Security (13 page)

Read Security Online

Authors: Mike Shade

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Security
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"If I'm interested? He'll be interested." He slid his thumb across the tip, pushing it into his slit. "Don't pout, Simon."


"I never pout, kid."


He laughed softly, rippling, shaking as he came. "You are a fine slut, Ken." Simon chuckled, shook his
head. "We're nearing the closest town, now. Pull yourself together."


"What, I can't go grocery shopping with my dick hanging out?" God, he loved baiting Simon. He rubbed his foot against Simon's side.


"Hell, no." Simon gave him a patently fake look. "One of these guys might think it's sausage and try to steal a hunk."


He laughed, bringing his leg back down and zipping up. "Well I can understand how anyone worth their salt would want a piece of me."


"You are a commodity, stud." Simon patted his thigh.


He gave Simon a look, not sure if they guy was messing with him or not.


Simon smiled over, winked. "What kind of food do you like?"


"Junk food." He grinned back. "I'm easy. Bay likes fruit and nuts and stuff. Can we get some fucking clothes, too? This two outfits thing sucks rocks. And booze."


"I won't buy booze, but the rest? Yeah."


"No booze? Come on... how about some E? Valium?" He grinned. "I mean what have we got to do to entertain ourselves but fuck?"


"I won't go there. You'll have to talk to Rick." Simon's voice was hard, sure.
"Okay, okay. No mind altering substances. I hope you're ready to keep me occupied." He nudged Simon. "If you know what I mean." God, was Simon uptight about the drugs or what?


Simon pulled into the parking lot. "I'll do my best, Ken. Come on, let's shop."


"It almost sounds sexy when you put it like that, Simon. You sure I shouldn’t whip my dick out?"


Simon looked over, suddenly dead serious. "Don't do a thing to draw attention to yourself, Ken. Not a single thing. Our goal is for no one to remember us."


The whole reason they were doing this came flooding back, making his heart thump hard. "You want me to stay in the car?"


"No. I won't leave you alone. You come with me and keep it together."




He followed Simon quietly, a couple steps behind. Just because he was being good didn't mean he couldn't enjoy the view.
Chapter Eight


Rick drove up the mountain, the roads getting smaller and tighter, bumpier. It had taken them a day longer than he'd thought. Bay wasn't well and he'd picked up a possible tail in Oklahoma City, so they wandered, took their time.


The air was cooler up here, autumn coming faster and faster. Hopefully they'd all be done with this shit by winter.


"We're almost there, Bay. You looking forward to seeing Ken?"


Bay blinked over at him, looking still half asleep. "Ken? Really? Soon?" Poor kid, the drugs were making him slow. He hoped to hell the side effects went away soon; they couldn't really afford to take him to the doctor for a different prescription.


"About twenty minutes, yeah. You can't see the cabin from here, or anything, but we're close."


"Cool." Bay reached out, hand wrapping around his thigh. The kid had touched him almost the entire drive, seeming to need the connection.


"Yeah, the place is nice -- sort of little, but solid. Fireplace. Comfy furniture." He kept talking, describing and chattering away, the Landover eating up the road.


Bay's hand moved gently, sliding up and down from the top his thigh to his knee and up again.


"How soon will there be snow?" Bay asked, words slurring slightly.
"October. We have a few weeks." He tried not to fret, not to worry.


"Never seen snow. Ken doesn't like cold. He's gonna whine."


"Maybe you'll be home by then."


"We don't have a home anymore, do we?" Those green eyes blinked over at him.


"Well, I imagine your father will have somewhere for you." They had money. They could rebuild.
"Yeah." Bay sighed. "Won't be Mom's place though. I guess all her stuff is gone now."


"I don't know, Bay. I don't think the whole house was destroyed, but I don't know."


"The old man wouldn't have known what we wanted saved." Bay shrugged. "It doesn't matter, right?"


"Not right now. You can worry about it later." He reached out, hugged Bay tight with one arm. "You have to admit the mountains are fine."


"It's pretty," Bay agreed, leaning against him now, hand stroking his belly. "Be good to get out off the road."


"Yeah and you'll have someone waiting on you."
Bay nodded and grinned. "You'll still be there though, right?" Those sweet fingers kept petting.


"I will."
And so will Simon.
He tried not to sigh.


"Cool. I like you." Bay's cheek moved against his shoulder. "Mmm... I'm pretty fond of you, sweet one."
Too fond. "Cool."
They rounded a corner and then another, getting further away from civilization and then up a long drive and there was the cabin, Simon's ride in the open garage. Bay sat up straight. "Oh, wow."


"Yep. We're here." He and Simon had purchased this place together years ago, before they had ever left the police force.


Bay undid his seatbelt, hand on the door, practically vibrating. Those green eyes turned to him. "Am I allowed?"


He looked, saw the curtain open and stay that way, Simon's all-clear. "Sure, go on up."


Bay leaned in and gave him a quick kiss. "Thanks."


Bay let himself out and headed for the front stairs at a run and promptly tripped over his own feet, going down hard.
"Shit!" He barreled out of the car about the same time Simon burst out the front door.


Bay was trying to sit up, hand and face scraped up, tears starting.


He and Simon each grabbed one arm and moved, getting him inside and safe. Simon gave him a look. "He okay?"






"The pills make me stupid," said Bay, tears still falling.


Ken came bursting out of the bedroom, stopping in front of Bay, hand reaching out to ghost over the scrapped up face. "Shit, what did you do to him!"




Ken grinned and suddenly they were hugging, arms wrapped around each other, faces buried in necks, Bay's shoulders shaking as he sobbed.


"He was running up and fell, Ken. He's fine." He looked over at Simon. "I'm going to unload."


Simon nodded. "I'll start some coffee."


Bay's hand reached out, snagging his arm and those swimming green eyes looked into his own. "Thank you, Rick."
"You're welcome, Bay. See? I promised you'd be together."


He was given a smile and a nod before Ken's hands framed Bay's face and turned it for a kiss. Bay's hand dropped away from his arm as Ken devoured Bay's mouth.


He headed out for the car to get their shit, refusing to look at Simon, to see the hooded sorrow in those blue-green eyes.




Bay's arms wrapped around Ken and he drowned in the kiss, feeling Ken everywhere and it was so good and so missed and he wasn't ever letting go of his brother ever again.


"Need to fuck you," muttered Ken and he nodded. He was so tired and felt wrong -- part of it was the pills, but part of it was missing Ken. He wanted to feel Ken inside him and then sleep forever.


Ken pulled him over to a stuffed chair and bent him over the back of it, hands undoing his jeans. He moaned, pressing back. He probably wasn't going to get to come, not if Ken didn't take a long time, but he'd be able to sleep,
he had Ken inside him again.


"You got anything?" Ken asked him. "Not on me, Kenny. It's okay."
Ken whimpered. "You sure?"
He nodded and gasped as one of Ken's fingers pushed into him.


The next one was spit-slicked and he moaned as the burn gave away to good, Ken knowing how to crook those fingers to hit his gland.


"Oh, fuck, I can't wait, Bay. Please?"


He nodded again, heart pounding, hands opening and closing. He screamed as Ken pushed in, not because it hurt but because it was Ken. Oh, his Ken, inside him, filling him, pounding into him. He started crying, something inside him breaking open. He'd been so scared he'd never see Ken again, never see the one person he couldn't live without.


Ken fucked him long and hard, pounding into him, making the chair rattle on the floor and it felt so good, so there and solid and real. Ken shouted out his name, jerking into him and filling him with heat before collapsing onto his back.


He moaned, hand finding Ken's, twisting their fingers together and holding on tight. He wasn't ever going to let go. Ken pulled out and helped him up and he felt like his legs were going to go out from under him.


"Bay? You okay?"


"Tired. Can't sleep right without you."


Ken nodded and helped him to the sofa. He curled up with his head on Ken's thigh, Ken's fingers sliding through his hair. His own hand was wrapped around Ken's leg.
Nope. Never ever letting go.


His eyes closed and everything slowly went black.




Simon was proud of himself.


He'd lasted six hours in the cabin with Rick before he grabbed his stuff and moved to the barn loft.


He had a little lantern and a cold weather sleeping bag and a thermos of coffee and his binocs. This was doable. Way more doable than staying inside with an ex-lover and the twins, even if it was cold. If there weren't any problems in two weeks, he was gone.


He turned the lantern on low, opened his book -- some murder mystery -- and started reading.


Around page twenty, the barn door creaked.


He grabbed his pistol, shifted back into the shadows and watched. If it was Simon, he was going to shoot the man.


It wasn't Rick's voice that called for him though. It was Ken's. "Simon? I know you're in here somewhere."


"Ken? What's wrong?" He holstered his pistol.


Ken came up the ladder to the loft, wide smile on his face. "Hey, Simon. Wanna fuck?"
"Aren't you supposed to be with your brother?" He shook his head, grinned.


Ken rolled his eyes. "Bay's still asleep. Probably going to sleep all night and into tomorrow. Rick said 'cept for dozing in the car he hardly slept the whole time." Ken stood next to his makeshift bed. "Gonna let me in before something freezes off?"


He lifted one edge of the blankets, let Ken in. "Does Rick know where you are?"


"Told him I was coming to see you."


Ken stepped out of his sneakers and scooted in with him, wriggling and pulling off the T-shirt and sweatpants as soon as he was under the blankets.


"Gonna let me fuck you tonight?"


"Do you ever give up?" Simon chuckled, shook his head. "You're something else."


"I'm eventually going to wear you down, baby!" Ken grinned and rubbed up against him, the move growing more and more familiar.


He laughed, pulled Ken closer. "Be careful or I'll make you go grocery shopping again."


Ken shuddered dramatically. "Couldn't you beat me instead?"


They both laughed together as their lips met, his tongue
pushing into Ken's mouth. Ken moaned, hands sliding into his hair and tilting his head, sucking on his tongue. The passion was still there, the panic faded. Desperation gone. It was good. Damned good.

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