Read Saving Each Other (BWWM Romance) Online

Authors: Tyra Brown,Interracial Love

Saving Each Other (BWWM Romance) (33 page)

BOOK: Saving Each Other (BWWM Romance)
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I knew he tried to be gentle, trying to keep from hurting me. The only way he could hurt me at the moment however is if he stopped. He leaned over to take a nipple in his mouth as he started to slam into me harder and faster. I wrapped my legs around his waist, lifting my hips to push against him. He lightly bit my nipple and then gave the other one the same worship. I met him thrust for thrust and soon we were both grunting and moaning, searching for our pinnacle of release. Searching for the climax that was sure to come. Suddenly he felt me stiffen and tremble as I exploded. When I felt myself tighten around him, I looked up into his eyes. I knew instantly that he was gone. He couldn’t do anything but let himself go. He shook with his release going over the brink over and over again until we both sat there gasping for breath. He lifted me and carried me to the couch where I curled up against his side. He draped an arm over me and gently rubbed my arm up and down. We sat there for a while.

Chapter 10

I awoke sometime later on the office couch. My clothes were neatly folded on the stand next to the desk. I made my way to them and quickly began to get dressed. I looked around and realized that he was gone. He had just left without so much as a goodbye. I sighed as I mumbled to myself and made my way out the door.


That night I lay in my bed and wondered what in the hell was wrong with me. Why did I fall for the crap all the time? I knew that he didn’t want any strings. What type of man did when they had enough money to buy a damn island? I was sure that when he did finally settle down then it would be with a cute little petite woman like his brothers had found. That is the type of woman he belonged with anyway. I was not his type and he wasn’t mine


. I did know however, that I would need to work with him for the next few weeks. Part of me wanted to quit. Just pack up and move on elsewhere but then I thought of the people in my building, not to mention all the other 11 offices around the world. What would happen to those people if I just left? Sure he could find someone else to help him but did I just want to walk away? Is that how I wanted to be remembered? The woman that walked away and didn’t give a shit about anyone but herself? No it wasn’t and I knew what I had to do. I had to help David Smith bring down the people responsible for stealing from the company and I had to keep my hands to myself.


The next morning I made my way to the office. As I walked in, I could feel the stares from people looking at me. They didn’t try to hide the way they looked at me either. Some looks were with happiness and cheer and some with wantonness and need while others held contempt. The last came from mainly women and then I turned to the elevator and it all hit me. Peggy stood there smiling at me and I knew what had gotten around. I knew that she wouldn’t keep her mouth closed. I opened my mouth to explain that things were not as they seemed when I was grabbed from the side.


“Hey, honey. I thought you would never make it here.” I looked up at David as his lips briefly touched mine. I gave him a look of shock. “It seems everyone knows now anyway. What's the point of keeping it a secret anymore?” His voice dropped to a whisper as he spoke so that only I could hear him. “Keep up pretenses. You know, the boyfriend-girlfriend thing and all.”


I smiled up at him as I realized what he was saying. My hand slipped around his waist and I gripped him tight. Where people would see that I was merely hugging him tight, my inside fingers made a pinch that ultimately made him jump. I smiled up at him. In his eyes I saw that there would be consequences for my actions. I cocked my head to the side as he pulled me towards the staff elevator. As soon as the elevator doors closed I felt myself pushed up against the wall of the metal contraption. I wasn’t a fan to begin with and his action caused me to look up at him in fear. My eyes were wide as his lips swooped down to capture mine. My thoughts vanished as his lips touched mine.


“What in the hell was that for?” he asked.


“You know damn well what it was for. You don’t get the right to surprise me like that, damn it. That’s not fair.”


“Is that really what you’re mad about?”




“You’re sure, because when I came back this morning with coffee, you were gone.”


I looked over at him and realized that he hadn’t just left me this morning but rather went to get coffee or was it just another lie from his lips? “Well I needed to get home. This place isn’t the only thing in my life you know?”


“No, I don’t know. Why don’t you indulge me?”




“Go to dinner with me and tell me about you. I want to know everything about you.”


“For what?”


“Well we need to act like we are dating so it will look good.”


I felt my heart fall at his words. It was over his precious company. I took a deep breath and knew that what he said was true. We did have a part to play and why not get something out of it? I deserved it anyway. Right? “You're so right so you have to make sure you make it look good. How about tonight. Since my boyfriend owns the company, I will leave around 5 and go home to get ready for dinner.”


“I seem to see a pattern going on here, huh? You are definitely not going to make this easy on me are you?”


I smiled sweetly at him. “Come on, dear. I'm sure they are waiting for us upstairs anyway. We must keep up pretenses anyway.”


I slipped from his arms and then jumped when I saw him push the large red button to stop the elevator. He stood behind me as his arms slid around my waist. I felt his heat as he brought me back flush against him. “We know it isn’t all for show though don’t we? This isn’t for show?” He pressed himself against my ass showing me his desire. “And I’m sure that your nipples are hard and you're wet. Hot and wet. I could probably sink into you right here and now. You can act like such a big snob but we both know I can melt your ice, baby, and we both love it when I do. I can feel your body quiver with my touch. You may be able to fight it, honey, but you can’t deny it.” His hand slammed forward on the button and the elevator jerked forward to start again. I felt myself panting. I couldn’t seem to get any air into my lungs at that point. I needed out of the elevator as soon as I could. The doors slid open and I all but ran from the thing. As I stepped off however I looked around. Everyone there stared in my direction or rather past me at who stood behind me. I felt his arm slide around my waist as he pulled me to his side. I didn’t know how long I would be able to do this. Please let us catch the guy, and fast.


We made it to the office and I made my way over to the other side where my desk sat. He looked my way but didn’t say another word, just wore that cocky grin on his face. Throughout the day I felt his eyes on me and I peeked under my lashes over at him. He was working hard on his stacks of reports. That night I decided that I would make him eat his words. I left at 5 o’clock as I said. He looked up as I said goodbye. Before I knew it he was behind me and turned me to look at him. Without another word he kissed me deeply.


“I will see you for dinner. I will be there at precisely seven. Make sure you're ready.”


“Hmmm. Are we keeping up pretenses right now?”


“Of course.”


I smiled as I thought of the best way to get back at him for the agony he was putting me through. I would give him a dose of his own medicine. That would definitely make him squirm and gave me such a rush of power in my gut that my excitement rose even more. My hand crept up his neck slowly, sliding on his skin ever so softly to twine into his hair. I knew the people in the office were watching intently and I leaned forward as I brought his head down to mine until we were just a breath apart. My lips touched his briefly before I slowly sucked his lower lip into my mouth. “I can’t wait to see you tonight.” I said it loud enough so that the people closest to us could hear. “I have plans you know.” I squeezed his arm before giving him the most seductive look I could muster and turned to walk away.


That night I pulled out all the stops. I left my hair down and curled the ends under to give it that straight shiny look. I wore a dark blue dress that was low cut and showed all my assets. It came in at the waist giving me the look of a petite figure and then came straight down to my knees. I had on the stilettos I loved so much. I wore dangling diamond earrings and a simple gold chain around my neck. It was long enough so that the small diamond pendant laid just above my breasts. I deliberately left my shoes off and waited until I heard the doorbell. I never thought of how he would know where I lived. I just knew that he would find out, probably from my employee file. The doorbell rang again and it was like a huge dong ringing through the house. I felt my heartbeat increase and my palms were suddenly sweaty. I made my way to the door and quickly opened it. It wasn’t David that stood there but rather a tall and thin man in a suit.


“Ms. Jefferson? Mr. Smith is in the car and asked that I gather you for the evening.”


“Oh did he now? Well you tell Mr. Smith that I'm not ready yet and he can sit there and wait. I will be out when I'm ready. Thank you.” He bowed and turned to deliver the message. I quickly shut the door, fuming. I didn’t really know exactly why I was so mad. Yes I did. I wanted him to come to the door. I wanted him to be the one to see me first. For some silly notion I wanted him to tell me I looked good. I wanted it to be real, that’s what I wanted, and I told myself again that it wasn’t. I stomped my foot on the floor and decided that I would make him wait.


What was it that he had told me? Be ready? Yes that was it, like I was some insolent child or something. Well I would show him. Let him wait and stew. The doorbell rang again and deciding to ignore it, I walked into the kitchen to fetch a glass of wine as I tried to contemplate my next move. It was as if we were playing chess with one another, only it was real life. One of us would move and then the other would counter move. Over and over we played this game. It was taxing. And frustrating. I just wanted it to stop for one night. I had wanted to just enjoy each other’s company and then he had to go and show how much of a pompous ass he was.


“Stupid arrogant man. Why can’t he just be normal for one night? Why does he need to act like he is so much better than everyone else? Why can’t he just be real for once?”


“You are gorgeous. And I want nothing more than to put you on top of that counter and kiss and lick every part of your body. How’s that for real. Do I need to show you how very real I am?”


I turned to see him staring at me down the hall of my little kitchen. I felt my mouth gape in amazement as he stared at me. His eyes dipped down my body and then back up again as he seemed to devour me with just one look.




“Nothing. I would so much rather show you.” Within two seconds I was in his arms with his lips crashing down on mine. This time wasn’t like the first time. There was no tenderness and patience. It was raw and hard. It was pure need and my body responded instantly to the needs of his own. Trying to express its own needs and wants, my body had a mind of its own as it pressed into his. I groaned deep in my throat with need. I couldn’t seem to get enough as I kissed him back. His hands slipped my zipper down and the dress fell in a pool of satin at my feet. I looked up at him with wonder as his hands cupped either side of my face and he again kissed me. His tongue pushed its way into my mouth to explore everywhere it could reach.


We couldn’t stop ourselves. I grabbed his shirt and tore it apart, not bothering with the buttons. He kissed along my neck. Both of us were breathing hard as he leaned back and looked at me again. I grinned at him and I watched a smile spread across his face. Both of us wanted it and there was no way we could turn back now. Lowering his head he licked my skin along the top of my bra, smelling the air as if he could smell some sweet scent as he went. I felt the moan release from deep within my throat and he gripped my ass, lifting me against him. I twined my legs around his waist and gripped his head between my hands and held him as close to me as I could. He turned to place me on top of the counter. I felt the coolness of the countertop under my ass and shivered.


I didn’t think it was from the cold however, but rather anticipation of what was to come. I knew there was no turning back now. There was no turning around. It was happening and there was nothing I could do about it even if I did want to stop it. I felt his fingers slide under the clasp of my bra and then I heard the pop before it fluttered against my arms and to the floor. He leaned over to grasp a nipple between his teeth and I couldn’t help the deep moan that escaped from me. He chuckled when I moaned even louder as he tugged it gently. I ground my pelvis against him and felt his cock stir under me.


“Oh,” he moaned. His voice was muffled as he kept his face buried in my breasts. He quickly set me back onto the ground and undid the button on his pants and slid the zipper down. His pants slid to the ground and he stood there in his boxers while I stood in nothing but a black thong. We looked at each other for a second before his boxers slid to the ground and then I didn’t have a moment to think as I felt him hook his fingers into the sides of my panties. With a tug, I heard the tear before I felt the little piece of satin flutter from my body, leaving me bare completely to him. His hands sank into my skin where he grabbed me and placed me back on the counter. He looked down at me, framing my face with his hands and kissed me deeply again.

BOOK: Saving Each Other (BWWM Romance)
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