew exactly what Enlil was telling her. He’d made the decision to release his living energy once Zakel was dead. She wasn’t surprised. Hell, she was inclined to follow both of them. Nodding against his chest in understanding, she kept quiet. That decision was his alone to make. It didn’t matter that she was absolutely positive the feelings she had for him were indeed hers, and not an echo of Etana.

“We need to get back to the gathering.” He seemed as reluctant as she was to break the connection they had found in one another. Keeping his arm securely around her waist, he led them back to the center of the meeting room. She ignored the curious looks on Hans’ and Irsu’s face when they saw the intimate way Enlil held her.

“Do the Fates have anything new to say?” Enlil asked without invitation. Laliel pursed her lips and shook her head. “Then I think Umbrae and I will go forth with a clear understanding of the other’s right to kill the beast and see what comes of it.”

Ignoring the rest of the panel, he pivoted with her to face Irsu. “It is your unit that has the Morsdente under surveillance, correct?” Her friend looked a moment at Umbrae and then nodded at Enlil’s question. “Lead the way.”

Sargon stopped to whisper in Ninlil’s ear before giving her a kiss. Umbrae longingly watched the couple from the safety of Enlil’s side. She closed her eyes and allowed herself to pretend that she belonged to Enlil. That he loved her with the fierce intensity Sargon displayed with Ninlil. A sigh escaped her lips.

“Are you alright?” Enlil pulled her from her fantasy. Umbrae swallowed hard and nodded. He gave her a soft squeeze. “Hans, why do you turn into a monkey when you fly with Umbrae?” Enlil asked her partner.

“Several reasons. When the SOSC partnered us, we tried different forms, but this one worked the best for both of us. I can drop half my body weight, so I am lighter than my true form. I can hang on so her hands remain free. And I can keep my clothes on.”

Umbrae hoped she didn’t imagine the sigh of relief she felt Enlil release when Hans had said the word “partner.” Had he thought Hans was her lover? Did the thought bother him? She quickly squashed the direction her mind was taking. Enlil would always belong to Etana, she reminded herself.

“Would you accept me as a substitute for Umbrae, to fly you whenever the need arises during this hunt?” Enlil asked Hans, leaving her out of the equation. She pushed away from his side and glared at him.

“I am perfectly capable of carrying Hans.” Umbra was offended. Hans looked back and forth between them. He took a defensive step, placing himself between her and Enlil. She shadowed and stepped past him to reappear nose to nose with Enlil, who was grinning at her. He had still tracked her movements when no one else could.

Enlil kept his grin in the face of her ire. “Even at half his weight, I figured he still weighs more than you do. In my personal experience I’ve found that carrying more than my weight tires me. I wasn’t questioning your ability to carry your partner, Umbrae. I just thought it would be good for you to save your strength so you aren’t exhausted when you need to pee. If you prefer, I’m sure Sargon would be happy to fly your partner.” She felt herself blush at his mention of their earlier conversation, as if he had disclosed a couple’s secret.

She turned to Hans. “Would it be okay with you?” He was looking between Enlil and Sargon, noting the heavy bag the giant was carrying already. You’d think he was choosing which racehorse he wanted to ride. The guy loved to fly. She had to admit his weight did slow her significantly.

His decision made, he answered Enlil in the form of a question. “Don’t you need to save your strength too?"

Umbrae saw the amused look pass between Enlil and Sargon. “Climb aboard George of the Jungle,” Sargon’s deep voice boomed naturally.

Hans face split into a huge grin and then he shifted. He locked his arms around Sargon’s enormous neck, and the huge male dropped from the perch into a swan dive. The last thing Umbrae saw was the ecstatic monkey face of her partner disappearing into the low clouds floating below them. She looked back in time to see Enlil give her a salute and follow his brother in law. She turned to face the annoyed look on Irsu’s face. She had to give her friend credit for holding her questions at bay this long.

“We should go too,” Umbrae said lamely.

“Not until you tell me what’s with the lovey-dovey widower,” Irsu demanded, placing a restraining hand on her arm. Irsu knew that Umbrae was not the strongest flyer. Thankfully, Hans hadn’t realized it, or he never would have let her fly him; he probably knew now that he’d ridden with Sargon. Hopefully he would just chalk it up to the size difference. Umbrae had never done a swan dive in her life.

Umbrae sighed. “There is something I didn’t tell you because you were so upset about Zakel escaping.”

Irsu narrowed her eyes, letting her off the hook with her half-truth. “What didn’t you tell me?”

“Etana’s spirit is still dwelling within him.” She’d expected anger from Irsu; instead it was horror and guilt that blanketed her friends face.

“Motherfuckers.” She dropped her hand and launched off the perch. Okay, that was not the reaction she’d envisioned either. This day was full of surprises. She stretched her wings and carefully glided down to the chortal entrances.

Chapter Ten

“Do not bring attention to yourself. You are to note the coming and going only. Do not mess this up or I will kill you myself,” Osiris instructed his son, who was simply named/numbered Ten. Osiris had chosen this particular Hulven son because Ten had the least resemblance to Osiris himself. Ten dutifully gave him a nod and left the room.

He pulled the photos out of the envelope. The camera lens had picked up the details of the metal chain held in the grip of the female shadower with the dark, short hair. The chain that had belonged to Osiris’s father. He might have left Umbrae be for decades if it weren’t for the picture. That chain belonged to Osiris by birthright. The affront demanded he retaliate. He would acquire the two females he’d been tracking and the heirloom that rightfully belonged to him. It was time to rattle the SOSC’s cage.


Enlil couldn’t help but laugh when Sargon informed him that the loose fit of Hans’ pants on his chimp form had caused them to fall off halfway into Sargon’s swan dive. Naked from the waist down, the modest Tellus refused to shift back into human form. He stood with his chimp arms folded and tapped his foot at Enlil and Sargon’s amusement.

Irsu arrived first. “Where is the beast?” he asked her, all humor gone. She narrowed her eyes at him. Okay, he sounded like an asshole … could the SOSC unit leader blame him? He’d waited over three hundred years for vengeance. One hundred and ten thousand days spent mourning his Etana. Two point six million hours since his beloved bloodmate’s spirit had been trapped within the psyche of an evil killer. It didn’t help that his reaction to Umbrae filled him with confusion and guilt. Yes, the female had at least as much right if not more than he did to execute the Morsdente. That didn’t justify his holding her the way he had, comforting her within his arms. Or the desire he had to hold her still.

The more she’d spoken, bearing one horror after another, the more she’d blossomed from pretty to absolutely stunning. She gave all the credit for her survival to Etana, yet Enlil could feel an internal fortitude radiate from her. Umbrae had the heart of a warrior, and Etana had recognized it. Etana knew a warrior’s heart when she encountered one, but the heart belonged to Umbrae. He looked up to see Umbrae descending from above in slow, controlled circles

“He is in the bluff watching Shane’s home. My unit has orders to tranq him if he moves from the spot he’s in.” Irsu’s eyes widened when Enlil’s clashed with hers. No doubt they were glowing. Her answer filled him with fury. Jess lived in that home. His protégé was nowhere near ready to face a seasoned Morsdente.

Fucking Fates
. His hatred for them grew. If Jess were harmed because he had been called to Greenland yet again by them, they had better steer clear of him once he released his living energy.

Enlil immediately appealed to Ninlil for help. Without knowing the proximity of Jess to the Morsdente, he dared not risk the pulse of energy it would require to telepathically contact Jess directly through their mentoring bond. Jess would be pissed, but she would remain safe. He would not risk her for anything. Confident that Jess’s mate Shane would support Enlil’s decision fully, he watched Umbrae land on a wobble. A soft blush graced her cheeks as she held Han’s pants to her chest. Enlil was caught again by the vulnerability in her eyes that she struggled to hide. He gave her an encouraging smile, and she blushed again and sort of returned it.

If he didn’t know better, he’d almost guess she had a crush on him. That left him in an uncomfortable spot, since his body responded to her in a way it shouldn’t. Even when she appeared pure energy to him, fully shadowed, his body had responded to her. Her energy was fuchsia colored, unique like the female. She smelled of peppermint and promise. The stunning combination created confusion and longing for things best forgotten. She couldn’t be more different than Etana. She was tall and slim, her long legs firm, with small breasts.

She had the tenacity that only came from knowing great adversity. He fully understood why Jess and Nin had gotten so offended by the rescued females continually being referred to as victims. Those females deserved to be celebrated and honored; they were survivors just like his Umbrae. His Umbrae? Where did that come from?

He brought his mind back to what Sargon was saying. “I think we should chortal into the original Mesa waterfall nest rather than going to the integration campus. We don’t want to tip the Morsdente off. We can fly in close to join the unit.” He referred to the original nest in Mesa that was built into the canyon face. It was ten miles from Jess and Shane’s home. They couldn’t port directly to Irsu’s unit with a Tellus. There was also the chance the Morsdente would feel the energy ripple of their arrival, especially Umbrae. She may have learned to barrier against the beast, but there was still a chance he would sense her blood once she was close.

Sargon’s plan was agreed to by all, and Sargon snatched up his new best friend and entered the chortal. Taking to the sky, Enlil could tell Hans was not thrilled he hadn’t been given a chance to dress. He clutched his pants in his foot, clinging to Sargon with his arms and tail. The moment they arrived behind the falls, Ninlil assured Enlil that Jess had departed and was now safe.

Though she was a competent flier, Umbrae lacked the grace that came with practice. Her sinewy body had the potential of one day taking his breath away. Right now he was more worried that she would fall out of the sky. He stayed close to her for that reason. Part of him knew he stayed close to her because he wanted to. When she glanced over to him, blushing, she lost her rhythm. The updraft took her above him a few feet. He heard her giggle at herself, and the sound sent chills through him. His manhood hardened again. He soared up to be beside her again.

Without bridging her partner Hans in the communication Umbrae spoke to Enlil, Irsu and Sargon, telepathically.
“Don’t tell Hans how bad I am at this. He’ll never trust me again.”

Irsu looked back at them, grinning.
“I think he’s already figured it out, Brae.”

Enlil added. Brae. He liked the sound of that.

If the male didn’t realize Umbrae was not a strong flier, Enlil had every intention of telling him. Maybe that would make Hans think twice before wrapping himself around his Brae. Why did he keep thinking of her as his? Etana remained in a nightmare because of him. He reined himself in.

“We need to be silent now.”
Ever cautious, Sargon berated them. They landed at the third outcrop of rocks behind the Morsdente; they would run from here.

Just before they reached the unit, Enlil risked speaking quietly to Umbrae. “Do you realize the gift you carry?” She nodded. “How do you come to the Sicarius bloodline?” She shrugged. “Are you alright?” She stopped and shadowed. He turned and trotted back to her. “Brae?” He tried out the name he liked for her, crouching beside her energy.

“How do you see me?” Her whisper was so shielded he had to strain to hear her.

“I am a siphon.” He would have thought Etana’s memories would have shown her his gift.

“I know what you are. I still don’t understand how that makes you able to see me. I can’t even see me.” That was something he didn’t know. The Sicarius of old were secretive, which was part of what made them such effective assassins.

“Siphons can see energy. Even shadowed and shielded, you emit energy. I can’t see your body.” Her fuchsia color darkened. “Does that upset you?”

“I am training to be an assassin. If you can see me, what if others can too?” Her color calmed.

“My protégé and great-granddaughter, Jess, and I are the only siphons,” he assured her. She dropped the shadow, appearing before him like an angel. “Ten-thousand-year-old Eleven would probably be able to sense your presence, though I doubt they could see you as I do.”

Umbrae glanced at his lips and blushed again. She wanted him to kiss her, and the urge to do it was strong. He dragged his desire away from the brink of succumbing, returning to his original question. “You haven’t answered me.”

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