Seeds (25 page)

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Authors: M. M. Kin

BOOK: Seeds
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     She was used to cool water, having played and bathed in it all her life. During the winter, Demeter would warm the bathwater brought into the house from the snow outside, but she had never experienced the pleasure of a hot-water bath. She touched one toe to the water, pulled it back with a quiet gasp.

     “Is something wrong?” he inquired as he glanced at her.

     “Should the water be steaming like that?” she asked. He smiled and stripped himself of his robe within a moment, stepping into the water without hesitation and letting out a groan of appreciation.

     “Come here and discover the delights of a hot bath.” He held out his hand to her. She stared at him for a moment before leaning down to take that hand. There was something about the coaxing tone that led her to trust him, and her trust wasn't misplaced. He was patient, letting her dip her toe again before trying her foot. After a few seconds, the heat on her foot was actually pleasant, so she nodded and let him gently tug her in. A soft coo of delight escaped her lips as she settled in, letting the heat envelop her, giving her refuge from that subtle cold that seemed to be everywhere.

     She let her head loll back against the edge.

     “Close your eyes and relax,” she heard him murmur. Acquiescently, she nodded, feeling water and bubbles push against her back from one of the myriad openings in the tiles, making for an unexpected but not unwelcome surprise. She shifted a bit to center it on her back and took a deep breath. As she lost herself in the heat, Hades studied her relaxed expression. It was even almost contemplative.

     He idly rubbed his hands along his body rather than use a sponge, letting the churning and eddying water do the rest of the work. When he was done, he pulled her into his lap, hearing her squeak of surprise. But when his hands started to rub against her body gently, she realized what he was doing. His hands were large and strong, and she surrendered, feeling firm strokes to her arms and legs. She slumped against him, facing the Dark God as his hands kneaded her back, causing her to arch against them. His hands slid to the juncture between her legs, but she was compliant as he cleaned this final part of her anatomy. At least she wasn't 'sticky' anymore, but from the glint of desire in his eyes, she knew she wouldn't stay clean and pristine for too long. And damnit, but she was actually looking forward to what he might think of next! What would it feel like to... actually join with him? She blushed at the thought. She should be demanding safe return to the Upper World right now, but... at this point, she couldn't muster the willpower to care.

     As if having a mind of their own, her hands slid up his arms and to his chest, feeling the powerful muscles coiled under the pale skin. She stilled, feeling his heartbeat, and glanced up at him shyly.

     “Go on. Please explore,” Hades encouraged. Her fingers slid along his shoulders and down his arms, squeezing the biceps and feeling a surge of feminine adoration at this sign of such... exemplary masculinity. When she touched the hands resting at her sides, she let her own slide back up his arms and along his neck before she cupped his face. Her fingers slid along his smooth and strong jawline until they came to his neatly-trimmed beard. Persephone led her index finger along that dark circle that framed a pair of strong and refined lips. These lips formed a smile before Hades turned his head to press these lips to her finger.

     He felt her faint tremble at this light kiss, and stared at her own lips – soft and pink, slightly parted. These were lips that were practically begging to be kissed, but if he kissed her here, who knew what would ensue. Even right now, his desire for her burned deep within, and it took all his willpower to remain collected as he sat there, letting her idly explore the upper half of his body. Persephone was careful to not let her hands travel too far down.

     When she was lifted out of the tub, goosebumps formed on her skin as the cool air surrounded her, and she whimpered softly before she found a thick and warm black towel rubbed against her body. His ministrations were chaste and even reverent, but he did linger on her chest, rubbing it gently with the towel.

     She pressed upward into his hands, holding onto his wrists as she stared up at him. Noting this, he rubbed a bit more before pulling away, not wishing for her to fall too deeply into pleasure.

     “Do you mind if I choose a gown for you?” he asked. She shrugged, curious as to see what he would offer her. She was led back into the bedroom to stand in front of the mirror before he waved his arm. Shades appeared, seeming like people made of smoke, with dark green material in their grasp.

     It was deep emerald, of the same fabric that she had slept on the night before. The shades quickly attended her, pinning the chiton up faster than she could have ever managed to.

     He guided her to turn around so that she faced the mirror. It was an elegant and modestly cut gown, with the soft material covering her arms just past the elbow, held up by tiny emerald-and-silver pins which glinted here and there along her shoulder and along the top of her arms. The dark but intense color of the material complemented the color of her eyes, and she was stunned with how... dignified she looked. The clothes Mother had given her were all more appropriate for younger children, but this dress made her feel so...
even lending a couple of years to her appearance.

     She was so lost in studying herself that she did not notice him leave her side. Hades approached her, now clothed in an ankle-length chiton and a matching himation of black and midnight blue, his arms left uncovered but for where the wrap draped, and he wore no jewelry.

     She realized with a small shock that his eyes weren't black as she had thought, but a deep, dark blue... why hadn't she noticed that before? She was a couple of heads shorter than him, so seeing them together in the mirror had a dramatic effect.

     Persephone looked up at him, entranced by his eyes. She blushed and looked down before she noticed something in his left hand, a shining object that had previously been out of view. He placed it around just above her hips, and as she looked in the mirror, she realized it was an exquisitely-crafted girdle. It was silver, set with emeralds the size of her fingernails. She ran her fingers along it as Hades clasped the ends together, and the band weighed lightly on her hips.

     “What is this material?” she asked, rubbing her hip.

     “Silk,” he replied. She repeated the foreign-sounding word softly. In Hellas, the staple materials were wool and linen. Linen came in varying thicknesses, suited for various functions and seasons. There was also leather, though that was used more for footwear, armor, and accessories rather than clothing.

     “I have never heard of it. Where does it come from?” What kind of plant could produce such a soft and lovely material?

     “It comes from a land that lies thousands of miles to the East, the Land of Chin. They spin the material from the cocoons of worms.”

     “Worms?” she asked with a small wrinkle of her nose, tilting her head in curiosity.

     “Worms,” he repeated with a smile. “Sounds strange, I know. But these must be some magnificent worms, to make such as this. And you look good in it.” He smiled.

     Her heart fluttered as she studied their reflections again. Oh gods, Hades looked so damn handsome. She noticed that he had a crown, a silver band set with the same jewels that adorned his belt. His hair framed his face loosely, and her heart did a little pitter-patter dance within her chest as she thought of what lay under his robes. Why didn't he have a wife already? She paused and frowned at the thought. Did he bring other maidens down here?

     She backed away from him, shaking her mind free of the enjoyment she had found at all of Hades's gestures. Mother would be so worried. The nymphs must be looking for her too. Would Mother think that Ares had come back despite her warnings? What was happening on the surface?

     “I thank you for this beautiful clothing. You have a very lovely home and you are obviously a kind host, but I cannot stay...” she murmured. Hades frowned as he saw this uncertainty, and moved forward, his hand reaching out to cup her cheek.

     “Persephone. Do you think I am letting you go?” His tone was calm.

     “Well... you certainly cannot keep me down here,” she replied. All around her, the absence of the warmth that came from life was disconcerting to her, having been surrounded by it all her life.

     “Says who?”

     “Me!” Persephone retorted, raising her chin. “This is not a game. I do not know how many maidens you have brought down here, but...” She was cut off by an incredulous laugh.

     “Do you see any other maidens here?”

     “No, my lord. But then, what have I seen but three rooms in your entire Kingdom?”

     “Fair enough. But I assure you, you have no absolutely no competition in receiving my attentions, nor would you ever. How many women can claim such a privilege?” he asked.
My mother,
Persephone thought. Even if Father

     “Well... that certainly is nice...” Persephone replied, understanding that a loyal man was a treasure to be cherished. “But... I mean, this is the Underworld. No offense, but I cannot stay here. And my mother will be worried about me.”

     “You stay here,” he replied firmly. She frowned and shook her head.

     “If you were able to visit me up there, then why drag me down here, anyway?” she argued.

     “Ah, only if it were that simple. But that was my courtship.”

     “Courtship?” Persephone asked incredulously. “I... all right, look, these visits were enjoyable, yes. But be honest...”

     “Yes, be honest, would your mother have allowed me to come courting proper?”

     “... Well. No.” She looked down.

     “See. I do apologize for frightening you yesterday. You are here, safe and comfortable. But I guess you must be hungry, hm? Oh, before we go, look down,” he said. She looked down again and gasped softly when she saw sandals made of black leather, delicate but strong. They were held by wispy fingers. She stepped into them, pleased and surprised to discover that it was a good fit after the shades tied them up.

     “I accept your apology, but...” Was it just her, or was he cleverly avoiding the subject? Unease churned deep within her stomach, and she swallowed. He couldn't be planning to keep her down here forever, could he? The thought of never seeing the sunlight again was a prospect that truly terrified her. She was about to continue her protest, but Hades had already disappeared through the door. With a frown, she went after him, feeling the soft rustle of her skirt and the brush of the sinuous material against her legs.

     She stilled as she saw shadows moving around the table, setting down various dishes and foods. They were silent and efficient in their task, and moved around and even through one another. Some were tinted gray, others purple or perhaps even blue. The difference in colors was barely distinguishable, and before she could try to count them, they disappeared, leaving the table perfectly set for two.

     Most of the items she saw on the table were things she could identify, but there were quite a few exotic dishes that she had never seen before. Her menu had been limited to what grew on the island, consisting mainly of fruits and vegetables, but with some grain and goat-milk and cheese, and of course, honey along with the herbs that grew naturally in the forest and valley. Various scents – familiar and unfamiliar – tickled her nose, and she approached the table slowly, mindful of the rumblings of her empty stomach. Before she knew it, she sat down, relaxing on the cushion and stretching out a bit as Hades settled down at the other end, his knee almost touching hers. He reached out and grabbed the flask of wine, pouring it out into two goblets before he put several things on a plate, offering it to her. She glanced at the plate, finding its contents rather appetizing... Mmm.

     Without thinking, she reached for a stuffed olive before her mother's words rang in her ears.
Do not eat the food of the dead, for then you will be one of them
. She would never see the sunlight, or the blue skies, or feel the warm earth. She would never see her mother or friends again. She would never see another living person. The thought that struck her so violently she gasped and jerked back from the plate. Hades tried to not show too much surprise at her reaction, and picked up the piece of pita bread he had put on her plate.

     “What is the matter? Is there anything that does not please you? I can always have something different sent up...” he asked before biting the bread, making a soft sound of approval.

     “As always, the bread is delicious, fresh from the oven,” he offered. The faint scent of garlic and some other spice wafted up from the bread, tantalizing her senses.
No. I mustn't.
She stared at the food for a moment in shock, then up at him, her eyes wide.

     “I... I must not!” she replied so vehemently that he was taken aback. Did she know...? He frowned slightly. If she knew and was afraid to eat... Damn Demeter. What were the chances that she would think to warn her daughter about the food down here?

     She rose from the sofa, backing away from the food set before her as she shook her head, her heart pounding as she glanced at him. She saw a flicker of disappointment and sadness in his eyes.

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