Seducing His Heart (13 page)

Read Seducing His Heart Online

Authors: Jean C. Joachim

Tags: #romance, #love story, #contemporary romance, #steamy romance, #contemporary love story

BOOK: Seducing His Heart
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He blushed and chuckled. His gaze traveled
up and down her bare frame. “You’re amazing. Great body,” he said,
stepping closer and resting his hands on her hips. He pulled her up
against him and ravaged her mouth while he traced her curves.
Wrapping her arms around him, she crushed her breasts to his chest.
His hands seemed to be everywhere at once, coaxing, caressing, and
exciting her.

An ache grew inside. She wanted him, now.
Bess ripped the covers down on her bed. Whit kissed her as he
lowered her gently. “I’m going to take my time…”

But you’re…”

Don’t care. No rushing
this.” He smiled down warmly at her then began his assault, first
on her mouth. He moved to nibble on her neck, and then he returned
to her breasts. She sighed, closing her eyes. Her mind shut off.
Every touch acted like a tiny electric shock, going straight to her
core. His expert fingers glided over her soft skin, stopping to
lightly pinch a sensitive area, and to roll her nipples until they
were hard. He devoured her breasts with his lips and

Models don’t have much
upstairs, do they?”

Not like these. God,
they’re gorgeous,” he said, panting.

She gripped his shoulders, enjoying the feel
of strong muscle and smooth skin. The smattering of hair on his
chest tickled her abdomen. Try as she might, she couldn’t stifle a
giggle. He raised his head.

What’s so

You’re tickling

I am? Where?”

She ran her hand through his fur.

He smiled. “Let me fix that.” He arched up,
massaging her belly with his thumbs, then giving a lick or two. He
opened his fingers and skimmed them down to her hipbones. Sitting
back on his calves, he stared at her belly and below.

She squirmed slightly, embarrassed.

Feeling shy?” He raised
his gaze to hers.

She nodded.

Don’t. Please. Let me
look at you. I’ve wanted to for the longest time. Just for a


Oh, honey, don’t stop me
now,” he whispered. He parted her thighs and stared. Bess could
sense heat growing in her face until he began to massage her with
his thumbs.

If he’d thrown a can of gasoline on the fire
building inside her, she couldn’t feel any hotter. She thought
she’d explode. He had her fisting the sheets, writhing, and calling
his name. His soft chuckle, as he slid a finger inside her, then a
second, told her he was enjoying her torture. “Oh, God, Whit. Come

I’m not finished, and
you’re not ready.”

I am. I am. Oh God, I
am!” She thrust her head back into the pillow and bit her lip. He
eased his hands under her rear and raised her up. Before she could
utter a word, his tongue made contact with her flesh, and she

Hold still!” he

Are you kidding,” she
breathed, eyes closed. Again, she heard his chuckle as he went back
to tantalizing and teasing her. She tried to keep quiet, but moans
slipped through her lips. “If you don’t—”

Before she could finish, an orgasm ripped
through her body, making her shudder for a second, then
contractions sent pleasure shooting through her. A loud groan
shuddered in her chest as she tilted her hips. Reaching out in her
frenzy, her hand came in contact with him. She wrapped her fingers
around his erection and opened her eyes.

Bess shot him an evil stare and watched his
smug expression fade. “Now, we’ll see who holds the winning

He laughed.

Okay, okay, poor word
choice. But I’m in control now,” she said.

Oh, yeah? We’ll see about

She tightened her grip slightly as she
pumped her hand, stopping him cold. His head bent over as he
groaned out a few curses, searching wildly for his pants. He
managed to locate a condom and unwrap it quickly. He turned toward
her. “If you don’t let go, this’ll be over in a few seconds,” he
said, panting.

Bess laughed and dropped her hand. He
covered himself then faced her. She opened her legs, and he mounted
her, slipping inside, causing her to gasp.

You okay?” he asked,
concern clouding his beautiful eyes.

Oh, God. Yeah. Hell,
yeah. Oh, my God.” Her eyelids fluttered as he pushed up all the
way. After closing his fingers around her thigh, he eased her leg
up and thrust in, burying himself deep. She sucked in air.
It’s so good. So good.

How are you?” he asked,
his expression still concerned.

Great! Oh, man, great.”
She stared back at him and smiled.

He kissed her and stepped up his movements.
Her body heated again under his guidance. Emotion bubbled up inside
her, but she tamped it down. She moved her hips in tandem with him,
fastening her fingers around his shoulders. He lowered his head to
suck on her neck. She licked his earlobe then raised her hand,
combing it through his hair. The scent of their passion mixed with
his sexy aftershave and his own, unique fragrance created an
aphrodisiac for her nose.

I want you, oh God, how I
want you,” he muttered, pumping into her.

You have me.”

He quieted down and increased his speed.
Pushing up on his hands, he stared down at her with lusty eyes.
Thrust after thrust re-kindled her fire. Flames flared. She closed
her eyes and came hard. Her hips undulated on their own as spasms
shot warmth to every finger and toe. She looked up at him, and his
expression of ecstasy was followed by a loud groan and her name.
She studied his face as he climaxed and decided it was the most
handsome she’d ever seen.

Sweat beaded on his forehead as he gazed
down at her with love in his eyes. “That was the most
incredible…most awe-inspiring…”

He stopped, continuing to
look at her. The warmth in his gaze made her smile. She ran her
hand over his rough cheek and down over his chest before she
brushed her lips across his.
His body is
“You were wonderful. That was
amazing,” she whispered.

The peace between them was
disturbed by a loud yawn and the
click, click
of two sets of claws on the
wood floor. Bess glanced over to see Dumpling and Homer sitting
next to the bed. The female looked completely bored and licked her
nose. The male panted, his tongue lolling. Bess leaned over to make
contact with her dog. Then, Dumpling marched over to the puppy bed
and curled up. Homer followed her.

When you have a dog,
especially a pug, you’re never alone,” Bess said.

Is that a good

I think so.”

He rolled off her and stretched out. She
cuddled up to him, resting her head on his chest. He closed his arm
around her and stroked her hair.

So, was it everything you
thought it’d be?”
Begging for a
compliment? How crude. What’s the matter with me?

More. I never imagined
anything so intense.”

She pushed up to make eye contact. “You
imagined our sleeping together?”

Didn’t you?” He ran his
finger down her cheek.

Bess burrowed her face
into his fur to hide her embarrassment.
Only night after night after night.
“I plead the fifth,” she squeaked.

He laughed. “Not admitting anything? Okay. I
get it.” They lay together in silence for a while, until Whit spoke
up again. “Don’t you feel it?’ His hand caressed her breast

What? I feel your

Come on. You know what I
mean. The electricity. The chemistry.”

Between us?” She sat

No, between me and
Homer.” He shrugged. “Of course, between us!”

Trapped! Tell him the
“Okay, okay, yeah. I admit

He leaned over and kissed her. “Thank God.
Thought I was losing my mind. Bess, honey, sweetheart. You and

I don’t want to have
chemistry with a man who can’t commit.” She pushed away from him,
swung her legs over the side of the mattress, and stood

Commit? We’ve only been
to bed once. Known each other a couple of weeks. And you want a
commitment?” He scratched his head.

I didn’t say that. I said
I don’t want chemistry…”

I heard, I heard.
Chemistry happens. It isn’t something you can will…or wish

She stared at the floor. “I know. But why
does it have to happen with a guy like you.”

Thanks a lot.” He left
the bed and grabbed his boxers.

She turned toward him, placing her hands on
his upper arms. “You know what I mean. If you weren’t such a
commitment-phobe, it’d be different.”

You might be doing the
Snoopy Dance, then?”

Yeah.” She dropped her
I don’t want to love him. I don’t
want to like him. But he’s an amazing lover.

So, you like me against
your will?”

Sort of. Not really,
but…well, maybe.” She nodded as she plucked her robe from the back
of the door.

Whit came up behind her. He wound his arms
around her waist and kissed her neck. “Can’t we have whatever it is
we have? Can’t we leave it at that?”


Come on, honey. What we
have is special. Let’s enjoy it while it’s hot.”

And when it fizzles?” She
faced him. “What then?”

We’ll cross that bridge
when we come to it. Don’t throw this away.”

Push him away. Come on. If
I’m so smart, so righteous. But the sex was incredible.
“I’ll bet you say that to all your

He stepped back. “Ouch. No. Was that a line?
No way. Is that what you think of me?”

You’re a player. You
admit it. What else am I to think?”

That maybe I like you.
Surely that I have the hots for you.”

Every man has the hots
for a woman, a dozen women.”

I’m not a man-whore.” He
reached for his pants.

She turned a jaundiced eye on him. “Aren’t
you? I see you out with different women all the time.”

I date only two women…now
that’s down to one, after I accidentally stood Candy up. Only

Oh? I don’t

You want exclusive after
one trip to the bedroom?”

She nodded. The sting of tears pricked at
the back of her eyes. Silence followed. She retreated to the window
to avoid his gaze. “Never mind,” she said, fastening her robe
around her. “I don’t care. Date whoever you want. This was a
one-time thing. Ain’t happening again.” A lump in her throat made
her stop speaking.

Whit moved closer. He rubbed her arms and
softened his voice. “Hey. I didn’t say ‘no’.”

I don’t want to have to
ask. I didn’t ask. Forget I said anything. Screw anyone you want,
but not me. Not again.” The tears burst forth.
I’ve got my pride.
She turned away
from him, making a beeline for the tissue box. Facing the wall, she
wiped her eyes. Whit was right behind. “Can’t you take a hint? Go
home. Go to her…whoever. And don’t bother me again.

He caressed her shoulders, his touch
scorching her skin through her thin robe. She stiffened when he
kissed her neck. “Don’t be like this. Come on. Give me a

A chance to do what? Give
me Monday Wednesday Friday and her Tuesday Thursday Saturday? Uh
uh. No way.” Bess shook her head.

Did I say that? Let me
get a word in here, would you?”

A shudder ran through her
chest as she took a deep breath. Emotion choked her.
I can’t be in love with him. I don’t even know
him. But I want him. I want him so much.

Whit turned her by her shoulders until she
was facing him. She glanced up, too ashamed to look him in the eye.
What she saw there held her gaze. His brows were knit, his eyes
concerned, and his lips were compressed into a thin line. “I’d
never do that to you,” he whispered. “I’d never hurt you. You’re
special, Bess. Not like other women.”

Why? Because I

Because you’re you. I’m
done with Elsa. Say you’ll be with me. Mine. Alone.”

Her heart lurched.
Does he mean it?

No, say it.” His fingers

I’m yours. Yours alone…if
you’re mine alone.”

Fair enough. Yep. No more
dates with Elsa…or anyone else. Only you.”

Happiness pushed doubt out
of her heart. She grinned at him. Whit took her in his arms for a
long kiss. Bess melted against him, letting joy flutter up inside.
Inhibitions took a backseat to need.

With one hand, Whit pulled the sash of her
robe loose. It opened, and he slipped his hands under the fabric.
Closing his fingers around her waist, he slid them up, over her
breasts. Her breathing became rapid as he massaged.

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