Seducing His Heart (14 page)

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Authors: Jean C. Joachim

Tags: #romance, #love story, #contemporary romance, #steamy romance, #contemporary love story

BOOK: Seducing His Heart
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Again?” She peered into
his eyes.

Hell yeah, again. And
again and again…” he whispered into her hair. She felt him harden
against her belly, and every nerve came alive with expectation. “Do
you have a spare toothbrush?”

I do.”

Good. I’m spending the

You are? I mean, you are.
Of course. Fantastic.”

Damn right.” He led her
to the bed. A sneeze and a yawn came from the pugs on the floor as
they rearranged their positions.

Pups, your walk is
coming. But first...” He didn’t finish as Bess pushed him down on
the mattress. Giggling, she jumped on next to him. He wrestled her
underneath him and made mad, passionate love to her.

At eleven, Bess, Whit, and the pugs left the
elevator and went out into the night. They strolled down the
avenue, taking their time, allowing the dogs to sniff every

What’s on your menu for

What am I cooking?
Nothing new. Looking over some ideas for next week. I have the day

Good. You can sleep in.
After we’re finished, you’ll need the rest.”

With a dog, you can never
sleep in.”

Go back to bed,

And what are these
plans?” She threw a flirtatious look at him.

Making love all

Goose flesh broke out on her arm. “How will
you get up in the morning and go to work?”

I don’t know. You might
get me fired,” he joked.

I can see the headline on
your show now—‘Oversexed Newsman Sacked for Too Much Sack


To answer your question,
I’ll be experimenting with the crockpot tomorrow. Trying to cook
fruit in there. Maybe make a fruit compote or

Can I stop by? Maybe take
you out to eat afterward?”

Wonderful! Yes. That’d be
great. By seven o’clock, I’ll be elbow deep in fruit mush and
frustrated as hell.”

I can take care of that
before dinner,” he snickered.

Bess slapped him playfully on the shoulder,
making Dumpling bark. Of course, Homer followed. “Let’s get these
noisemakers home,” Whit said. They turned and led the dogs back to
the building. Crash raised his eyebrows in a meaningful look at
Bess, making color heat her cheeks.

Whit took her hand in the
He’s making a big play for me.
Does he mean it? What do I do? Go with it. Pick up the pieces
Bess chewed her lip. Homer ran into
her apartment after Dumpling. Both dogs sat for a treat. Dumpling
seemed to warm up to Homer a bit, as she let him follow her into
the bedroom.

Bess checked her watch and yawned.

My favorite word,” he
said, grinning.

Bess held out her hand, and he joined her.
They undressed quickly and slipped between the fine, cotton

Whit pushed up on his elbow. “Do you prefer
to be in your own space, or—”

I prefer ‘or’,” she said,
putting her hand over his mouth, cutting him off.

Whit lay back and opened his arms. Bess
snuggled up to him and turned on her side. He spooned her, resting
his arm over her waist. His fingers closed around her breast.

Do you mind if I do

Stop asking questions.
Don’t you sleep with a ton of women? Don’t you get the

Sleep with doesn’t mean

She faced him. “You don’t spend the

Not usually.”

Oh, no commitment.
Right.” She nodded. “And now?”

Like I said before.
You’re different.”

If it’s a line, it’s a
damn good one, because it’s working.
resumed her position on her side. Whit wrapped himself around her.
Peace washed over her, keeping her smile broad.
It feels good to have him next to me.

You smell good,” he
whispered, planting a kiss on her neck. Bess reached over and
turned out the light. Dumpling took her cue and climbed the stairs
at the end of the bed. Homer followed. The two pugs found space at
the bottom of the empty side. They curled up and were snoring
almost immediately.
How can I feel so safe
with the world’s most unsafe man?

She shifted, and he moved with her. Her
eyelids drooped closed, and sleep took her away.


* * * *


Whit picked up the phone on Saturday
afternoon. It was his brother, Jeff.

What’s up?”

Checking in,” Jeff said.
Whit sat back on his couch and sucked down some beer. “What’s new,
little bro?”

Met a new


Whit smiled. He could practically hear
Jeff’s eyebrows rise.

Yeah. She’s a

Uh oh. Too close for
comfort. How’re you gonna ditch this one if she gets

Whit swallowed. This was something he hadn’t
considered. “Don’t know. She’s not gonna get needy. We have an

I thought you knew

I do.”

They all agree until
you’ve been dating for a couple months. Then, they get needy, very
needy, and that dreaded ‘m’ word surfaces.” Jeff

Gimme a break. Bess knows
I’m not into marriage.”

And she’s okay with

Well…sort of.” Whit sat

Exactly! She isn’t, and
you’re in denial…a place you seem to live these days.”

Did you call to lecture

Actually, I called to see
if you got in touch with that shrink I gave you.”

I don’t need a

Mirthless laughter followed. “If ever there
was a guy who needed a shrink, it’s you.”

So, you think I’m

No. I think you need a
little help. Hell, Whit. No one comes out of a family like ours
whole. Dysfunctional? We wrote the book.”

Does that include

I was eleven when Mom
left. It wasn’t as traumatic for me as for you…and Robbie and Mal.
Besides, I’ve been.”

So you said. But you’ve
never elaborated. Besides, I thought Janice was your

You don’t tell people
what you talk about in therapy. Only with your shrink. Janice came
along at the right time. I’d just gotten over my marriage phobia.
She was patient and understanding. But without the shrink, that
wouldn’t have been enough.”

Real men don’t need

Real men who are smart
admit when they do and go.”

Whit snorted. “You never give up, do

You’re thirty-five, Whit.
There’s still hope for you. I’m happy. Happier than I thought I
could ever be. I have the family I’ve always wanted. I know you
want the same. I want you to have it too. This is the only way,

When and if I decide to
have a family, I’ll have one.”

Have to get married

So, I will.”

I want to hear you say
you’ll get married. Use the ‘m’ word.”

What’s it to you,

See? You’re avoiding the
issue. You know I’m right. You know you want what we didn’t have.
You want it so bad, you can taste it. You almost had it, once.
Without help, you don’t stand a chance.”

Whit sat back and took a long drink.

Whit? Whit?”

I’m here.

Oh. Okay. You scared me.
I’m only hounding you like this because I love you. You’re like my
kid. Hell, I raised you at least as much as Dad did, maybe

I know, Jeff. I trust
you. It’s that…”

What? You’re scared? No
one’s going to hurt you in therapy. Go. Trust me. It’ll change your
life. Tell me you’ll consider it.”

I’ll think about it.
How’s Dad?”

Fading. A little more
each day.”

The kids?”

They’re great.” Whit
could hear his brother’s smile over the phone. “You’d be a great
father, Whit.”

Hey, I am a father. At
least, a foster father. I’m taking care of a homeless

Great! A step in the
right direction.”

He’s wonderful…funny.
Great dog.”

How’s the

Fine. Pick called. In a
couple of weeks, I’ll be going to Asia to write for his

Does your new girlfriend
know this?”

I haven’t said anything.
It’s a little early. Only had our first night together.”

Better tell

I will. I

Gotta go. Soccer

Give my love to Janice.
You were lucky to find her.”

Damn straight. Take care
of yourself. Call Dr. Sumner.”

Thanks for the advice,

Love you,

Love you,

Whit put his cell down and
pushed to his feet. He stood by the window, staring at the city,
building after building of steel, cement, brick, and stone all laid
out before him. A chill shot through him for a second.
So many people in this city, and I know so few.
Do they all have connections? What about me? Do I want a family,
like Jeff says?

If I did want a family, Bess would be the
type of woman I’d want to marry. I’m leaving soon. By then, I’ll
know. And if she doesn’t work out, like everyone else, I’ll go to
Asia and start a new chapter in my life. Sounds like a plan.

His phone dinged. There was a message.


Special tasting in five. U bring wine.


It was from Bess. He grinned. Homer

Okay, boy. Yeah. Time to
visit your girlfriend and mine.” He picked up a bottle of Bess’s
favorite Cabernet and plucked a bouquet of pink roses he’d been
saving out of the vase. He wrapped the wet stems in a paper towel
and strode across the hall.
Don’t know
what will be. But for now, I’m happy.
natural smile spread across his face as he pushed the doorbell, and
Homer barked his arrival.

When the door opened, Whit almost dropped
the wine. The flowers did hit the floor.

Bess stood in the doorway, wearing only an
apron. “Come in, come in. The tasting is about to begin.”

Chapter Eight



What the fuck is going on
with you?” Sam asked Whit.

He sat, sleeves rolled up to his elbows, pen
in hand, by the main computer, marking up copy. “What do you mean?

You’re smiling all the
time. You’ve stopped being nasty to me. What the hell?”

He chuckled. “Nothing’s up, Sam. I’ve
stopped hating you, is all.”

She narrowed her eyes. “Think I liked it
better when you did. Don’t know this new guy. Not sure I trust

Remember your motto—never
trust anyone. Everyone lies.”

Quoting me to me? That’s
more like the Whit I know and hate.” She smiled for a second. “Get
your copy done, and get your ass in makeup.”

I’m going. Haven’t missed
a newscast yet.”

There’s always a first
time,” she mumbled.

Whit sat in the chair as the makeup artist
did her best to make his shaved face look completely beardless. As
she worked, his mind replayed his steamy night with Bess. His
fingertips tingled at the recollection of touching her. He could
swear he smelled a touch of lilac in the air. She satisfied him in
bed like no other woman ever had. Soft, responsive, full figured.
He loved having something to hold onto.

Afterward, they had
indulged in the most delicious chocolate torte he’d ever eaten. And
a glass of
Irish Cream topped it off.

Whit had to admit he was sleeping better.
Nights with Bess relaxed him. He’d even become accustomed to
Dumpling and Homer snoozing at his feet. Their snoring, annoying at
first, was now soothing. Three weeks had passed since he had first
bedded her, and he applauded himself every day on his good taste
and having the balls to make a move on the luscious woman across
the hall.

The minute he walked into her apartment, the
aroma of something wonderful in the kitchen made him salivate and
brought him peace at the same time. It reminded him of the smells
from playmates’ houses.

When he was nine, his best friend, Mike, had
the nicest family in town. Whit had hung out over there as much as
he could. They had taken pity on him and invited him to dinner
often. The fragrance of tasty food cooking coupled with the sound
of a mom’s sweet voice had made him feel part of a normal family,
even if only for a few hours.

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