Seeds (32 page)

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Authors: M. M. Kin

BOOK: Seeds
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     “Damn you, Hades,” she whispered furiously, raising her chin as she stared down at him, her eyes glinting with defiance and annoyance.

     “If pleasure is damnation, then I take all that you have to offer. Come here, beloved. I await your... curse.” He held out his hands, palms upturned, a knowing smile on his face as she scowled at him. “Persephone, this place is not Hell. This place is more sublime than the other realm. It is a place of punishment and one of contemplation, but it is also paradise. Without this place, the other world would not exist. Life cannot exist without its opposite. It's the natural balance of things. Here you are more free than you ever were.”

     “Am I truly free to do as I please down here?”

     “Certainly. I shall not confine you to one place like your mother did. And Cloe can assist you should you require anything.” He sounded indulgent, like an affectionate uncle.

     “Then I would like to explore by myself today,” she said. Hades raised her eyebrow at her request, but nodded slowly. He had been planning to show her a few more places today – more private and out-of-the-way locations reserved for chthonic deities like himself. She after all needed to meet Hekate and Nyx and the other mysterious deities who preferred the Underworld to Olympus. Already he had a banquet planned so that Persephone could meet her high-ranking subjects and peers. However, that could wait a few days.

     “Very well,” Hades acquiesced with a nonchalant wave of his hand. Persephone seemed almost surprised at his quick agreement.

     “Oh. Okay... well, thank you. I appreciate that.” Already her mind was racing, working out her escape plan.

     “Of course, before we go on our respective ways, we will need to get dressed and eat.”

     “Certainly.” Persephone nodded stiffly as the door opened. She quickly left, aware of Hades's hungry, smoldering gaze. Once in the safety of her room, she looked around, deciding what outfit to wear. She looked at the rich variety of colors that hung off the statues, and peered into the grand chests to find more fine garments, embroidered in real gold or silver thread, and even sewn in with gemstones. She paused, considering what awaited above. She might have well decided to stay right where she was, if it hadn't been for her mother finally agreeing to give Persephone more freedom and even let her see the world!

     Besides, Mother loved her dearly, and oh, she must be so worried! She had reached a good point in her relationship with Mother and was loath to aggrieve the woman who loved her with all her heart.

     She decided on a light color, and chose a flowing silk chiton and matching mantle of a pale, vivid lavender. Around her neck, wrists, and hair went gold jewelry inlaid with amethysts along with tiny diamonds that sparkled like stars. Her hair was pulled back in a graceful braid bound with a pale purple ribbon before being fastened to her head in a bun. The effect was not at all displeasing, and Kora smiled as she turned around slowly, studying her reflection. A pair of gold sandals soled with soft but firm leather completed her outfit, and she walked out of her chamber, all grace and poise, ignoring the breakfast set before her as she sat down in a chair.

     Hades was clad in dark red and black, as handsome as ever. She let out a quiet sigh and averted her eyes from the food and the god before her, concentrating on a vein of marble in the floor.

     The fare was lighter and simpler. But even then, the scent tormented her. She wanted some of that hot stew, that sweet wine, some stuffed olives...

     She sighed and buried her face in her hands, trying to clear her mind.

     “Persephone...” she heard him sigh.

     “I'm not eating. It's hard to take food from your warden.”

     Hades opened his mouth to comment, but closed it and resumed his meal. The rest of breakfast passed in silence, and he polished off his jug of wine before sitting back and letting the shades move in and clear away the dishes.

     “That outfit you chose is very becoming. I trust that you find your wardrobe satisfying.”

     “Yes.” Persephone nodded, acknowledging his generosity.

     “Wonderful. Now, I will be gone for a while, so explore as you please. Do not hesitate to call for Cloe when you need assistance.”

     “Thank you for your concern,” she replied primly, her chin upturned. He smiled at her independent streak, and rose from his seat, his black cloak swishing around him. Persephone rose to her feet and stalked towards the door gracefully.

     “Not so fast,” she heard Hades call out.

     “What is it?”

     “You think you can simply leave my side without a kiss or even a kind word of farewell?”

     Persephone slowly turned back to the Dark God, hands on her hips as he approached her.

     “Really, you did not think I was going to let you go so easily?”

     “One can always hope,” was her dry reply. He lowered his head, capturing her lips in his own, sucking gently on her lower lip and leaving her flustered as he broke the kiss.

     “I will see you in a while, love.”

     The way he called her 'love' in that warm tone caused a pleasant shiver to make its way up her spine, but she kept her expression placid, not wishing for him to see how he had affected her so.




     The River Styx was a thick band of moving, churning, forbidding-looking water that was the sole obstacle to her ascent to the upper world. Well, Kerberos had been her first obstacle, but remembering Hades's admonishment, the dog allowed her to pass but not without some soft yelping in a bid for attention. She had skirted him carefully, keeping to the opposite side of the gate. Even though she was a goddess, she still feared the large fangs and paws, wondering when the last time was that some hapless individual had made it down here only to be confronted by this fearsome guard dog. To her relief, Kerberos hadn't actually tried to stop her, and she stood there on the dock, waiting for Kharon as he made his way across the Styx with a boatload of souls. She wondered how much a boat full of souls weighed.

     The ferryman was a skeletal figure under a dark cloak. She did not see his face, and the hands that held the oar were almost clawlike, and his skin – if it
skin – looked leathery. She wondered what lay under the cloak, but certainly wouldn't ask. As the boat sidled up to the dock, shades were there to collect and herd the souls, and Persephone called out the ferryman's name as he was about to push off. He turned towards her, his face still obscured.

     “I... Kharon, I need help, please. Only you can offer it to me.”

     “How may I be of assistance, Lady Persephone?” the eternal Ferryman asked.

     “I need you to take me across the Styx.”

     “You are my queen, but I first obey Lord Hades. I cannot help you here,” he replied, his tone gravelly.

     “Please, sir. I would be eternally in your debt, and my mother would be so grateful if you aided her kidnapped daughter home!”

     “Lord Hades has commanded that you are to remain here. I will not go against his orders.”

     “Please!” Persephone sunk to her knees, trying to not sound too frantic. She saw his hooded head shake slowly.

     “I am sorry, my lady.” With these words, he pushed off before she could grab his oar or step into the boat.

Fine. Want to play that way, Hades? We'll see
. She purposefully strode along the shore of the Styx, figuring to start upstream to compensate for the brisk current. She had chosen her outfit carefully in the hopes she would have an opportunity to escape today. Her dress was of a simpler cut, and she tied it off at the knees to facilitate swimming. She discarded her thin mantle on the sand.

     Slowly, she stepped to the edge, feeling frigid water splash onto her toes. Ugh, that was
No matter. She just had to bear the cold water for a bit and when she made it to the other side, she would simply use some of her own life-energy to warm herself.

I'm a goddess.
She would arm herself with that knowledge. She would not be a little girl anymore, coddled and sheltered. She would go to Olympus and see Zeus. She would meet her brothers and sisters, many of whom were also her cousins. Ares had been brutish, but surely there were gods or goddesses that she could look up to, learn from, such as Athene, the goddess of wisdom! What kind of knowledge would Athene impart? What about Rhea, the reserved and wise goddess who was honored and revered by her children and grandchildren as well as her siblings? Perhaps Artemis, who was the symbol of female freedom, a life beholden to no man. But she didn't just want to meet possible mentors. She also wanted to see the more mischievous ones. What was an orgy of Dionysus like? She remembered her encounter with Triton, and his invitation to ride the waves with him, an invitation she had considered before his pompous attitude and roving gaze changed her mind. And what kind of stories would Aphrodite have about lovers and scandals?

     A thoughtful frown appeared on her features. Did Aphrodite have anything to do with Hades's desire for her? Had the Dark God been struck by one of Eros's magical arrows? But Hades seemed so controlled and reserved. He had been able to overcome his own passion to respect her wishes, and like he had said, his desire had burned for many years. Surely this whole affair was more than an amusement of Aphrodite?

     Well... when she got to Olympus, she would find out! Perhaps... perhaps she wouldn't seek out her mother right away. No, she would go to Olympus first... otherwise Mother would just attempt to shelter her even more.
Yes. Perfect plan. Great!

     Resolutely, she stepped through the water, almost crying at how cold it felt. With a stoic expression, she waded further in, feeling the icy water bite into her lower legs, then her knees. Kharon was on his way to the other side, so he did not notice her escape attempt. Biting back a violent tremble, Persephone continued further, the black water creeping up to her waist now, then her breasts, nipples already painfully peaked from the encroaching cold. She concentrated, igniting a spark of warmth within her, letting it flow to her fingers and toes, reassuring her. Further into the water she went, shoulders now covered by the Styx, the current fast and insistent, nearly causing her to lose her footing.

     Cold! Ah, it's so damn cold! How is this even possible?
It seemed to seep into her bones, swallowing up the warmth that her body produced. Glaring determinedly, she pushed off, moving through the water with powerful strokes. She was aware but of two things – the cold and her goal. Her teeth chattered as she propelled herself through the water, trying to coax the warmth to flow through her veins, but the warmer she tried to become, the colder she actually got, much to her confusion and increasing panic. She pushed herself as hard as she could, frantically propelling her arms and legs to an increasingly elusive goal. The riverbank now seemed even further away, and she gave out a panicked whimper, fighting the current even as she felt the coldness penetrate her very being.

     “Lady Persephone!” Kharon hissed as he heard the frantic splashing, and turned to see the Queen struggle against the current, her movements becoming slower and slower. The Styx was no ordinary river. Nobody had ever been able to swim across it because of the darkness that the water flowed from. The Styx was the harshest representation of Dis – lifeless, without warmth, without vitality. It drained emotions and warmth from those foolish enough to enter it, and the far shore was littered with a few skeletons from the mortals who had tried to cross.

     Veering off his course, Kharon purposefully rowed over to her, making no great effort to do this because Persephone was being pushed towards him by the current. Her struggles had ceased, and it appeared as if she was about to go under.

     “Come now, Styx! Persephone belongs to Lord Hades!” Kharon growled. Styx would listen to nobody else, and when in a generous mood,
listen to him. Persephone disappeared under the water for several moments, but reappeared near the side of the boat. Kharon muttered a quick thanks before reaching down and grabbing the back of the girl's gown, keeping her head above the water. In less than a couple of minutes, he had her laid out on the sand, her skin deathly pale and her limbs motionless. He prodded her with a bony finger several times, growling her name, but it was as if she were dead.

     Persephone was numb to the world. The Styx had been so cold, searing her with freezing agony, feeding off her warmth like a thousand little greedy mouths tearing at her core, devouring her from the inside. She had wanted the pain to stop, so she had turned her focus inward, defending the last bit of her warmth. While she had neared the end of her struggle, she had to do the unthinkable – shutting away her own life-energy – so that the Styx couldn't drain it from her. And then all went black. She had faced the harsh totality of the Styx and managed to not be consumed by it, though she might have as well been.

     Kharon fretted next to the limp and wet body of the Queen, praying that Hades would not find him at fault for this. He had turned Persephone away as Hades had instructed; how was he to guess that she would wait until his back was turned so that she could try to cross the river on her own?

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