Shackles of Honor (33 page)

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Authors: Marcia Lynn McClure

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Erotica, #Historical

BOOK: Shackles of Honor
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“You seem to regard them highly, yet…” Cassidy began.

Lord Carlisle opened his eyes and smiled at her, placing a hand beneath her chin. “In good time, my dove, all will be revealed—in good time.” He closed his eyes once more and seemed to fall into a restful slumber.

Feeling somewhat comforted
, Cassidy rose, placed a nearby quilt over his lap
and turned to leave the room.

“He thinks Mother and I are ignorant of his nighttime ramblings about the house,” Mason said as he met her at the doorway, startling her so that her heart nearly stopped, she fancied.

“He’s a great man
man of great physical power

and I’m certain it is hard for him to be bedridden,” Cassidy responded, moving past Mason.

He caught her arm and stayed her. “Here,” he said, leading her out of the library completely and closing the door so as not to disturb his father. “This nuisance of an engagement gift must be rectified at once. It’s traditional for you to receive my gift the day after the official engagement ceremonies. You must decide…” Then, changing his manner to that of humility, he said, “Please. Please decide on something so that, if nothing else, our mothers will be satisfied.”

“I…I have already decided on…on something, sir,” she informed him quietly. She was distracted, for he appeared unusually fatigued, his hair somewhat mussed and dark circles beneath his eyes. It unnerved her greatly
and she thought
he was perhaps unwell.

“Well?” he grumbled, running his fingers through his hair in an attempt to give some semblance of uniformity once more.

“Well, what?” she asked. Then, upon his sighing heavily with impatience, she said, “Actually, I…I…I’ve done as you asked. I’ve settled upon this ridiculous engagement gift that you and your mother are so determined that I receive.”


“Yes. I…I’ve decided…well, it’s rather difficult to explain my reasoning, I suppose. But you did say it could be anything of my desire, did you not?”

“I did.”

“Very well. To put it plainly…” she still stammered.

“Plainly is the most desirable way to put things,” he prodded. Still she hesitated. “Come now, girl. Let us have out with it. Can it be so expensive as to have tied your tongue in knots?”

“Well…I pause only because it’s…it’s something that is rather…” Inhaling deeply, she closed her eyes and simply blurted the information to him. “It is my greatest desire that you increase Thomas Whitney’s salary and position so that he and Katie may at last wed.”

The great and heavy silence that hung tangibly in the air finally caused Cassidy to open one eye tentatively and look up at Mason
who stood before her with a puzzled frown.

“You close your eyes so tightly before me as if you feared I may strike you down for such a request,” he growled. With a heavy sigh, he straightened and looked beyond her toward the staircase. “You wish for me to give Thomas a larger salary so that he and his Katie can wed?”

“Yes,” she answered quietly.

“This is your request as a gift to yourself? Do I so underpay him as to make it impossible for him to support a wife?” He seemed truly concerned and unsettled.

“It’s only that Tom is the sole support of his mother and sisters, sir. He cannot afford to keep two households. I do know that it’s a great deal to ask of you…for he would be highly paid for what h
does. But I’m also certain that he would be willing to work all the longer hours to earn such pay and

“He would have no time left to him to spend in loving his new wife. What consolation could that possibly be? To have the woman you want in your bed…er…home and never be there with her?”

Cassidy was surprised at his reasoning as well as by his unprecedented stumbling over words. It seemed so unlike him to be concerned about someone having the time to nurture a relationship.

“You’re refusing my request then?” She felt the hard pinch of denial in her heart for Katie’s sake.

“Certainly not. I only say that I’ll have to think on it…to find a way to make it work. Thomas Whitney is a proud man. He’ll not accept an increase in wages without good reason.”

Cassidy’s heart swelled with joy
and she could not withhold the delighted smile
spread across her face. “You’ll grant me this request then? Truly, sir?” she exclaimed, barely able to restrain herself from throwing her arms about his neck and hugging him in splendid gratitude.

“Indeed,” was all he said. Again the puzzled expression crossed his furrowed brow as he watched her clasp her hands together delightedly and spin merrily around once.

“They’ll be so happy! Just imagine their joy! Doesn’t it make you proud to be able to help them? What good is wealth and position if you cannot make to better the lot of those less fortunate?” she nearly squealed. Then, regaining her posture of propriety, she added, “Thank you. Thank you so much. There’s not a better thing on this earth that you could’ve given me at this moment.”

“They must never know you’ve requested this of me. It would burn Thomas’
pride to the point that he would leave my employment entirely,” Mason commanded suddenly.

“Of course. Of course. I’ve no wish that either should know.” Mason’s frown deepened
and she couldn’t withhold her next question. “Why do you frown so? What is your deep concern? I’ll say nothing. Don’t you believe in my word?”

“I do,” he answered. “It only shames me to the marrow of my bones that I did not know the full truth of Thomas’
situation. I should’ve known and done something sooner. I’m remorseful that I had to hear this from your lips, that I didn’t know him well enough to understand his plight. It gives me concern. How well do I know the circumstance of any of those who toil for wages at

“You’re a very kind, concerned, indeed, benevolent overlord. You needn’t scold yourself for not knowing intimate details. People

especially those with pride fully and strongly intact

do not wish that others should know their concerns, their tribulations in life.” Cassidy followed him as he began walking toward the staircase. “Of course…it does seem a witless reason for keeping oneself from having the person one wants.”

“I’ve known reasons far more asinine,” he mumbled as he increased his stride to almost a run, leaving her to return to her room alone.

Cassidy found rest in hope, hope for Katie and her Tommy. If she could not win Mason’s heart, the least she could do was try to make glad the hearts of others.

It was fairly early when Katie, beaming radiantly, came bursting into the chamber where Cassidy still slept. At the first sight of the girl’s euphoric expression
Cassidy knew Mason had wasted no time in granting her request.

“For pity’s sake, Katie,” Cassidy greeted her. “Whatever has you in such a whirl?”

“I know it’s your doing, Cassidy,” Katie squealed in a whisper. “But I don’t care! I’m just too happy to care!”

“Whatever are you going on about, Katie?” Cassidy had only a small pang of guilt within her bosom at pretending not to know.

“Mr. Mason has given my Thomas a new situation. The salary that accompanies it is far better than we could ever have dreamed! And, not only that, he has given Thomas a cottage on the east lands as part of the agreement!”

Cassidy’s eyebrows raised in amazement
and her heart began pounding furiously with joy at Mason’s munificence. Yet she was, in the same breath, not so astonished.

“Katie! How wonderful
! D
oes this mean that

” Cassidy began.

But her exuberant friend could not wait for propriety to offer its turn to her
and she interrupted, “It goes beyond what I’ve only just told you, miss.”

“It does?” Cassidy asked.

“Yes! Oh, yes, yes, yes! Mr. Mason was out to see Thomas’
mother only an hour ago. I had stopped by on my way to the manor, and I was there when he arrived. He actually went to the house to speak to her! He asked her if her husband, Thomas’
father, had been the stable master when he himself was a lad. Thomas’
mother told him Thomas’
father had indeed been such a steward for some time before he took a position at another estate and was killed in a riding accident. Mr. Mason told her he held fond memories of her husband. It was her husband, Thomas’
father, who taught him
to care for horses and instilled in him his adoration for equestrians and breeding. And then, oh, Miss Cassidy…it’s too much to take in! Then Mr. Mason told Thomas’
mother that he wished to return in what minuscule way he could her husband’s kindness to him. And

I still pinch myself to be certain I was awake when I, indeed, witnessed this

then, miss…Mr. Mason handed Thomas’
mother the deed to her cottage and ten thousand!”

Cassidy herself gasped in wonderment. She could not believe the tale. “Katie…are you certain that you perceived this correctly?” she found herself asking.

“Yes, miss! Yes! I cannot believe it myself! The most wonderful part of the tale is yet to be told. After Mr. Mason left, Thomas dropped to his knees, right there in front of everyone in the family…and asked me to marry him Saturday next! Can you believe our good fortune?” Katie reached out, taking Cassidy’s hands in her own, and said softly, “Of course you can, for I know it was your doing.”

Cassidy shook her head and whispered, “This was Mason Carlisle’s doing, Katie. None of mine.”

Katie stood up and whirled around and around in her bliss. “I know that it’s only a marriage of commoners, miss. I know it’s not a grand wedding like you’re used to…but would you help me with a dress, Miss Cassidy? And would you be there when I marry my Thomas Saturday next?”

“Of course, Katie! I would be so very honored.” Cassidy’s heart was swelling with joy for her friend, swelling with pride in Mason’s act of benevolence
and swelling with love for this man who was so benevolent.

“I know you probably think me terribly selfish for asking you this when today is to be your day,” Katie continued, “but I cannot believe our good fortune! Our good fortune in having you come to us.”

I tell you, this was Mr. Mason’s doing. I…I…”

“But it was your influence upon him. How else would he have known of our situation? I thank you, dear friend, for your help.”


“Oh, let us think of your day! Today he will officially be yours, Cassidy. Tonight you can revel in the feel of his embrace, knowing that never will you have to worry about his pining for another.” Katie was too excited, too blissful in her own happiness to see the truth of Cassidy’s situation. But Cassidy said nothing. If it made Katie happy to imagine that Cassidy might someday share in the same kind of blissful knowledge she now did…she wouldn’t take such happiness from her.


Chapter Ten


Oh, and it
a day of excitement! There were moments when Cassidy marveled that such an event was being held with her as the focus. But there were other moments when the idea sickened her, causing her to be unable to eat for most of the day.

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