Security (17 page)

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Authors: Mike Shade

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Security
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He smiled shyly.
Simon smiled back, winked with the not-swollen eye. He felt himself blush, Simon suddenly less intimidating,
but still making him shy. He wasn't the flamboyant flower Ken was, no matter how much they looked alike. Ken was the one everyone wanted.
"Good morning." The words were mouthed, soft. "Hi," he mouthed back, reaching out to gently touch
Simon's swollen eye. It should have had ice on it last night. The skin flinched under his touch. "Tender. You okay?" He jerked his hand back and nodded. He felt better than he
had in a long time. Still felt a bit stupid and not himself, but he was almost there.


Simon reached out and brushed the hair from his eyes. "Good."


"You're not quite so scary close up." "Don't tell the bad guys."
He laughed softly and Kenny muttered, shifting. Bay stroked Ken's side, whispered 'shh' and his twin settled again. Ken's face was so young when he was asleep, so different from when he was awake and trying to make everyone think he was tough.


Simon settled back into the pillows, fingers sliding on Ken's skin.


Bay watched, pushing away the jealousy that flared, that always flared when they shared their bed with one of Kenny's lovers. They were always drawn to Ken, liked him to watch, but never seemed to want him like they wanted Ken. He had the solid warmth of Rick against his back though today.


Then Simon's fingers slid to his arm, callused, but warm. He gasped, eyes flying to Simon's in surprise.


"This okay?"


He nodded. Yeah. Yeah, it was okay. "You surprised me," he whispered.


Simon nodded, hand easing him, stroking him. He smiled
and risked touching Simon again, hand sliding on one thickly muscled arm. Simon gave a soft purr, the sound satisfied.


Simon felt different from Rick. Skin a little rougher, more hairy than Rick's smoothness and the muscles beneath his skin gave the illusion of hardness where Rick's skin seemed silky soft.


Simon smiled at him, winked. "I'm a beast."


He giggled softly, hand sliding up to Simon's broad shoulder, petting, enjoying the sensation of the warm skin under his fingertips. Simon leaned, nibbling his fingers.


"Oh..." He gasped softly, hips moving restlessly.


The touch was incredibly gentle, surprisingly so. Oh, he'd misjudged Simon, thought he was all muscles and hardness. Though to be fair, that tended to be what Ken liked. He moaned softly, rubbing between Ken and Rick.


He got a smile, and then Rick's hand landed on his belly, soft and warm. He moaned again, trying to catch his breath as they both touched him. Oh, it was... magical.


Rick kissed the back of his neck, nuzzling. He got a little louder, moving into the touches. He didn't want to wake Ken, not yet, but he couldn't keep his moans to himself. Simon backed off a little, watching him, watching Rick.


He reached out for Simon, selfishly wanting the surprisingly gentle touches back. Simon's hand slid over his arm, fingers stroking. It was strange, different, to have two different sets of hands sliding on his skin. Arousing.
Bay kept moving against Ken, almost floating in the sensations as they slowly built. Simon purred as Rick's hand brushed against Simon's. Oh. Oh, he could feel the heat between them, even if Rick didn't want to admit it was there. Bay wondered how he could get them to keep touching, to touch more. For one thing, he had to keep Ken asleep.


Simon's eyes closed, the look of pure need painful. He tilted his head, looked up to see if Rick had noticed, reacted. Rick's face was buried in his back, breath harsh and quick. The cock against his ass was still hard though and he took hope in that, rubbed against Rick to encourage the pleasure.


He turned back to Simon and tugged, head lifting for a kiss. Simon moved, lips warm and soft, tongue sliding in to taste him. He opened up, letting Simon have his mouth, sucking gently on Simon's tongue.


Then he broke the kiss and reached up for Rick's head, tugging him down to kiss. Rick's kiss was more familiar, more sure, and he felt the soft sob Simon gave, lips on his shoulder. He took Simon's chin in his hand, tugging again, trying to bring Simon's mouth to his and Rick's.


Simon moved, slow, reluctant, eyes looking up at Rick. He didn't force them, just licked at Rick's mouth and then at Simon's, touching his tongue to their lips and hoping. It was Rick who moved, pushing against him and taking Simon's mouth, hand pulling Simon in close. He held his breath, not moving, not blinking, frozen still as he watched.
The kiss wasn't gentle at all. It was hard and brutal, almost a fight, both of them so hungry.


He heard a sound and saw Ken's eyes blink open. Working on instinct, he brought his lips to Ken's silencing his twin as he wriggled them halfway down the bed to give Rick and Simon room. Of course that brought them right to two hard pricks and he gave Ken his best wicked look, waggling his eyebrows.


Ken laughed and turned his head, mouth latching onto the head of Simon's cock.


Oh, sometimes Ken made him so happy.


He turned and took Rick into his mouth, tongue pushing into the hot slit. Two cries sounded, muffled and lost in the kisses. He reached his hand down to stroke Ken off, so happy his brother was playing along.


Rick was pushing hard, fast, taking his mouth with a desperation he'd never seen. Rick was bigger than Ken, but he was used to Kenny taking him hard and so he wrapped his free hand around Rick's hip and encouraged the motions.


He looked up along Rick's body. Rick's hand was wrapped around Simon's nape, the kiss deep, breathless serious. Oh, they were beautiful together in a fierce, wild way. Like two stags locking horns, only a lot sexier.


He could feel Rick's cock throbbing, swelling in his lips. He sucked harder, helping Rick as much as he could. Rick cried out, spunk filling his mouth, hot and bitter. He drank
it down and then slowly let Rick's prick go, nuzzling the hot, damp flesh.


Rick was still kissing, licking and lapping at Simon, both of them whispering. He gave Rick's cock one last kiss and turned back to Ken, silencing his twin's mouth with his own.


Rick pulled and tugged, getting Simon to the same side of the bed, both of them pushing close.


He rolled to the other side with Ken, giving them room. "Hey, what?"
"Shut up and fuck me, Ken."


And for once, Ken did what he wanted. And it was something Ken wanted, too.




If he was dreaming, he'd stay asleep, thanks. Rick was holding him, the smells, the sensation familiar and missed. Simon kept his eyes closed, rested, went with it. His lips were in Rick's shoulder, the skin warm and salty and smooth.


Just like he'd remembered.


A long, warm body snuggled up against his back. "You gonna let me fuck you now, Simon?"


"Leave them alone, Ken." That was Bay, voice gentler, softer than his twin’s.
Ken shifted slightly away from him. "Why?" "Because maybe they need some time together." "Why?"
"Because they've got stuff to talk about." "They weren't talking."
Bay must have thumped Ken because there was the sound of flesh on flesh and Ken jumped and said "Ow!"


"Grow up, Ken. Let's go make breakfast or something." "We don't know how to cook."
"So let's go burn toast. Come on!"


He started chuckling. "Don't you two burn the house down."


Ken was back, plastered against his back, cock rubbing along his ass. "You could make sure we don't."


"Ken..." Bay's voice was soft, but there was a warning in it, too.


"Ken, go help your brother." Rick's hand slid down, cupped his ass, tugging him closer.


"You know, I think I liked it better when you were fighting." Ken's pout was audible. As was Bay's smack and
Ken finally peeled himself away, the boys' voices fading as they left.


"You want to talk, Simon?" Rick's lips brushed his throat. "No."
He lifted his face and took another kiss, hard and deep, tongue pushing into Rick's mouth. Rick rolled on top of him, hard and hot, hands sliding over his skin. He spread his legs, cradling Rick against his body, rocking. God, he wanted this, needed it.


They knew each other and it was surprisingly easy to find those hot spots, the bundles of nerves that made Rick jerk and moan for him. Rick's kisses grew harder, felt close to desperation, the same need there in the thrusts that slid their cocks together.


He had one hand behind Rick's head, holding them close, tongue fucking Rick's sweet fucking lips. Fuck, he wanted this, wanted
back. If only Rick wasn't so fucking stubborn, so unforgiving.


Rick made a sound that was half groan, half sob, hips pushing harder, faster.


One more time, huh? Once. One more time to remember because he knew that as soon as Rick came, that dull hatred would be back. He wasn't strong enough to say no, though, so he didn't bother trying.


They slapped together, each glide of flesh good, right. Their bodies remembered how to do this, how to love on each other. He held off, trying to keep it going, trying not
to let it end. Baseball stats -- Nolan Ryan's rookie year. 17- 2 record. 313 strikeouts. 2.81 ERA.


"Fuck. Fuck." Rick muttered, hands curled into fists next to his head, eyes meeting his and boring into him.


"It's okay, babe." It was. "I got you."


"Simon." His name was little more than a whisper, Rick shuddering and shooting all between them.


He closed his eyes tight, held on with all he was. Fuck him. Rick collapsed against him, breath panting and hot against his neck. Simon ran one hand down Rick's back, petting in a low motion.


There was a soft sound from the doorway and he looked over, finding Bay watching, a soft smile on his lips. Rick went stiff and still and Simon bit back his sigh. Right.
Right. This didn't change anything. Okay, then.


Rick slid off him, heading for Bay, and he went to clean himself off, maybe jack himself off in the bathroom.


Ken met him at the bathroom door and grinned at the sight of his boner. "You need a little help with that?"


He looked at the kid, cuffed him gently on the shoulder. "Your brother needs you, man."


Ken shrugged, the move followed by eye-rolling. "He's talking feelings with Rick. He thinks the two of you belong together or something."


"Yeah." Simon didn't have anything to say. He'd done it all,
said it all. He couldn't be a better man; he couldn't make it work. "I'm going to hop in the shower and then I'll make breakfast. Pancakes."


"I can do a shower. I do great shower blowjobs. Just ask Bay." God, the kid was the Energizer Bunny and cocky as hell.


"Back off, kid." Rick's voice slid through the air. "Why? You gonna give him the blowjob instead?"
Simon didn't wait around to hear the answer; he knew what it was going to be. He slipped into the bathroom and locked the door behind him. Then he stood in front of the mirror, staring at the come drying on his belly until his erection died.




Ken glared at Rick, putting his hands on Rick’s chest and pushing him. "Thanks a lot, man!"


Dark eyes landed on him. "What?"


"I was about to get laid! Asshole." He pushed at Rick again. Fuck the man was surprisingly solid. Or maybe not so surprisingly.


"No, you weren't." Rick pushed back a little, scowling. "He's not available."


"Excuse me?" What the fuck? He tried to push again, but Rick didn’t budge an inch.
"He's not available, Ken. I'm sorry, but that's how it is."


"I don't get it -- you don't want him, why do you care if I have him or not?"


"I care." Rick stood there, immovable. He glared, all but stamping his foot.

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