Shadow of Doubt (10 page)

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Authors: Melissa Gaye Perez

BOOK: Shadow of Doubt
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“You're not in my way,” he insisted with a rather frustrated look about his rugged face.  “I'm just nervous, that's all.  About the race.  That's why I'm so grouchy.”

“Do I still make you that nervous Jordan?  Why?”  Dolly nearly argued back.

“No, not
.  The race.  I'm always nervous before a big race, honest.”

“You don't seem like the type to be nervous about anything to me.  I thought you were used to it.  Don't you do this all the time?”

“I am used to it.  I just...I'm just nervous that's all.”  He wasn't too sure himself now if it was Dolly or the race getting to him.  He had never actually felt quite like this before.  As if tiny butterflies were fluttering inside his head.

Dolly gazed at him.  “What?” he asked sometimes wishing he could read her mind.  She seemed to stare at him a lot without saying a word.

“If I make you that nervous I can stay here during the race tomorrow.  I wouldn't want to do anything to mess it up for you.  I don't want to be responsible if anything goes wrong.”

Now Jordan really felt bad.  He knew how much she was looking forward to tomorrow's race.  It showed radiantly in those...those damn blue eyes every time he mentioned it.  Every time she saw him rev the engine of that car.  He finally laughed and put his arm around her neck and squeezed her playfully, her silky hair caressing his fuzzy arm.

“I don't care if you watch me race.  Just stay out of the guy’s way.  Their not used to having...”

“A woman around,” Dolly finished sarcastically for him not the slightest bit mad.

“Exactly,” Jordan replied while he now playfully pulled her to him and kissed her forehead ever so gently.  He gazed into her heavenly blue eyes for just a moment savoring the feel of her tender young skin against his lips before disappearing back to the living room.

Dolly grinned like a child, then cuddled on the bed and fell fast asleep.



















Chapter 5

The next morning, Dolly again propped herself onto the small picnic table behind Jordan's pit crew and watched enviously as he in his black skin tight racing suit climbed into the car through the window preparing for his big competition.

After the race was off and running to a roaring start, Martin perched himself rather smugly next to Dolly.  They watched the cars occasionally spin and crash, eliminating yet another competitor from Jordan's path to victory.  Dolly's heart pounded with excitement as she watched the speed of his crew while they serviced out his car after it came to a screeching halt into the pit, then again squealed away back onto the track.

“I like this stuff,” she excitedly blurted to Martin feeling like a little school girl at the circus.

“I can tell,” he laughed back as he reached out and squeezed her hand.  Her face was radiant and glowed today as she watched every lap so contentedly, not at all minding the sharp wind that occasionally blew her hair into her eyes, only swatting it back making sure she never missed a bit of the action.

Dolly wasn't sure she should be allowing Martin to get this chummy but was enjoying his friendship and attention very much now.  Jordan acted as if he weren't at all interested in her so she only hoped he wouldn't be offended by her newly found companion although she couldn't help but wish it was Jordan that was at her side instead of his best friend.

Dolly grew tired as the race finally neared its end.  She watched admiringly as Jordan hung into second place crossing the finish line, cheering with the rest of his friends.  Martin was close at her heals as she jumped from the table.  She could feel his hand on the middle of her back now as she watched Jordan wearily emerge from the car.

He was smiling widely until his eyes scanned passed her with Martin's arm now comfortably reclined around Dolly's shoulder.  Dolly felt a slight tension about the situation but Jordan quickly shrugged it off and went about his way as if he didn't care.

“Or is he mad?” Dolly wondered hopefully as she tried to study his eyes for a second time.

Dolly felt a little disappointed though.  She was hoping to see some sign of jealousy but that didn't happen.  She tried to keep her distance from Martin now as Jordan collected his trophy and check, but he just didn't seem the type to give in too easily.

She could see an occasional glance from Jordan and only hoped he hadn't gotten the wrong idea.  She was finally beginning to like Martin, but only as a friend, something
clearly wanted to carry out further.

After all the excitement faded away and the spectators had cleared Jordan and his crew began taking care of the car.  Dolly followed Jordan around as much as she could without getting in his way.  After they finally got the car back to the garage, Jordan opened the hood, rolled up his sleeves and began making adjustments to the engine as he threw orders around to the crew telling them what they needed to do to help him.  He completely ignored her presence.

Dolly stood aside just watching and listening now as he and Martin talked about the race.

“When can we get a bite to eat?” Dolly finally got the courage to ask Jordan after a while.  “It's getting late, you're bound to be hungry too after the long day you've had.”

“I'm busy,” he stated only half turning his head to look at her and again divulged into his work.

Dolly got the impression he
mad at her again but felt he had no reason to be.  She avoided Martin as much as she could now.  It was
that was following her around.  And Jordan did nothing but ignore her as much as possible while they where in the public eye.

“But I'm starved...and you've had a big day...”

“I said not now!” he then cut in harshly then threw his tool to the ground in protest and stood up to face her.

Dolly's eyes widened with fear when she heard the medal collide with the hard concrete floor then saw the disturbed look about Jordan's face.

“Let Martin take you to eat, he's not busy.”  His voice sounded rough and cruel.  Martin rounded the car grinning victoriously.

“C'mon sug, I'll take you to dinner,” he offered smugly taking advantage of the opportunity.

Jordan reached down to pick up the wrench and his head returned under the hood.  Dolly stood motionless watching him, having no desire whatsoever to go with Martin, but didn't want Jordan getting any angrier for disturbing him while he was busy working on his precious car.

“Well...” Martin urged as he put his hand on the back of her neck.  Dolly's eyes slowly made their way to meet his.  A cold chill ran down her back.

“Okay...but I'm sick of hot dogs.”

“All right then how about a nice juicy steak?” he asked cheerfully as he took her by the hand again and headed toward the door of the garage.  “I know just the perfect place.”

Jordan ignored them both.  Okay,” she mumbled as she sadly lowered her head and followed him outside.  “Maybe we should ask Jordan to come along,” she then suggested before they got into Martin's car.

“Nay...he's been grumpy all afternoon.  Let him be for now,” he replied as he climbed into the driver seat and started the engine.

Dolly didn't like Martin's sudden arrogant attitude and started to feel as if she couldn't trust him, but her stomach was aching with hunger so she tolerated it the best she possibly could for now.

Martin took her to a nice little steak house not far from the track.  Dolly tried to enjoy the time with Martin but just couldn't help feeling down.  She wanted to talk with Jordan and explain that she had no special interests in his friend.  She wanted to tell him the truth...that she was in love with Jordan and didn't want anyone else but him.  Especially not his best friend.  The thought of it made her feel like a traitor.

But now she didn't think that would be such a great idea.  Jordan was clearly angry at her...or maybe he was just tired of her being around altogether.

Martin drove her back to the trailer and walked her to the door.

“Thanks for dinner Martin, I owe you one.”

“No problem sug, my pleasure.”

Dolly couldn't stand the little pet names he was constantly calling her, but ignored it as best she could.

“Well...see ya round,” she softly added as she turned to go inside.  Then she felt Martin's arm slide around her back and tug her body against his.  She was so shocked she couldn't speak as his mouth came down quickly against hers and his hold tightened so that she couldn't protest.

She put her hands against his chest and pushed him away but she was too late.  The sound of Jordan's voice rang out from behind them.

“How was dinner?” he asked with no expression on his face as he leaned in the doorway of the trailer with a beer in his hand.

“Oh no!  He's here, he saw everything!” Dolly panicked to herself as she stared fearfully at him.  “Now what's he gonna think?

“It was great,” Martin boasted smugly as he finally removed his hold on Dolly.  “You should've been there.”

Dolly wanted to slap his face for being so jolly with his answer.  He had done this on purpose surely.

“Think so,” Jordan muttered in reply then disappeared inside leaving the door open behind him.

Martin smiled all the way to his car then drove away.  Dolly stood stunned just outside the door not too sure she wanted to believe this had just happened to her.  Now he had reason to be mad, but not at her, at Martin.  But how would she ever convince him that his life long friend was the one at fault here and not herself.

Slowly she turned and entered the trailer carefully closing the door behind her not knowing what kind of mood to expect from Jordan now.

“Congratulations on the race,” she heard herself saying as she meekly sat next to him on the couch, not knowing exactly how to explain what had just transpired.

He crushed his empty can and dropped it to the floor, then rose, never looking her direction.  “I'm going to bed, it's late and I've had a rough day.”

Dolly felt her eyes beginning to swell as she watched his masculine gait carry him to the bedroom.  She wanted so very much to run after him and tell him the truth but didn't think he would believe her story over his best friend’s word.  He had doubted her honesty once before and even though he learned that it wasn't she who had robbed him, he would surely never believe it was Martin who was the aggressor and not her.  They had been friends for far too long.

Dolly reached to pick up the smashed can from the floor and threw it in the trash can under the sink. Then she stretched out on the couch and tried not to think of it and tried not to cry.  She shifted from side to side, but kept seeing Jordan's handsome, kind smile and sparkling eyes run through her head.

Then she covered her head with a pillow from the couch when the light came on again and she could see Jordan standing before her.  Her sniffling must have disturbed his sleep.  He sat on the edge of the couch and pulled the pillow away from her face.  When he saw her swollen red eyes he gently pushed her hair out of her sorrowful looking face.

“What's wrong Dolly?  Did you have another one of your nightmares?”  He suddenly seemed to care again.

Dolly could sense the true concern in his voice now.  He no longer seemed angry at her so she sat up and faced him.

“No...I just...don't feel too good right now,” she whispered trying not to cry anymore.  She could clearly see it was upsetting him.

“Are you sick or something?”

“Uh-uh.  Jordan...I'm sorry about tonight.”

Jordan quickly rose and kept her gaze steadily with his.  “Don't be.  Martin's a nice guy.”

“Yeah but...”

“Now get some sleep will ya?  I've got another long day tomorrow.”  He started back toward the bedroom.

“Aren't we going home tomorrow?  I mean...back to your place.”

Jordan turned around and grinned at her.  “In a couple of days.  I've got to do some work on my car first.”

“Oh...okay,” she answered as she lay back down and watched him turn the light back off.  She thought she would finally be able to tell him how much she loved him, but was glad she hadn't.  He clearly didn't feel the same way or he wouldn't have condoned her actions with Martin.  He seemed to feel like it was okay, that if she developed a relationship with Martin he wouldn't mind at all.

The next morning Dolly watched excitedly as Jordan again revved his car's engine and sped away.  She couldn't keep her eyes off of him wondering what it felt like to go so fast around that track.  She bit at her bottom lip anxiously as she watched him screech to a stop and again check under the hood with the rest of his crew.

“That ought to do it,” Martin stated with confidence then slammed the hood and Jordan again approached the driver's side window.  Dolly couldn't stand it anymore.  She just had to try her luck.

“Jordan, can I please ride with you this time?” she asked as she grabbed his arm, one of his legs already inside the car.

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