Save the Date (Modern Arrangements) (29 page)

BOOK: Save the Date (Modern Arrangements)
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I felt like a complete idiot standing
there half naked and wrapped around him. It was like I was groping him. When
the situation we were in dawned on me, I blushed and felt my blush deepen as he
took in my pajamas. Aidan moved in front of me, cutting me off from James, which
was appreciated. I hurried to my room and threw myself onto the bed.

The next morning both James and Aidan
were gone. Once dressed, I headed over to finish up the God forsaken wedding
things with Viola. I couldn’t wait till this was all over with.

"Alright, so next we need to go
over the seating chart…" I groaned internally when Viola pulled out the
big white poster sized paper - again.

"Viola, we’ve done the seating
chart twice this week. What has changed that people need to be moved?"

"We’re almost done. Let’s review it
one more time before handing it over to the organizer." I took a deep
breath and went over everything - again.

"It’s getting late." Peaking
toward Viola, hopefully she would agree and we could put all this away.

"You’re right," she said,
shocked by the hour.


"How about you and Aidan eat dinner
here tonight?" She smiled widely.

Damn it

"I would have to talk to Aidan—"

"I’ll handle it." Viola
grabbed her cell phone, pressed a button and held it to her ear. "Liam,
can you please have Aidan come home with you tonight. Lilli and he are having
dinner with us this evening." "Uh huh." "Of course."
"Good, don’t be too late." She hung up. "It’s all

"Aidan agreed to–?"

"Oh, dear,  Liam will just bring Aidan
here. He won’t tell his Aunt Viola no." She smiled and winked. Forcing a
smile, we went back to the chart.

Another hour of menus, lighting, music, among
other things that have sentenced me to wedding hell, we were finally putting it
all away. Viola poured us some wine as we talked about the foundation in one of
the smaller sitting rooms of the house.

"Viola, dear?"

"In here," she called back.
Liam and Aidan entered the room together. Liam walked over to Viola and kissed

"Welcome home." She smiled
broadly. "Dinner should be ready, shall we?" She motioned to leave
the room. "Or do you need a few moments?"

Liam looked to Aidan who shook his head.

"No, I think we’re ready, sweetheart."
Liam took Viola’s hand and led her to the dining room. Aidan and I followed.

"How was your day?" Aidan's
eyes held a bit of amusement.

"Grueling," I cringed.
"If I have to look at one more seating chart I may walk back to

When he chuckled, Vi looked back to us
and grinned. If only she knew what we were really talking about.

Aidan’s hand was on my lower back as we
entered the dining room. A tingling current passed through my clothes. Inhaling
deeply, I tried to fight the shiver about to quake through me. He moved his
hand to pull out my chair and I was finally able to release the breath I had
been holding.

We sat through the courses with general
conversation. Aidan and Liam discussed AIS while Viola talked about the
foundation. When the wedding was brought up, Aidan thankfully changed the
subject. Sitting with dessert plates in front of us, Viola brought around a new
topic for discussion.

"So, where are you
honeymooning?" She looked between us and sipped from her wine glass—the fourth.

I dropped my fork on my plate and I
heard Aidan clear his throat.

"Um…we haven’t really talked about
it, yet."

"What?" Viola put her glass
down roughly. "What do you mean you haven’t talked about it?"

"We’ve both been kind of busy

"And we really don’t need a
honeymoon, Viola." I finished.

"Don’t be ridiculous! Of course you
do." She sat back with a determined look on her face. "Liam?"
she placed one of her hands on top of his. "Do you remember our

"Of course, love." He grinned.
"Ireland for two weeks and then the Island for two more. And, if I recall
correctly, the last week at the Island was clothing optional." He winked
and chuckled. Viola giggled.

"Please don’t start," Aidan
shook his head, horrified. I laughed and he scowled at me.

"Sorry," I mumbled through
more stifled laughs. He narrowed his eyes at me. "Oh come on, it’s

"No it’s not. It’s scarring
me." A small smile started to form on his lips.

Lips that suddenly looked more appealing
than the lemon vanilla cheesecake sitting in front of me. The urge to wipe the
cheesecake over his lips and climb in his lap to lick it off  coursed through

Whoa, there
I shook my head quickly and turned my attention back to Viola and Liam.

"Oh Aidan, how do you think Maggie
came to be, Immaculate Conception?" Liam chuckled.

"I just don’t need to hear about
it. By the way, when did you guys decide I was old enough to hear you talk like
this? Because I want to renegotiate with whoever made that decision."

 I laughed again, this time at Aidan
acting like the kid who caught their parents going at it.

"Lighten up," Viola said as
she took a sip from her glass. "I’m sure you can come back with a few stories
when you return. In fact…I’ve got it! You guys can have the Island for two
weeks after the wedding."

"The Island?" I asked. Who the
hell has an entire Island?

"Yes, Aidan Sr. left it to us and I
want you to use it for your honeymoon." She smiled. "Lilli, you will
need to get packed before the wedding and I’ll have everything sent and ready
for when you both arrive after the wedding."

"Vi, I can’t just leave for two
weeks without planning –" Aidan tried to argue.

"Nonsense, Aidan," Liam
interjected. "Things will be fine. You’ll have the satellite phone and
internet while you are there. If necessary you can fly back but I don’t see why
that would occur."

"Umm –" My brow furrowed as I
ran through good reasons to get us out of this.

Aidan sighed. "Thank you, Viola,
but –"

"It’s settled, Aidan. It will be
good for both of you to get some
alone time

The way she said
alone time
me shift uncomfortably.

"You both are always apart and that
needs to change if you’re going to be together for four years," she lifted
her glass to her mouth. I swear I heard her mumble, "or longer"
before she took a sip.

"I don’t think we’re getting out of
this." Aidan leaned and whispered to me.

All I could do was nod.

We left from Viola and Liam’s in silence
and remained that way the entire ride home. I didn’t want to think about a
honeymoon because all I thought about was what’s supposed to happen on your
honeymoon. I felt a little nervous he would expect it. I didn’t think it should
happen but I also felt jilted because I wouldn’t have the experience other
brides get on their wedding night. Not to mention that I had the urge to jump
Aidan tonight right at Viola’s dining room table.

Once we were in the apartment, Aidan
headed to the large leather chair, plopped down and turned on the television. I
went straight to the bar. Pouring a glass of wine, I also poured bourbon. I handed
the bourbon to Aidan on my way to the couch.

"Thanks," he paused. "How
did you –?"

"Aidan, how many times did you
order those at the club? It wasn’t hard to figure out." Stretching out my
tensed muscles, I smiled.

"Yeah, but how did you know…I mean…why
did you grab it for me?"

I shrugged the best I could while half
lying on the couch.

"I figured you could use a drink as
much I could after tonight’s dinner conversation." I giggled, thinking
about his reaction to Viola and Liam’s indiscretions.

"I’m not that worked up over the
honeymoon." He said with a grouchy tone.

"I wasn’t talking about that,"
I said back in a teasing tone. "I was thinking about Viola talking about
their honeymoon and –"

"Ew…don’t you start too!" He
laughed out. Turning my head, I saw him cringe at just the thought.

"Oh, get over it. I say more power
to them!" Raising my glass into the air, I took a large drink.

"I guess," he mumbled.

We sat in comfortable silence awhile
just watching television. Aidan had shifted in his seat but I kept my eyes on
the TV. One moment I blinked and the next, Aidan was next to me pouring more
wine into my glass.

"Thanks," I smiled.

"No problem." He gave a
lopsided grin.

Our eyes met and for a brief moment, we
lingered. Neither one of us wanting to be the first to look away. Heat flushed
my face just before he broke the connection and walked away. I downed my wine
quickly and excused myself to bed.

Friday I woke up to banging on the
apartment door and the buzzer going off over and over and over. Looking over to
the clock, it was only five in the morning.

"Ugh!" I groaned out and
pulled myself out of bed.

Halfway to the steps Aidan stepped out
of his room only wearing a pair of dress pants, which were hanging low on his
hips since they weren’t yet buttoned. I licked my lips taking in his fresh from
the shower hair and the bareness of his chest. Pulling myself out of my lustful
stare, the door buzzer went off again.

"I got it." I yawned and
headed down the stairs.

His hand wrapped around my arm and
pulled me back. Turning, I looked at him with confusion.

"In that?" He motioned to my

"What’s wrong with me?" I
looked down over my shorts and t-shirt. It was more coverage than the night
James had showed up. Hell, it was just a simple black t-shirt and gray sweat

"You should cover up."

Shrugging off his tingling touch, I
continued down the stairs.

"You’re a dork." I said over my
shoulder. Flipping the switch on the door monitor, I saw Phoebe’s face.
"Oh God, make it go away!"

"Who is it?" Aidan yelled from
behind me.

I looked back noticing that his pants
were now buttoned and he had an undershirt on. His shirt was over his shoulders
and left unbuttoned.
Is it wrong to want to strip your fake fiancé and
bounce on him like a pogo stick?

"It’s Phoebe," I groaned at
her arrival and my thoughts. Aidan chuckled as I pulled open the door.
"Good morning, Phoebe," I mumbled as she danced into the room.

"Good morning, sunshine," she
practically sang. She looked at Aidan and stopped. "Well, hello there,
handsome." She smiled sweetly. I rolled my eyes.

"See, she knows how to greet
me." He grinned.

"Good, marry her." I mumbled
and dragged my ass into the kitchen for coffee – a lot of coffee. Phoebe’s
laugh rang out behind me.

"Sorry, baby, you’re stuck with
me." He entered the kitchen behind me.

"Only for four years, then you are
g-o-n-e, gone." I laughed. He didn’t.

I turned around to gauge his expression;
he stood half a foot away from me grinning. Leaning forward, he placed both
hands on either side of me.

"If I let you go." He said it
with such a serious tone I shivered. I smacked his arm.

"Shut up!" Shoving coffee at
him, he took his mug and backed away. Turning back to the coffee machine, I
prayed I could calm myself before I needed to do a panty change.

Today was the rehearsal dinner, which
was at the Carlyle on the Upper East Side of New York. It was a small dinner
compared to the Iverson’s typical gatherings but, to me, seventy five people in
a five star restaurant was a lot.

Phoebe arrived early since she had a
seven in the morning spa day planned for Viola, Maggie, Celia, Elora, and me.
She needed two hours to prepare me for the spa. Preparing entailed me lying in
bed and letting her do whatever while I dosed off.

Half an hour before the car was going to
arrive, I jumped in the shower and put on the totally clichéd
jogging suit Phoebe had set out. Hers, of course, said
Maid of Honor
the rest said
, except for Viola’s, hers said
Mother of the

We arrived to the spa and were rushed
into a private suite. Scowling at Phoebe for doing this, I found out it was
Viola’s typical room. After apologizing to Phoebe, I just sighed and relaxed.
Sitting around getting foot massages, Phoebe disappeared for a moment, emerging
a few minutes later.

"Lilli, I have a surprise for
you…" she was practically doing a cheer. As I was about to reprimand her
for the surprise, my mother stepped out from behind a curtain.

"Mom?" Quickly standing, I
froze in shock.

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