Saving Sunni (29 page)

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Authors: Reggie Alexander,Kasi Alexander

BOOK: Saving Sunni
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“sage, I ask the same of you,” he said, turning to her. At her surprised look, he clarified. “You are not to interact with Randy or interfere if sunni is talking to him, unless Randy hurts her. If the situation seems to be turning dangerous, you are to call 911 and then me. Do you understand and agree?”

She nodded vigorously. “Is this really the safest way to handle this?”

“Of course not. The safest way would be for me to take Randy for a long walk in the woods with a shovel and come back alone. But that really isn’t an option. So this is plan B.”

His gaze fell back on me. “If we are to continue with a Master/slave dynamic I must be able to trust you and you must also be able to trust me. For this to work we need to have complete transparency. Nothing can be hidden. You have to trust that I won’t overreact, no matter the situation. And I have to trust that you are no longer going to behave as if this affects only you. You need to understand that your actions in this and everything in life have repercussions not only for you but also for the other people in the family.”

“But, Sir—”

He cut me off. “No more arguments. If you cannot treat this as a serious matter, and you have so little respect for my feelings or sage’s, then we will need to take a serious look at our relationship. I insist on complete transparency. Nothing less is acceptable. Is that clear?”

I considered what he said. It seemed there was a fine line between being responsible for yourself and being accountable to other people. I might not be as averse to confrontation as sage, but I did have a tendency to want to cover my ass on little things that I thought might not meet with approval. Sir seemed to demand that I give up even that small amount of self-protection. Could I actually be that open and trust him to be reasonable?

Finally I nodded. If we couldn’t work through those kinds of things, it probably wasn’t worth staying together. I’d have to risk it.

He nodded gravely back. “That goes for you, too, sage.” I saw him look at her, waiting for the same agreement.

She looked confused. “What did

“I wasn’t accusing you of doing anything,” he said calmly. “But I need you to commit to complete transparency just as much as sunni. No hiding things, even if they are something you think I will be angry about. No sneaking around, no keeping things to yourself. If I ask for your opinion or want to know what is bothering you, I expect you to be completely honest, even if you think it will get you into trouble. Do you understand?”

She gulped, but wisely did not say anything and just agreed. sage hated bringing up things that she thought were going to make someone else upset, so this requirement was going to be very difficult for her.

“Thank you, girls,” he said solemnly. “I am beginning to believe we can work through this. sunni, I would like to apologize for seeming like I do not trust you. I know you are a strong, capable adult, and I am proud of you for being willing to take on the responsibility of running a store. I have been thinking over what you said, and, while I am still the master and will make all final decisions, I commit to allowing you to handle your own situations in your own way, to the extent that I am able to keep from interfering, as long as you commit to being completely honest and transparent and not hiding things from me.”

He met and held my gaze. The air was thick with an intensity that had been lost between us for a while. I breathed it in, savoring it. I’d missed this feeling.

“Yes, Sir,” I said, allowing myself to slip into a submissive zone. “I commit to being completely open and honest with you, even if I think you’re going to be angry with me. I trust you to handle things fairly and keep my perspective in mind.”

He still frowned, but I could see the old twinkle coming back into his eye. He turned to fix sage with a look. “Well, sage? Is there anything you and I need to re-negotiate before we go on?”

She looked nervous and shook her head vehemently. Sir chuckled. “Come now, sage. If nothing else, you must promise me that you will not hesitate to tell me when there is a problem.”

“I promise,” she whispered.

He shook his head. “No, you don’t mean that. You are too afraid of confrontation, never feeling like you have the right to speak up if you disagree with me or if something is troubling you.”

“But I don’t have the right,” she said, giving me a quick glance. “It’s not the place of a slave to—”

“Yes, you are a slave,” he interrupted. “But that does not mean you have no say in how our household is run. I will make the decisions, but I cannot make good decisions if I do not know how you feel. I promise to try not to overreact, but I will make mistakes. If you do not feel you can tell me what is going on with you, then we will have these ‘Randy’ situations over and over again and our relationship will disintegrate. There is no need to hide your mistakes from me, and there is no need to be afraid of me getting angry. You will make mistakes, I will make mistakes, and sunni will make mistakes. Even if we do get angry with each other, there is no reason we can’t work through things. Anger is not the end; it’s simply another learning opportunity. If we cannot survive a few fights, we are not much of a family. Do you understand?”

They stared at each other while sage thought through what he had said. “Yes, Sir. We were just talking in class about how disagreements can be good for a relationship.”

“That’s my little psychologist,” he said, chuckling as he pulled her to her feet and kissed her. I stifled a sigh as I stood and waited for my turn. I was going to have to learn to live with her compulsive psychoanalyzing of everything. Maybe someday I would be able to find it cute like Sir did.

Chapter 28

sage and I had a quiet talk that night while we fixed dinner. Lately we had gotten out of the habit of doing things together, but it seemed like a good time to re-establish our relationship.

We enjoyed a leisurely meal, and then sage went to prepare for the evening while I sped through the dishes. When I was done, I went into the living room.

“Sir, would you please join us in the bedroom?”

He followed me in, exhausted and a little wary. sage had put on some soft music and was propping pillows up on the bed. I pushed Sir down on the edge and knelt to take off his shoes. He lifted his eyebrows at us but didn’t say anything. We settled him back against the pillows, each giving him a kiss before we stood up, facing each other, in profile to him so that he could easily see us both.

I had been nervous about this, since sage didn’t have much experience with women and was a little timid about it. As we looked at each other, though, she gave me a little nod and said quietly, “Okay.”

With that word, things were back to normal. She may not have completely forgiven me for not telling them that Randy and I weren’t divorced, but it wasn’t going to come between us anymore. A weight rolled off my shoulders that I hadn’t been aware I was carrying. We came together in a more spontaneous kiss than we’d ever allowed ourselves before, swaying a little to the music. The bond between us needed to be re-established, and we both knew that Sir would enjoy watching us play a little.

As we kissed, I put my hands on her shoulders and slowly slid them down the front of her body. I pushed her head lightly to one side and trailed kisses and small bites from her ear to the base of her shoulder. At first she tensed, but then relaxed into the music, and I realized she was getting a little turned on. I let my hands drift up and down her front, caressing her breasts through the thin material of her shirt and bra, and feeling her nipples harden beneath my hands. I slowly unbuttoned the top, moving my hips in unison with hers as she reached to pull her hair up and give Sir a little striptease. She smiled uncertainly; this was probably way beyond her comfort zone, dancing while allowing herself to be undressed. I pulled the shirt off as slowly and seductively as I could and let it fall to the ground, pushing her shoulder so she would turn away from Sir. She still swayed as I glided my hands up and down her back before expertly unsnapping the bra and letting it fall to the front.

She turned back then, holding it on over her breasts with an impish look on her face. I laughed and tugged at it, pulling her toward me for another kiss. When we were almost pressed together, she let the bra drop and reached down to begin slowly pulling up my t-shirt. We stepped apart so she could finish removing my top, which she flung at Sir. He caught it, laughing, and nodded for us to continue.

sage quickly took my bra off and threw it to him too, then pinched my nipples. Sir murmured, “Very nice,” from the bed as I flung my head back and let myself get worked up. Without looking, I ran my hands down her torso to the waistband of her slacks and tucked an index finger into each side, slowly running my hands from each hip to the center and back.

“Ready, beautiful?” I whispered, glad when I didn’t get her normal grimace at the name. I dropped to my knees, stripping her slacks and panties to the floor in one smooth movement. I ran my hands up and down her legs, making her shiver and gasp with pleasure. I grasped her hips and rubbed my cheek against the outside of her left thigh, gently kissing the skin while brushing my fingers across the outer lips of her pussy, drawing another small gasp from her. Using just the tips of my fingers, I traced paths of lust the length of her torso as I stood up.

“Very well done, pet,” Sir whispered in a husky voice, shifting on the bed to adjust himself. sage and I exchanged a glance and smiled.

sage reached over and turned me so I faced away from her. She stepped directly behind me and reached around, cupping my breasts in her hands, pinching the nipples to make them hard. Her hands moved and suddenly her fingernails were raking down my skin from throat to waist. I gasped from the sudden feeling of white fire coming from her fingers as they scraped over my nipples and down my stomach. Letting my head rock back and closing my eyes, I sank into one of my favorite feelings. Unable to help myself, I moaned out loud as adrenaline flooded through me and small bolts of lightning raced from her fingers to my pussy. She moved even closer and reached up, threading the fingers of her right hand into the hair at the back of my head while her left hand curled around my throat. When Sir did that, my knees always went weak and I would drop immediately into a submissive state, but I would never have expected such a dominant move from sage, or that I would have the same reaction from it.

sage pulled me around and, leaning forward, took my right nipple into her mouth while she reached down to unbutton my jeans. She slowly peeled them to the floor, helping me step out and leaving me standing there in only a pair of silky pink boy shorts. Leaning forward to kiss my belly button, she placed the fingernails of each hand on the back of my calves and dragged them up my legs. Again the multiple paths of white fire raced from her finger tips directly to my core, making me moan and gasp. I couldn’t help but marvel at how well she was playing my body. I had never been so turned on by her in our entire relationship. Once her hands reached the top of my panties, she grabbed them without hesitation and pulled them to the ground, leaving them pooled around my ankles. Looking down at her, I was surprised to see Sir’s strong hands come to rest on her shoulders as he said, “This is incredible. Go ahead and stand up now, beautiful. Put your arms around each other and stay there.”

I was still pretty frisky, so I placed my hands on sage’s ass while she put one hand on my back and laced the other into my hair. I heard Sir’s shallow breathing as he ran his hands lightly over us. His breath was on my neck and shoulder, sending waves of pleasure and submissiveness through my body as we all stood huddled, breathing in each other’s scents and nearness.

Then he was gone again and when he returned, he clicked on something that hummed invitingly. It surprised me that I could identify exactly which vibrator he was holding from the sound of it alone. Pushing the buzzing little machine between our bodies, he maneuvered it to sit between us so that it throbbed directly over our clits. He switched the power setting to medium, pushing our already heightened excitement to the next level.

Without thinking, I leaned forward and kissed sage full on the lips. I couldn’t help it. I was so excited I just had to kiss somebody, and I had never been more attracted to sage. It just felt right. She hesitated, but then began kissing me back. She was really starting to relax into the scene, and all of our frustrations with each other seemed to drain away. Sir had been digging in his rope bag and now he lashed us into an intricate web, cocooning us together and making sure our midsections were cinched tightly to hold the vibrator in place.

When he was satisfied with his rope work, he walked around us, warming up our backs by slapping them with his bare hands, then using a light flogger and gradually progressing to heavier ones. I could tell that sage was sinking into subspace as he worked, and I concentrated on keeping us both upright, watching her reactions and beginning to understand why Sir enjoyed this kind of play. sage looked like she was having a particularly nice dream, and even though she was moaning, I knew from experience that the endorphins were coursing through her body and sending her to a very nice place.

Between holding sage and losing myself in the flogging as well, I did not notice that Sir had taken off his pants. Suddenly his hands grasped my hips, and he plunged his cock into me without warning. His thrusting slammed me against sage, driving the vibrator into a pulsing attack on our clits. Her eyes flew open and we braced ourselves against each other. The sensation was deliciously overwhelming, slowing a little just as it became too much and then intensifying, sending me over the edge into a glorious climax. Sir moved and positioned himself behind sage. The pounding began from the other side now, and sage was thrust forward, pushing the vibrator against me so that we all three came together, with Sir and the ropes holding us in a tight embrace. We sank to the floor and lay there panting for a minute before Sir untied us.

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