Shadow of Doubt (4 page)

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Authors: Melissa Gaye Perez

BOOK: Shadow of Doubt
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He stood close by her and kept watch as the doctor now entered the room and began to look at her chart, an elderly man with graying hair wearing his white jacket and small round glasses.  Finally she began to move her head from side to side and started to groan, a good sign she was finally regaining consciousness.

Jordan moved closer to her now.  “It's about time,” he said trying to smile in her direction.  “You really had me worried this time.”

She looked more afraid than ever before now that she looked around the room and smelled the awful mediciny hospital odor.  Once again she had awakened in a strange place, this one not being as nice as the first.  She realized now that she was no longer at Jordan's cozy little beach house, but couldn't figure out how she had gotten here…or why.

“Where am I now?” she finally asked with a low shaky voice as she grabbed out at Jordan's arm for support and took a tight hold of him.

Jordan felt kind of good having her cling to him for protection this way.  He gently patted her hand with his.  “It's okay sweetheart.  You're in the hospital now.  These people are gonna take good care of you.”

He felt her body trembling so he curled his hand around hers for comfort.  He didn't think a little friendly support could hurt anything.  Her fingers were cold and dry, but she liked the feel of Jordan's strong hand warming hers.  Martin smiled enviously as he leaned in the doorway and watched this intriguing scene develop itself.

Then a police officer emerged through the examining room door.  He quickly began asking questions and jotting down notes in his notebook.  Jordan couldn't stand to see the woman's scared blue eyes now as she tried earnestly to answer all she could, but just couldn't remember anything at all.  Then the officer started talking about taking her into custody until they found out more about who she was and where she might possibly have come from.

“I've already called the local women's shelter here in Daytona and they can take her in for the night or so as soon as the Doctor releases her.  Just until we locate her family,” the officer went on.

Just then another woman came through the door.  In her upper 50's, a stocky built woman, rather rough looking.  She wore a plain pale blue dress and black low heel shoes.  To Jordan, she didn't seem to be the type to have a care in the world, especially about someone else.

“My name is Lydia from the downtown shelter,” she introduced as she reached out her hand to the officer completely ignoring the fact that there were other people in the room.

“I'm here to take “Jane Doe,” she announced uncaring.

Jordan wasn't too sure he liked the sounds of any of this at all, but didn't know what other possibilities there were.  He had no room in his life for a young blonde who didn't even know her name and Martin's antagonizing from behind wasn't helping matters.  Martin thought it quite funny as he snickered in the background while all these discussions took place.

The young woman remained quiet most of the time not knowing what to say or do.  She mostly watched and listened as these strangers who now seemed to be ganging up on her, decided her fate for her.  It seemed as if they had total control over her future and she herself had no say so in the matter.

Martin now paced behind Jordan making suggestive expressions while Jordan tried to comfort the young woman.  He thought it quite cute that Jordan had seemed to take such a liking to this rather charming little mystery lady.

Jordan nearly grew angry during all the arguing and mass confusion as to where the woman should go.  He himself was concerned with her health and welfare feeling a little responsible since he was the one that had found her.  This Lydia woman tried to take control of everything not even asking if she were all right.  Just wanted to sweep her out of the hospital and take her away so she could get back to her work or family, whatever she was in such a hurry to do.

Finally the doctor re-entered the room.  Jordan hoped all the test results were in and hopefully some good news.  “Mr. Scott,” the doctor began, “after reviewing all the blood work and vitals I think she's gonna be just fine.”

Letting out a sigh of great relief Jordan responded.  “But what about her memory?”

“It's probably only temporary.  If she was out in that storm last night, it was probably just a huge shock to her brain.  Only time will tell.  As for all her vitals and other tests she's perfectly healthy,” the doctor assured.

This didn't seem enough for Jordan.  “Only time will tell?”  he thought to himself.  “Hmphhhh, that doesn't tell me much.”

“Well...let's go honey,” Lydia then intruded as she ordered the young woman up off the table.  She took her by the arm and began to pull her from the table.  She was a rather bossy woman who seemed in an awful hurry and frightened the young lady immensely.  She hopped hopelessly from the table and stood bare footed and looking into Jordan's gorgeous eyes with deep desperation.

One of the nurses then gave her a change of clothing she had kept in her locker at the hospital.  The young woman took them and walked nervously out the doors of the emergency room behind Lydia, Jordan following closely behind them worried about her fate.  He didn't like the way this Lydia woman was treating her but didn't know what else to do about this hideous situation he was suddenly and unwittingly a part of.

As they neared Lydia's car in the parking lot just outside, the young woman turned suddenly and gazed fixedly at Jordan with fear in her eyes.  She didn’t like this bossy lady either and wished she could somehow, possibly break free and stay with this emerald eyed man just a little longer.  Just until her memory had fully recovered.

“But he surely doesn't want me,” she thought sullenly as she turned to watch Lydia open the car door and demand that she get inside.

Jordan couldn't stand it any longer.  She looked too afraid and helpless and he didn't care much at all for this rude social worker either.

“Hold it ma'am,” he suddenly found himself interrupting.   “Why can't she just stay with me for the night?  Maybe later on we can figure out something else.”

“Did I say that?” Jordan thought instantly to himself as Martin began to snicker louder from behind him.

“Excuuuuuse me?” Lydia asked as if he were crazy for even suggesting such a thing.  Her plump cheeks and small rounded eyes now gazed unamused at the thought of it ever happening.

“Well...I have a nice place at the beach and all...and she wouldn't be any trouble, I'm sure of it,” he replied with a small stutter, not at all sure himself as he tried unsuccessfully to ignore Martin's humor of the entire situation.

The young lady suddenly smiled with great anticipation and took refuge behind Jordan's stout body, putting her hands flat on his warm back as if for protection from this evil lady.  She peered back at Lydia around Jordan's husky shoulder.  She didn't like Lydia either and only wanted to stay with this handsome prince who had rescued her in the first place.

Jordan still couldn't believe these words had come from his own mouth but after the girl hid behind him he felt rather masculine and felt he had no choice now but to defend and protect her honor from this awful woman that was trying to take her away from him.

Lydia began to speak in her deep demanding voice.  “Mr. Scott...I have heard of you before.  You don't exactly live the kind of decent lifestyle this particular young lady needs to be around.”

The girl glanced from Jordan's disgusted expression to Lydia's.  She felt him take in a deep breath before beginning his retaliation against her.  This woman had surely angered him now.

“Uh-oh...she's done it now.  Get her Jordan,” she thought as she anxiously awaited his reply.

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?  I kind of like my way of living just the way it is.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with the way I live!” he blurted, hands now on his hips.

He felt now that he was being interviewed for the adoption of a child or something as he defended his lifestyle and tried to prove himself a suitable parent to take care of this young woman that he somehow felt responsible for.

“You tell her,” the young woman continued to root quietly to herself.

“What does a single man such as yourself know about caring for a young woman?  And I don't mean for just one night of pleasure!”

Now he's insulted even more.  “She looks old enough to take care of herself!” he yelled back, trying to ignore her sexist remark.  “I just wanna give her a decent place to stay until she can remember who she is and where she lives.”

“But have you ever had any experience with a woman before Mr. Scott?”  she blurted back blindly.

“I beg your pardon?”  Now she was beginning to sound like the old prude she looked to be and Jordan's cheeks reddened with fury.

“I didn't mean it that way,” she replied with embarrassment.

“Then just exactly
did you mean?”  Jordan asked thinking the woman was crazy.

The young lady listened rather amused at the situation at hand now as they bickered back and forth over who was best suited to care for her.  Martin couldn't wait for the outcome of this one as he anxiously paced behind them all.

Lydia seemed now to fidget for an answer to her misunderstood remarks.  “Well...what if...I mean...what if she gets her time or...?”

“That's enough!”  Jordan demanded sternly.  “That is enough!  She's staying with me and there's really nothing you can do about it.  Now shut up and leave us alone!”

“That ought to do it,” the young woman giggled out as she leered around Jordan's body and again hid behind him as Lydia threw her a mean glare.

Jordan grinned without looking at her feeling as if they were a team and had just defeated this old woman.

“C'mon Lady, I'm not stupid.  I just don't want her kept in some stuffy shelter when she could be at my place.  Besides, those places are always full and over crowded anyway.  Why not help prevent that?”

Jordan was calmer now hoping he could charm this hard-nosed woman with his sexy grin and sparkling green eyes.  Still in his cut-off shorts and t-shirt he
rather ravishing to look at and he surely knew it himself.

Finally she seemed to soften at last.  “Well...she does seem old enough to know right from wrong.  I guess it couldn't hurt anything.”

“Young lady, do you have any objections to staying with Mr. Scott for awhile?” she then directed.

“Oh, no ma'am, I don't mind at all,” she replied finally stepping out from her retreat behind Jordan so that she could let her answer be heard clearly.

“Well...I guess its appropriate enough then.  You do seem to be adult enough to make your own decisions about your better welfare.”

The young lady smiled cheerfully and held Jordan's arm tightly.  He could feel her squeeze it hard knowing she was glad of their triumph.  He just wasn't too sure
was happy about it.

They finally resolved their problem, Jordan agreeing to call in if he had to take her out of town to attend any of his races.  He only hoped she would regain her memory before then but somehow doubted it.  He had to be in North Carolina in ten days and just knew he'd have to drag her along.  He wasn't too thrilled at the prospect of that, but would rather have her with him than with this Lydia woman.

“C'mon...what's your name,” he then retorted sarcastically as he took her arm and escorted her back to his truck.  “We're gonna have to get you a name though, that's for sure.  I can't stand this Jane Doe stuff.”

“I’m' not too fond of it myself,” she replied brightly smiling as she got into the passenger side of the truck.  She wanted to scoot over next to him but didn't think he would like that too much.  He seemed bothered by her already.  She could tell he was annoyed by her presence but was glad to be with him nevertheless.

Suddenly the passenger door opened again and Martin appeared.  “Scoot over darling, I'm on foot too.”

The young woman tried to conceal her sudden glee and didn't hesitate to slide over next to Jordan, now feeling the hair of his firm, manly leg tickle against her bare skin.  She was finally glad this other man had shown up.

Jordan started driving through town.  “Well...let's see,” he said as he glanced to her then back at the road.  “You kind of look like a Barbie doll, so how about Dolly?”  He chuckled at his own suggestion.

“Okay...Dolly it is,” she agreed willingly.  “At least I know he thinks I'm cute too,” she thought as she leered at his well tanned, husky thighs.  “How old are you?” she then asked him curiously.

“Twenty-five,” he answered with a little surprise in his tone glancing her way again.  “Ya know, you're gonna need more than one set of clothes.  I guess tomorrow we'll run back into town,” he then added as he realized she was still in her swim suit and t-shirt clutching the set of clothing the nurse had given her.

Martin couldn't help himself.  That was the final straw.  He just couldn't imagine what had come over his buddy Jordan to fight for this girl the way he had.  He roared out loudly in laughter.

“Yeah...Jordan for women's clothes.  I can just see it now,” he proclaimed.

“What else could I have done Martin?” Jordan burst out angrily.

“Nothing.  Nothing I guess.  Sorry pal, I just think it's funny, that's all.  Okay?”  Martin answered sarcastically as he again scanned the girl's legs and shook his head with sheer amusement.

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