Shadow of Doubt (5 page)

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Authors: Melissa Gaye Perez

BOOK: Shadow of Doubt
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Jordan parked the truck outside his beach house.  As they climbed out of it Martin turned and winked at her.  “If he gets tired of you sweetie, just have him drop you off at my place.  I'll take really good care of you,” he chuckled as he headed for his own car.

Dolly didn't answer him.  Just looked at him as if to tell him to bug off.  She didn't like his attitude one bit and couldn't believe he was actually Jordan's best friend.  They just seemed to be so different in demeanor.

“Ignore him,” Jordan then told her as he motioned for her to follow him up the stairs into the house.

“All I want is to take a good hot shower, if you don't mind,” she then stated as she admired Jordan's manly gait from behind.  “Is it okay?”

Jordan seemed a little preoccupied as he turned his head to answer.  “Humph...oh...of course.  You ought to be getting a little hungry by now too huh?”  he said as they entered the living room through the sliding glass doors.

He then showed her through his bedroom to the master bathroom so she could shower and change.  It was shortly after lunch by the time they finished their morning escapade at the hospital and the near thirty minute battle with Lydia.

Dolly could hear Jordan rustling around the bedroom as she dressed in his master bathroom.  “Do you have a hair dryer I could borrow?” she yelled out as she put on the green t-shirt the nurse had given her.

He turned toward the bathroom door not thinking and pushed it open.  “Yeah it’s...”

“Hey, get out of here!” Dolly yelled, still standing in only her panties and t-shirt.  She pushed the door closed feeling his weight against the other side.

“Jordan stood a little stunned for a second…red-faced.  “Sorry...I'm not used to having women in my bathroom.  It's under the sink.”

He couldn't help but to grin to himself though as he went back toward the kitchen to finish their meal.  She had a pretty nice body to look at.  “Maybe this won't be so bad after all,” he thought smiling to himself, quickly getting over his embarrassment.

“If only I knew how old she was for sure.”  His mind kept flashing sensitive thoughts of lust.  He tried to shake it, but then she walked into the room.  A tingling sensation worked its way through his body while he tried to conceal his desire to have this woman's body beneath his own.

“What smells so good?” she asked as she finally emerged from her shower.   Now wearing tight jeans and the green snug fitting t-shirt, she seemed a bit more comfortable.

Jordan smiled when he saw her.  Even more beautiful than before.  “Hope you like fried chicken.  I'm not much of a cook, but I can put a few dishes together.”

He couldn't keep his eyes off her as he spoke.  In those tightly fitted jeans, her body looked even more tempting and her blonde hair was now bouncy and shiny, flowing just below her shoulders.

“I love fried chicken,” she replied as she pulled herself up and came to sit on the kitchen cabinet next to the stove so she could watch him cook.  He had already set the table and poured them each a glass of iced tea.

“You mean you actually remember that?” he asked teasingly as he reached around her for the salt shaker.

Their eyes met only inches apart for just a second then he quickly resumed his duties.  He couldn't let her know what he was really thinking.  He couldn't understand why he was thinking it in the first place.  He had no desire to become involved with a woman.  Any woman.  Especially when that woman had no name and no one knows where she could possibly be from.

“I think so,” she giggled back, still smelling the sweet aroma of his after shave.  “You smell good too,” she then began to flirt.  “What is that?”

Jordan laughed at her now.  “Sweat probably.  You make me nervous.”

Then he leaned against the counter and looked her in the eye grinning with his handsome lazy grin.  “You have to be more than twenty-one,” he then stated still trying to guess how old she might possibly be.

“Why's that?” she asked as she admired his emerald eyes that seemed to be flashing at her like neon lights.

“Nobody any younger could possibly have a body like that,” he then replied as he quickly scanned her again, this time not at all hiding it.

“What's wrong with my body?” she asked as she hopped off the cabinet to help him put the food on the table.

He quickly turned his back to hide his smile at the way her well stacked chest jiggled when her feet hit the floor.

“Nothing...that's why you make me nervous,” he admitted as he sat across from her at his small kitchen table that was nestled just against the back window exposing a breathtaking view of the beach outside.

Dolly didn't reply, only smiled rather pleasantly knowing now that he had noticed her.  She had definitely noticed his nice looks as well.

“I better cool it before he gets the wrong idea,” she then thought to herself again as they sat down to eat lunch together.

She liked the coziness of this place.  Occasionally she glanced out the window to the breathtaking view of the beach where he had found her just this very morning.

“Must be nice to live here,” she said to him dreamily.

“Uh-huh.  I've always liked being a beach bum.  You must be one too.”

“Why do you say that?” she asked as she dropped the plain white curtain so she could face him again.

“Because, your tan is just about as dark as mine,” he answered a little embarrassed to let her know he had noticed.  “You must live on the beach too.  I'm really surprised we haven't met before now.”

“Oh?  Are you a woman chaser or something?” she teased with a leery smile.

Jordan chuckled thinking she was quite cute.  “Not exactly.  I've never had to chase them,” he replied jokingly.  “They just seem to keep washing up on my beach.”  Now he could see why Martin was so cocky this morning.  The whole situation did seem rather funny to him as well now.

“You're a pretty good cook after all,” she then complimented as they rose to clear the table together.  She followed him to the sink to help with the dishes.  “Have you ever been married?”

“No thank you,” he replied sharply.  “That's not quite my cup of tea.”

“Why not?” she asked as she handed him a plate to put away in the cabinet, then just stared at him wonderingly.  “You seem like quite a nice guy.  Haven't you ever even thought about marriage?”

“I am a nice guy,” he chuckled.  “And I intend to stay that way.  All my married friends seem grumpy all the time.  Women tend to do that to ya.”

“But, don't you want to have kids some day?”

“Are you offering?” he teased back, never really answering any of her questions.

“No, just curious.”

Jordan seemed more serious now.  “Not particularly.  I used to think about it, but I just don't think it will ever happen for me.”

“Where are you from?  Originally I mean?”

“Will you quit being so nosy?” he asked as they finished and she followed him into the living room, although he didn't seem to be angry.

“I'd tell you all about me...if I knew,” she offered with a smile, knowing it to be quite impossible.

“You sure about that?” he then asked as he picked up the remote from the end table and turned on the television.

“Sure I would.  I don't think I have anything to hide,” she replied as she flopped down comfortably on the sofa and made herself quite at home.

“The way you stopped me from calling the authorities this morning I'm not too sure about that,” he replied smiling at her startled expression.

“I...I just didn't wanna leave you,” she finally admitted shyly.

Jordan laughed at her remark.  He took a chair opposite her so he could face her as they talked.  “Anything particular you wanna watch?” he then asked.

She leered at him grinning.

“Never mind,” he replied, seemingly annoyed at her memory loss again.

“Just my luck,” he thought as he flipped through the channels with the remote.  “Now look what I've gotten myself into.  Trapped in my own home with a blonde amnesiac.  I should have jumped her while she was unconscious.  Maybe she wouldn't have remembered that either.”  He found himself physically attracted to this young lady and it was beginning to irritate him.


Later that night Jordan settled Dolly into the bedroom at the end of the hall, just next to his own.  He fetched her one of his over sized t-shirts to sleep in.

“Why do you have such great arms?” she asked as he handed it to her.  “Did I hear that Lydia woman mention something about you being a race car driver?”

Jordan sat on the bed and leaned against the wooden headboard smiling with pride.  She sat at his feet waiting for his answer.  She could tell by his sudden pleasant grin that she had hit a subject that he enjoyed talking about.

“You're sure a curious little thing ya know that?”

“I'm sorry,” Dolly mumbled feeling she had angered him again.

“That's okay.  I really don't mind.  Gets kind of boring around here anyway.  Yes. I race,” he finally admitted.

She quickly perked up and pulled herself to sit next to him on the bed.  “Really?  Sounds fascinating.  When do I get to watch you actually drive?”

Jordan liked her enthusiasm.  “You like that kind of stuff too?”

Dolly looked as if she were trying to remember something.  Jordan thought she looked rather cute as she stared back with curiosity in her shining blue eyes.

“Yeah...I think I do,” she finally replied confidently with a spark in her eyes.

“If you're still around next Wednesday we'll head up to North Carolina Speedway.  It's a small race, but carries a nice pot if I place.”  He seemed proud of his racing career now as he told her what he could about it.

“Are you famous or something?” she asked still curious, with even more excitement and envy in her expression.

Jordan laughed out loud at this one.  “Not hardly, but I do okay.  Now you get some sleep,” he demanded as he rose from the bed and walked to the door.  “You’ve had a very long and interesting day, you should be exhausted.  And so am I.”

“Good night Jordan,” she told him in her low sweet voice as her eyes trailed his every move.

Jordan whispered his good night and closed the door, smiling all the way to his own bed.  He felt a little inconvenienced having this mysterious little lady in his care, but found himself enjoying her company all at the same time.

He really didn't want to take her to North Carolina with him either, but didn't want to leave her home alone.  He would only worry about her more then ever.  But he couldn't imagine the teasing he was in for from his friends.  Martin was already bad enough this morning.

“Jordan Scott...babysitter.  Jordan worker,” he thought as he tried to shrug it off and go to sleep.  “Good grief Jordan, what kind of softy are you turning into?  Get rid of her.  Then what?  Feel like shit for doing it?  Just keep her in line...but how?”


The next morning Jordan awakened and dressed to the aroma of fresh coffee brewing and bacon frying.

“What's this, she remembers how to cook?” he teased as he grabbed a piece of bacon from the plate next to the stove and ate it.

“Uh-huh,” she laughed in reply.  “How do you like your eggs?” she asked as she playfully shoved another piece of bacon into his mouth.

“Well done, please.  None of that yellow, runny stuff for this guy.”

“Mr. Macho huh?” she asked as she watched him grab two plates from the cabinet and begin to set the table for them.

“Usually,” he muttered out at the thought of taking her shopping for clothes later today.  He shook his head amusingly hoping he wouldn't be spotted by anyone he knows.

It had only happened once before to him.  Only once had Jordan felt this tingling desire for a woman running through his body like he felt when he was near Dolly.  Victoria and he were engaged to be married and how he loved that woman.  She and Dolly looked nothing alike, but for some reason, Dolly seemed to remind him of her every time they talked.  Her sweet soft little voice and crazy curiosity.

Jordan thought he and Victoria would be together forever until he found out the truth about her.  Thanks to Martin he was still free and living by himself on the beach enjoying the life he has always dreamed of, but alone.  Now this little blonde seemed to be disrupting all the peace he thought he had found.  Not actually disrupting it...but bringing back old feelings...emotions Jordan had forgotten he had.

After they had split, Jordan soon realized his tall slim brunette never actually loved him at all.  She only wanted fame and fortune and never could accept Jordan's laid back lifestyle.  She wanted him to give up his racing career and move to California to seek fortune with her.

Oh and how he almost fell for it.  Until Martin approached and informed him of the truth.  Jordan promised he would never fall in love like that again.  The pain was far too deep to bear.  Now here was Dolly.  A beautiful young lady who seemed so different.  His racing actually excites her.  She shows no desire to go away, only to stay and share the lifestyle that Jordan lives.

Jordan stared over at her wonderingly as she began clearing the table.  Could he possibly tolerate getting to know her any better?  Could he possibly resist it?

As they later drove into town, Dolly felt a little uneasy again.  Jordan had hardly spoken much through breakfast and he didn't seem too pleased this morning about having her hanging around him.  He seemed much too preoccupied with something else.

“I promise to pay you back for everything you've done to help me just as soon as I regain my memory,” she said as they walked toward the department store.

“Think so,” he replied half grinning as he held the front door open for her.  “What if you remember you're broker than I am?”  He grinned widely at her startled expression as she froze and stared into his laughing face.

He lightly patted her back with his hand, motioning her through the door.  “I'm sorry,” he added trying not to laugh anymore.  “I'm not worried about it...really.  Just hurry up will ya?  Taking a woman shopping for clothes isn't exactly one of my favorite pastimes.”  He quickly scanned all around the store to make sure he wasn't spotted by anyone he knew.

Dolly picked up on his embarrassment and hurried the best she could.  She rummaged through the store and Jordan paid for her merchandise.  They grabbed some burgers and fries and ate lunch in his pick-up truck on the way home.  Jordan was lucky and hadn't been spotted by any of his friends that he could tell.

When they returned to Jordan's beach house, he changed into faded jeans and a denim work shirt.  Dolly watched him admiringly as he rolled up his sleeves showing off his tanned muscular arms.  He still had some paneling to finish putting up in the third bedroom of the house.

Dolly sat on a saw horse in the center of the incomplete room and watched as his strong arms hammered the sheets of wood to the wall, then reached into the carpenter’s belt hanging loosely from around his waist for another nail.

“Why don't you take a swim or something?” he then suggested not looking her direction.  He knew she was there though and felt intruded upon knowing she was just sitting there watching his every move.  “It's the end of June, the weather's perfect for it.”

“Are you trying to get rid of me?”

“Yes,” he blurted frankly.

“I'm just watching.  I'm not in your way,” she argued.

“Yes you are.  I don't like being spied on.  I'm not used to it.  Now go on, you're making me nervous!”

“Okay,” she mumbled as she slid off the saw horse and moped slowly from the room, her head down and her hands pushed deep into her pants pockets.  She felt like a nuisance now as she sadly strolled out the door, wishing she could stay and watch this handsome man do his work.

Jordan felt a little sorry for her at first watching how she left the room, but went about his work.  “She's gonna have to learn to keep out of my hair,” he thought as he slammed the hammer into his finger.

“Awww!!!” he yelled in pain and dropped the hammer to the floor.  He shook his hand vigorously.

“You okay?” Dolly asked frantically running back into the room.

“I'm fine!  Just go away!” he yelled not mad at her but embarrassed at his own goof and quickly straightened up and resumed his nailing as if nothing had happened.

“Sorry,” she uttered out again and decided to take a walk on the beach as he had suggested in the first place.

Dolly sat for a while and stared out into the blue sea and watched the sea gulls fly at a distance, occasionally dipping down into the water to catch their prey.

“I don't think this is gonna work out too well,” she thought still hearing Jordan's angry voice ringing in her head.  She bent her knees and laid her head against them and began to cry quietly to herself.  She just wanted to remember who she was...where she was from...anything at all.

It was horrible not knowing anything.  To suddenly open her eyes and not remember a thing.  The only good part of it all was seeing the good looking man who had came to her rescue and now even he was upset with her.

Suddenly she felt a warm hand touch her back.  She peered over her shoulder to see Jordan sit next to her in the sand, but quickly hid her face again to hide the fact that she had been crying.

“Look...I didn't mean to yell at ya like that.”  He had seen her sitting sadly on the beach and couldn't imagine how scared she must really be.  Now that he had made her cry he felt even worse than ever before.

“It's not your fault,” she whispered.

He took her head in his hand and pulled her to his chest for comfort.  “I'm sorry.  I didn't mean to upset you.  I'm just not used to you yet.  I've been alone for a long time,” he tried to explain but acted as if he didn't want to get into it any further.  He wanted to tell her about Victoria but just couldn't.  He didn't think it mattered anyway.  Besides, he didn't want her to think he was getting soft on her.

“I could go ya know,” she offered as she raised her head and wiped her face with her hands.  “You don't have to let me stay here.”  She only feared he would agree to this and send her away to that shelter, but said it regardless.

Again Lydia flashed through his mind.  The thought of this sweet beautiful girl in her custody didn't set to well with Jordan at all.

“You're not in my way...really,” he replied not too sure of that himself.  “It's just that...”

“I understand,” she interrupted.  “I'll try harder to stay out of your way.  I promise.”

Jordan wasn't sure she did understand.  But maybe now she would better appreciate his mood changes.  Maybe now they could get along without any further confrontations.

Then they were both interrupted by Martin's unexpected presence on the beach.  “Finish that bedroom yet?” he asked smiling devilishly at the way Jordan was holding Dolly against his chest.

Jordan jumped quickly to his feet and headed for the house without glancing back at either of them.

“Not quite,” he mumbled out.

Dolly could tell their being together like that had embarrassed him in front of his friend.

Martin stood and waited for Dolly to pass then followed her up the stairs his eyes never rising above waist level.

“Jordan treating you okay?” he asked as they entered the living room.  Jordan quickly retreated to the other room and began pounding away at his nails again.  Dolly didn't like the way Martin was grinning at her.

“Yes he is,” she answered as she went to sit on the couch content on staying out of Jordan's way as she had promised she would.

“I could see that!” Martin nearly yelled toward the other room making sure Jordan had heard him.

“You're not funny,” Jordan answered knowing he was talking about the way they were cuddled on the beach.  He was still holding Dolly's head snugly against his chest and rubbing her back with his free hand.  “Rather enjoying it too till you came along,” Jordan thought as he went about his work.

“I was talking about the house,” Martin continued to snicker.  “This is the cleanest I think I've ever seen it.”  Then he sat next to Dolly on the sofa.  “Did you remember your name yet sweetie?”

“Jordan calls me Dolly.”

“All right then.  I'll call you that too.”  He stared at her for a moment then left the room to go and talk with Jordan.

“You're not really gonna keep her around here are you?” he asked in a low voice.

Jordan hammered another nail.  Then looked down at his friend.  “Why not?  She's no trouble.”

“What are you gonna do with her?  Tote her around from track to track?  That's not exactly Jordan Scott's style.”

“Maybe.  Hadn't decided yet.”  Jordan looked even more agitated with his friend.  “Go away will ya?  I'm really busy here.”

Jordan just didn't want to talk about her anymore.  He kept telling himself she was no trouble...but still felt uncomfortable with her being around.  He didn't want to have to explain her to everyone else, but didn't see much choice.  He couldn't let her go to that horrible place Lydia was talking about.  He just couldn't.

Dolly was fixing supper when Martin came back through.  He smiled as he watched her for a second.  “Wanna cook mine when you get through here?  I could use a maid myself.”

Dolly gave him an evil leer.  “I don't like you,” she clearly stated.

Jordan laughed out loud as he stuck his head through the doorway of the spare bedroom.  “Smart girl.  I don't care much for him myself these days.”

Martin chuckled at his smart crack.  “Okay, I'm going.  See ya next week big guy.”

Then he turned to Dolly.  “You too sugar,” and he finally disappeared out the doors.

Jordan returned to his work desperately trying his best to ignore the fact that Dolly was there, but something smelled just too good.  Meatloaf and potatoes no doubt.  He finally put his tools away and washed up, letting his stomach get the best of him.

Dolly smiled pleasantly when she saw him nearing the kitchen.

“Hungry?” she asked.

“Starved.  Just not used to being pampered like this,” he replied as they sat at the table together again.  Never had his Victoria been able to cook as good as Dolly could.  As a matter of fact...she never cooked at all.

“It's the least I can do.  After all, you've been so kind to me.  You don't have to be ya know.”

She thought he looked even better now in his tight jeans but tried not to flirt with him anymore.  She was afraid of becoming a nuisance and having him kick her out.  He didn't seem to enjoy having a woman invade his privacy, but he carried such an air of confidence about him and was so attractive that she flirted almost unconsciously.

“How long have you lived alone here?” she began to question again.

“Three years,” he answered without looking at her this time.  “Since my dad died.”

“What happened to him?”

Jordan acted as if he didn't want to answer at first, but swallowed his food and finally looked at her.  “Heart attack.  He was only fifty when it happened.”

Dolly could tell it must have deeply scarred him.  She chose not to go on with the subject, only wished she could remember her own parents and whether or not they were still alive themselves.  Then to her astonishment Jordan went on without further prodding on her part.

“He's the one that taught me to race,” he added proudly.  “It's all I’ve ever known since I was a little boy.”

“How do you know Martin?”

“We grew up together.  He used to race too, but gave it up a while back.”

He seemed to feel better whenever they talked about his racing career.  Dolly could tell he was happy with it.  More than happy...obsessed.

“Why'd he quit?” she added curiously.  “Didn't he like it as much as you seem too?”

“Sure he did, but he couldn't afford it anymore.  Once it gets into your blood though, it's a hard habit to give up.  That's why I made him my racing manager.  So he could at least be around it.  I know how much it means to him.”

“Very noble of you,” she replied smiling again.

“Guess so.  He does well though, when I can keep him in line.  He likes women chasing and partying a little bit too much.  I'm sure you've noticed.”

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