Seeds (31 page)

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Authors: M. M. Kin

BOOK: Seeds
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     “Why must you torture me so?” Persephone pleaded.

     “You are the one who subjects yourself to this torture. Why deny yourself? Come.” He patted the space next to him invitingly. She looked away resolutely, moving over to the window and peeking through the drapes for a distraction. Pressing her wrap against her nose offered minimal protection against the olfactory assault of the feast that Hades had specially designed to tempt her.

     “The sooner you let go of your connection to the other world, the happier you will be,” he coaxed, pouring himself a goblet of wine.

     “You are asking a lot from me.”

     “Is not what I offer a worthy trade?” he shot back before he bit into a chunk of ham, murmuring in content before he took a swig of the wine. Persephone leaned her forehead against the cool glass of the window, not answering his question. A kingdom and its king was hardly something to scoff at, especially such a strong and noble one. But she thought of the world she had been taken away from, and the peace that she had finally achieved with her mother. Why was it that just when Mother had agreed to treat her like the adult she was, she had been taken down here?

     After a while, Hades's voice broke into her thoughts.

     “Are you sure you do not wish for even a morsel? The food is about to be cleared away.” Persephone turned back to see her captor leaned back against the arm of the divan, looking well-fed and satisfied. The aroma of the food was as strong as before – the hot food had not cooled down thanks to the mysterious rules of Dis – and she felt the tug at her stomach again.

     “No,” she said resolutely, hoping that the food would be cleared away quickly.

     “Very well.” Hades replied, waving his hands. Shades appeared to clear the table and slid away gracefully. With another flick of his hand, the sky outside darkened slightly. It would take the next hour to darken almost completely, stimulating the sunset that Persephone wanted, albeit without the sun or rainbow of colors. This reminded her of the long day she had, and she let out a yawn.

     “I see you are ready to turn in for the night, so go ahead and get changed.” The door to Persephone's room swung open, but the first thing that caught her attention was the desire in Hades's eyes.

     “Why? Whatever I choose will surely end up on the floor.”

     “Oh, but it is fun to take your clothing off,” he commented glibly before rising from the seat and retreating to his bedchamber.

     She hmphed and went to her room, where lamps illuminated her many treasures.

     “Cloe?” she called out. Instantly, the green-tinted shade materialized.

     “Fetch me something modest to sleep in,” Persephone commanded, determined to rebuff Hades's advances tonight. She had learned very quickly that his attentions distracted her from what were more important things. At least,
to be more important. She could believe that all of these posh offerings were mere courtship gifts, and that she wouldn't be as well-treated if she succumbed to him. Demeter had warned her against men seeing women as conquests and Cyane certainly had plenty to say on the subject, but Hades's vows remained clear in her memory. He was considerate enough to give her the power over her own body. She would not be forced to give herself to him. He had said it with his own words. What would happen if she offered herself to him tonight fully? Her body ached pleasurably at that thought.

     When a black velvet gown hung in front of her, she nodded in approval. Cloe removed the jewelry, letting her hair fall down in thick waves. The shade held up the brush, and she nodded. The strokes were gentle, untangling the waves as Cloe slid ethereal fingers through her hair.

     “Braid it, please,” Persephone said as the brush was set down. This command was obeyed, and her hair was quickly woven into a thick plait before being tied off by a velvet ribbon that matched her sleepwear. She was helped out of her gown, before the black one was placed on Generally, chitons opened from one side, and some gowns required two pieces of fabric, one for the front and one for the back, much like she had worn today. But this soft velvety garment had no seams, however she turned it in her hands. It felt glorious against her body, for it was velvety inside and out. The garment fell to her ankles, and stopped halfway up her forearms. The plunge of neckline was modest, showing only her collarbone.

     She felt warm at the thought of Hades divesting her of her garment, and shook her head resolutely. In one corner of the room was a small fountain of white marble, and she went to it, splashing some water on her face to cool the blush of her cheeks.
Be calm, cool, and collected. Don't let that handsome bastard have power over you.
After several more splashes and letting her hands soak in the water a while, she patted her face dry with the towel that Cloe held in its hands.

     Of course, the door that led to the rest of the Palace as well as the one leading outside was locked, but Hades's bedroom door was wide open. She swallowed before looking down at the divans in the main chamber, wondering if she should attempt to sleep on one of them. She slid over to the closest one and sat down, resting her hand on its arm.

     “Come to bed,” she heard his voice purr.

     “No,” she stated, her tone clear and collected.

     “Come.” The voice was still sensual, but was now much firmer.

     “I am staying here.”

     “No, you are not. Do not make me come out there.”

     “And if I do make you come out?”

     “I should spank you.”

     “Spanking's for children,” she replied firmly.

     “It is also a good punishment for a naughty queen.”

     “You are the one with naughty things on your mind.”

     There was silence, and Persephone hoped she had won. But Hades appeared in the doorway, wearing nothing but a pair of loose black trousers that rode low on his hips, revealing his treasure trail and the alluring twin junctions of torso and leg, where one could follow these lines to... She shivered and looked away. She had never seen such a garment like trousers – in winter, men would wrap wool or other cloth around their legs separately and bind them down with ropes or sashes before going out in the snow. But like her own gown, the style of the clothing he currently wore was unfamiliar to her.

     “Come now, surely you do not prefer that cold, hard divan to the warmth of my bed. Our bed.” He leaned against the doorpost with one elbow, his hair long and loose, flowing down his back and chest. She resolutely kept her eyes averted.

     “This couch is hardly something to sneer at,” Persephone retorted, and it was the truth. All the seats had been upholstered, and this was actually softer than her own bed at home!

     “You could say the same about my bed,” Hades replied as he suddenly moved from the door, stalking across the floor to the divan and efficiently scooping her up in his arms. Her efforts to fight him off were mere token gestures, her palms slapping lightly against his shoulders. She could feel the power within his form, and knew that he could easily bind her with shadows if need be.

     She found herself reverently set down on the bed, a large and fluffy pillow under her head. He wasted no time in slipping under the covers, and she curled up loosely away from him before she felt a hand lightly caress the side of her foot. She closed her eyes, not responding. Fingers slid up her ankles and under the gown, and she stiffened.


     “No?” he asked in a teasing whisper.


     “Ah, changed your mind, love?”



     “I said no.”

     “Are you sure? Do you not long for my attentions?”

Oh yes, I do
. Persephone was painfully aware of her own arousal, and prayed he would not become aware of it.

     “How about a kiss, then?” Hades asked, determined to coax more cooperation from his bride, feeling her tremble slightly under his fingers. Oh, such resolve and stubbornness. Defiant maiden. But it was all good. Persephone shook her head in response.

     “Why not just succumb to the needs of your own flesh? You know how well I can... engulf you in passion. Hmm?”

     “I will not succumb to you.”

     “You are fighting the inevitable.” He sounded regretful as he lifted his hand, drawing it to himself. Her loins ached afresh. All she had to do was roll over to face him, touch him... he would take care of the rest. She could practically feel his hunger, and struggled against the urge to let him sate himself and her.

     “Good night.” Persephone was resolute, keeping her eyes closed. Mercifully, he did not press the matter. Tired from the long day and the lack of food, she fell into a fitful sleep, having been given berth by Hades. When she stirred in the middle of the night, she found herself torn between pleasure and irritation to find him spooning against her loosely, his arm draped across her middle, the warmth of his body comforting her.

     Resolutely, she wiggled away, refusing to allow Hades even the mere satisfaction of having her close. She could not be distracted by his kindness, and scolded herself for nearly giving in earlier when he had been touching her. She would have no master!


Chapter XVI




     Other than the girdle that Demeter found, there were no traces of Kora, or any clue to who was behind her disappearance. Her daughter was no longer on the island, so Demeter traveled to the mainland, determined to find her daughter. She wrapped herself in a brown mantle and wandered the land, inquiring of those she met along the way for any clues as to  her beloved daughter's whereabouts and using her magic to try to track her wayward child down, to no avail.




     Hades stared down at Persephone's sleeping form as she lay there curled up on her side, her braid coiling along the pillow, vibrant red against the black spread. She looked so lovely and peaceful, long lashes resting atop her sun-kissed cheeks. The soft black material of her nightgown draped beautifully along her lithe curves, and he rested his hand on her hip. She breathed quietly, her hands tucked under her arms. How well he remembered the need he saw in her eyes, and the fierce struggle she'd had to overcome that. Stubborn minx. He had been so tempted to go ahead and make her feel pleasure, but he respected her too much for that.

     He hadn't expected her to accept everything right away. She was used to a life of sunshine and the warm vibrancy of the earth. Of course there would be things she needed to get used to. But why did his poor bride have to fight against her destiny? If she would just give in, she would see the possibilities that lay before her and fulfill her potential.

     Lowering his head, he peppered the side of her face with loving kisses. Her skin was as sweet and fresh as ever, and he inhaled her scent, his kisses becoming more ardent as he nuzzled the crook of her neck.

     “Hmm....” Persephone shifted, but did not stir to consciousness.

     “My love. My lady,” Hades whispered, rubbing the soft curve of her hip and rear end.

     Persephone was lost in a haze of peace and comfort, the warmth from Hades's body drawing her in, causing her to seek refuge within his touch. The soft velvet against her skin was a sinuous comfort, and when she felt hot kisses along the side of her neck, she could not help but stir towards it, reaching out her arms to the sole source of warmth and life in this place.

     This place...

     Her eyelids fluttered open, and she gasped softly as she gazed up at him, feeling his hand stroking her stomach. He pressed his forehead to hers, their lips inches apart as he gazed down at her.

     “Good morning, beloved.” A firm kiss to her cheek. “How sweet it is to have you at my side when I wake up.” His other hand rubbed her side. She let out a quiet sigh, fighting against the lulling sensations of the stroking from his hands.

No no no, Persephone, do not surrender to his touch...
She mewled softly and rolled to her side, sliding from his hands.
Wait, when did I start thinking of myself as Persephone?

     “Do not turn away from your lover.”

No. She was still a virgin. Technically. She had done things that an innocent maiden surely wouldn't do. But her maidenhead remained, much to her relief. That was definitely one point that worked in Hades's favor. He stopped when she asked him to.

     “Oh, Hades,” she whispered, feeling him draw her back in gently, surrounding her with his body. She felt the life coursing within him, and the fierce passion that added raw heat to his energy. It exhilarated and frightened her, this hungry maleness that demanded all of her. But it wasn't like Ares's brutal force. She had already been recipient of the Dark God's attentions and was well aware of how he could make her feel so divine, given myriad pleasures and not being asked for much in return. He was a rather generous lover. Not that she would mind returning the favor...

     No, no!
She pushed him away, wiggling off the bed.

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