Shackles of Honor (36 page)

Read Shackles of Honor Online

Authors: Marcia Lynn McClure

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Erotica, #Historical

BOOK: Shackles of Honor
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“Yes. I am,” he growled, nodding dramatically. “And such a man of honor, of honor to duty and moral code, that I ask you…is there a woman on the earth deserving of it?” Cassidy was speechless. Her weakened emotional state had taken her bantering ability from her. Taken her wit. “And this
, as you so insightfully put it—this chore of furthering the family name that I’m to perform once we are wed. Is it not rather that you perceive it as such? For it must be your trial to endure. I’m merely the master of torment who will inflict said torture upon you!”

“Do not mince words with me, sir. For it is your high moral code and honor to duty that will cause it to be so to you! Were it not for your obsession with being honorable
you could merely ignore me altogether and let your family’s name die away. At least in legitimate terms.”

Both were silent for long moments. Then he seemed to calm his temper and
in a lowered voice, said, “Actually, if the truth be told, I find it somewhat encouraging to see that such human element as this exists in you. Your calm, composed, confident exterior hides your emotion, your tender pride, much better than you can imagine.” Afraid of bursting into tears before him once more, she turned her back to him and held her breath until she could surely restrain her tears. “Still, I’m a man of compassion
and I see no reason why your pride should be utterly destroyed as it threatens to be.”

“It has been done already,” she nearly whispered.

“There’s not much in life that cannot be undone.”

Cassidy gasped as she felt his hands at her shoulders and looked up in the same moment to see Gabrielle approaching from some distance. Gabrielle was looking here and there between the rosebushes and shrubbery as if searching for something. Cassidy had no doubts as to
what she searched. There were several other young ladies at her heels, all whispering conspiratorially.

“I hope you’re far more accomplished an actress than you are at containing your emotions at social gatherings,” he whispered.

“What?” Cassidy asked, utterly perplexed at his question.

“Through yon pathway comes your pride’s salvation, milady. If you’ve the strength to endure.”

Cassidy’s perplexity was vanquished instantly as she felt the soft moisture of a lingering kiss on the bareness of her right shoulder. Gasping, she turned to him
asking, “What are you about?” But he simply took her shoulders once more and turned her away from him again.

Again he kissed her shoulder lingeringly
and her breathing stopped and every limb in her body froze as the delirium of the realization that it was Mason’s kiss, Mason’s very mouth
that toyed with her flesh, enveloped her whole being. His right hand went to her waist, holding it firmly as his left hand caressed her left shoulder. Slowly and very deliberately he placed soft, moist kisses along the right of her neck and shoulder. Every inch of her flesh tingled with the blissful sensation of erupting goose pimples.

“For pity’s sake, girl,” he whispered beguilingly into her ear, taking pause from administering the blissful kisses, “do not hold yourself so rigidly, and for once be my ally
or I’ll never be able to save your precious pride.”

With adherence to his command and complete failure in her resolve to stand firm born
from the ecstasy of his kiss, Cassidy exhaled the breath that had held her body rigid. She closed her eyes as her determination to retain her composure was lost
and she was rendered helpless as his right arm now encircled her waist, pulling her back against his powerful form. His mouth left her shoulder
and her head obeyed the prompting of his hand and tilted to one side as he now brushed the long ringlets from the opposite side of her neck before he continued to place his hot, deliriously enticing kisses there. His roughly shaven face and warm breath tickled her neck
and she flinched slightly. He brushed the locks from the back of her
neck, her head dropping forward
as he placed several kisses there as well.

He was drowning her in the euphoria he was creating
and her hands went to his arm at her waist
and she tried to remove it. But he was undaunted, and his free hand caressed her shoulder and neck softly as it came to rest at her throat for a moment before taking her chin. Moving her head to one side, he kissed her cheek persistently just near the tiny beauty mark above her upper lip. When she tried to turn from him, he somehow maneuvered her quickly, turning her around so that she faced him, her body flush with his own, and his arms wrapped bindingly around her.

“There’s no need for this,” she whispered an instant before he bent, placing a long kiss on the hollow of her throat.
Instinctively, for she found it increasingly difficult to hold onto reality in her present predicament, she placed her small hands against his solid chest and tried to push herself from his arms. This couldn’t be real. After all, it felt like a dream. And she knew that such rapturous sensations could not possibly exist in reality.

He said nothing
and she weakened, letting her head fall back as he kissed her throat several times in slow, deliberate succession. He kissed her chin lightly
and she sensed him looking at her. Holding her head erect once again, she searched his eyes for any hint that might tell her of his own thoughts. But his eyes were as dark and cold as ever. Still, his face seemed to have softened
and he stared at her with an intensity that made her feel as if he were reading her mind, knowing how completely he had controlled her in those past moments.

“Have they gone?” she asked in the smallest of whispers. Still he did not answer her
and she saw his attention being drawn to her mouth. Self-consciously, for she’d always despised the silly little brown spot at her upper lip
which gave the appearance she hadn’t napkined well after chocolate pudding, she quickly raised one hand to the area, covering it with her fingers and glancing down shyly.

Immediately he brushed her hand from the place and, cupping her face in his hand, caressed the small brown fleck with his thumb. One corner of his mouth curled up with amusement, and she saw his lips part slightly as he bent and placed his mouth to the darkened freckle over and over again.
, Cassidy thought to herself. She secretly begged him to take her lips with his own. She felt as if she would scream should he withhold his true and complete kiss from her one breath longer. Had she the courage, which she did not, she could have turned her face a fraction and instantly have his kiss on her lips. But she was a coward. Her pride had been stripped sorely this night already
and should he retreat with distaste
it would be completely dissolved. His kiss brushed the corner of her mouth once
and she shivered visibly in his arms.

At long last then, he let his mouth hover just above her own. His breath was hot and divine on her cheek
and he whispered, “Pride goeth before the fall, Miss Shea.”

She felt him move closer.
At last!
she wanted to shout. At last his kiss would be hers!

“Mason Carlisle!” Gabrielle gasped. Cassidy watched with wrenching disappointment, her quickened breathing betraying her excitement and discontentment at having not had his mouth to hers, as Mason straightened to his full height and looked beyond her to Gabrielle.

“Mason Carlisle! Where are those impeccable manners on which you pride yourself?” Gabrielle’s tone was all too jolly and friendly. It was obvious to Cassidy, even without having seen the woman’s expression, that she was vexed at finding them such.

“He’s a hound, Miss Shea. Complete and utter,” another young woman giggled.

Cassidy looked up to Mason for a moment before turning to face the audience that had just come upon them in the garden. He shrugged his shoulders and raised his eyebrows as if indifferent to their opinion. Cassidy then gently pushed herself from Mason’s arms and turned to face the women.

“You would do well to remain chaperoned from now on, Miss Shea, with such a character for your betrothed.” This young woman batted her sultry eyes at Mason
and Cassidy was nauseated by the obvious flirt.

“Come now, Miss Shea. You come along with us,” Gabrielle said, stepping forward and taking Cassidy’s arm. “We’ll protect you from that brute of a man. Though…your color
quite returned. You looked simply pallid when you left the room a moment ago.” She looked up to Mason, venom apparent in her eyes. “And you,” she scolded him. “You run along and bury a bone or something, you beast.”

Cassidy quickly glanced back at Mason as she walked forward and away from him with the other young women. He was straightening his cravat, and she was quite astonished when he nodded his head and winked at her victoriously.

Several minutes later, she found herself receiving a glass of refreshment at the east end of the ballroom, completely surrounded by young, unbetrothed ladies that were firing questions at her with the velocity of a hailstorm.

“Is he simply the most attentive lover?” one young woman asked.

Cassidy could only stammer her uninformative responses, for the venom was fairly seeping from Gabrielle’s eyes as she glared at her. “I…I…he is honorable to a fault. Really, he is,” she stammered.

“Mason Carlisle is simply the most attractive man ever born on earth,” another young woman offered. All the young ladies nodded and made noises of complete agreement.

“You’re quite lucky,” another young woman offered. “We…well…if truth be told…we were all only this evening speculating as to whether or not this was an arranged marriage. But it’s obvious that if it is…well
shall we say it is obvious that it suits Mason perfectly.”

Cassidy looked quickly to Gabrielle. The venom in her eyes seemed to be diluting a bit. At that moment, the music started again. Most of the young ladies were asked for a dance and vanished as quickly as they had arrived. Ominously, it was Gabrielle with whom Cassidy found herself alone.

“You’ve not told anyone?” Cassidy blurted out.

“That this was arranged, you mean?” Gabrielle clarified.


“I see no reason to make this harder on Mason than it already is.” Gabrielle straightened her posture and looked away for a moment.

“Then you’re truly a woman of character…for I know that you are she wh
he sacrifices because of his duty.” Cassidy was immediately horrified that she had let the words slip from her lips. Now it would be assured to Gabrielle that she had been eavesdropping on their conversation that day in the gardens.

“You know that I…that he…” Gabrielle stammered. Her eyes were now soft and emotional.

Cassidy could see that this woman was wholly in love with Mason Carlisle—that her heart had been broken by his need to see his duty through, though his gallantry was no doubt one of the reasons she loved him so completely. “He has told you of our…”

“I well know who you are to him,” Cassidy finished for her. It was apparent that Gabrielle thought Mason had told Cassidy of his affection for her. Cassidy had no wish to tell her the truth of i
neither did she wish to lie and say that he had told her.

“Do you?” Gabrielle asked, the emotion rising in her throat as she smiled regretfully. Cassidy nodded.

“May I, Miss Gabrielle?” Cassidy turned to see Mason approach them, a somewhat uncertain expression on his face as he offered his hand to Gabrielle.

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