Shadow Revealed (The Enlightened Species Book Two) (19 page)

BOOK: Shadow Revealed (The Enlightened Species Book Two)
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Gil looked around the chaos again. “What the hell is ev’ryone fightin’ ‘bout?”

Durian turned to him like he was an idiot. “I just answered that.”

The Oracles and High Ones were fighting over his Innanna. The decision? Who was on her side and who wanted her punished? “Tell me who’s against her an’ I’ll put an end ta this battle right now.” Gil was more than ready to fight.

Durian let out a snort of laughter while Laliel blinked at him. “My niece always said you had an unusual sense of humor. You’re kidding, right?” Hell no he wasn’t kidding! He’d set the place on fire to protect Innanna.

“Why ain’t ya two in there fightin’ ta save Innanna?” Gil narrowed his eyes at them. Her parents were missing and her brother and aunt were sitting on the sidelines. What kind of family abandoned their kin when they needed them most? Sargon and Ninlil had just stepped in to have his back. Why wasn’t her family doing the same?

Durian barked out another laugh, and Gil wanted to punch him. Laliel gave him a look of bafflement. “Save her from what? They’re fighting over which sect she will lead. Both of her parents stepped down from their posts. The High Ones panel wants her for speaker, and the Oracles want her to be their presiding leader.”

“Maybe she should chair the SOSC,” his mother piped in. Gil gave her a hard look. Not helping, Mom. She held her hands up, grinning. “She’d be great at it.”

He took in the dueling members of the powerhouses, catching bits and pieces of the bitch-fest. The fact that neither sect had a leader would explain the chaos. “What does Innanna want?”

Laliel and Durian both looked at him. Laliel did the blinking thing at him again. It was kind of endearing … in an annoying way. She looked to Durian, who shrugged. The High panel Fates advisor placed two fingers to her lips and let out a piercing stadium whistle, and the room silenced. Damn girl. Gil liked her more already.

Laliel’s voice carried over the din. “Has anyone consulted Innanna?” The room erupted again, that answered Gil’s question. Why the fuck Innanna would want to lead any of these dipshits was beyond him.

“ENOUGH!” Sargon’s booming voice rendered the room to silence again.

Durian stood from the wall. “I’ll ask my sister.”

Someone in the back shot out, “You’re on the panel. You might try to influence her.” There were nods of agreement from the Oracles. Gil noticed that Adonia and Leanna had entered from the smaller chamber, where they must have been waiting.

Adonai spoke over the group. “Send Gil to her. He is the only one who will care only for what Innanna wants.” This from the male that trapped him under a holding weave. What a dick. Gil gave Adonai a nod, not hiding his anger from the male. Hell yeah, he wanted to see her.

Luckily those present hadn’t gotten used to Adonia not having sway, and it was agreed. “Follow me.” Durian led him through the Oracle chamber into a hallway Gil doubted many knew existed. He stopped in the middle of the wall. “Your psychic energy can’t open the entry. Knock when you are ready to exit.” Durian’s hand glowed as he pressed it to the surface, which then slid away and vanished. That was a cool trick.

Innanna’s beautiful, tear-streaked eyes met his. “Gilgamesh.” She leapt from the bed into his arms; nothing had ever felt so perfect.

“You have fifteen minutes,” Durian said behind him. Gil growled at the male, hearing his chuckle fade behind the wall.

“I’m so sorry about the weave and Jess and Umbrae. There wasn’t time to tell you. Umbrae and Enlil’s life depends on what happens … and your parents, too. Please don’t be angry with me. My vision didn’t show Jess or Umbrae being hurt … well, not permanently … I really believe they are strong enough to take care of the situation.” Innanna’s guilt and regrets were misplaced. Was he pissed to find out she had knowledge, if not an active part in the holding weave placement? Hell yeah. And he looked forward to fighting with her about it later. Fingers below her chin, he lifted her beautiful face and surrendered to the only thing he wanted to do at this moment—he crushed his lips to hers. Her sigh of longing set him on fire. She met his tongue with hers, sinfully passionate in her abandon.
Fifteen minutes.
Durian’s final comment penetrated the haze of lust he was being swept into. Reluctantly he broke the kiss. Innanna’s eyes fluttered open.

“I love the way you kiss me.” She sighed, her smile lighting her face.

“Juss matchin’ yer skills, Darlin’.” He grinned back at her. “Ya got any idea the mess yer creatin’ in the High chamber?”

Her ivory skin paled to pure white and she swallowed hard. “How many want my death?” There was courage and acceptance in her voice.

Gil felt his anger rise. Those fuckers hadn’t even told her she wasn’t being punished. They’d just left her in here to ponder the worst. Gil shook his head and sat on the bed, taking her into his lap. She wiggled her bottom tight against his erection.
. Gil groaned and Innanna gave him a sexy grin, wiggling more. Mine. The word floated through his mind.

His hand slid beneath her gown, and he touched the heat of her. Innanna gasped and stilled against him. She was so wet, Gil had to tease her, plunging a finger into her tight sheath as he watched the passion infuse her eyes. Two could play at this game. He grinned, withdrew his finger and brought her taste to his lips, sucking her flavor off his finger, reveling in Innanna’s ragged breathing.

‘Yer a drug, Darlin’. Donna tempt the junkie. I gotta talk ta ya ‘bout somethin’ important. Course if ya’d rather …” His handed headed under her gown again. Innanna caught it at her knees.

“You are incorrigible, you know that.” She chuckled.

He explained to her what was happening. Her eyes grew bigger and bigger in her angelic face. “So here I am ta find out whatcha want,” Gil finished.

“My parents have been talking about stepping down for centuries. I never thought either of them actually would.” She continued to stare at him, causing his leathers to become more uncomfortable where his erection was pressed to her sweet bottom. “Honestly, I don’t know what to think. This is so sudden. Do I have to decide this instant?”

Gil told her about the chaos in the other chamber. “Much as I’d like ta tell ya no, take all the time ya want, I think ya better choose, ev’n if yer choice is ta tell ‘em all ta kiss yer ass. Unless ya want ‘em ta kill each other ov’r ya.” Innanna didn’t even crack a smile, telling him how serious this was to her.

“I have aided my mother with the Oracles my whole life. I guess I’d prefer to preside over them and represent their interests to the High Ones panel and the SOSC. There are others more qualified to be speaker of the High Ones.” Her eyes widened again. “That is if you support that. I can tell them all to kiss my ass, too.”

His phrase coming out of her mouth was his undoing. How could he not fall hopelessly madly in love with this female? Gil’s voice caught. “I—” he paused to clear his throat, trapped in the violet depth of her questioning gaze. She’d already proven she was willing to give up everything for him. The thought humbled him to his core. “I will support ya in any thin’ ya want. I will always stand behind ya. Bank on it, Darlin’.” It was the closest thing to a commitment he’d ever given a female.

Her smile was dazzling. “Oracles,” she declared. The light in her eyes made her more beautiful, if that was possible. He could see she was excited about the opportunity.

He hadn’t heard the wall vanish. “That fucking figures.” Durian’s words were harsh, but his expression was teasing. The love between Innanna and her brother had never been more pronounced. “You just turned my life to shit. I hope you’re happy.”

Innanna laughed, her eyes twinkling. “That was my thinking exactly. I told you I’d get even for you being such a pain in the ass. Taadah.” Innanna held her hands out at her shoulders. This was a side to Innanna Gil had never seen before. He only saw her family under the weight of obligations, never imagining that away from that they were a normal, loving group.

Durian laughed. “Well, since they now want to hear you give them your answer, the joke’s on you, baby sister.”

Innanna’s face fell and she paled again. Gil whispered in her ear, “I’m right behind ya.” She nodded, relief showing on her face.

Together they followed Durian back into the chamber.


Ediku walked up to Gil’s house after porting in beside the chortal. With the preparations for the survivors ball going on, it was the safest place he could think of. Meshy Hell usually housed a few hundred youths at any given time, plus the staff. With everything going on, the compound was crowded with easily three times that many people. More than a hundred trained warriors were on site for security, plus the warrior guests from the rescue missions. First order of business was to locate Gil’s second in command. Someone pointed at the male he needed to speak with … Patrick. The male looked up, meeting Edik’s gaze, and his knees went weak. He should have realized it would be Patrick. He’d heard that Patrick had accepted a lieutenant commandant position with Gil a few decades back. Until this minute, with the male striding toward him across the campus, he hadn’t put together that he would have to brief this particular male for the protection of the campus.

He’d only seen Patrick once since the male had walked out on their relationship two hundred years ago. That had been at the first location the SOSC had raided last year. Patrick had been engaged in battle with one of the enemy soldiers. His muscles flexed powerfully when he swung the curved saber, filling Edik with longing and reminding him again of how much he had lost. Regrets reared up in him. Their eyes had met for a single moment across the battlefield, and then Patrick had never acknowledged him again.

He deserved to be shunned; Patrick had faced and conquered his coming out. How could Ediku blame him for refusing to return to the closet because of Edik’s lack of courage in doing the same? Edik had never stopped loving him, though. Just the sight of him sent butterflies through him. Seeing him cross his arms over his chest, staring blankly while Ediku apprised him of the situation was heart wrenching.

Patrick listened and nodded. “I will see to it and report back to you shortly.” Then he turned and strode away, nothing indicating that he had ever given Ediku any thought whatsoever. Then again, why would he?

His spirits lifted when he heard, “G-pa E!” Jorie ran at him full throttle. He opened his arms to capture his granddaughter, swinging her in an arc to hear her squeal.

It had been a few weeks after Patrick had left that he’d given in to a moment of weakness that resulted in Jorie and Jess’s mothers. He hadn’t known that Marjorie had been pregnant with his twins when she’d left his land. Truth was, he’d never thought of her at all until last year when his liaison with the woman had come home to roost. Jess’s existence had been learned of first, followed by the revelation of Moira and Jorie. Jess’s mother had died before he’d ever gotten a chance to meet her.

It had been a dream of Patrick’s to adopt a Hulven child. Back then they were being dropped into orphanages right and left. Wonder if Patrick knew Ediku was a father and grandfather now? How would the knowledge make him feel? Ediku pushed the thoughts away to focus on enjoying his granddaughter.

“What are you doing here, Jorjor?” He asked, keeping things light. That was about all he was capable of with his woulda-coulda-shoulda thoughts racing through his mind.

Jorie slumped her shoulders in exasperation. “Mother is working me like a dog.” Enlil had to laugh at the girl’s animated dramatics. Jorie was a character.

“Really?” He’d never known Jorie to be unwilling to jump in and help whether her help was wanted or not.

“I had to get the whole nursery/daycare ready, and make a schedule for the older kids who are babysitting, and I had to come up with games and activities and snacks, and I have to take two of the shifts. Seems to me I should just get to be in charge, but nnnooo, there’s gotta be a grown up there at all times. Completely bogus.” Jorie’s blue eyes, so like his, flashed in annoyance.

He looked over to see Patrick striding over, and the air left his lungs. “Patrick!” Jorie reached up to the male, connecting a perfect high five. “Have you met my G-pa E?” In a perfect world, Jorie would have never had to ask Patrick that question.

Ediku searched Patrick’s face for any reaction to Jorie’s innocent question. Patrick just ruffled Jorie’s curls, giving nothing away. “We’ve met. What are you doing out here slacking? I thought you were being slave driven by your mom?” Patrick more than knew about Jorie; they’d apparently become friends. Jorie made friends with everyone. She was just that kind of a kid.

“Yeah.” Jorie shifted from foot to foot, tapping her chin. “I guess I better get back.” Jorie gave Ediku a big hug, whispering in his ear loud enough for Patrick to hear, “I’m glad you’re here. Someone needs to be on my side of stuff for awhile. I love you, G-pa.” She kissed his cheeks and ran back in the house.

Ediku had watched Patrick the entire time. The male had simply kept his grin. Ediku turned to watch Jorie till she was out of sight. He would drown in the sight of the male if he didn’t. Only when the door had shut behind Jorie did he turn back to face Patrick.

Patrick had his thumbs hooked in the pockets of his leathers. Ediku had always liked his height. His hair hung to his shoulders, and Ediku remembered the velvet softness of the strands. “She’s a charmer. Of course, all three of your female offspring are amazing.”

He was proud of his descendants. Who wouldn’t be? He couldn’t say that without his heart in his throat. All he could do was give Patrick a weak smile. Thankfully, Patrick didn’t seem to notice. Even better, he continued to talk, his voice rolling over Ediku like a caress. “I sparred with Jess once. She’s tough, going to make one hell of a warrior. I’m sure that makes your father proud.”

One of the reasons Ediku had been so reluctant to tell his family was because he’d already felt like a disappointment to his father for his lack of warrior skills. He took after his mother’s love of land and farming. Patrick’s comment wasn’t meant to hurt him the way it did. If only he’d had the courage to face Enlil with the truth about Patrick long ago, maybe he and Patrick would still be together.

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