Save the Date (Modern Arrangements) (27 page)

BOOK: Save the Date (Modern Arrangements)
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"It’s the Iverson family crest,
dear," I looked over to Viola who was smiling. "It is tradition for
you and Aidan to both wear the crest during the wedding."

"Oh," I said quietly.

"He had it specially made for
you." I looked back to her quickly. I knew that this was definitely a
specially made piece and that they didn’t just run to Wal-Mart for it, so I
could only imagine how much it cost.

I wonder if this is one of the pieces of
jewelry that gets returned at the end of the four years?

"It’s beautiful." I smiled

Once everything was done and the
conversations began to die down, people finally started to leave. I was telling
Elora goodbye when Phoebe approached.

"Where do you think you are
going?" Phoebe huffed.

"Umm…" Elora didn’t get to

"Send your mother and the in-law on
their way. You are staying." Phoebe winked and headed over to a few

I collapsed onto the couch and put my
feet up.

"Who knew that it would be this
tiring?" I said out loud, not really expecting a response from anyone. All
I got were giggles.

"The night isn’t over yet,
ladies!" Phoebe smirked.

"What?" I looked up to see
Phoebe smiling profusely.

"Oh, I’ve got plans," she
smiled then turned to Maggie. "Baby girl, you know I love you, but you
will have to leave the party at one point."

Maggie pouted.


"Because part of the night is not
teenager approved," Phoebe kissed her cheek and smiled.

"Oh my," Viola gasped.
"Maybe I should…"

"Oh, hell, no!" I yelled at
her. "You are staying,"

Phoebe shooed us upstairs where she
conveniently had extra clothes set out. I was kind of happy because it was a
pair of skinny jeans and a simple sleeveless blouse. It was much more

The first thing I noticed as I descended
the stairs was the music, my eyes then settled on a bar that wasn’t there before.

"Phoebe, what the hell is
this?" I smiled.

Phoebe turned.

"This is where we get to design our
own cocktails."

"Nice," I appraised with a

Everyone gathered around creating their
own personal cocktail while the others named the creations. Celia created what
we named the
Flaming Bitch
. Phoebe created what we named the
Evil Lawn
. Maggie created what Viola named the
Virgin for Life
. Elora
created what we named the
Silent but Deadly
. Viola created what I named
Hell Cat
. I created a drink that they named
Reformed Bargirl
Clearly, mine was in honor of Aunt Anne. Phoebe was brilliant and we spent the
rest of the evening drinking our personalized drinks.

Next, an Intimacy Consultant named Anita
arrived. When Anita walked in she looked very studious. However, when she
started to set up I would have never guessed that she did this for a living.
First came all types of lingerie: see through, lacy, racy, edible and even

"Okay," Phoebe cleared her
throat. "The idea here is to purchase things for our dear Lilli to wear or
use on her honeymoon." Phoebe giggled and I scowled at her.

"Don’t waste your money," I
spit out quickly, earning a laugh from Maggie and Viola.

"Oh honey, if Aidan is anything
like his uncle then you will definitely want to get yourself some."

"Mom," Maggie yelled and
covered her ears.

We all burst into laughter.

"I’m just saying," Viola
shrugged. "Your father is quite—"

"Seriously? Seriously, mom? No…ew,
ew, ew!" Maggie screamed as she left the room. "God, please let my car
get here soon!" The laughter just got worse.

All of the drinking started to catch up
with us. Celia had a red lace bra on overtop of her black halter top, modeling
it. I pulled a dark blue nightie on over my clothes and posed provocatively when
I saw the flash.

"Maggie!" I yelled and chased
her around the room, everyone laughing.

"Oh, I am totally saving that one
as the background on my phone!" she laughed as she dodged my attempts to
catch her. Finally, I was laughing so hard I couldn’t run any longer. "My
car is here!" Maggie beamed, ran to kiss Viola and then she headed home.

Maggie was only gone for ten minutes
when Anita pulled a trunk out and started unloading things. There were
lubricants, vibrators, handcuffs. You name it, Anita had it in her trunk.

Viola grabbed a pair of padded handcuffs
and slipped them on.

"Find something you like?" Anita

"Maybe," Viola grinned.

I started laughing.

"You could always buy them for
Aidan," Phoebe suggested to Viola.

"Huh?" Viola looked confused.

"Well, handcuffing Lilli to the bed
might be the only way he’ll get her to stay in his!" Phoebe started
roaring with laughter as I tossed a butt plug at her.

Viola giggled.

"Oh no, I think that this would go
nicely with my naughty officer outfit." Viola said it so straight faced
and seriously that for a moment, I couldn’t even react.

"Holy shit, Vi," Celia
exclaimed. "You’re a closet freak!" she laughed.

"Please honey, I invented
freak," she winked. "I’ll take these and give one to the bride
too." We all laughed harder.

"Really, Viola, I won’t need
those." I stated between giggles.

"You will if Aidan is like his
uncle," she smiled slyly as she sipped on her drink.

We had convinced Anita to stay with us
after she was done with the ‘consultation’. We helped her clean up her things
and then we all sat around drinking, laughing and dancing. A knock erupted at
the door and Phoebe rushed to answer.

Three police officers came in, it didn’t
take a genius to realize what they really were. I rolled my eyes. Phoebe tried
to look innocent as I scowled at her before she turned the music to something
different and the ‘officers’ were pulling me off the couch and into a single
chair. They danced around me and grabbed my hands to run down their chests as
they danced. I caught Phoebe with a camera a few times and stuck my tongue out
at her.

Finally having had enough, I sent one
officer to Viola, one to Elora and the other to Phoebe. Phoebe was giggling as I
took pictures, Viola was a little too excited and I definitely got pictures of
that. Elora was just red faced and embarrassed. My stomach hurt so badly from
all of the laughter.

The strippers finally said their
goodbyes and gave me their best wishes on my marriage.

"Whew! I need a drink and a cold
shower." Viola panted.

"Hell, I just need one of those
vibrators at this point." Elora blurted out. I almost fell off my seat

"Jesus, Phoebe, you are corrupting
everyone!" I chuckled out. She smiled proudly.

"The night is not over yet,
bitches!" Phoebe bounced up and down.

"Oh God, Phoebe I don’t think I can
take anymore." I said breathlessly.

"I can take more." Viola said
loudly with a large smile.

"Good," Phoebe exclaimed
"Because we are going to have some lessons shortly."

"Lessons?" I asked nervously.

"Yep," Phoebe popped the p at
the end before heading to the door; our next event had arrived.

A woman with super long, platinum blonde
hair, a fake tan, injected bubble gum pink lips and a large boob job came in.
Phoebe showed her where to set up in front of us and we all sat patiently.

"Hello, I’m Tandy" I almost
rolled my eyes at her name, given her appearance. She placed a case on the
coffee table in front of us, opened it and pulled out rubber penises. I almost
shot my drink out of my nose. Again. "I will be instructing you on proper
blow job technique."

"Oh my God, Phoebe."

"What?" Phoebe shrugged and
grinned, while Viola yelled, "Yeah," clapping her hands.  She reached
out, the first to take a rubber penis.

"Unbelievable," I shook my

"Phoebe, I don’t think I will ever
find a bachelorette party that will match this night," Celia said

I looked to Elora who was laughing
silently and then reached her hand out as Tandy handed her the rubber penis.

I grasped the one that Tandy put in
front of me and started laughing, again. This was just too funny. Once everyone
had a penis in hand Tandy went into her lesson.

"First of all, you want to always
make sure that you are in a comfortable position before you begin. This is
crucial to ensure that the experience if pleasurable for both you and the
recipient." She looked around at all of us. "Second, size does make a
difference, however, not every man needs deep throat penetration. Simply moving
your mouth halfway down the shaft, or as far as you are able, will do perfectly.
You can use a free hand to stroke him at his base." She then placed her
mouth on her dildo and provided the visual effect. I heard Elora snort next to
me and felt her body shaking with laughter. Tandy continued.

"Let’s go around, one by one, and
try this out. Who wants to—?"

"I’ll do it. Let an expert show you
how it’s done." Viola tossed back the remainder of her drink and proceeded
to place her lips over the penis. She began to imitate the motions that Tandy
had shown. One upping her, she deep throated the fake appendage without gagging

"Damn," Elora gasped.
"Viola has serious head skills." We all started laughing and Viola
finished her turn.

I shook my head and giggled.

"I so cannot follow that. I’ve just
been shown up by miss prim and proper!"

Next thing I knew, Elora was displaying
her serious head giving skills.

"Holy shit!" I exclaimed.
"It runs in the socialite circle!" I laughed.

"What do you think charm school is
really for?" Elora winked at me when she was finished and I knew that we
were going to definitely be close.

Celia upped the stakes even more by
getting on her knees to show off her skill level. It was quite impressive.
Phoebe and I followed. I felt completely inadequate after watching Viola, Elora
and Celia.

"Okay, that was great. Now, remember
that you can massage his balls carefully to also produce a reaction." I
almost lost it when she said to massage the guy’s balls. Immature yes, but I
just couldn’t help it.

"Another thing is technique. You
have to apply the proper amount of pressure with your suction, too much can
hurt a guy and too little does no good. So, gauge the pressure by his
reaction." She smiled to all of us while demonstrating a steady suck on
her ‘prop’.

"Alright. Let’s talk about teeth
and tongue." Tandy was way too excited about this section. "Teeth are
not typically a good thing and guys don’t want to be hurt. You have a lot of
power when you are in this position, mainly because of your teeth and ability
to hurt him."

"Some may like a little
teeth…" Viola added constructively.

"Oh, God," I covered my face
and laughed.

"Very true, but it’s more of a
grazing rather than a biting." Tandy smiled proudly at Viola. "Your
tongue is also an effective tool. Swirling and flicking the tip," she
demonstrated again, "is truly appreciated." Let’s give it a try.

I turned to Elora who was already
swirling when the apartment door opened abruptly. My eyes widened when I saw
the faces of who entered.

"Well, well…what do we have
here?" said the velvety smooth voice of my soon to be husband. Aidan,
Dixon, James, Oscar and Liam had just walked in on all of us with a rubber dick
in our hands. Well, Elora’s was at her lips.

Tandy turned around smiling at them.

"Fuck," Elora gasped.

"What are you doing here?"
Phoebe pointed her rubber dick at them. "I told you to stay gone till

"Hi honey!" Viola waved at
Liam, the rubber penis bouncing around in her hand. "We’re getting a
lesson in blow job technique."

"Aunt Vi," Aidan yelled with a
look of shock on his face.

"Shut it, Aidan," Liam said quickly.
"I think we should just let them continue the lesson." A large smile
spread on Liam’s face and he winked at Viola. Aidan covered his face with his

I quickly threw mine onto the table in
front of me and covered my face while I laughed hysterically into my hands. I
felt a heavy shift on the couch and looked up to see Dixon’s mischievous smile.

"Shut up," I groaned. Dixon
chuckled and then turned to Celia who still had her dildo in her hand.

"So baby, why don’t you show me how
it’s done?" Dixon chuckled to Celia.

She tossed it at him.

"Why don’t you show me how you do
it to Oscar?" she laughed back.

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