Seeds (21 page)

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Authors: M. M. Kin

BOOK: Seeds
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     “I am not here for the nymphs,” he said, taking a step toward her. Despite her steps back, in one stride he seemed to be right in front of her, and she squeaked out in shock upon feeling, a strong but gentle hand on her chin, caressing her cheek with the pad of his thumb.

     “Please, do not be afraid of me, my dear,” Hades murmured, concern in his gaze.

      “Why are you here?” she demanded in a whisper, surprised at how warm that pale hand felt, and how his touch caused her skin to tingle.

     “I am here for you.”

     As she gazed up at her unexpected guest, she felt a cold shiver pass through her.

     Without a word, she turned and ran. Years of running through forest and meadow gave sureness to her step, and her hair streamed behind her, a couple of flowers falling from her hair and fluttering to the ground. She was so intent on escaping Death that she did not think to scream, though deep inside she felt a little thrill at this unexpected diversion.

     Hades smirked to himself as he went into pursuit. Though he was not as light-footed as she, he was still fast, and Kora's heart thudded in her chest as she ran between the trees, trying to get to the open field and stream where the nymphs played. But the tingling on the back of her neck intensified, and she felt tendrils of something slippery grab her limbs.

     They did not feel moist, but they didn't feel entirely dry either, due to their satiny texture. This slippery softness brushed her arms and legs, and she jerked away. She could not bear to turn around and look at what was pursuing her, and kept running. However, the feeling of his presence became stronger and suddenly she yelped, tripping as though hands had suddenly grabbed her ankles. She fell flat on the ground, managing to avoid being jostled by putting her hands out in front of her.

     She kicked frantically, trying to get her footing, but it was as if she was sliding on ice; her feet found no purchase. And then she felt a hand on her shoulder. Hades hovered over her, placing his other hand on the flat of her back to keep her from scrambling to her knees.

     “Do not fear me,” he stated, his voice velvety as he regarded his captive “I will not hurt you and I am not here to take your life, darling.” Despite his words, she felt intense alarm.

     “What... what are you going to do to me?” She clawed at the grass, only to feel that weird slickness underneath her, as if she were being swallowed up by the shadows, which did nothing to reassure her.

     “I want you,” Hades breathed, almost inaudible but for the fact that his lips were now so close to her ear, “I have wanted you for so long.” His breath was warm against the side of her head and his hand ran up along her back, rubbing slowly, feeling her tremble. She reached out, grabbing a clump of grass that still remained within her reach and used it to hoist herself forward, slipping out of his grip. She let out a shriek, hoping to alert her mother or the nymphs as she broke out into another run, her skin still tingling from where the shadows had caressed her.

     Between the trees in front of her she saw the spring where Cyane resided. Oh, thank Gaea! Cyane could help protect her! She called the name of the Naiad, hoping she was in her spring. She was not disappointed as her friend's head emerged from the surface, shining and dark, her cerulean eyes glinting with concern at the fright she heard in Kora's voice. Her eyes widened when she saw who was behind her friend, and started to raise herself out of the spring.

     “No male is allowed in the sacred forest. Demeter will not have a man assault her daughter!” the Naiad announced in righteous indignation as she noticed the fear on Kora's features.

     “Be silent, for this is none of your affair. And as such, you will never speak of it!” He raised his hand, the air around the entire clearing rippling faintly. The nymph cried out as she noticed her body disintegrating into water, her face the last thing Hades and his captive saw before it disappeared into the pond.

     “Cyane!” Kora shouted as she fell to the bank of the spring, looking for her friend. The surface rippled violently before she saw Hades's distorted reflection over her shoulder. She gasped and started to dive into the water to escape the Dark God when he quickly scooped her up with one arm, pinning her body to his own at her waist.

     “No! Let me go! You cannot have me!” Where was her mother? But no, Fate had not destined Demeter to see her daughter in such peril. She was alone and at the mercy of Death incarnate, his strong arms wrapping around her and pulling her against him. She yelped as satiny tendrils coiled about her body like scarves, and finally she looked down, taken aback by the sight of a seemingly bottomless chasm under their feet.

     He did not offer her any words, but she saw concern and sadness in his face before he lowered her head to nuzzle her. His beard tickled her cheek, and she jerked her head as she tried to bite him. He merely smiled before clamping his hand over her mouth. The sunlight and green grass swirled out of vision, and Kora found herself plunged into total darkness as Hades drew her into his realm.



Chapter XII




     The sensations of traversing light and shadow were shocking as she fell through the realm of the physical and into the realm of the ethereal. All around she felt her surroundings rush past her in ways that made her skin almost vibrate, her body writhing from both the binding of the shadows and the sensations shooting through her frame. At first, there had been light and warmth, and in an instant it was replaced by shadows and... well, she wouldn't call it
, but it was a definite lack of the natural warmth that the Earth's surface held. She looked up, seeing Hades's face amongst the shadows that whipped around them. She wiggled against the iron grip around her middle, beating her fists against her captor's chest. For a moment there had been utter darkness, and then a flash of churning black water, and a brief instant of a pewter-gray sky before she felt something soft under her feet.

     Her shadowy binds suddenly unwrapped themselves, and she fell to her knees, shuddering and panting, shaken to her very core. She did not – could not – immediately register her surroundings due to the overwhelming dizziness she felt. Was this what being freshly dead was like?

     “My lady?” Hades asked from somewhere behind her.
My lady?
Nobody had ever called her
my lady
, not even the nymphs.

     “I... wha?” she gasped, unable to speak clearly just now as a fresh wave of dizziness struck her. She tried to rise to her feet, found that she could not. Trembling, she placed her hands on whatever was under her as she closed her eyes, stilling all movement before opening them again.

     She was on a soft and large rug, its surface comprised of deep red and black swirls. When she raised her head, she saw that her surroundings were luxurious and when she was able to orient herself, she slowly rose to her feet. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a large four-poster bed, and on the opposite wall was an impressively-sized fireplace done in white-veined black marble. The walls, ceiling, and floor had been constructed out of black and dark gray marble.  The rug she was on was in the middle of the room, and the colors of the drapes matched the blood tones of the floor covering.

     It was a sensual sort of lavishness, the soft, rich fabrics she saw everywhere. The fireplace cast a cheerful, flickering light through the room. She slowly turned to her right, the bed coming into full view. It was larger than any bed she had ever seen – it could probably bed her entire mortal family comfortably – and was covered in deep black velvet, with a generous scattering of pillows. She was unable to distinguish any more than this because she was so unused to the darkness, and her eyes were still adjusting. The next object to hold her attention was the divan near the fireplace, upholstered in indigo velvet, partially draped in a blanket of black edged with red.

     Slowly, she turned a bit more before she felt fingers brush against her arm. She gasped softly and instinctively pulled away. It was so
down here, and this place didn't have... life. This lack of warmth caused her to automatically gravitate towards the fire, where she found small relief in its heated, flicking tongues.

     She turned around to see him standing several feet away from her, the fire reflected in his eyes.

     “Hades?” she whispered, unsettled under his intent gaze.

     “Please, Lord Hades... let me go home.” Why would he want her? People spoke of him fearfully and with good reason, but she couldn't think of what she had done. Surely Hades didn't take each soul personally? Being in what was apparently his bedroom was something that she knew was bringing it to a rather... personal level. Wasn't it? Had she angered him somehow? She remembered hearing a few of the nymphs speak about Hades, how he might very well be an eunuch for all the interest he showed in women. But she had never added anything to that conversation, and couldn't think of a time that she had ever said a disapproving word about him. Or any word of him at all.

     Hades felt his desire burn deep within, and was tempted to snatch her up and throw her on the bed so he could have his wicked way with her. But no. He sensed her fear and trepidation, and was wise enough to know better enough than start a relationship with his future Queen in an act of force. To her, he was a scary man who had torn her from the world she had known, and he was well aware of that fact.

     “I have not brought you here to hurt you. Nor are you dead as you must think.” He tried what he hoped was a friendly smile, to show her he meant no harm.

     “If I am not dead, then please take me back to the surface.” Suddenly, the memory of Cyane's shocked expression flashed through her mind. “Cyane! What did you do to her?” She was leaned against the arm of the sofa, and he took this to his advantage, placing his hands on the furniture, pinning her in with his arms.

     “I did not hurt or kill her. I only made sure she could not speak. I would not harm someone for being such a good friend to you, so I rewarded her with her life.” He let out a slow, measured sigh before he spoke again, “I can assure you that I would never punish someone for being so loyal to you.”

     “Really?” she asked with open skepticism. He nodded gravely.

     “You need not fear for her. She is unharmed, as you are and will remain so.”

     “I want to go home.”

     “No, I cannot take you back. Not after so long of needing you,” he said in a calm whisper, but she heard the heat behind his words.

     Kora did not miss the husky tone in his voice. Was that why she had been brought down here? To her shock, a slight warmth now pulsed between her legs, as if her body recognized its nighttime visitor. But the reality of the situation was unavoidable. She had been kidnapped and brought to the Land of the Dead by a man who apparently sought to... She shook her head, her eyes widening.

     “You cannot! No!” she whispered frantically, her heart pounding. Her eyes reflected her fright, the green fading back to reveal yellow and amber. He was struck by the beauty of the colors he saw, and regarded her in silence for a few moments. She shrunk back from his intent gaze, and looked away.

     “Uncle,” she whispered. He was her mother's brother, after all. Perhaps if she appealed to familial ties, she might be spared.

     “Hmm?” There was a naughty thrill in being called that by the object of his desire, and the Dark God smirked to himself. He could practically taste her fear, and reached up with one hand to stroke her arm, hoping that might soothe her. She cried out in alarm and jerked away from the touch. She escaped his embrace, her feet padding along the thick red rug as she looked for a door.

     After a couple of moments of feeling along the wall, she found it, but when she tried to open it – first a push, and then a firm pull of the heavy ring she found – she quickly found out that she was just as trapped as ever. She spun around to see him regarding her calmly, and she swallowed nervously.

     “I have needed you for so long.” He was a silhouette against the fire, making his presence seem all the more ominous. She wasn't sure whether to be relieved or worried that she couldn't see his face right now. Her vision had, for the most part, adjusted accordingly to its surroundings, but everything was still so dark to her.

     “Bringing a girl to a dark and dreary place is hardly a good way to gain her attention,” she replied, raising her chin and trying her best to appear brave.

     “Dark? Oh, I suppose that is only to be expected. Do forgive me, I should have taken that into consideration.” With that, he raised a hand, and the fire jumped up, filling the room with more light, to her relief. It was now like being in a room at twilight, where most things were bathed in a mixture of light and shadow. He raised his hands to unclasp his cloak, tossing it over the side of the divan casually. He had on a sleeveless ankle-length chiton with a plain black leather belt around his hips. When he turned she took a sharp intake of breath, seeing the clear evidence of his arousal under his clothing, silhouetted against the dancing flames.

     He smirked at her when she looked at the bulge and then up at his face, her cheeks warm from what she had just seen. Staring at her with that smirk of his, he reached down to rub the bulge, and when she was unable to stop the shiver that passed through her, his lips formed a lecherous grin.

     “No.” Her voice was soft but firm, and Kora raised her chin. God of the Dead or God of War, she wouldn't stand for having her body defiled. She would stand up for herself! She would not let herself be taken by this god, this devastatingly handsome and imposing deity...
no, don't think like that!
She swallowed and stepped back, but he stepped forward, his hand now at his side. His bare arms were muscled, his skin almost as pale as cream. He took another step towards her, and suddenly she felt those odd, satiny tendrils of shadow brushing against her ankles and calves.

     Oh, this was too much. Hades was different from Ares; he was obviously taking his time, though why he was, she could not fathom. Desire and need blazed from his eyes, and the bulge under the dark material filled her with both fear and fascination, and... ah! The satiny tendrils were at work again, and she danced away from them, inadvertently heading into the direction of the bed.

     “Do not think you can just take me and be done with it!” Her hazel eyes glinted, now fading from yellow to a bold green and blue, and it only served to arouse him all the more. Every bit of her skin that fell under the gentle assault of the shadowy tendrils was felt by him just as if he had been stroking her with his own fingers.

     “I will take you...” Hades replied matter-of-factly, but not in an unkind tone, “but... it will not be in haste, my beloved.” His tone promised pleasure at her surrender, and she shook her head. The backs of her knees hit the side of the bed and she fell onto it with a squeak and a bounce. That was all he needed. In an instant, he was upon her.

     “Please!” she cried out in terror, her heart pounding in fear of ravishment. Mother's warnings of rapists and enamored gods sped through her mind. “Let me go! I want to go home! Please!”

     “No, no, no. Please, do not be afraid. You will love it. I promise you, there will be no violation...”

     Kora frowned. Ares hadn't seen what he had tried to do as a violation, either! She tried to kick Hades off, and found her hands pinned over her head.

     “Listen to me.” His voice was suddenly more serious as he gave her wrists a firm squeeze. “You need to calm yourself and understand that I am not here to hurt you. Look at me.”

     Shuddering, she slowly turned her head to look up at him.

     “I would appreciate it if I were unrestrained.”

     “Fair enough.” To her shock, Hades relented, climbing off her. She sat up, placing one hand on the bedpost for support as she glared up at him.

     “I can understand that these new surroundings are different for you, but I promise that you have nothing to be afraid of.”

     “But you are the God of the Underworld.” She shivered. “I am not supposed to be down here... You took away my father...” Her eyes brimmed with tears. His hungry gaze turned to one of concern, and he sunk to his knees and took her hand into his.

     “No, no. When Lakhesis measures the threads of life, the destinies of humans are decided. I had nothing to do with your father's death any more than I would the life of anybody else. Your mother came down here, begging me to return him, but I could not. I do not take people. They all come to me.” His voice was gentle and kind, but not at all condescending, and it did reassure her a bit.

     “I did not come to you,” she reminded him. He smiled faintly before nodding and rising to his feet.

     “Would you feel better if I swore by the Styx?” he asked. She nodded. Making a promise by the river Styx was a vow that not even a god was allowed to break, and that was one of the few things about the world of the gods that Mother was willing to tell her.

     “I swear by the Styx that I did not bring you here so I could harm you, and I will never do so. I would never hurt or violate you. I did not bring you down here for a whim.”

     “But...” She gestured toward the obvious sign of his arousal. To her surprise, her nipples hardened as she was given the opportunity to notice just how...
it was. Why was she getting so damn excited about all of this? She should be yanking her legs away from the silken tongues that were lapping at her feet and ankles, yet here she was, feeling more aroused! His gaze held hers, and she found herself nearly lost in it before she felt a warm hand on her knee.

     “Have no fear,” Hades murmured, sliding his hand under her tunic and trailing his fingers along her inner thigh, feeling her tremble. She whimpered and looked away.

     “Look at me,” Hades' voice was firm, his palm now resting on his captive's inner thigh. When she did not comply, he sighed quietly.

     “I gave my word by the Styx, did I not?”

     This statement caused her to slowly turn her head to look at him, though he saw that she was reluctant to believe him.

     “Then what am I doing on your bed, with your hand up my skirt?”

     “There are many pleasures that can be given or shared. Just let me know what you enjoy, and what you don't like...” After all, there were countless opportunities for pleasure to be had and shared. Let her relax and become comfortable with him, and then her maidenhead would be given, not taken, and that would make it truly special. She was already aroused, much to his relief, but his statement was met with a blank stare.

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