Seeds (34 page)

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Authors: M. M. Kin

BOOK: Seeds
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     “Persephone, you must now unseal that part of yourself. You are safe.”

     “What if I do not want to?”

     “Love, this is not how you are meant to be.”

     “Why? I cannot even use my Gift down here.”

. Your Gift keeps you warm and radiant. It is... part of you,” Hades whispered fiercely. She looked away. It was easier to not feel.

     “I am well. I am going for a walk. Fear not, I will not try to escape.”




     Hades nearly hadn't let her out of the Palace, but she had managed to win him over with a blank stare. She briefly pondered trying the Styx again, knowing that her Gift was safely locked away. However, she certainly had no desire to face that cold nothingness again, and the ambrosia in her stomach was sending soothing waves of heat through her body. Cloe accompanied her as her guide – Hades refused to budge on this detail – and the shade floated soundlessly behind her as she silently explored the garden. Many of the flowers in here resembled lilies – Hades must really like them. Which was interesting, because lilies happened to be one of her favorite flowers, too.

     There was also a large rosebush with the largest roses she had ever seen – all of them black, with a faint iridescent sheen. Oh. So beautiful. She delicately touched one of them, admiring the silkiness of the petals.

     Her clothing reflected her mood. It was made of several layers of soft dark gray linen, a matching wrap draped around her upper body and head, the thin, gauzy layers melding together to form the illusion of being made of barely translucent smoke. Only her face and hands were visible, and she moved along the garden paths like a wraith, her movements slow and graceful like the shade that accompanied her.

     An arched doorway in the garden wall led to another, this one with a considerably different feel. The air was dry and arid, golden sand surrounding the barely visible path as curious green objects jutted from the surface, covered with spikes and barbs of varying size. One towered over her head, its branches resembling limbs flung upward. Near it was a cluster of fat, stout green things with shorter barbs, its skin darker than that of the taller one. Around her she saw exotic flora, bright red and orange and yellow, many of them on top of the plants she would later learn were called cacti. She had never seen plants resembling those, or anything close. If shown these plants, would Mother be able to identify them? The sky was an almost naturally bright blue over this garden, completely devoid of any clouds.

     Persephone reached down, scooping up a handful of the sand, feeling its graininess in her hand as she let it flow out from between her fingers. The texture pleased her, and she played with it for a bit more before approaching some of the cacti, exploring them, tapping a spike with her finger. What mysterious hand had made these things? Could these really be plants? She followed the path, feeling the grittiness under her sandals.

     Quickly, she turned around and returned to the main garden, trying to process all that she had just seen. She looked up to see the clear, light gray sky and sighed softly before she ventured through another archway.

     The sand-garden had been arid, so the atmosphere in here shocked her with its moisture. She had never felt such moisture even on the muggiest days of summer, and was almost overwhelmed by the encroaching green around her, a very sea – and even sky – of rippling verdant interspersed with bright colors. The flowers in here were huge, reaching out with petals as lush and gracefully flaring as a woman's private parts, and emitting sweet fragrances. When she looked up, she was barely able to make out a warm, golden sky through the canopy. If not for the path before her established with smooth white stones, she would have become lost.

     From somewhere between the trees, she heard the gentle ripple of a waterfall. She made her way down the path, coming to a stop as she saw the graceful cascade of water into a beautiful, clear pool. Flowers fought one another for space along the edge, filling Persephone's vision with a rainbow of colors she didn't know existed.

     She had seen other archways lead from Hades's garden, and wondered what waited in the others gardens, given that the first one she saw was arid while this one was humid. The lushness around her stirred her, reminding her of her home. Granted, these plants were foreign to her, but they were green and plentiful. From a tree near her side, thick vines hung, making for a pleasant canopy.

     Hesitantly, she sunk to her knees and touched the surface of the water, relieved to find that it was pleasantly cool. The scents, the feel, the sights... Hades said that Dis was just as real, if not more so than the other realm. The proof was right here. She sat down at the edge of the pool, removing her sandals and hiking up her skirts. Idly, she fingered a bright-red flower that grew next to her, her fingers coming away sticky with nectar. Curiously, she sniffed it before wiping it on the grass, resisting the temptation to taste it. She didn't know if flower-nectar counted as food of the Dead, but she wasn't going to risk it.

     Hours upon hours passed as Persephone sat there like a statue, lost in her thoughts. To her, it felt like but a moment before she came back to herself. The color of the sky was unchanged, giving no indication whatsoever of the hours that had passed in her meditation.

     Suddenly, she felt a tingle at the back of her neck. It was the same tingle she had felt every time she suspected that she was being watched. She remembered that faint prickling feeling as she frolicked with the nymphs, or took one of her walks.

     “Hades. I know you're here,” she called out. At first, she thought he would deny his presence, but she heard the rustling of leaves and the swish of a cloak before he materialized in sight, standing under the canopy of vines.

     “Nobody has ever been able to sense my presence. I was able to sneak up on the mightiest Titans, and yet I cannot go by undetected by a young goddess.”

     If Persephone hadn't been feeling detached from her own emotions, she would have giggled. Her lack of response did not pass unnoticed, and Hades approached her, sitting next to her.

     “Let yourself laugh.” He reached out to touch her cheek.

     “I cannot,” she mumbled.

     “Are you so afraid of feeling?”

     “Feelings have done no good for me.”

     “Never say that! It is our emotions that make us who we are. The mortals, even my own family, think I am cold and unfeeling. But you know I am not. You see my desire for you. It makes you feel good... alive, doesn't it?”

     The memory of Hades's attentions felt distant, like an echo down a long hallway. She could not regard it as she had before, with her Gift locked away.

     “But I do not feel terror or pain. It's gone.” She felt Hades's hands on her shoulders.

     “No, Persephone. How can we recognize the good things without the bad? I have seen many terrible things in my life. I have judged the most wretched of souls. You would scarcely believe some of the things they have done. I feel pain and disgust. And when I was away from you, I pined for you. For so many years, I ached for you. The loneliness was like a knife in my heart, reminding me every day of the fact that I was alone. Yet I would not trade any of it for the joy I feel when I am with you.” His voice was earnest and passionate. “Agony and ecstasy, you cannot have one with the other.”

     “So you would put me through agony for your ecstasy.”

     “No, no. Do not lie to yourself. I have seen how you respond to my touch. I have seen the desire burn in your eyes at the sight of my need. To deny us both is agony.”

     “The Styx was agony. Being unable to go home is agony. Being surrounded by death...” Persephone felt her heart beat more wildly. There was a faint but intense stirring somewhere deep within.

     “Is there death here?” he asked, gesturing to the lush growth. Yes, there was that absence of familiar life-energy, but she couldn't honestly say that this was a dark or dreary place. The sky was warm and golden, the growth unrestrained, the waterfall placid and welcoming...

     “It is a whole, wonderful world for you to enjoy. But you cannot if you choose to shut yourself away. There are many wonders to come, and the love of a man who cares for you. Surely you cannot enjoy being so... cold?”

It was easy, not feeling things, but by no means joyful. She didn't have to worry. But oh, it was so dark in here, in refuge from her emotions... so alone. Spending all eternity like this... no, no,

     A single tear made its way down her pale cheek.

     “Persephone,” Hades murmured, seeing that tear slide down. “Yes. Come out, please. Your humble Lord beseeches you.” His hands cupped her cheeks as he stared into her eyes, seeing the intense clash of her will against her emotions.

     “Aidon...” Persephone whispered, trembling. She felt her Gift struggle from within, like a seed attempting to blossom and break the harsh shell it was encased in. To allow it to warm her again would mean she would feel everything – her fear of this place, her homesickness... her enjoyment of Hades and his attentions, and her pleasure and curiosity at the marvelous things this place had to offer – and like Hades said, experience agony and ecstasy. Which one did she want more – her heart locked away, her thoughts safe from her emotions, from all feeling? Or a life full of joys and sorrows, to let herself enjoy what Hades had to offer and to let him comfort her in her fear?

     She let out a quiet sob when she thought of how he had attended to her so lovingly, concern shining from his eyes as he worked to ensure her comfort, even bringing her ambrosia and nectar! He had vowed that he would only offer the food of the dead, yet he had done this for her, because he had placed her comfort above his rules. The obvious concern in his eyes stirred her profoundly.

     “My love,” Hades whispered, stroking her head through the veil she wore, gathering her into his arms and hugging her tightly, her tears falling freely on his chest.



Chapter XVIII




     As Persephone rose from the hot water, wispy pale tendrils curling around her naked form, she glanced at her reflection in the mirror before she picked up a towel, rubbing her face. Like the large mirror in the other room, this full-length mirror had an unblemished surface, backed with silver to reveal to her exactly what she looked like. Usually, she just disregarded her form – it had ceased to interest her years ago when she had given up on hopes of seeing it grow. But she paused as she moved her towel to one hand, letting it hang at her side.

     Was it just her, or had her hips grown just a bit wider? And... Her free hand went up to cup one breast. Before, her chest had practically been flat, with just a hint of breasts. But under her hand...
. She frowned and squeezed experimentally.
. There was definitely more firm softness there. Her hand slid down to cup the flesh. Turning her body to one side, she kept her shoulders straight, fighting the temptation to jut out her chest.

     Her pulse quickened as she admired the gentle curves of her chest and stomach. Dropping the towel, she ran her hands from her waist to her hips. Had this happened naturally, or did being here in the Underworld have something to do with it? She wasn't sure whether to be excited or concerned, but right now she was definitely on the side of giddy at this long-awaited development.

     She turned around, eyeing her behind and legs – pleased with the changes she saw – before facing the glass again. Before, she had only had a couple of downy wisps of dark red hair above her womanhood, but now a few others had joined the slim number. She ran her fingers along the tiny pubic thatch as she eyed her reflection in the mirror, remembering how the nymphs had dark triangles around their womanhood.

     How long had she been down here? She tried to remember, counting how many times the sky had grown dark over the Palace. Five times the sky had darkened, after Hades set it in this rhythm for her. So nearly a week, right? From her body, it looked as if she had grown a year, maybe two. So what might she look like next week? Ooh, how exciting.

     Hades found himself amused by her attempts to track time in this place. Yes, the days were recorded in the library, to provide an accurate history. It was necessary to catalog his collection by the calendar mortals used to understand and organize all the information. Oh wait, she hadn't seen the calendar yet, had she? Doubtless she would be curious. Though he obligingly changed the sky for her, he had been trying to distract her from it, to take away the importance of day and night.

     He was alone in the bed as he lay there, already missing her presence. When he had woken up, she was gone. Too bad, he had some ideas for how to wake her up, but then, he had the rest of time to enjoy his time with her. He slid from bed, picking his robe off the floor and donning it, tying it loosely as he went in search for his bride. Over the last few days, her mood and attitude had improved considerably. She spent much time exploring his gardens, and sometimes he went with her. A couple of times he would sneak up on her invisibly. He might tease her by not saying anything, and sliding up to her – still invisible – and stroke her arms or face. Rolling out of bed, he went in search for her.

     The Dark God was silent as he watched her study herself in the mirror, poking and letting her fingers slide along certain parts of her anatomy. He was just as aware as she was of the changes in her body. Without Demeter's smothering hold on her, Persephone was free to fulfill her potential. Whatever other Gifts she might have would surface or augment themselves as she grew further.

     “You could have woken me up before you decided to take a bath. I would have been happy to join you,” Hades commented in playful reproach. He was gratified to see her blush just a bit.

     “So you could molest me under the water?” she shot back playfully. He grinned at her.

     “I might drag you back into the bath and do just that. Why, I ought to, with that mouth of yours!” he replied with a mock growl. She looked away shyly and picked up the towel again, wrapping it around herself.

     “Why do you cover yourself? There is nobody else here to see you.”

     “Nobody else? Are you a nobody?”

     “You dare call the dread Lord of the Dead a nobody?” Hades placed his hands on his hips, putting on an air of feigned offense.

say there was nobody else here,” she reminded him with a soft giggle before flipping her damp locks over her shoulder, something Hades enjoyed. It was clear that he enjoyed this banter and verbal sparring. The nymphs had never given her this kind of challenge.

     “Indeed,” Hades conceded with a nod, enjoying her spirit. He untied his robe and slid it off his shoulders, stepping over to the pool casually. The hot water bubbled cheerfully, and he slid into it, groaning softly at the heat.

     “Mmm... Persephone...” Hades purred as she started to leave the room. She stilled and turned around.

     “What is it?”

     “Would you keep me company? I would like to feel those pretty hands of yours on my shoulders and back.” He looked up at her invitingly. She knew she should say no, but...
Oh, hell
. She smiled before kneeling beside him, feeling him nudge her knee with his head in a bid for attention. She ran her fingers through his hair, luxuriating in the soft thickness of it as he sighed in pleasure, closing his eyes and letting his head loll back in her lap.

     Persephone enjoyed the tenderness between them. She could not deny the warmth she felt under his attentions, or the thrill she received when she saw how he responded to her. Idly, she started braiding his hair, and he chuckled softly when he saw what she was doing.

     “Sorry, force of habit. The nymphs and I spent a lot of time braiding our hair and putting flowers in it...”

     “I do not mind. Would you braid my hair?” he asked. Braiding wasn't something generally seen on men, but Hades had longer hair than any man she had ever seen, reaching halfway down his back. And oh, it was so silky to the touch...

     “Certainly.” Persephone lounged on the side of the pool, admiring Hades as he attended to himself, his muscles bunching and flexing as he scrubbed a sponge along his body. He angled himself to give her the best view, allowing her to admire his chest and well-defined abs. When she was staring at him, he shot her a wicked smile, licking his lip and letting his fingers slide down his treasure trail, where his groin lay just below water level, the churning and bubbling water obscuring his male parts. His hand hovered there for a moment before sliding back up, and he was gratified to hear a stifled moan.

     “If you wish for more, all you have to do is remove that towel and come join me. We can do more of what we did last night in bed, love...”

     Persephone looked away, her pale cheeks blazing at the memory of the things he had done to her with his mouth and hands... how sweet her surrender to his attentions had been after several more days of stifled arousal and denial. Finally, just the night before, she had decided to simply give in just so she could enjoy herself. Like her first day here, her pleasure had been the focus of the night. It had felt good to just let things go, and let him push her to dizzying heights she had never reached before.

     “No, my lord. I may have surrendered to you last night, but now I will not be so easily conquered.”

     “You call it a surrender... but was anything lost?”

     “A bit more of my innocence, perhaps.”

     “Mmm, Persephone. What is innocence but naiveté? Would you rather remain sheltered and ignorant?”

     Again, the young goddess had to admit that there hadn't been that much above, not with her mother's constant restrictions on her freedom. But there had been that promise from Mother, that she could finally come to the rites and see what her mother did with the mortals, and to see more of the world...

     “I shall not dignify that question with an answer, my lord. Simply let me know when you are done bathing so I can braid your hair like you asked.”

     “Spoilsport,” Hades chided as he washed the rest of himself before sitting down again, looking over his shoulder at her expectantly. She took the brush she had been using for her own hair and started brushing his, stroking the damp and slightly wavy locks. She started the braid at the nape of his neck, making it a bit loose so the hair would frame his head naturally, rather than being pulled down tightly.

     “I know a few nymphs who would just love to have this hair,” Persephone said as she tied it off with a black ribbon that Cloe had fetched for her.

     “Then I guess it's a good thing that it's my hair,” he replied lightly.

     “It certainly is. I have never seen any man with such long hair.”

     “You do not disapprove of my appearance?”

     “There's nothing to dislike,” Persephone answered, tying off the braid and flipping it over Hades's shoulder before she rose to her feet. He rose out of the tub, and she remained where she was, watching as water dripped off his nude form, exposing him in all of his glory. He stared down at her regally, looking majestic and imperious even without a stitch of royal garb on. Fully aware of her scrutiny, he made no rush to get a towel, his movements languid as he shot her a knowing smile.

     “You like tempting me, do you not?”

     “Oh, but it is so fun.” Hades's face broke out into an affectionate grin, and she felt her heart skip a beat.

     “I am going to get dressed,” she replied quickly, excusing herself from the room. He dried himself and dressed quickly, sitting down to his morning supper. Moments later Persephone emerged in a deep red gown, gold and ruby jewelry accenting the color of her hair. He had never seen anyone look so exquisite in red, and the deep burgundy color set off the increasing paleness of her skin. The dress displayed her blossoming curves beautifully despite its modest cut, and Hades had to fight the urge to run his hands along her body. She draped herself gracefully along the divan, ignoring the food set before her. She would simply eat a bit more of her ambrosia later, when she was alone. The food of the gods was so sweet that she could take a small morsel and nibble on it for most of an hour, due to its flavor. But she knew it would only last a few more days, and then after that she would go hungry again.

The idea had already occurred to her that she should threaten him with crossing the Styx again, but if he knew of her plans, he would stop her from even reaching the river.

     “You have been spending a lot of time by yourself,” Hades observed casually.

     “It is nice being alone.” She hadn't ventured to visit dead souls yet, choosing to spend her time in his gardens, thinking about everything that had happened to her and contemplating her future.

     “I thought it would be a good idea to give you some time after what happened in the Styx, but you cannot hide forever.”

     “How well I know that. You manage to find me even when I am lost.”

     “You enjoy it when I find you.”

     “There is no use denying it.”

      “Good,” Hades replied with a smile. “Come here, sit in my lap.” He held out his arms, wiggling his fingers. She shook her head, but he saw a tiny smile tugging at her lips.

     “Come, Persephone. You know I do not bite. At least, not unless you want me to.”

     “I will remember that the next time I am in a mood to have you sink your teeth in me.”

     “Ah, but bites can be pleasurable, as you very well know. I would not mind you biting me.” His grin was openly lecherous.

     “What if I wanted to bite you now?”

     “I lay before you like a feast,” Hades shot back. Persephone allowed herself to giggle softly, and slid over to him, making herself comfortable in his lap as he wrapped his arms around her. Sometimes she had been tempted to shut away her Gift and the feelings that came with it, like she had done before. Being detached made her immune to his charms.

     She rested her head against Hades's chest, listening to the beat of his heart as he stroked her hair and back with his hands.

     “For a God whose heart is supposed to be as cold as his realm, you are so warm and kind. You make it hard to resist,” she murmured.

     “Why should you resist? You know how much you are enjoying yourself.”

     “Much as I hate to admit it,” she sighed.

     “Do not sound so sad about it, please.” Hades did not speak of the other world. His hand slid down her back to the curve of her rear end, rubbing it gently. She murmured softly and wiggled in response.

     “I know you enjoy the gardens, but would you like to see something new? I was thinking you would enjoy my library.”

     “Certainly. What is a library?”




     The doors to the library had previously remained sealed. Hades hadn't wanted her going in there by herself her first time. He wished to see the look on her face when the knowledge of the world was revealed to her, and to be there and answer her questions.

     The heavy doors swung open, revealing a large chamber full of statues and other decorative pieces of art. The amount of fine objects amazed her even though she had been given her own room full of jewels and treasures. She could see into other rooms by wide, arching doorways, and the very.... largeness of this Palace overwhelmed her. It was bigger than his bedchamber or even throne room, the ceiling very nearly disappearing into oblivion.

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